diff --git a/applications/NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml b/applications/NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5769036aff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,422 @@
+ Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions or parameters.
+ Length of the spectrum array (e.g. wavelength or energy) of the measured
+ data.
+ Number of measurements (1st dimension of measured_data array). This is
+ equal to the number of parameters scanned. For example, if the experiment
+ was performed at three different temperatures and two different pressures
+ N_measurements = 2*3 = 6.
+ Number of detection angles of the beam reflected or scattered off the
+ sample.
+ Number of angles of incidence of the incident beam.
+ This is the application definition describing ellipsometry experiments.
+ Such experiments may be as simple as identifying how a reflected
+ beam of light with a single wavelength changes its polarization state,
+ to a variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry experiment.
+ The application definition specifies optical spectroscopy (NXopt), by extending
+ the terms and setting specific requirements.
+ Information on ellipsometry is provided, e.g. in:
+ * H. Fujiwara, Spectroscopic ellipsometry: principles and applications,
+ John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
+ * R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light,
+ North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977.
+ * H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene, Handbook of Ellipsometry,
+ William Andrew, 2005.
+ Open access sources:
+ * https://www.angstromadvanced.com/resource.asp
+ * https://pypolar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
+ Review articles:
+ * T. E. Jenkins, "Multiple-angle-of-incidence ellipsometry",
+ J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, R45 (1999),
+ https://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/32/9/201
+ * D. E. Aspnes, "Spectroscopic ellipsometry - Past, present, and future",
+ Thin Solid Films 571, 334-344 (2014),
+ https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2014.03.056
+ * R. M. A. Azzam, "Mueller-matrix ellipsometry: a review",
+ Proc. SPIE 3121, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing,
+ (3 October 1997),
+ https://doi.org/10.1117/12.283870
+ * E. A. Irene, "Applications of spectroscopic ellipsometry to microelectronics",
+ Thin Solid Films 233, 96-111 (1993),
+ https://doi.org/10.1016/0040-6090(93)90069-2
+ * S. Zollner et al., "Spectroscopic ellipsometry from 10 to 700 K",
+ Adv. Opt. Techn., (2022),
+ https://doi.org/10.1515/aot-2022-0016
+ An application definition for ellipsometry.
+ Version number to identify which definition of this application
+ definition was used for this entry/data.
+ URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant
+ to the application definition.
+ Specify the type of the optical experiment.
+ You may specify fundamental characteristics or properties in the experimental sub-type.
+ Specify the type of ellipsometry.
+ If the ellipsometry_experiment_type is `other`, a name should be specified here.
+ Properties of the ellipsometry equipment.
+ What type of ellipsometry was used? See Fujiwara Table 4.2.
+ If the ellipsometer_type is `other`, a specific ellipsometry_type" should be
+ added here.
+ Define which element rotates, e.g. polarizer or analyzer.
+ If focussing probes (lenses) were used, please state if the data
+ were corrected for the window effects.
+ Were the recorded data corrected by the window effects of the
+ focussing probes (lenses)?
+ Specify the angular spread caused by the focussing probes.
+ Properties of the rotating element defined in
+ 'instrument/rotating_element_type'.
+ Define how many revolutions of the rotating element were averaged
+ for each measurement. If the number of revolutions was fixed to a
+ certain value use the field 'fixed_revolutions' instead.
+ Define how many revolutions of the rotating element were taken
+ into account for each measurement (if number of revolutions was
+ fixed to a certain value, i.e. not averaged).
+ Specify the maximum value of revolutions of the rotating element
+ for each measurement.
+ Was the backside of the sample roughened? Relevant for infrared
+ ellipsometry.
+ Measured data, data errors, and varied parameters. This may be used to describe
+ indirectly derived data or data transformed between different descriptions,
+ such as:
+ Raw Data --> Psi
+ Delta Psi, Delta --> N,C,S
+ Mueller matrix --> N,C,S
+ Mueller matrix --> Psi, Delta
+ etc.
+ Other types of data, such as temperature or sample location, may be saved
+ in a generic (NXdata) concept from NXopt, or better directly in the
+ location of the sample positioner or temperature sensor.
+ An identifier to correlate data to the experimental conditions,
+ if several were used in this measurement; typically an index of 0-N.
+ Select which type of data was recorded, for example intensity,
+ reflectivity, transmittance, Psi and Delta etc.
+ It is possible to have multiple selections. The enumeration list
+ depends on the type of experiment and may differ for different
+ application definitions.
+ Spectral values (e.g. wavelength or energy) used for the measurement.
+ An array of 1 or more elements. Length defines N_spectrum. Replace
+ 'SPECTRUM' by the physical quantity that is used, e.g. wavelength.
+ If applicable, change 'unit: NX_ANY' to the appropriate NXDL unit.
+ If the unit of the measured data is not covered by NXDL units state
+ here which unit was used.
+ Resulting data from the measurement, described by 'data_type'.
+ The first dimension is defined by the number of measurements taken,
+ (N_measurements). The instructions on how to order the values
+ contained in the parameter vectors given in the doc string of
+ INSTRUMENT/sample_stage/environment_conditions/PARAMETER/values,
+ define the N_measurements parameter sets. For example, if the
+ experiment was performed at three different temperatures
+ (T1, T2, T3), two different pressures (p1, p2) and two different
+ angles of incidence (a1, a2), the first measurement was taken at the
+ parameters {a1,p1,T1}, the second measurement at {a1,p1,T2} etc.
+ If applicable, change 'unit: NX_ANY' to the appropriate NXDL unit.
+ If the unit of the measured data is not covered by NXDL units state
+ here which unit was used.
+ Specified uncertainties (errors) of the data described by 'data_type'
+ and provided in 'measured_data'.
+ If applicable, change 'unit: NX_ANY' to the appropriate NXDL unit.
+ If the unit of the measured data is not covered by NXDL units state
+ here which unit was used.
+ List of links to the values of the sensors. Add a link for each
+ varied parameter (i.e. for each sensor).
+ Link to the NeXus file which describes the reference data if a
+ reference measurement was performed. Ideally, the reference
+ measurement was performed using the same conditions as the actual
+ measurement and should be as close in time to the actual measurement
+ as possible.
+ Commercial or otherwise defined given name of the program that was
+ used to generate the result file(s) with measured data and/or
+ metadata (in most cases, this is the same as INSTRUMENT/software).
+ If home written, one can provide the actual steps in the NOTE
+ subfield here.
+ Either version with build number, commit hash, or description of a
+ (online) repository where the source code of the program and build
+ instructions can be found so that the program can be configured in
+ such a way that result files can be created ideally in a
+ deterministic manner.
+ Website of the software.
diff --git a/applications/NXoptical_spectroscopy.nxdl.xml b/applications/NXoptical_spectroscopy.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cdf4a78821
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/NXoptical_spectroscopy.nxdl.xml
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+ Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions or parameters.
+ Length of the spectrum array (e.g. wavelength or energy) of the measured
+ data.
+ Number of measurements (1st dimension of measured_data array). This is
+ equal to the number of parameters scanned. For example, if the experiment
+ was performed at three different temperatures and two different pressures
+ N_measurements = 2*3 = 6.
+ A general application definition of optical spectroscopy elements, which may
+ be used as a template to derive specialized optical spectroscopy experiments.
+ Possible specializations are ellipsometry, Raman spectroscopy, photoluminescence,
+ reflectivity/transmission spectroscopy.
+ A general optical experiment consists of (i) a light/photon source, (ii) a sample,
+ (iii) a detector.
+ For any free text descriptions, it is recommended to enter data in english
+ language, as this is the most FAIR representation.
+ An application definition describing a general optical experiment.
+ Version number to identify which definition of this application
+ definition was used for this entry/data.
+ URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant
+ to the application definition.
+ Datetime of the start of the measurement.
+ Should be a ISO8601 date/time stamp. It is recommended to add an explicit time zone,
+ otherwise, the local time zone is assumed per ISO8601.
+ It is required to enter at least one of both measurement times, either "start_time" or "end_time".
+ Datetime of the end of the measurement.
+ Should be a ISO8601 date/time stamp. It is recommended to add an explicit time zone,
+ otherwise the local time zone is assumed per ISO8601.
+ It is required to enter at least one of both measurement times, either "start_time" or "end_time".
+ A (globally persistent) unique identifier of the experiment.
+ (i) The identifier is usually defined by the facility, laboratory or
+ principal investigator.
+ (ii) The identifier enables to link experiments to e.g. proposals.
+ Select the range of validity of this identier.
+ Local: Setup#1 at Institute building #2 in Room #3
+ Global: Unique identification of with by unique location and unique
+ globally persistent time stamp.
+ An optional free-text description of the experiment.
+ Users are strongly advised to parameterize the description of their experiment
+ by using respective groups and fields and base classes instead of writing prose
+ into this field.
