- Additions:
- Added Python compatability
- [#19d850e] several small cleanups according to PR #317 comments
- [#8becc67] update build project for releasing python package
- [#df663cb] include python setup in CI
- [#66b83a2] several small changes to test stack
- [#3dfaad7] adjustments to web and validation to allowe for python transpilation
- [#688c628] work on json io support in python
- [#93b6d94] replace mocha and expecto with pyxpecto
- [#aa30389] move json schema validation to json tests
- [#f0bb78d] switch towards using .venv for running transpiled python
- [#2d35cfb] update Fable and pyxpecto
- [#32a4128] add hashcode tests
- [#cc8c116] increase json write test timeout
- [#3d00621] small adjustments in isa.json
- [#10c5538] cleanup merge of json-ld and thoth.json
- [#58b3d5a] merge json-ld changes into thoth.json update changes and refactor
- [#87ab15d] increase json parsing test timeout
- [#90c60b9] rework json encoding
- [#c482c86] finish thoth conversion
- [#d0a99a3] start reworking json towards net Thoth.Json
- [#4f77082] Merge pull request #271 from nfdi4plants/jsonld
- [#3f84e17] increase speed of ARC to Json Type conversion
- [#5ceb732] bump to 1.1.0
- Bugfixes:
- [#890048e] set ci fail-fast to false and fix py encoding in windows
- [#3e403cd] small fix to CI
- [#b0186f4] small fix to CI
- [#89aa3c2] fixed python tests to work on all platforms
- [#4262833] hotfix js webrequest
- [#f75ce4d] small python tests hotfix
- [#9385d06] small fixes in python and setup instructions
- [#b5eaaed] hotfix fable python hashing of person
- [#556e2bf] fix http requests in python
- [#c534acf] fix and test comment regex handling for python
- [#2540056] small fix for compressed json io stringtable conversion fable-compiler/Fable#3771
- [#92c72ee] array fixes in python compilation
- [#b55d360] fix and finish up thoth migration
- Additions:
- [#544ffdc] add some additional information to failing spreadsheet parsers #306
- [#ee67104] create first version of compressed arctable json exporter
- [#8b36c55] implement stringtable in arctable json compression
- [#bb98bf4] add compressed study and assay json encoders
- [#6c5aa85] add tests for compressed json
- [#689f60c] add more efficient compressed column encoding
- [#a9fbdf6] add rangeEncoding to compressed json
- [#8635d76] Improve speed of GetHashCode
- [#ed0e78e] add GetUpdateContracts functionality
- [#73ed27e] small clarification on getUpdateContracts
- [#787368e] reinclude fable reference in isa.json.fsproj
- Deletions:
- [#f87b4b6] removed unused self reference in assay and study constructors
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- Bugfixes:
- [#2caadb7] small fix to addRows
- Additions:
- [#c6d86b1] small performance improvement for reading ARCs
- [#3f8c788] add case for speedtest project
- [#a90a1f1] improve and test speed of investigation file writer
- [#123f209] Merge pull request #299 from nfdi4plants/small_cleanup
- [#70d3c85] Merge pull request #297 from nfdi4plants/table_join_296
- [#13428ca] Revert unintended change in default!
- [#66b15f6] Update to v1.0.5
- Deletions:
- [#d121e5c] remove playground and move speedtest folders
- Additions:
- Bugfixes:
- [#8dd99e8] Merge pull request #294 from nfdi4plants/fix_annotationValue_read
- Additions:
- [#167fae8] add json functions for better function names in js ✨
- Additions:
- Bugfixes:
- [#d42faaf] Fix template read issue. annotationvalue not correctly read 🐛
- Additions:
- [#cc7f35f] add speedtest and make some small experimental changes
- [#e85dba4] make some validation and checks optional for speed improvements
- [#208839a] change annotationValue of Ontology Annotation to string
- [#a1921ef] make fillmissingcells optional for addcolumns
- [#2aca309] Make ArcStudy IO performance test more strict
- Additions:
- [#66ff8f4] improve github ci
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- Complete overhaul of the API.
- Shifted focus from only ISA to include full ARC.
- Included Fable compilation to Javascript as first citizen design principles.
- No direct filesystem access but contract based IO, which allows language agnostic IO.
