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Auto Install Script Rancher Airgap with local Private Registry

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Airgap Rancher Installation

Useful links:

Installation Outline

  1. Step_1: Set up infrastructure and private registry
  2. Step_2: Collect and publish images to your private registry
  3. Step_3: Set up a Kubernetes cluster (Skip this step for Docker installations)
  4. Step_4: Install Rancher

1. Infrastructure and Private Registry

Set up Infrastructure and Private Registry

An air gapped environment is an environment where the Rancher server is installed offline or behind a firewall

3 Infrastructure options: More information

  • K3s Kubernetes Cluster
  • RKE Kubernetes Cluster
  • single Docker container

More information on the first provided link.

Set up a Private Image Registry

  • Rancher supports air gap installs using a private registry.
  • You must have your own private registry or other means of distributing container images to your machines.
  • In a later step, when you set up your K3s Kubernetes cluster, you will create a private registries configuration file with details from this registry.
  • Containerd can be configured to connect to private registries and use them to pull private images on the node.
  • Upon startup, K3s will check to see if a registries.yaml file exists at /etc/rancher/k3s/ and instruct containerd to use any registries defined in the file. If you wish to use a private registry, then:
  • you will need to create this file as root on each node that will be using this registry
  • Registries Configuration File 2 main sections:
    • mirrors
    • configs

More information on the provided link.

Adding Images to the Private Registry
  1. Obtain k3s-images.txt file from: K3s Releases Page
    • Pull the K3s images listed on the k3s-images.txt file from
    • Example: docker pull
  2. Retag the images to the private registry
    • Example: docker tag rancher/coredns-coredns:1.6.3
  3. Push the images to the private registry
    • Example: docker push

2. Collect and Publish images to your private registry

Collect and Publish Images to your Private Registry

How to set up your private registry so that when you install Rancher, Rancher will pull all the required images from this registry.

  • By default, all images used to provision Kubernetes Clusters or launch any tools in Rancher are pulled from Docker Hub.
  • In an air gapped installation of Rancher, you will need a private registry that is accessible by your Rancher server.
  • Then, you need to load the registry with all the images.


  1. Find the required assets for your Rancher version: Rancher Releases Page
    • rancher-images.txt list of images needed to install Rancher, provision clusters and user Rancher tools.
    • Script to pull all images in rancher-images.txt from Docker Hub and save all of them as rancher-images.tar.gz.
    • Script to load images from tar.gz file file and push to the target private registry
  2. Collect the cert-manager image:
    • In a Kubernetes install, if using Rancher self-signed TLS certificates, you must add the cert-manager image to rancher-images.txt as well.
    • Fetch the latest cert-manager Helm chart and parse the template for image details:
      helm repo add jetstack
      helm repo update
      helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.11.0
      helm template ./cert-manager-<version>.tgz | awk '$1 ~ /image:/ {print $2}' | sed s/\"//g >> ./rancher-images.txt
    • Sort and unique the images list to remove any overlap between the sources:
      sort -u rancher-images.txt -o rancher-images.txt
  3. Save the images to your workstation:
    1. Make an executable:
      chmod +x
    2. Run with the rancher-images.txt list to create a tarball of all the required images:
      ./ --image-list ./rancher-images.txt
  4. Populate the private registry:
    1. move rancher-images.tar.gz to your private registry.
    2. Log into your private registry (optional):
    3. Make executable:
      chmod +x
    4. Use to extract, tag and push rancher-images.txt and rancher-images.tar.gz to your private registry:
      ./ --image-list ./rancher-images.txt --registry <REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>