+ The reason is that such a free-text field is difficult to machine-interpret.
+ The motivation behind keeping this field for now is to learn how far the
+ current base classes need extension based on user feedback.
+ Specify the type of the optical experiment.
+ Chose other if none of these methods are suitable. You may specify
+ fundamental characteristics or properties in the experimental sub-type.
+ For Raman spectroscopy or ellipsometry use the respective specializations
+ of NXoptical_spectroscopy.
+ Specify a special property or characteristic of the experiment, which specifies
+ the generic experiment type.
+ If "other" was selected in "experiment_type" and/or in "experiment_sub_type",
+ specify the experiment here with a free text name, which is knwon in the
+ respective community of interest.
+ Description of one or more coordinate systems that are specific to the
+ experiment. Examples are beam centered, sample-normal centered,
+ laboratory-system centered, sample-stage centered, crystal-symmetry centered.
+ This refers to the coordinate system along the beam path. The origin and
+ base is defined at z=0, where the incident beam hits the sample at the surface.
+ This is the default NeXus coordinate system (McStas), if the transformation
+ does not change the coordinate system at all - i.e. it is unity.
+ Otherwise, by this a respective transformation of the beam
+ reference frame to the default reference frame could be made. i.e.
+ exchange of x and z coordinate, rotation of respective coordinates
+ towards each other.
+ Link to transformations defining the sample-normal base coordinate system,
+ which is defined such that the positive z-axis is parallel to the sample normal,
+ and the x-y-plane lies inside the sample surface.
+ Set of transformations, describing the orientation of the sample-normal coordinate system
+ with respect to the beam coordinate system (.).
+ Contact information and eventually details of at persons who
+ performed the measurements. This can be for example the principal
+ investigator or student. Examples are: name, affiliation, address, telephone
+ number, email, role as well as identifiers such as orcid or similar.
+ It is recommended to add multiple users if relevant.
+ Due to data privacy concerns, there is no minimum requirement.
+ If no user with specific name is allowed to be given, it is required to
+ assign at least an affiliation
+ Devices or elements of the optical spectroscopy setup described with its
+ properties and general information.
+ This includes for example:
+ - The beam device's or instrument's model, company, serial number, construction year, etc.
+ - Used software or code
+ - Experiment descriptive parameters as reference frames, resolution, calibration
+ - Photon beams with their respective properties such as angles and polarization
+ - Various optical beam path devices, which interact, manipulate or measure optical beams
+ - Characteristics of the medium surrounding the sample
+ - "Beam devices" for a beam path description
+ - Stages(NXmanipulator)
+ - Sensors and actuators to control or measure sample or beam properties
+ This can be used to describe properties of a photon beam.
+ A beam is always defined between two beam_devices, via
+ "previous_device" and "next_device".
+ It is required to define at least one incident beam which is incident
+ to the sample. You may specify if this beam parameters are acutally measured
+ or just nominal.
+ If this beam is the output of a source, chose the same
+ name appendix as for the NXsource instance (e.g. TYPE=532nm)
+ Select the reliability of the respective beam characteristics. Either,
+ the parameters are measured via another device or method or just given
+ nominally via the properties of a light source properties (532nm, 100mW).
+ The path to the device which emitted this beam (light source or frequency doubler).
+ This parameter is recommended, if the previous optical element is a photon source.
+ In this way, the properties of the laser or light souce can be described
+ and associated.
+ The beam should be named with the same appendix as the source, e.g.,
+ for TYPE=532nmlaser, there should be both a NXsource named
+ "source_532nmlaser" and a NXbeam named "beam_532nmlaser".
+ Example: /entry/instrument/source_532nmlaser
+ Angle of the linear polarized light, with respect to a fixed arbitrary
+ defined 0° position. This can be used if no definition of respective
+ cooridnate systems for beam and sample normal is done. If coordinate systems
+ are defined, refer to beam "incident_polarization".
+ Description of the detector type.
+ Type of detector, if "other" was selected in "detector_type".
+ Contains the raw data collected by the detector before calibration.
+ The data which is considered raw might change from experiment to experiment
+ due to hardware pre-processing of the data.
+ This field ideally collects the data with the lowest level of processing
+ possible.
+ Raw data before calibration.
+ Specify respective hardware which was used for the detector. For
+ example special electronics required for time-correlated single photon
+ counting (TCSPC).
+ Specification of type, may also go to name.
+ If available, name/ID/norm of the light source standard.
+ Details about the device information.
+ The path to a beam emitted by this source.
+ Should be named with the same appendix, e.g.,
+ for TYPE=532nmlaser, there should as well be
+ a NXbeam named "beam_532nmlaser" together with this source
+ instance named "source_532nmlaser"
+ Example: /entry/instrument/beam_532nmlaser
+ Defines the reference frame which is used to describe the sample orientation
+ with respect to the beam directions.
+ A beam centered description is the default and uses 4 angles(similar to XRD):
+ - Omega (angle between sample surface and incident beam)
+ - 2Theta (angle between the transmitted beam and the detection beam)
+ - Chi (sample tilt angle, angle between plane#1 and the surface normal,
+ plane#1 = spanned by incidence beam and detection
+ and detection. If Chi=0°, then plane#1 is the plane of
+ incidence in reflection setups)
+ - Phi (inplane rotation of sample, rotation axis is the samples
+ surface normal)
+ A sample normal centered description is as well possible:
+ - angle of incidence (angle between incident beam and sample surface)
+ - angle of detection (angle between detection beam and sample surface)
+ - angle of incident and detection beam
+ - angle of in-plane sample rotation (direction along the sample's surface normal)
+ An arbitrary reference frame can be defined by "reference_frames"
+ and used via "instrument/angle_sample_and_beam_TYPE"
+ Angle between sample incident beam and sample surface.
+ Angle between incident and detection beam
+ Sample tilt between sample normal, and the plane spanned by detection and
+ incident beam.
+ Inplane rotation of the sample, with rotation axis along sample normal.
+ Angle(s) of the incident beam vs. the normal of the bottom reflective
+ (substrate) surface in the sample. These two directions span the plane
+ of incidence.
+ Detection angle(s) of the beam reflected or scattered off the sample
+ vs. the normal of the bottom reflective (substrate) surface in the
+ sample if not equal to the angle(s) of incidence.
+ These two directions span the plane of detection.
+ Angle between the incident and detection beam.
+ If angle_of_detection + angle_of_incidence = angle_of_incident_and_detection_beam,
+ then the setup is a reflection setup.
+ If angle_of_detection + angle_of_incidence != angle_of_incident_and_detection_beam
+ then the setup may be a light scattering setup.
+ (i.e. 90° + 90° != 90°, i.e. incident and detection beam in the sample surface, but
+ the angle source-sample-detector is 90°)
+ Angle of the inplane orientation of the sample. This might be an arbitrary,
+ angle without specific relation to the sample symmetry,
+ of the angle to a specific sample property (i.e. crystallographic axis or sample
+ shape such as wafer flat)
+ Set of transformations, describing the relative orientation of different
+ parts of the experiment (beams or sample). You may select one of the specified
+ angles for incident and detection beam or sample, and then use polar and azimuthal
+ angles to define the direction via sperical coordinates.
+ This allows consistent defintion between different coordinate system.
+ You may refer to self defined coordinate system as well.
+ If "angle_reference_frame = beam centered", then this coordinate system is used:
+ McStas system (NeXus default)
+ (https://manual.nexusformat.org/design.html#mcstas-and-nxgeometry-system)
+ i.e. the z-coordinate math:`[0,0,1]` is along the incident beam direction and
+ the x-coordinate math:`[1,0,0]` is in the horizontal plane. Hence, usually math:`[0,1,0]`
+ is vertically oriented.
+ If "angle_reference_frame = sample-normal centered", then this coordinate
+ system is used
+ z - math:`[0,0,1]` along sample surface normal
+ x - math:`[1,0,0]` defined by sample surface projected incident beam.
+ y - math:`[0,1,0]` in the sample surface, orthogonal to z and x.
+ For this case, x may be ill defined, if the incident beam is perpendicular
+ to the sample surface. In this case, use the beam centered description.
+ Rotation about the y axis (polar rotation within the sample plane).
+ Path to a transformation that places the sample surface
+ into the origin of the arpes_geometry coordinate system.
+ Rotation about the z axis (azimuthal rotation within the sample plane).
+ Specify if there is a lateral offset on the sample surface, between the focal
+ points of the incident beam and the detection beam.
+ Describes the order of respective beam devices in the optical beam
+ path.
+ Everything object which interacts or modifies optical beam properties,
+ may be an beam device, e.g. Filter, Window, Beamsplitter, Photon Source,
+ Detector, etc,
+ It is intended, to include this functionality later to "older" beam
+ components, such as NXsource, NXdetector, NXlens, etc.