- Additions:
- latest commit #ac83329
- [#ac83329] impove QNode usability with documentation
- Additions:
- latest commit #7de6163
- [#477edad] Renamed src/ISADotnet to src/ISADotNet for linux build due to file name case sensitivity.
- [#325cb91] add json schema validation functions
- [#94ef9e5] add isFatal check to json schema validation
- [#d496857] ease constraints of json schema validation
- [#7db8fae] validate json against json schema from HLWeil fork
- [#fdf248d] move jsonSchemaValidation in its own Repo
- [#5f133db] update dotnet version in cli
- [#8531aac] add unit retrieval functions to API
- [#372e07f] rename xlsx metadata headers nfdi4plants/ARCCommander#150
- Bugfixes:
- [#168890f] fix json schema validation use njonschema instead
- [#9c66fa8] fix json test files to actually adhere to json schema
- [#d79605c] fix datamodel according to json schema validation
- [#8f63206] fix study xlsx reader creating empty lists #71
- [#6d5ee0c] make DAG creation more robust against missing names fix #51
- Additions:
- latest commit #2150bc9
- harmonize xlsx IO with Swate 0.6.0 release
- add OBO ontology IO
- extend ontological reasoning
- extend components and protocol types
- [#118f404] add simple ontological reasoning for protocol type
- [#bdf85b2] adjust assay xlsx header renumbering
- [#59cfdaf] small improvements to Ontology Annotation and Component type
- [#94b6059] drop protocol rowIndex when calculating rowRange
- [#4c050d1] revert term accession number changes
- [#f8f94c6] add components to querymodel and assay xlsx writing
- [#9b85296] add protocol type and protocol ref to assay and study xlsx writing
- [#9cb34af] add component to querymodel
- [#1c66f1f] refactor return values of assay and study xlsx file readers
- [#1a981e9] add component and protocoltype parsers to assay xlsx table reader
- [#75afe60] add component and protocol type parser functions
- [#084cee1] add component casting functions
- [#ba490a3] added inline documentation for querymodel methods
- [#f2e05eb] improve Querymodel documentation
- [#6eb5c44] add additional ontology helper functions to querymodel
- [#11ef6b8] add ontology search functions
- [#99e3ebb] add isA and xref search on oboOntology
- [#af680ec] integrate OBO IO and reasoning
- [#5ff98d8] extend querymodel by basic ontology logic guided querying
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- Additions:
- Additions:
- Additions:
- latest commit #af3dc20
- Bugfixes:
- [#af3dc20] fix querymodel node updating
- Additions:
- latest commit #0646fa9
- QueryModel
- Increase verbosity
- Fixes
- [#8701a22] add additional methods to QueryModel
- [#be34819] add study type to query model
- [#8b7f1c7] improve query model value retrieval
- [#ba81b27] add Query model capabilities
- [#a6470f1] add QProcessSequence type for QueryModel
- [#2a9613d] small improvement to assay xlsx reading error messaging
- [#97406b5] Add regex unit tests ✅
- [#0404cbf] Increase flexibility of regex
- [#d04650f] move ValueIndex file from ISADotNet.XLSX into ISADotNet
- [#9787518] rework Assay query model
- [#19cb0f6] adjust assay file header parsing -can now parse brackets inside brackets -now ignores numbers
- [#06f1078] increase assay file io fail safety
- [#74b5b0f] increase xlsx IO verbosity
- [#b3a0a64] include empty study by default when writing investigation file
- [#314acc0] extend assay query model methods
- [#372d5d9] start working on assay query model
- [#e8e0175] add study xlsx file io
- [#5e27192] switch to FsSpreadsheet for ExcelIO
- [#8c788d7] add Process IO functions
- [#269ce79] assay xlsx file reader always assumes data type for data column
- [#4105894] add Assay Metadatasheet manipulation functions
- Deletions:
- [#476105e] temporarily remove linux CI to avoid spam #38 this should definitely be looked into again at a later point
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- latest commit #2a9311b
- [#2a9311b] finalize first DAG visualization draft ✨
- [#e5ad37a] assign characterstics from assay.xlsx files only to inputs #43
- [#eb985e3] create first DAG creation function
- [#a9eddd6] add schema type for DAG
- [#f60edbd] adjust xlsx io to FSharpSpreadsheetML 0.0.7
- [#2147cb9] prepare assay xlsx file io for FABLE compatability
- [#78a667c] add helper methods for assay file value ordering
- [#ea12093] adjust investigation.xlsx file io for FABLE compatabiity
- [#9c52b6c] make assay.xlsx file reader save value column ordering
- [#0b8e26e] add helper functions for assayFile Column Ordering
- [#e1d1f1a] use old formatted printing for compatibility in ISADotNet.XLSX
- [#ac15be6] use old formatted printing for compatibility
- [#c80ec0a] Add check to exclude whitespaces from being valid values (Issue #37).
