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File metadata and controls

317 lines (237 loc) · 7.43 KB

Game Protocol


Clients use the WebSocket protocol to communicate with the server.

The server listens for client connections on ./game:3000 by default.

Clients are provided certain query string options:

  • name: Sets your name to the specified string upon successful connection.

There is no explicit concept of 'responses' in the protocol. While the server may send a message in response to a particular client message, it is not required to explicitly state that it is a response.

Messages are encoded as UTF-8 JSON objects. Each object must contain at least a msg property, which is a string describing what kind of message is being sent.

Client message names are prefixed with c_ and server messages with s_ for clarity when discussing message types.


In order to keep messages as small as possible, cards are only referenced by their ID strings during play. ID strings must follow the following conventions:

  • Non-custom IDs may only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores.
  • White card IDs start with w_.
  • Black card IDs start with b_.
  • Custom card IDs start with custom_ followed by the card text encoded from UTF8 to Base64.

Client messages


Sent by the client during an active game when the player has selected their white card(s) for the current round. The cards are represented using their card IDs, and are in the order of the blanks they are to appear in.

    "msg": "c_playcards",
    "cards": ["w_example1", "w_example2"]


Sent by the client when the client's player is judging the current round and they have selected the winning play. The round winner is identified by the index of the play from the play list provided by the server. The client does not know whose play it is until the round ends.

    "msg": "c_judgecards",
    "play_index": 0


Sent by the user to update client-specific information, such as username.

List of possible user info keys: |Key|Description| |name|Name of player.|

    "msg": "c_updateinfo",
    "userinfo": {
        "name": "Berkin"


Sent by the user when they request to spend Aux Points to upgrade a card to a higher tier.

    "msg": "c_upgradecard",
    "card_id": "w_example"


Sent by the user when they request to discard a card in their hand.

    "msg": "c_discardcard",
    "card_id": "w_example"


Sent by the user when they change their vote to skip the current black card.

    "msg": "c_vote_skip",
    "voted": true // sets vote status


Send by the user when they send a message in chat.

    "msg": "c_chat_msg",
    "body": "AutoRodney sucks"

Server messages


The server sends this to a client in response to a c_getallcards message. It contains every card in use by the current game. Black and white cards are listed in separate arrays for convenience.

    "msg": "s_allcards",
    "packs": [
            "id": "berkins_deck",
            "name": "Berkin's Big Deck",
            "accent": "red",
            "cards": [
                    "id": "w_example",
                    "content": {
                        "en-US": "An example card.",
                        "de-DE": "Eine Beispielkarte."


Sent by the server to inform the client which stage the game is currently in.

The possible strings for the stage property are listed below:

Stage ID Description
game_starting The game is starting and waiting for players.
playing A round has started and players are choosing cards.
judging Judging of the round has begun and the judge will be prompted.
round_end The round has concluded and the winning play is displayed.
game_end The game has concluded and the winning player is displayed.
    "msg": "s_gamestate",
    "stage": "game_starting",

    "round": 1, // Round number. (all stages)

    // Black card for current round. (playing, judging, round_end, game_end)
    "black_card": "b_example",

    // Player ID of round judge. (playing, judging, round_end, game_end)
    "judge": 123,

    // White cards played. (judging, round_end)
    "plays": [["w_example1"], ["w_example2"]],

    // Players that haven't played their cards yet. (playing)
    "pending_players": [123, 456],

    // Index of winning play. (round_end, game_end)
    "winning_play": 0,

    // ID of round winner. (round_end)
    "winning_player": 123,

    // Final results of game. Null if stage is not game_end.
    "game_results": {
        "winners": [123], // multiple if tie
        "trophy_winners": [
                "id": 123,
                "trophies": [
                    { ... }


Sent by the server to provide clients with the current list of players and their information.

    "msg": "s_players",
    "players": [
            "name": "Berkin",
            "id": 123,
            "score": 2,
            "upgrade_points": 1,
            "voted_skip": false,
            "idle": false


Provides auxiliary client data to a single player, such as auxiliary points.

    "msg": "s_auxclientdata",
    "aux_points": 3


Informs a client that the previous black card was skipped.

    "msg": "s_notify_skipped",
    "skipped_id": "b_oldcard",
    "replacement_id": "b_newcard"


Sent to a client to inform them of the current contents of their hand.

Sent in response to the following actions:

  • Game has started.
  • Player plays a card.
  • Player discards a card.
    "msg": "s_hand",
    "blanks": 2, // Number of available blank cards
    "discards": 10, // Number of available discards
    "hand": ["w_example1", "w_example2"]


Sent to a client to inform them of the cards they have played for the current round.

    "msg": "s_cardsplayed",
    "selection": ["w_example1", "w_example2"]


Contains information that identifies a client. Sent by server when the player changes their client options.

    "msg": "s_clientinfo",
    "player_id": 123,
    "player_name": "Berkin",
    "player_token": "XXXXXXXX"


Used when the server rejects a client from connecting to the game. For rejected clients, this is the first and only message sent. After sending, the client is immediately disconnected.

    "msg": "s_rejectclient",
    "reason": "reject_server_full",
    "desc": "Extended rejection description goes here"

Reason IDs

Reason ID Description
reject_server_full The server is full and cannot accept any more players.
reject_banned The server has banned the connecting client.
reject_duplicate The server has detected that the client is attempting to open more than one instance of the game.
reject_afk The server has disconnected the client due to an extended period of inactivity.
reject_bad_password The server has rejected the client because they provided the wrong password.


Sent to clients when a new chat message is posted.

    "msg": "s_chat_msg",
    "author": "Berkin",
    "body": "Example text"