+ Until this is possbible, auxillary beam devices have to be created,
+ for each "older" beam component instead, to allow a beam path description.
+ To link the auxillary beam device to the real device properties, the
+ attribute \@device should be used.
+ Reference to beam device, which is described by a NeXus concept
+ (e.g. for NXsource, entry/instrument/source_TYPE).
+ Reference to the previous beam device, from which the photon beam came
+ to reach this beam device. A photon source is related as origin by ".".
+ This enables a logical order description of the optical setup.
+ This is the optical element used to focus or collect light. This may
+ be a genereic lens or microcope objectives which are used for the
+ Raman scattering process.
+ polarization filter to prepare light to be measured or to be incident
+ on the sample.
+ Genereric polarization filter porperties may be implemented via NXfilter_pol
+ at a later stage.
+ Physical principle of the polarization filter used to create a
+ defined incident or scattered light state.
+ Specific name or type of the polarizer used.
+ Free text, for example: Glan-Thompson, Glan-Taylor, Rochon Prism, Wollaston
+ Polarizer...
+ Spectral filter used to modify properties of the scattered or incident light.
+ Genereric spectral filter porperties may be implemented via NXfilter_spec
+ at a later stage.
+ Type of laserline filter used to supress the laser, if measurements
+ close to the laserline are performed.
+ Type of laserline filter used to supress the laser, if measurements
+ close to the laserline are performed.
+ Properties of the spectral filter such as wavelength dependent Transmission
+ or reflectivity.
+ Which property is used to form the spectral properties of light,
+ i.e. transmission or reflection properties.
+ Allows description of beam properties via matrices, which relate ingoing with
+ outgoing beam properties.
+ Sample stage (or manipulator) for positioning of the sample. This should
+ only contain the spatial orientation of movement.
+ Specify the type of the sample stage.
+ If "other" was chosen in stage_type, enter here a free text description
+ of the stage type.
+ This allows a description of the stages relation or orientation and
+ position with respect to the sample or beam, if an laboratory or
+ an stage coordinate system is defined.
+ Description of relation of the beam with the sample. How dit the
+ sample hit the beam, e.g. 'center of sample, long edge parallel
+ to the plane of incidence'.
+ Is redundent, if a full orientation description is done via the
+ stages "transformations" entry.
+ Type of control for the sample temperature. Replace TYPE by "cryostat" or
+ "heater" to specify it.
+ Hardware used for actuation, i.e. laser, gas lamp, filament, resistive
+ General device information of the optical spectroscopy setup, if
+ suitable (e.g. for a tabletop spectrometer or other non-custom build setups).
+ For custom build setups, this may be limited to the construction year.
+ Commercial or otherwise defined given name of the program that was
+ used to control any parts of the optical spectroscopy setup.
+ The uppercase TYPE should be replaced by a specification name, i.e.
+ "software_detector" or "software_stage" to specify the respective
+ program or software components.
+ Either version with build number, commit hash, or description of a
+ (online) repository where the source code of the program and build
+ instructions can be found so that the program can be configured in
+ such a way that result files can be created ideally in a
+ deterministic manner.
+ Description of the software by persistent resource, where the program,
+ code, script etc. can be found.
+ Pre-calibration of an arbitrary device of the instrumental setup, which
+ has the name DEVICE. You can specify here how, at which time by which method
+ the calibration was done. As well the accuracy and a link to the calibration
+ dataset.
+ Path to the device, which was calibrated.
+ Example: entry/instrument/DEVICE
+ Provide data about the determined accuracy of the device, this may
+ may be a single value or a dataset like wavelength error vs. wavelength etc.
+ Was a calibration performed? If yes, when was it done? If the
+ calibration time is provided, it should be specified in
+ ENTRY/INSTRUMENT/calibration/calibration_time.
+ If calibtration status is 'calibration time provided', specify the
+ ISO8601 date when calibration was last performed before this
+ measurement. UTC offset should be specified.
+ Generic data which does not fit to the 'NX_FLOAT' fields in NXproces.
+ This can be for example the instrument response function.
+ The overall resolution of the optical instrument.
+ Minimum distinguishable wavelength separation of peaks in spectra.
+ Array of pairs of complex refractive indices n + ik of the medium
+ for every measured spectral point/wavelength/energy.
+ Only necessary if the measurement was performed not in air, or
+ something very well known, e.g. high purity water.
+ Properties of the sample, such as sample type, layer structure,
+ chemical formula, atom types, its history etc.
+ Information about the sample stage and sample environment should be
+ described in ENTRY/INSTRUMENT/sample_stage.
+ Locally unique ID of the sample, used in the reasearch institute or group.
+ State the form of the sample, examples are:
+ thin film, single crystal, poly crystal, amorphous, single layer,
+ multi layer, liquid, gas, pellet, powder.
+ Generic properties of liquids or gases see NXsample properties.
+ Free text description of the sample.
+ Chemical formula of the sample. Use the Hill system (explained here:
+ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_formula#Hill_system) to write
+ the chemical formula. In case the sample consists of several layers,
+ this should be a list of the chemical formulas of the individual
+ layers, where the first entry is the chemical formula of the top
+ layer (the one on the front surface, on which the light incident).
+ The order must be consistent with layer_structure
+ List of comma-separated elements from the periodic table that are
+ contained in the sample. If the sample substance has multiple
+ components, all elements from each component must be included in
+ 'atom_types'.
+ ISO 8601 time code with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ when the specimen was prepared.
+ Ideally, report the end of the preparation, i.e. the last known timestamp when
+ the measured specimen surface was actively prepared.
+ A set of activities that occurred to the sample prior to/during the experiment.
+ Sample temperature (either controlled or just measured).
+ If no sensor was available for the determination of temperature, selected
+ a nominal value which represents approximately the situation of sample temperature.
+ If temperature_nominal is "other", enter here a nominal/assumed/estimated
+ sample temperature.
+ Temperature sensor measuring the sample temperature.
+ This should be a link to /entry/instrument/manipulator/temperature_sensor.
+ Device to heat the sample.
+ This should be a link to /entry/instrument/manipulator/sample_heater.
+ Device for cooling the sample (Cryostat, Airflow cooler, etc.).
+ This should be a link to /entry/instrument/manipulator/cryostat.
+ Arbirary sample property which may be varied during the experiment
+ and controlled by a device. Examples are pressure, voltage, magnetic field etc.
+ Similar to the temperautre description of the sample.
+ Medium, in which the sample is placed.
+ (Measured) sample thickness.
+ The information is recorded to qualify if the light used was likely
+ able to shine through the sample.
+ In this case the value should be set to the actual thickness of
+ the specimen viewed for an illumination situation where the nominal
+ surface normal of the specimen is parallel to the optical axis.
+ If a thickness if given, please specify how this thickness was estimated or
+ determined.
+ Qualitative description of the layer structure for the sample,
+ starting with the top layer (i.e. the one on the front surface, on
+ which the light incident), e.g. native oxide/bulk substrate, or
+ Si/native oxide/thermal oxide/polymer/peptide.
+ Specify the sample orientation, how is its sample normal oriented
+ relative in the laboratory reference frame, incident beam reference
+ frame.
+ If the sample is grown or fixed on a substrate, specify this here by
+ a free text description.
+ Here generic types of data may be saved.. This may refer to data derived
+ from single or multiple raw measurements (i.e. several intensities are
+ evaluated for different parameters: ellipsometry -> psi and delta) -
+ i.e. non-raw data.
+ As well plotable data may be stored/linked here, which provides the most suitable
+ representation of the data (for the respective community).
+ You may provide multiple instances of NXdata
+ Spectrum, i.e. x-axis of the data (e.g. wavelength, energy etc.)
+ Spectrum, i.e. y-axis of the data (e.g. counts, intensity)
+ Location to save the calibrated wavelength data.
+ Parameters that are derived from the measured data.
+ Light loss due to depolarization as a value in [0-1].
+ Jones quality factor.
+ Reflectivity.
+ Transmittance.
+ Commercial or otherwise defined given name of the program that was
+ used to generate or calculate the derived parameters.
+ If home written, one can provide the actual steps in the NOTE
+ subfield here.
+ Either version with build number, commit hash, or description of a
+ (online) repository where the source code of the program and build
+ instructions can be found so that the program can be configured in
+ such a way that result files can be created ideally in a
+ deterministic manner.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/applications/NXraman.nxdl.xml b/applications/NXraman.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02290711de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/applications/NXraman.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
+ Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions or parameters.
+ Length of the spectrum array (e.g. wavelength or energy) of the measured
+ data.
+ Number of measurements (1st dimension of measured_data array). This is
+ equal to the number of parameters scanned. For example, if the experiment
+ was performed at three different temperatures and two different pressures
+ N_measurements = 2*3 = 6.
+ Number of detection angles of the beam reflected or scattered off the
+ sample.
+ Number of angles of incidence of the incident beam.