- [#0847b38] init ISADotNet.Viz
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- latest commit #2da8c3a
- Bugfixes:
- [#2da8c3a] fix prerelease targets
- Additions:
- latest commit #4233b78
- [#4233b78] move SwateCustomXml datamodel to ISADotNet
- [#f7511ad] increase function parameter consistency
- [#249f1af] add ISA Assay Common API parser
- [#9890b6a] Unify naming as requested (PR #31).
- [#a48d571] Add FromStringWithNumber for ProtocolParameter (Issue #24).
- [#b511949] add isa xlsx stream reader/writer functions
- [#91e9ea5] Add GetName, GetNameWithNumber for xxValue DataModel (Issue #24).
- [#035ed55] Add FromString, FromStringWithNumber for OntologyAnnotation, Factor, MaterialAttribute (Issue #24)
- [#6f883e6] Add GetValue logic for FactorValue, MaterialAttributeValue, ProcessParameterValue (Issue #24)
- [#01db12b] add json readers/writers
- Additions:
- Additions:
- latest commit #0fa5cb5
- [#a5b970f] add pretty printer example script
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- Bugfixes:
- [#02f30a0] fix process compact printer
- Additions:
- latest commit #1c7ed14
- [#0c9b3e9] bump to 0.2.3
- Bugfixes:
- [#1c7ed14] fix: remove printf from assay file reader
- Additions:
- latest commit #3536cd3
- Bugfixes:
- [#3536cd3] fix assay file reader sample updating
- Additions:
- Bugfixes:
- [#83de052] fix process filterByProtocolName
- Additions:
- latest commit #ae00b13
- ISAXlsx Assay File Reader Tests
- [#93e32c4] bump to 0.2.0
- [#e6d53bf] rename assay file node getter functions
- [#9b4884c] small adjustemt to assay file sample column handling
- [#261e28a] add assay file io tests
- [#1cc8a95] add assay file io tests
- [#cd74341] add assay sample getter functions
- Assay Parameters accession functions
- [#ddab453] add additional assay parameter convenience functions
- [#622b834] add assay factors and characteristics convenience functions
- [#ae00b13] add parameter value parsing functions
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- latest commit #1c7c8c6
- Add ISAXlsx Assay File Reader
- [#9398ccb] add assay file io tests
- [#9a86d09] add swate customXml parsing
- [#7c9340b] comment Assay File IO functions and modules
- [#2a62081] add sample alignment to assay file reader
- [#1ba9aa9] add protocol splitting to assay file reader
- [#50c2411] tidy up ISADotNet.XLSX library structure
- [#dc98abe] add UpdateByExistingAppendLists option to record type updater
- [#6cedda2] add assay file reader
- [#0e1b990] add assayFile MetaDataReader and tests
- [#e33517b] add assayfile process parsing functions
- [#8de1b95] add additional assay file column parsers
- [#803f642] add assay file parameter reading
- Bugfixes:
- Additions:
- Additions:
- latest commit #5f34043
- [#9b00412] Modernize library structure
- [#7f126ed] Modernize library structure
- [#400211a] Apply requested changes
- [#a05b17e] Update global.json to "latestMajor"
- [#23a6d87] Add --noapidocs flag to docs tasks
- [#ad13b35] Merge pull request #9 from Freymaurer/developer
- [#79b9bc2] Merge pull request #13 from Freymaurer/developer
- [#5f34043] Merge pull request #14 from Freymaurer/developer
- Bugfixes:
- [#fa4d1c5] fix remove functions fixes #8
- Additions:
- latest commit #2f78a5fa
- Add append optional list functionality when updating record types
- Add tests
- Soften version constraint of FSharp.Core package dependancy
* Increased the minimum version of the System.Json.Text dependancy
* Minor additions to the API functions
* Moved Project from nfdi4Plants/ArcCommander
* Full ISA Datamodel
* Reworked API
* ISA XLSX Investigation file parser
* Added ISA Json IO