let M be the product of elementary matrixes of A.
$x \in N(A)$ , so Ax = 0. we have:
$MAx = M(Ax) = M.0 = 0$ so
$x \in N(MA)$ as well. -
$y \in N(MA)$ , so (MA).y=0. we have:
$Ay = M^{-1} MAy = M^{-1}.0=0$ so
$y \in N(A)$ as well.
That means when you apply Gauss elimination, you do change the solution space.
Yes. Here is why:
Proposition. Let W be a subspace of a finite-dimensional vector space V. If
If we are given linearly independent
#####4. Proof: A invertible <=> A's columns are independent & A is squared.
Suppose A is invertible => A is squared
$Ax=0 <=> A^{-1}Ax=A^{-1}0 <=> x = 0$ => q.e.d
Suppose A's columns are independent & A is squared.
${v_1, v_2,..., v_n}$ are independent =>${v_1, v_2,..., v_n}$ is a basis of$R^n$ (see Q3). So:$I_n = A* \begin{bmatrix} &b_{1,1} &... b_{1,n} \ &b_{2,1} &... b_{2,n} \ &... & & \ &b_{n,1} &... b_{n,n} \end{bmatrix} = A*B => B=A^{-1}$
$A^TA $ is squared.
A's columns are independent <=> N(A)={0}. Let
$\vec{v} \in N(A^TA)$ .We have: $$ \begin{array}{lllllll} :::::::::::A^TA.\vec{v}=\vec{0} \ <=> v^TA^TAv=v^T.\vec{0} = 0 \ <=> (Av)^T.(Av) =0 \ <=> Av = 0 \ <=> \begin{cases} \vec{v}=\vec{0} \ \vec{v} \in N(A)\end{cases} \ <=> N(A) = N(A^TA) = {0} \end{array} $$
=> q.e.d
Suppose we have k = 2 eigenvalues and some combination of
Similarly, we can show that
Because: $ det(A) = \lambda_1..\lambda_n $