+ Number of scattering configurations used in the measurement.
+ It is 1 for only parallel polarization meausement, 2 for parallel and cross
+ polarization measurement or larger, if i.e. the incident and scattered photon
+ direction is varied.
+ An application definition for Raman spectrocopy experiments.
+ Such experiments may be as simple a single Raman spectrum from spontanous
+ Raman scattering and range to Raman imaging Raman spectrometer,
+ surface- and tip-enhanced Raman techniques, x-Ray Raman scattering, as well
+ as resonant Raman scattering phenomena or multidimenional Raman spectra (i.e.
+ varying temperature, pressure, electric field, ....)
+ The application definition contains two things:
+ 1. The structures in the application definition of NXopt:
+ * Instrument and data calibrations
+ * Sensors for sample or beam conditions
+ 2. The strucutres specified and extended in NXraman:
+ * description of the experiment type
+ * descroption of the setup's meta data and optical elements (source, monochromator, detector, waveplate, lens, etc.)
+ * description of beam properties and their relations to the sample
+ * sample information
+ Information on Raman spectroscopy are provided in:
+ General
+ * Lewis, Ian R.; Edwards, Howell G. M.
+ Handbook of Raman Spectroscopy
+ ISBN 0-8247-0557-2
+ Raman scattering selection rules
+ * Dresselhaus, M. S.; Dresselhaus, G.; Jorio, A.
+ Group Theory - Application to the Physics ofCondensed Matter
+ ISBN 3540328971
+ Semiconductors
+ * Manuel Cardona
+ Light Scattering in Solids I
+ eBook ISBN: 978-3-540-37568-5
+ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-37568-5
+ * Manuel Cardona, Gernot Güntherodt
+ Light Scattering in Solids II
+ eBook ISBN: 978-3-540-39075-6
+ DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/3-540-11380-0
+ * See as well other Books from the "Light Scattering in Solids" series:
+ III: Recent Results
+ IV: Electronic Scattering, Spin Effects, SERS, and Morphic Effects
+ V: Superlattices and Other Microstructures
+ VI: Recent Results, Including High-Tc Superconductivity
+ VII: Crystal-Field and Magnetic Excitations
+ VIII: Fullerenes, Semiconductor Surfaces, Coherent Phonons
+ IX: Novel Materials and Techniques
+ Glasses, Liquids, Gasses, ...
+ Review articles:
+ Stimulated Raman scattering, Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering,
+ Surface-enhanced Raman scattering, Tip-enhanced Raman scattering
+ * https://doi.org/10.1186/s11671-019-3039-2
+ An application definition for Raman spectrsocopy.
+ Version number to identify which definition of this application
+ definition was used for this entry/data.
+ URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant
+ to the application definition.
+ Specify the type of the optical experiment.
+ You may specify fundamental characteristics or properties in the experimental sub-type.
+ Specify the type of Raman experiment.
+ If the raman_experiment_type is `other`, a name should be specified here.
+ Metadata of the setup, its optical elements and physical properites which
+ defines the Raman measurement.
+ Scattering configuration as defined by the porto notation by three
+ states, which are othogonal to each other. Example: z(xx)z for
+ parallel polarized backscattering configuration.
+ See:
+ https://www.cryst.ehu.es/cgi-bin/cryst/programs/nph-doc-raman
+ A(BC)D
+ A = The propagation direction of the incident light (k_i)
+ B = The polarization direction of the incident light (E_i)
+ C = The polarization direction of the scattered light (E_s)
+ D = The propagation direction of the scattered light (k_s)
+ An orthogonal base is assumed.
+ Linear polarized light is displayed by e.g. "x","y" or "z"
+ Unpolarized light is displayed by "."
+ For non-orthogonal vectors, use the attribute porto_notation_vectors.
+ Scattering configuration as defined by the porto notation given by
+ respective vectors.
+ Vectors in the porto notation are defined as for A, B, C, D above.
+ Linear light polarization is assumed.
+ 3 x 4 Matrix, which lists the porto notation vectors A, B, C, D.
+ A has to be perpendicular to B and C perpendicular to D.
+ Beam which is incident to the sample.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXactivity.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXactivity.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f354de06d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXactivity.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+ A planned or unplanned action that has a temporal extension and for some time depends on some entity.
+ This class is planned be used in the future as the super class for all other activities if inheritance
+ in base classes is supported in NeXus.
+ ISO 8601 formatted time code (with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ included) when this activity started.
+ ISO 8601 formatted time code (with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ included) when this activity ended.
+ Short description of the activity.
+ This can be any data or other descriptor acquired during the activity
+ (NXnote allows to add pictures, audio, movies). Alternatively, a
+ reference to the location or a unique identifier or other metadata file. In the
+ case these are not available, free-text description.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXactuator.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXactuator.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3fe0a4108f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXactuator.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+ An actuator used to control an external condition.
+ The condition itself is described in :ref:`NXenvironment`.
+ Actuator identification code/model number
+ Name of the actuator
+ Short name of actuator used e.g. on monitor display program
+ Describe where the actuator is attached to.
+ This could be an instance of NXsample or a device on NXinstrument.
+ Name for the physical quantity effected by the actuation
+ Examples:
+ temperature | pH | magnetic_field | electric_field | current | conductivity | resistance | voltage |
+ pressure | flow | stress | strain | shear | surface_pressure
+ The type of hardware used for the actuation.
+ Examples (suggestions, but not restrictions):
+ :Temperature: laser | gas lamp | filament | resistive
+ :Pressure: anvil cell
+ :Voltage: potentiostat
+ Any output that the actuator produces.
+ For example, a heater can have the field heater_power(NX_FLOAT).
+ Time history of actuator outputs.
+ If the actuator is PID-controlled, the settings of the PID controller can be
+ stored here.
+ Nominal actuator setpoint.
+ Can be a scalar or a vector (of [n] actuations).
+ Time history of actuator setpoints.
+ Refers to the last transformation specifying the position of the actuator
+ in the NXtransformations chain.
+ This is the group recommended for holding the chain of translation
+ and rotation operations necessary to position the actuator within
+ the instrument. The dependency chain may however traverse similar groups in
+ other component groups.
+ .. index:: plotting
+ Declares which child group contains a path leading
+ to a :ref:`NXdata` group.
+ It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
+ to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted.
+ See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html
+ for a summary of the discussion.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXbeam.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXbeam.nxdl.xml
index b3a44a1dbc..3cd0d94732 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXbeam.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXbeam.nxdl.xml
@@ -61,11 +61,45 @@
Distance from sample. Note, it is recommended to use NXtransformations instead.
- Energy carried by each particle of the beam on entering the beamline component
+ Energy carried by each particle of the beam on entering the beamline component.
+ In the case of a monochromatic beam this is the scalar energy.
+ Several other use cases are permitted, depending on the
+ presence of other incident_energy_X fields.
+ * In the case of a polychromatic beam this is an array of length m of energies, with the relative weights in incident_energy_weights.
+ * In the case of a monochromatic beam that varies shot-to-shot, this is an array of energies, one for each recorded shot.
+ Here, incident_energy_weights and incident_energy_spread are not set.
+ * In the case of a polychromatic beam that varies shot-to-shot,
+ this is an array of length m with the relative weights in incident_energy_weights as a 2D array.
+ * In the case of a polychromatic beam that varies shot-to-shot and where the channels also vary,
+ this is a 2D array of dimensions nP by m (slow to fast) with the relative weights in incident_energy_weights as a 2D array.
+ Note, variants are a good way to represent several of these use cases in a single dataset,
+ e.g. if a calibrated, single-value energy value is available along with the original spectrum from which it was calibrated.
+ The energy spread FWHM for the corresponding energy(ies) in incident_energy. In the case of shot-to-shot variation in
+ the energy spread, this is a 2D array of dimension nP by m
+ (slow to fast) of the spreads of the corresponding
+ wavelength in incident_wavelength.
+ In the case of a polychromatic beam this is an array of length m of the relative
+ weights of the corresponding energies in incident_energy. In the case of a
+ polychromatic beam that varies shot-to-shot, this is a 2D array of dimensions np
+ by m (slow to fast) of the relative weights of the corresponding energies in
+ incident_energy.
Energy carried by each particle of the beam on leaving the beamline component
@@ -160,7 +194,9 @@
Size of the beam entering this component. Note this represents
- a rectangular beam aperture, and values represent FWHM
+ a rectangular beam aperture, and values represent FWHM.
+ If applicable, the first dimension shall be the horizontal extent
+ and the second dimension shall be the vertical extent.
@@ -179,6 +215,24 @@
+ The units for this observable are not included in the NIAC list.
+ Responsibility on correct formatting and parsing is handed to the user
+ by using `NX_ANY`. Correct parsing can still be implemented by using
+ this attribute.
+ | Fill with:
+ * The unit unidata symbol if the unit has one (Example: T for the unit of magnetic flux density tesla).