3. Collect and Publish images to your private registry

Collect and Publish images to your private registry Page

How to install a dedicated Kubernetes cluster for Rancher Air Gap Install

  1. Prepare Images Directory
    • Obtain the images tar file for your architecture from the releases page for the K3s version.
    • Place the tar file in the images Directory before starting K3s on each node:
      sudo mkdir -p /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/images/
      sudo cp ./k3s-airgap-images-$ARCH.tar /var/lib/rancher/k3s/agent/images/
  2. Create Registry yaml
    • Only secure registries are supported with K3s (SSL with custom CA): Private Registry Configurations K3s
    • at /etc/rancher/k3s/registries.yaml
          - "https://ip-to-server:5000"
          username: xxxxxx # this is the registry username
          password: xxxxxx # this is the registry password
          cert_file: <path to the cert file used in the registry>
          key_file:  <path to the key file used in the registry>
          ca_file: <path to the ca file used in the registry>
  3. Install K3s:
    • Obtain the K3s binary from K3s Releases Page
    • Place the binary in /usr/local/bin on each node.
    • Obtain the K3S Install script at: K3s Install Script Raw
    • Place the install script anywhere and name it
    • Install K3s on each server:
    • Install k3s on each agent:
    • Where <SERVER> is the IP or valid DNS of the server.
    • Where <TOKEN> is the node-token from the server found at: /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token
  4. Save and Start Using the kubeconfig file
    • Copy the file at: /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml
    • Paste it at: ~/.kube/config on local machine
    • In the kubeconfig file, the server directive is defined as localhost.
    • Configure the server as the DNS of your load balancer, referring to port 6443.
    • The Kubernetes API server will be reached at port 6443.
    • The Rancher server will be reached at ports 80 and 443.
    • Example k3s.yaml file:
      apiVersion: v1
      - cluster:
          certificate-authority-data: [CERTIFICATE-DATA]
          server: [LOAD-BALANCER-DNS]:6443 # Edit this line
      name: default
      - context:
          cluster: default
          user: default
      name: default
      current-context: default
      kind: Config
      preferences: {}
      - name: default
          password: [PASSWORD]
          username: admin

4. Install Rancher

How to deploy Rancher for your air gapped environment in a high-availability Kubernetes installation. And air gapped environment could be where Rancher server will be installed offline, behind a firewall, or behind a proxy.

  • Privileged Access for Rancher is required to run containers within containers, install rancher with --privileged option.
  1. Add the Helm Chart Repository:
    • Install helm
    • helm repo add:
     helm repo add rancher-latest
     helm repo add rancher-stable
     helm repo add rancher-alpha
    • Fetch the latest Rancher Chart. This will pull down the chart and save it in the current directory as .tgz file:
      helm fetch rancher-stable/rancher --version=v2.4.8
  2. SSL Configuration:
    • Add the cert-manager repo:
      helm repo add jetstack
      helm repo update
    • Fetch the latest cert-manager chart available from the Cert-Manager Helm Chart Repo
      helm fetch jetstack/cert-manager --version v1.12.3
    • Download the required CRD file for cert-manager:
      curl -L -o cert-manager-crd.yaml
  3. Install cert-manager:
    • Install cert-manager with the same options you would use to install the chart.
    • Set the image.repository option to pull the image from your private registry.
      kubectl create namespace cert-manager
      kubectl apply -f cert-manager-crd.yaml
      helm install cert-manager ./cert-manager-v1.12.3.tgz \
          --namespace cert-manager \
          --set image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/ \
          --set webhook.image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/ \
          --set cainjector.image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/ \
          --set startupapicheck.image.repository=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/
  4. Install Rancher:
    • Create namespace for Rancher:
      kubectl create namespace cattle-system
    • Configure and install Rancher to use the private registry:
         helm install rancher ./rancher-<VERSION>.tgz \
          --namespace cattle-system \
          --set hostname=<RANCHER.YOURDOMAIN.COM> \
          --set certmanager.version=<CERTMANAGER_VERSION> \
          --set rancherImage=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT>/rancher/rancher \
          --set systemDefaultRegistry=<REGISTRY.YOURDOMAIN.COM:PORT> \ # Set a default private registry to be used in Rancher
          --set useBundledSystemChart=true # Use the packaged Rancher system charts