- Ubuntu 18.04 / 20.04
- Python 3.8+
- CUDA Toolkit 11.1 - for training on GPU
Clone repository in the working directory by running the following:
git clone https://github.com/openvinotoolkit/training_extensions.git cd training_extensions git checkout -b develop origin/develop git submodule update --init --recursive
Install prerequisites by running the following:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip python3-venv
Search for available scripts that create python virtual environments for different task types:
find external/ -name init_venv.sh
Sample output:
external/mmdetection/init_venv.sh external/mmsegmentation/init_venv.sh external/deep-object-reid/init_venv.sh
Let's create, activate Object Detection virtual environment and install
:./external/mmdetection/init_venv.sh det_venv source det_venv/bin/activate pip3 install -e ote_cli/
Have a look at model templates available for this virtual environment:
ote find --root ./external/mmdetection/
Sample output:
- framework: OTEDetection_v2.9.1
name: Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_VFNet
path: ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_resnet50_VFNet/template.yaml
task_type: DETECTION
- framework: OTEDetection_v2.9.1
name: Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_SSD
path: ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_SSD/template.yaml
task_type: DETECTION
- framework: OTEDetection_v2.9.1
name: Custom_Object_Detection_Gen3_ATSS
path: ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml
task_type: DETECTION
- ...
Let's choose ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml
This tool trains a model on a dataset and saves results as folowing artifacts:
- weights.pth - a model snapshot
- label_schema.json - a label schema used in training, created from a dataset
These artifacts can be used by other ote
commands: ote export
, ote eval
, ote demo
Let's have a look at ote train
help. These parameters are the same for all model templates.
ote train ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml --help
Sample output:
usage: ote train [-h] --train-ann-files TRAIN_ANN_FILES --train-data-roots
--val-data-roots VAL_DATA_ROOTS [--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS]
--save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
template {params} ...
positional arguments:
{params} sub-command help
params Hyper parameters defined in template file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--train-ann-files TRAIN_ANN_FILES
Comma-separated paths to training annotation files.
--train-data-roots TRAIN_DATA_ROOTS
Comma-separated paths to training data folders.
--val-ann-files VAL_ANN_FILES
Comma-separated paths to validation annotation files.
--val-data-roots VAL_DATA_ROOTS
Comma-separated paths to validation data folders.
--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
Load only weights from previously saved checkpoint
--save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
Location where trained model will be stored.
--enable-hpo Execute hyper parameters optimization (HPO) before training.
--hpo-time-ratio HPO_TIME_RATIO
Expected ratio of total time to run HPO to time taken for full fine-tuning.
Let's have a look at ote train
hyper parameters help. These parameters are model template specific.
ote train ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml params --help
Sample output:
usage: ote train template params [-h]
[--learning_parameters.batch_size BATCH_SIZE]
[--learning_parameters.learning_rate LEARNING_RATE]
[--learning_parameters.learning_rate_warmup_iters LEARNING_RATE_WARMUP_ITERS]
[--learning_parameters.num_iters NUM_ITERS]
[--postprocessing.confidence_threshold CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD]
[--postprocessing.result_based_confidence_threshold RESULT_BASED_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD]
[--nncf_optimization.enable_quantization ENABLE_QUANTIZATION]
[--nncf_optimization.enable_pruning ENABLE_PRUNING]
[--nncf_optimization.maximal_accuracy_degradation MAXIMAL_ACCURACY_DEGRADATION]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--learning_parameters.batch_size BATCH_SIZE
header: Batch size
default_value: 8
max_value: 512
min_value: 1
--learning_parameters.learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
header: Learning rate
type: FLOAT
default_value: 0.008
max_value: 0.1
min_value: 1e-07
--learning_parameters.learning_rate_warmup_iters LEARNING_RATE_WARMUP_ITERS
header: Number of iterations for learning rate warmup
default_value: 200
max_value: 10000
min_value: 0
--learning_parameters.num_iters NUM_ITERS
header: Number of training iterations
default_value: 300
max_value: 100000
min_value: 1
--postprocessing.confidence_threshold CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD
header: Confidence threshold
type: FLOAT
default_value: 0.35
max_value: 1
min_value: 0
--postprocessing.result_based_confidence_threshold RESULT_BASED_CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD
header: Result based confidence threshold
default_value: True
--nncf_optimization.enable_quantization ENABLE_QUANTIZATION
header: Enable quantization algorithm
default_value: True
--nncf_optimization.enable_pruning ENABLE_PRUNING
header: Enable filter pruning algorithm
default_value: False
--nncf_optimization.maximal_accuracy_degradation MAXIMAL_ACCURACY_DEGRADATION
header: Maximum accuracy degradation
type: FLOAT
default_value: 1.0
max_value: 100.0
min_value: 0.0
Let's have a look at ote eval
help. These parameters are the same for all model templates.
ote eval ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml --help
Sample output:
usage: ote eval [-h] --test-ann-files TEST_ANN_FILES --test-data-roots
[--save-performance SAVE_PERFORMANCE]
template {params} ...
positional arguments:
{params} sub-command help
params Hyper parameters defined in template file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--test-ann-files TEST_ANN_FILES
Comma-separated paths to test annotation files.
--test-data-roots TEST_DATA_ROOTS
Comma-separated paths to test data folders.
--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
Load only weights from previously saved checkpoint
--save-performance SAVE_PERFORMANCE
Path to a json file where computed performance will be
ote export - export a trained model to the OpenVINO format in order to efficiently run it on Intel hardware
Let's have a look at ote export
help. These parameters are the same for all model templates.
ote export ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml --help
Sample output:
usage: ote export [-h] --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS --save-model-to
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
Load only weights from previously saved checkpoint
--save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
Location where exported model will be stored.
ote demo - run model inference on images, videos, webcam in order to see how it works on user's data
Let's have a look at ote demo
help. These parameters are the same for all model templates.
ote demo ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml --help
Sample output:
usage: ote demo [-h] -i INPUT --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
[--fit-to-size FIT_TO_SIZE FIT_TO_SIZE] [--loop]
[--delay DELAY] [--display-perf]
template {params} ...
positional arguments:
{params} sub-command help
params Hyper parameters defined in template file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
Source of input data: images folder, image, webcam and
--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
Load only weights from previously saved checkpoint
--fit-to-size FIT_TO_SIZE FIT_TO_SIZE
Width and Height space-separated values. Fits
displayed images to window with specified Width and
Height. This options applies to result visualisation
--loop Enable reading the input in a loop.
--delay DELAY Frame visualization time in ms.
--display-perf This option enables writing performance metrics on
displayed frame. These metrics take into account not
only model inference time, but also frame reading,
pre-processing and post-processing.
ote deploy - create openvino.zip with self-contained python package, demo application and exported model
Let's have a look at ote deploy
help. These parameters are the same for all model templates.
ote deploy ./external/mmdetection/configs/ote/custom-object-detection/gen3_mobilenetV2_ATSS/template.yaml --help
Sample output:
usage: ote deploy [-h] --load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
[--save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--load-weights LOAD_WEIGHTS
Load only weights from previously saved checkpoint.
--save-model-to SAVE_MODEL_TO
Location where openvino.zip will be stored.
One can use Jupyter notebooks or OTE CLI tools to start working with models:
pip3 install notebook; cd ote_cli/notebooks/; jupyter notebook
* Other names and brands may be claimed as the property of others.