+ * The unit unidata name if the unit has a name (Example: farad for capacitance).
+ * A string describing the units according to unidata unit operation notation, if the unit is a complex combination of named units and
+ does not have a name.
+ Example: for lightsource brilliance (SI) 1/(s.mm2.mrad2).
+ Here: SI units are V2/m2.
Polarization vector on leaving beamline component
@@ -186,6 +240,24 @@
+ The units for this observable are not included in the NIAC list.
+ Responsibility on correct formatting and parsing is handed to the user
+ by using `NX_ANY`. Correct parsing can still be implemented by using
+ this attribute.
+ | Fill with:
+ * The unit unidata symbol if the unit has one (Example: T for the unit of magnetic flux density tesla).
+ * The unit unidata name if the unit has a name (Example: farad for capacitance).
+ * A string describing the units according to unidata unit operation notation, if the unit is a complex combination of named units and
+ does not have a name.
+ Example: for lightsource brilliance (SI) 1/(s.mm2.mrad2).
+ Here: SI units are V2/m2.
@@ -245,6 +317,87 @@
+ Energy of a single pulse at the diagnostic point
+ Average power at the diagnostic point
+ Incident fluence at the diagnostic point
+ Here: SI units are 'J/m2', customary 'mJ/cm2'.
+ FWHM duration of the pulses at the diagnostic point
+ Delay time between two pulses of a pulsed beam.
+ A reference to the beam in relation to which the delay is.
+ FROG trace of the pulse.
+ Horizontal axis of a FROG trace, i.e. delay.
+ Vertical axis of a FROG trace, i.e. frequency.
+ The type of chirp implemented
+ Group delay dispersion of the pulse for linear chirp
+ Indicates the beam device from which this beam originates.
+ This defines, whether the beam in an "input" or "output" beam.
+ Gives the beam device which this beam will interact with next.
Distribution of beam with respect to relevant variable e.g. wavelength. This is mainly
diff --git a/base_classes/NXbeam_device.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXbeam_device.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81bf135c0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXbeam_device.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+ Properties of generic beam device in an experimental setup.
+ Any beam related devices like source, detector, filter, mirror,
+ beamsplitter, ... which may modifies a beam in an experimental setup
+ can be described here with its experimental position and relationship
+ to the other beam devices in the setup.
+ Single device or list of devices pointing to the devices from which an
+ beam originated to reach this device.
+ This is used to describe a logical order of devices and for the whole setup.
+ In this way, a "beam path" can be described (i.e., with starting point (light source)
+ and end point (photo detector)).
+ Example: /entry/instrument/detector.
+ Description of the intended purpose of this device for
+ the experimental setup.
+ Name of the group with which this device can be associated.
+ For example, if a group of devices is used for second harmonic generation,
+ all these devices have the group name "second harmonic generation".
+ Is used for simplified setup vizualization (or description?).
+ Location and orientation of the device. Note that even a
+ simple distance can be given as a translation.
+ You can use the @depends_on to describe from which device
+ the transformation needs to be applied.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXbeam_transfer_matrix_table.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXbeam_transfer_matrix_table.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d61f275566
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXbeam_transfer_matrix_table.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions or parameters.
+ Length of the array associated to the data type.
+ Contains datastructures of an experimental optical setup (i.e., multiple
+ transfermatrix tables). These datastructures are used to relate physical
+ properties of two beams (NXbeam) which have one common optical element
+ (NXopt_element) (one specific transfermatrix).
+ One of these beams in an input beam and the other one is an output beam.
+ The data describes the change of beam properties, e.g. the intensity of a
+ beam is reduced because the transmission coefficient of the beam device is
+ lower than 1.
+ Select which type of data was recorded, for example aperture and
+ focal length.
+ It is possible to have multiple selections. This selection defines
+ how many columns (N_variables) are stored in the data array.
+ N in the name, is the index number in which order the given
+ property is listed.
+ Please list in this array the column and row names used in your actual data.
+ That is in the case of aperture ['diameter'] or focal length ['focal_length_value']
+ and for orientation matrix ['OM1', 'OM2', 'OM3'] or for jones matrix
+ ['JM1','JM2']
+ Contains the datastructure which relates beam properties of an
+ input and output beam as result of the input beam interaction
+ with the beam device.
+ Transfermatrix relationship between N input beams and M output beams.
+ It contains a table with the relevant matricis to be used for different
+ transmissitted properties (such as polarization, intensity, phase).
+ Data structure for all transfermatrices of an beam device in a setup.
+ For each combination of N input and M output beams and for L physical
+ concept (i.e. beam intensity), one matrix can be defined.
+ In this way, the transfermatrix table has the dimension NxM.
+ For each entry, in this transfermatrix, there are L formalisms.
+ Each formalism has the dimension math:`dim(L_i)xdim(L_i)`,
+ whereby math:`L_i` is the specific physical concept (Intensity, polarization, direction).
+ A beamsplitter with two input laser beams can have a total of
+ four transfermatrices (2 Input x 2 Output).
+ The dimension of the transfermatrix depends on the parameters.
+ Examples are:
+ 1x1 for intensity/power
+ 2x2 for jones formalism
+ 3x3 for direction
+ Square matrix with dimension N_variables x N_variables
+ Specific name of input beam which the transfermatrix table is related to.
+ Specific name of output beam which the transfermatrix table is related to.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXcalibration.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXcalibration.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..702688fc2c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXcalibration.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays
+ Number of coefficients of the calibration function
+ Number of points of the calibrated and uncalibrated axes
+ Subclass of NXprocess to describe post-processing calibrations.
+ A description of the procedures employed.
+ The physical quantity of the calibration, e.g.,
+ energy, momentum, time, etc.
+ A digital persistent identifier (e.g., DOI, ISO standard) referring to a detailed description of a
+ calibration method but no actual calibration data.
+ A digital persistent identifier (e.g., a DOI) referring to a publicly available calibration measurement
+ used for this instrument, e.g., a measurement of a known standard containing calibration information.
+ The axis values may be copied or linked in the appropriate NXcalibration fields for reference.
+ A file serialisation of a calibration which may not be publicly available (externally from the nexus file).
+ This metadata can be a documentation of the source (file) or database (entry) from which pieces
+ of information have been extracted for consumption (e.g. in a research data management system (RDMS)).
+ It is also possible to include the actual file by using the `file` field.
+ The axis values may be copied or linked in the appropriate NXcalibration fields for reference.
+ Indicates the name of the last operation applied in the NXprocess sequence.
+ Has the calibration been applied?
+ Name of the software used for this calibration.
+ Software version.
+ Vector containing the data coordinates in the original uncalibrated axis
+ The symbol of the axis to be used in the fit_function, e.g., `energy`, `E`.
+ This should comply to the following naming rules (similar to python's naming rules):
+ * A variable name must start with a letter or the underscore character
+ * A variable name cannot start with a number
+ * A variable name can only contain alpha-numeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _ )
+ * Variable names are case-sensitive (age, Age and AGE are three different variables)
+ The path from which this data is derived, e.g., raw detector axis.
+ Should be a valid NeXus path name, e.g., /entry/instrument/detector/raw.
+ Additional input axis to be used in the formula.
+ The part after `input_` is used as the symbol to be used in the `fit_function`, i.e.,
+ if the field name is `input_my_field` you should refer to this axis by `my_field` in the `fit_function`.
+ The path from which this data is derived, e.g., raw detector axis.
+ Should be a valid NeXus path name, e.g., /entry/instrument/detector/raw.
+ For non-linear energy calibrations, e.g. in a TOF, a polynomial function is fit
+ to a set of features (peaks) at well defined energy positions to determine
+ E(TOF). Here we can store the array of fit coefficients.
+ For non-linear energy calibrations. Here we can store the formula of the
+ fit function.
+ Use a0, a1, ..., an for the coefficients, corresponding to the values in the coefficients field.
+ Use x0, x1, ..., xn for the nth position in the `original_axis` field.
+ If there is the symbol attribute specified for the `original_axis` this may be used instead of x.
+ If you want to use the whole axis use `x`.
+ Alternate axis can also be available as specified by the `input_SYMBOL` field.
+ The data should then be referred here by the `SYMBOL` name, e.g., for a field
+ name `input_my_field` it should be referred here by `my_field` or `my_field0` if
+ you want to read the zeroth element of the array.
+ The formula should be numpy compliant.
+ For linear calibration. Scaling parameter.
+ This should yield the relation `calibrated_axis` = `scaling` * `original_axis` + `offset`.
+ For linear calibration. Offset parameter.
+ This should yield the relation `calibrated_axis` = `scaling` * `original_axis` + `offset`.
+ Mapping data for calibration.
+ This can be used to map data points from uncalibrated to calibrated values,
+ i.e., by multiplying each point in the input axis by the corresponding point in the mapping data.
