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File metadata and controls

255 lines (171 loc) · 7.8 KB


Angular 1 container registration helper Methods


Disable Angular's development mode, which turns off debug data information and optimizes $http calls execution.

Behind the scenes we are setting:


// main.ts
import { bootstrap } from 'ng-metadata/platform-browser-dynamic';
import { enableProdMode } from 'ng-metadata/core';

import { AppComponent } from './app.component';


bootstrap( AppComponent );


returns undefined


Allows to refer to references which are not yet defined.

For instance, forwardRef is used when the token which we need to refer to for the purposes of DI is declared, but not yet defined. It is also used when the token which we use when creating a query is not yet defined.

Parameter Type Description
forwardRefFn ForwardRefFn callback function which returns demanded Injectable

ForwardRefFn: An interface that a function passed into forwardRef has to implement. const ref = forwardRef(() => Lock);


import * as angular from 'angular';
import { Component, Injectable, Inject, forwardRef, getInjectableName } from 'ng-metadata/core';

class Door {
  lock: Lock;
  constructor(@Inject(forwardRef(() => Lock)) lock: Lock) { 
    this.lock = lock; 

// Only at this point Lock is defined.
class Lock {}

  selector: 'my-app',
  providers: [Lock, Door]
class AppComponent{}

// test.ts
import { expect } from 'chai';

const $injector = angular.injector(['ng','myApp']);

const door = $injector.get(getInjectableName(Door));
expect(door instanceof Door).to.equal(true);
expect(door.lock instanceof Lock).to.equal(true);


@deprecated, use component tree composition and provide map literal instead

Returns tuple[name:string,Type:any] name and appropriate Type by used decorator. It's smart ( it knows if argument is Component or Directive or Pipe or Service ).

Has to be used with these angular.* methods as first argument via spread because angular methods require 2 args:

  • directive
  • filter
  • service
  • value
  • constant



import * as angular from 'angular';
import { provide, Component } from 'ng-metadata/core';

  template:`<div>hello hero</div>`
class HeroComponent {}

  .directive( ...provide( HeroComponent ) );

will register as angular.directive('heroCmp', function directiveFactory(){ return {} }).

For Services which have @Injectable, by default, it will extract the generated id token

so this:

import * as angular from 'angular';
import { provide } from 'ng-metadata/core';
import { HeroService } from './hero.service';

  .service( ...provide( HeroService ) );

will register as angular.service('heroSvc#12', HeroService)

Parameter Type Description
token class or string or OpaqueToken class reference or string alias token
provideType? {useClass: class} or {useValue: any} This is applicable only for angular service,constant,value,factory,provider methods

returns tuple [string,factory] which is registered within angular container.

useClass - you have to specify your Class and string which you want to alias it. Note that once you do that, you have to use this string across whole app


import * as angular from 'angular';
import { provide, Inject } from 'ng-metadata/core';

class MyService {}

  .constant(...provide( 'mySvc', { useClass: MyService } );

// now when you are injecting the constant in some service or so
export class MyLogger{
    @Inject('mySvc') private mySvc: MyService

useValue - neat helper if you wanna register values or constants. It is advised to create opaque token for injectable, so you don't use strings but references


import * as angular from 'angular';
import { provide, Inject, OpaqueToken } from 'ng-metadata/core';

export const myConstToken = new OpaqueToken('myConstanstYo');
export const myConstants = { foo: 123123, moo: '12312' };

  .constant(...provide( myConstToken, { useValue: myConstants } );

// now when you are injecting the constant in some service or so
export class MyService{
    @Inject(myConstToken) private myConst: typeof myConstants
Behind the Scenes

provide extract name from various Types, which should be used for registration within angular.* methods.

  • for Injectable it extraxts id property which is generated during class decoration. id is auto generated
  • for Component/Directive it extracts selector property and transforms it to camel case
  • for Pipe it extracts name property and transforms it to camel case
  • for Service it extracts name from class property if supported by JS engine, or stringifies function name, and transforms it to camel case ( if useClass used the token overrides default behaviour )


A utility function that can be used to get the angular 1 injectable's name. Needed for some cases, since injectable names are auto-created.

Works for string/OpaqueToken/Type Note: Type must be decorated with one of class decorators(@Injectable,@Component,@Directive,@Pipe), otherwise it throws


import { Injectable, Component, Pipe, getInjectableName } from 'ng-metadata/core';
// this is given some random name like 'myService48' when it's created with `module.service`

class MyService {}

@Component({ selector: 'my-cmp', template: '...' })
class MyComponent{}

@Pipe({ name: 'kebabCase' })
class MyPipe{}
import { expect } from 'chai';



Manually bundle NgModule with all it's dependencies registered via @NgModule providers/declarations/imports property metadata.

You may need this when migrating from previous ng-metadata 1.x to Angular 2 component bundling style.

It returns new instance of angular.module which can be then registered to other angular.modules or provided to angular.bootstrap

returns new created angular.module instance (if you don't provide existing one as 3rd argument)

Parameter Type Description
NgModuleClass Type NgModule class which is decorated by @NgModule
otherProviders? Array<Type,Function,string> you can optionally add other providers manual way ( also function for config phase )
angular.module? ng.IModule you can provide existing angular.module instance, and if you do everything will be registered to this module instead of creating new one