+ A vector representing the axis after calibration, matching the data length
+ The path to which this data is written, e.g., the calibrated energy.
+ Should be a valid NeXus path name, e.g., /entry/data/energy.
+ Any data acquired/used during the calibration that does not fit the `NX_FLOAT` fields above.
+ NXdata groups can be used for multidimensional data which are relevant to the calibration
+ .. index:: plotting
+ Declares which child group contains a path leading
+ to a :ref:`NXdata` group.
+ It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
+ to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted.
+ See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html
+ for a summary of the discussion.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXchemical_process.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXchemical_process.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..437fcf0b6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXchemical_process.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+ A planned or unplanned process which results in chemical changes (i.e., changes in the chemical bonds) in a specified material.
+ Examples include any chemical reactions (addition, subtraction, replacement, ...).
+ ISO 8601 formatted time code (with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ included) when this process started.
+ ISO 8601 formatted time code (with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ included) when this process ended.
+ Short description of the chemical process.
+ Method by which this process was performed.
+ This can be any data or other descriptor acquired during the chemical process
+ (NXnote allows to add pictures, audio, movies). Alternatively, a
+ reference to the location or a unique identifier or other metadata file. In the
+ case these are not available, free-text description.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXcircuit.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXcircuit.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9648ae103a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXcircuit.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+ Base class for circuit devices.
+ Hardware type used in circuit, includes hardware manufacturers and type
+ The tunneling current between tip and sample after application of bias voltage.
+ Calibration of the current measurement (A/V).
+ Offset of the current measurement.
+ Proportional relationship between the probe output voltage and the actual
+ tunneling current when measuring the tunneling current.
+ The scan channels are selected by users (in scan contronaller).
+ The bandwitdh of the Hardware and/or Software
+ (Signals Periods) The Signals Period is the rate at which the signals are
+ transferred to the host computer running the control software. This is usually
+ lower by a factor of 10 than the sampling rate, because an internal oversampling
+ of the signal is done on the real time engine. You can reduce the oversampling
+ down to 1 in order to resolve higher frequencies in the Spectrum Analyzer.
+ Update rate for several processes like History Graph, Auto-Approach, and for
+ many Programming Interface functions. This is usually set to 20 ms. All
+ additional timings (7-9) can only be integer multiples of this value. They can
+ be set to different values, but the actual timing value will be coerced to a
+ multiple of the Acquisition Period.
+ Update rate of animated graphical indicators. These are e.g. some graphs &
+ sliders. A reasonable value is 40 ms (25 updates per second). Increase this
+ period to reduce the processor load for the graphical user interface, especially
+ on slow computers. This value is purely a user interface update rate and does
+ not affect measurements in any way.
+ Update rate of digital indicators, e.g. the numbers displayed besides each
+ slider. Here, 3 updates per second, or 300 ms is enough. This value is purely a
+ user interface update rate and does not affect measurements in any way.
+ The Measurements period is the integration time for precise measurements
+ (averaging over specified period), mostly used in sweep modules. Examples are
+ recording of a force-distance curve or a resonance of a cantilever. For fast
+ measurements with small steps, a value of 40 ms may be reasonable. For normal
+ use, 300-500 ms is a good value, but for recording a resonance of a high-Q
+ cantilever, values of several seconds might be necessary. Usually this parameter
+ doesn’t need to be set from this module; the sweep modules will set this value
+ according to the sweep timings.
+ Number of output channels
+ The user output in each monitor mode.
+ The values for each output channel.
+ User outputs whose name can be modified in the corresponding module.
+ The rate at which the one of the signal changes when ramping to the starting
+ point. (V/s)
diff --git a/base_classes/NXcomponent.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXcomponent.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d317db6803
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXcomponent.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ Base class for components of an instrument - real ones or a simulated ones.
+ Specifies the position of the component by pointing to the last
+ transformation in the transformation chain that is defined
+ via the NXtransformations group.
+ Was the component used?
+ Given name
+ Ideally, use instances of :ref:`NXidentifier` to point to a resource
+ that provides further details.
+ If such a resource does not exist or should not be used, use this, though
+ discouraged, free-text.
+ Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the
+ location and geometry of the component in the instrument.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXcoordinate_system.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXcoordinate_system.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80de81f407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXcoordinate_system.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ Base class to detail a coordinate system (CS).
+ Whenever possible, an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` should be used as
+ a member in an :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` and the name of the instance
+ should be this alias. This may support a process whereby jargon when talking
+ about coordinate systems and conventions may become cleaner for users
+ because it is not evident for people outside a lab that terms like e.g.
+ tip space or specimen space refer to the same coordinate system.
+ This is an example of jargon used in e.g. the field of atom
+ probe tomography.
+ Human-readable field telling where the origin of this CS is.
+ Exemplar values could be *left corner of the lab bench*, *door-handle*
+ *pinhole through which the electron beam exists the pole piece*.
+ *barycenter of the triangle*, *center of mass of the stone*.
+ An alternative name given to that coordinate system.
+ Coordinate system type.
+ Handedness of the coordinate system if it is a Cartesian.
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the x-axis.
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the x-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ Exemplar values could be direction of gravity.
+ Base unit vector along the first axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the x-axis in real space and
+ the i-axis in reciprocal space.
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the y-axis.
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the y-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ See docstring of x_alias for further details.
+ Base unit vector along the second axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the y-axis in real space and
+ the j-axis in reciprocal space.
+ Possibility to define an alias for the name of the z-axis.
+ Human-readable field telling in which direction the z-axis points if that
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system` has no reference to any parent and as such
+ is the mighty world reference frame.
+ See docstring of x_alias for further details.
+ Base unit vector along the third axis which spans the coordinate system.
+ This axis is frequently referred to as the z-axis in real space and
+ the k-axis in reciprocal space.
+ This specificies the relation to another coordinate system by pointing to the last
+ transformation in the transformation chain in the NXtransformations group.
+ Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe this coordinate system
+ with respect to another coordinate system.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXcoordinate_system_set.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXcoordinate_system_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a842d257d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXcoordinate_system_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+ Base class to hold different coordinate systems and representation conversions.
+ How many nodes of type :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` should be used in an application definition?
+ * 0; if there is no instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` and therein or elsewhere across
+ the application definition, an instance of NXcoordinate_system is defined,
+ the default NeXus `McStas <https://mailman2.mcstas.org/pipermail/mcstas-users/2021q2/001431.html>`_
+ coordinate system is assumed. This makes :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` and
+ NXcoordinate_system base classes backwards compatible to older
+ NeXus conventions and classes.
+ * 1; if only one :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` is defined, it should be placed
+ as high up in the node hierarchy (ideally right below an instance of NXentry)
+ of the application definition tree as possible.
+ This :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` should define at least one NXcoordinate_system
+ instance. This shall be named such that it is clear how this coordinate system is
+ typically referred to in a community. For the NeXus `McStas coordinate system, it is
+ advised to call it mcstas for the sake of improved clarity.
+ Additional NXcoordinate_system instances should be specified if possible in that same
+ :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` instead of cluttering them across the tree.
+ If this is the case, it is assumed that the NXcoordinate_system_members
+ overwrite the NeXus default McStas coordinate system, i.e. users can thereby
+ conveniently and explicitly specify the coordinate system(s) that
+ they wish to use.
+ Users are encouraged to write also explicit and clean depends_on fields in
+ all groups that encode information about where the interpretation of coordinate
+ systems is relevant. If these depends_on hints are not provided, it is
+ automatically assumed that all children (to arbitrary depth)
+ of that branch and sub-branches below the one in which that
+ :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` is defined use either the only NXcoordinate_system_set
+ instance in that set or the application definition is considered
+ underconstrained which should at all costs be avoided and in which case
+ again McStas is assumed.
+ * 2 and more; as soon as more than one :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` is specified
+ somewhere in the tree, different interpretations are possible as to which
+ of these coordinate system sets and instances apply or take preference.
+ We realize that such ambiguities should at all costs be avoided.
+ However, the opportunity for multiple sets and their instances enables to
+ have branch-specific coordinate system conventions which could especially
+ be useful for deep classes where multiple scientific methods are combined or
+ cases where having a definition of global translation and conversion tables
+ how to convert between representations in different coordinate systems
+ is not desired or available for now.
+ We argue that having 2 or more :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` instances and respective
+ NXcoordinate_system instances makes the interpretation eventually unnecessary
+ complicated. Instead, developers of application definitions should always try
+ to work for clarity and thus use only one top-level coordinate system set.
+ For these reasons we conclude that the option with one top-level
+ :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` instance is the preferred choice.
+ McStas is used if neither an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` nor an instance
+ of NXcoordinate_system is specified. However, even in this case it is better
+ to be explicit like for every other coordinate system definition to support
+ users with interpreting the content and logic behind every instance of the tree.
+ How to store coordinate systems inside :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set`?
+ Individual coordinate systems should be specified as members of the
+ :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` instance using instances of NXcoordinate_system.
+ How many individual instances of NXcoordinate_system to allow within one
+ instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set`?
+ * 0; This case should be avoided for the sake of clarity but this case could
+ mean the authors of the definition meant that McStas is used. We conclude,
+ McStas is used in this case.
+ * 1; Like above-mentioned this case has the advantage that it is explicit
+ and faces no ambiguities. However, in reality typically multiple
+ coordinate systems have to be mastered especially for complex
+ multi-signal modality experiments.
+ * 2 or more; If this case is realized, the best practice is that in every
+ case where a coordinate system should be referred to the respective class
+ has a depends_on field which resolves the possible ambiguities which specific
+ coordinate systems is referred to. The benefit of this explicit and clear
+ specifying of the coordinate system used in every case is that especially
+ in combination with having coordinate systems inside deeper branches
+ makes up for a very versatile, backwards compatible, but powerful system
+ to express different types of coordinate systems using NeXus. In the case
+ of two or more instances of NXcoordinate_system in one :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set`,
+ it is also advised to specify the relationship between the two coordinate systems by
+ using the (NXtransformations) group within NXcoordinate_system.
+ In effect, 1 should be the preferred choice. However, if more than one coordinate
+ system is defined for practical purposes, explicit depends_on fields should
+ always guide the user for each group and field which of the coordinate system
+ one refers to.
+ Convention how a positive rotation angle is defined when viewing
+ from the end of the rotation unit vector towards its origin,
+ i.e. in accordance with convention 2 of
+ DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ Counter_clockwise is equivalent to a right-handed choice.
+ Clockwise is equivalent to a left-handed choice.
+ How are rotations interpreted into an orientation
+ according to convention 3 of
+ DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ How are Euler angles interpreted given that there are several choices (e.g. zxz, xyz)
+ according to convention 4 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ The most frequently used convention is zxz, which is based on the work of H.-J. Bunge
+ but other conventions are possible. Apart from undefined, proper Euler angles
+ are distinguished from (improper) Tait-Bryan angles.
+ To which angular range is the rotation angle argument of an
+ axis-angle pair parameterization constrained according to
+ convention 5 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ Which sign convention is followed when converting orientations
+ between different parameterizations/representations according
+ to convention 6 of DOI: 10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501.
+ Details about eventually relevant named directions that may give reasons for anisotropies.
+ The classical example is mechanical processing where one has to specify which directions
+ (e.g. rolling, transverse, and normal direction) align how with the direction of the base
+ vectors of the sample_reference_frame.
+ It is assumed that the configuration is inspected by looking towards the sample surface.
+ If a detector is involved, it is assumed that the configuration is inspected from a position
+ that is located behind this detector.
+ If any of these assumptions is not met, the user is required to explicitly state this.
+ Reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008 suggest to label the
+ base vectors of this coordinate system as Xp, Yp, Zp.
+ Details about the sample_reference_frame that is typically overlaid onto the surface of the sample.
+ It is assumed that the configuration is inspected by looking towards the sample surface.
+ If a detector is involved, it is assumed that the configuration is inspected from a position
+ that is located behind this detector.
+ If any of these assumptions is not met, the user is required to explicitly state this.
+ Reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008 suggest to label the
+ base vectors of this coordinate system as Xs, Ys, Zs.
+ Details about the detector_reference_frame for a specific detector.
+ Reference DOI: 10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008 suggest to label the
+ base vectors of this coordinate system as Xd, Yd, Zd.
+ It is assumed that the configuration is inspected by looking towards the sample surface
+ from a position that is located behind the detector.
+ If any of these assumptions is not met, the user is required to explicitly state this.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
index 41d3e59355..9c26b8c9b6 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXdata.nxdl.xml
@@ -309,6 +309,20 @@
+ Points to the path of a field defining the data to which the `DATA` group refers.
+ This concept allows to link the data to a respective field in the NeXus hierarchy, thereby
+ defining the physical quantity it represents.
+ Example:
+ If the data corresponds to a readout of a detector, ``@reference`` links
+ to that detectors data:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/data' for a 2D detector
The ``AXISNAME_indices`` attribute is a single integer or an array of integers that defines which :ref:`data </NXdata/DATA-field>`
@@ -371,6 +385,30 @@
The :ref:`axes </NXdata@axes-attribute>` attribute is now preferred.
+ Points to the path of a field defining the axis to which the ``AXISNAME`` axis refers.
+ This concept allows to link an axis to a respective field in the NeXus hierarchy, thereby
+ defining the physical quantity it represents.
+ Examples:
+ If a calibration has been performed, ``@reference`` links to the result of
+ that calibration:
+ @reference: '/entry/process/calibration/calibrated_axis'
+ If the axis corresponds to a coordinate of a detector, ``@reference`` links
+ to that detector axis:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/axis/some_axis' for a 2D detector
+ If the axis is a scanned motor, ``@reference`` links to the transformation
+ describing the respective motion, e.g.:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/transformations/some_transformation' for a motion of the detector
@@ -414,6 +452,23 @@
data label
+ Points to the path of a field defining the data to which the `DATA` field refers.
+ This concept allows to link the data to a respective field in the NeXus hierarchy, thereby
+ defining the physical quantity it represents.
+ Here, *DATA* is to be replaced by the name of each
+ data field.
+ Example:
+ If the data corresponds to a readout of a detector, ``@reference`` links
+ to that detectors data:
+ @reference: '/entry/instrument/detector/data' for a 2D detector
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXdeflector.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXdeflector.nxdl.xml
similarity index 77%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXdeflector.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXdeflector.nxdl.xml
index abdea5bbbf..10e699c881 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXdeflector.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXdeflector.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Deflectors as they are used e.g. in an electron analyser.
- Qualitative type of deflector with respect to the number of pole pieces
+ Qualitative type of deflector with respect to the number of pole pieces.
@@ -36,52 +36,54 @@
Colloquial or short name for the deflector. For manufacturer names and
identifiers use respective manufacturer fields.
- Name of the manufacturer who built/constructed the deflector.
+ Ideally an identifier, persistent link, or free text which gives
+ further details about the deflector.
- Hardware name, hash identifier, or serial number that was given by the
- manufacturer to identify the deflector.
+ Excitation voltage of the deflector. For dipoles it is a single number.
+ For higher order multipoles, it is an array.
- Ideally an identifier, persistent link, or free text which gives further details
- about the deflector.
+ Excitation current of the deflector. For dipoles it is a single number. For
+ higher orders, it is an array.
- Excitation voltage of the deflector. For dipoles it is a single number. For
- higher orders, it is an array.
+ Spatial offset of the deflector in x direction (perpendicular to
+ ```offset_y```).
- Excitation current of the deflector. For dipoles it is a single number. For
- higher orders, it is an array.
+ Spatial offset of the deflector in y direction (perpendicular to
+ ```offset_x```).
Specifies the position of the deflector by pointing to the last transformation
in the transformation chain in the NXtransformations group.
Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the location and
geometry of the deflector as a component in the instrument. Conventions from the
- NXtransformations base class are used. In principle, the McStas coordinate
+ :ref:`NXtransformations` base class are used. In principle, the McStas coordinate
system is used. The first transformation has to point either to another
component of the system or . (for pointing to the reference frame) to relate it
relative to the experimental setup. Typically, the components of a system should
diff --git a/base_classes/NXdetector.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXdetector.nxdl.xml
index b555456f8e..f1ea1f2aaf 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXdetector.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXdetector.nxdl.xml
@@ -933,7 +933,57 @@
+ Type of electron amplifier, MCP, channeltron, etc.
+ Description of the detector type, DLD, Phosphor+CCD, CMOS.
+ Voltage applied to detector.
+ Voltage applied to the amplifier.
+ The low voltage of the amplifier migh not be the ground.
+ Size of each imaging sensor chip on the detector.
+ Number of imaging sensor chips on the detector.
+ Physical size of the pixels of the imaging chip on the detector.
+ Number of raw active elements in each dimension. Important for swept scans.
+ raw data output from the detector
.. index:: plotting
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXdistortion.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXdistortion.nxdl.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXdistortion.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXdistortion.nxdl.xml
diff --git a/base_classes/NXentry.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXentry.nxdl.xml
index 7c2950340b..8f8f323ca9 100755
--- a/base_classes/NXentry.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXentry.nxdl.xml
@@ -98,32 +98,62 @@
Extended title for entry
- Unique identifier for the experiment,
- defined by the facility,
- possibly linked to the proposals
+ Unique identifier for the experiment,
+ defined by the facility,
+ possibly linked to the proposals
Brief summary of the experiment, including key objectives.
Description of the full experiment (document in pdf, latex, ...)
- User or Data Acquisition defined group of NeXus files or NXentry
+ User or Data Acquisition defined group of NeXus files or NXentry
Brief summary of the collection, including grouping criteria.
unique identifier for the measurement, defined by the facility.
UUID identifier for the measurement.
Version of UUID used
+ City and country where the experiment took place
+ Start time of experimental run that includes the current
+ measurement, for example a beam time.
+ End time of experimental run that includes the current
+ measurement, for example a beam time.
+ Name of the institution hosting the facility
+ Name of the experimental facility
+ Name of the laboratory or beamline
Reserved for future use by NIAC.
@@ -227,4 +257,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/base_classes/NXenvironment.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXenvironment.nxdl.xml
index 4f878263b2..74ed194f03 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXenvironment.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXenvironment.nxdl.xml
@@ -48,6 +48,17 @@
Note, it is recommended to use NXtransformations instead.
+ This is to be used if there is no actuator/sensor that controls/measures
+ the environment parameters, but the user would still like to give a value for
+ it. An example would be a room temperature experiment where the temperature is
+ not actively measured, but rather estimated.
+ Note that this method for recording the environment parameters is not advised,
+ but using NXsensor and NXactuator is strongly recommended instead.
NeXus positions components by applying a set of translations and rotations
@@ -69,6 +80,29 @@
Additional information, LabView logs, digital photographs, etc
+ Any actuator used to control the environment. This can be linked to an actuator
+ defined in an NXinstrument instance.
+ Any sensor used to monitor the environment. This can be linked to a sensor
+ defined in an NXinstrument instance.
+ .. index:: plotting
+ Declares which child group contains a path leading
+ to a :ref:`NXdata` group.
+ It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
+ to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted.
+ See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html
+ for a summary of the discussion.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXfabrication.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXfabrication.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..76f48e3b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXfabrication.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+ Details about a component as it is defined by its manufacturer.
+ Company name of the manufacturer.
+ Version or model of the component named by the manufacturer.
+ If different versions exist are possible, the value in this field should be made
+ specific enough to resolve the version.
+ Ideally, (globally) unique persistent identifier. This may contain e.g. a hash
+ identifier of the component.
+ Serial number of the component.
+ Datetime of components initial construction. This refers to the date of
+ first measurement after new construction or to the relocation date,
+ if it describes a multicomponent/custom-build setup.
+ Should be a ISO8601 date/time stamp. It is recommended to add an explicit time zone,
+ otherwise the local time zone is assumed per ISO8601.
+ Free-text list with eventually multiple terms of
+ functionalities which the component offers.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXhistory.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXhistory.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9dfa25d722
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXhistory.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ A set of activities that occurred to a physical entity prior/during experiment.
+ Ideally, a full report of the previous operations (or links to a chain of operations).
+ Alternatively, notes allow for additional descriptors in any format.
+ Any activity that was performed on the physical entity prior or during the experiment. In
+ the future, if there is base class inheritance, this can describe any activity,
+ including processes and measurements.
+ Any physical process that was performed on the physical entity prior or during the
+ experiment.
+ Any chemical process that was performed on the physical entity prior or during the
+ experiment.
+ An ID or reference to the location or a unique (globally
+ persistent) identifier of e.g. another file which gives
+ as many as possible details of the history event.
+ A descriptor to keep track of the treatment of the physical entity before or during the
+ experiment (NXnote allows to add pictures, audio, movies). Alternatively, a
+ reference to the location or a unique identifier or other metadata file. In the
+ case these are not available, free-text description.
+ This should only be used in case that there is no rigorous description
+ using the base classes above. This field can also be used to pull in any activities
+ that are not well described by an existing base class definition.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXfabrication.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXidentifier.nxdl.xml
similarity index 55%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXfabrication.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXidentifier.nxdl.xml
index 1f940f0795..ce05800f9e 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXfabrication.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXidentifier.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
- Details about a component as defined by its manufacturer.
+ An identifier for a (persistent) resource, e.g., a DOI or orcid.
- Company name of the manufacturer.
- Version or model of the component named by the manufacturer.
+ The service by which the resource can be resolved.
+ Examples: doi, urn, hdl, purl, orcid, iso, url
- Ideally, (globally) unique persistent identifier, i.e.
- a serial number or hash identifier of the component.
+ The unique code, IRI or hash to resolve this reference.
+ Typically, this is stated by the service which is considered a complete
+ identifier, e.g., for a DOI it's something of the form `10.1107/S1600576714027575`
+ or `https://doi.org/10.1107/S1600576714027575`, which are both resolvable.
- Free-text list with eventually multiple terms of
- functionalities which the component offers.
+ True if the identifier is persistent (i.e., unique and available indefinitely),
+ False otherwise.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXinstrument.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXinstrument.nxdl.xml
index 15e7645403..197163ff38 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXinstrument.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXinstrument.nxdl.xml
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
short name for instrument, perhaps the acronym
@@ -55,16 +56,20 @@
diff --git a/base_classes/NXlens_em.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXlens_em.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e878d25e35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXlens_em.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+ Base class for an electro-magnetic lens or a compound lens.
+ For :ref:`NXtransformations` the origin of the coordinate system is placed
+ in the center of the lens (its polepiece, pinhole, or another
+ point of reference). The origin should be specified in the :ref:`NXtransformations`.
+ For details of electro-magnetic lenses in the literature
+ see e.g. `L. Reimer <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-38967-5>`_
+ Descriptor for the lens excitation when the exact technical details
+ are unknown or not directly controllable as the control software of
+ the microscope does not enable or was not configured to display these
+ values (for end users).
+ Although this value does not document the exact physical voltage or
+ excitation, it can still give useful context to reproduce the lens
+ setting, provided a properly working instrument and software sets the lens
+ into a similar state to the technical level possible when no more
+ information is available physically or accessible legally.
+ Descriptor for the operation mode of the lens when other details are not
+ directly controllable as the control software of the microscope
+ does not enable or is not configured to display these values.
+ Like value, the mode can only be interpreted for a specific microscope
+ but can still be useful to guide users as to how to repeat the measurement.
+ Excitation voltage of the lens.
+ For dipoles it is a single number.
+ For higher order multipoles, it is an array.
+ Excitation current of the lens.
+ For dipoles it is a single number.
+ For higher-order multipoles, it is an array.
+ Qualitative type of lens with respect to the number of pole pieces.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXlens_opt.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXlens_opt.nxdl.xml
similarity index 92%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXlens_opt.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXlens_opt.nxdl.xml
index 753a58e550..f413dc19f0 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXlens_opt.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXlens_opt.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -104,8 +105,10 @@
If the lens has a coating describe the material and its properties.
Some basic information can be found e.g. [here]
@@ -182,4 +185,14 @@ the lens has different coatings on the front and back side.-->
Abbe number (or V-number) of the lens.
+ The numerical aperture of the used incident light optics.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXmanipulator.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXmanipulator.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a057a167df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXmanipulator.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+ Extension of NXpositioner to include fields to describe the use of manipulators
+ in photoemission experiments.
+ Name of the manipulator.
+ A description of the manipulator.
+ Type of manipulator, Hexapod, Rod, etc.
+ Cryostat for cooling the sample.
+ In case of a fixed or averaged cooling temperature, this is the scalar temperature setpoint.
+ It can also be a 1D array of temperature setpoints (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the temperature is changed and the setpoints are
+ recorded with time stamps, this is an array of length m of temperature setpoints.
+ Temperature sensor measuring the sample temperature.
+ In case of a single or averaged temperature measurement, this is the scalar temperature measured
+ by the sample temperature sensor. It can also be a 1D array of measured temperatures
+ (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the temperature changes and is recorded with time stamps,
+ this is an array of length m of temperatures.
+ Device to heat the sample.
+ In case of a fixed or averaged heating power, this is the scalar heater power.
+ It can also be a 1D array of heater powers (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the heater power is changed and recorded with time stamps,
+ this is an array of length m of temperature setpoints.
+ In case of a fixed or averaged temperature, this is the scalar temperature setpoint.
+ It can also be a 1D array of temperature setpoints (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the temperature is changed and the setpoints are
+ recorded with time stamps, this is an array of length m of temperature setpoints.
+ Amperemeter measuring the drain current of the sample and sample holder.
+ In case of a single or averaged drain current measurement, this is the scalar drain current measured between
+ the sample and sample holder. It can also be an 1D array of measured currents (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the current changes and is recorded with
+ time stamps, this is an array of length m of currents.
+ Actuator applying a voltage to sample and sample holder.
+ In case of a fixed or averaged applied bias, this is the scalar voltage applied between
+ sample and sample holder. It can also be an 1D array of voltage setpoints (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the bias is changed and the setpoints are
+ recorded with time stamps, this is an array of length m of voltage setpoints.
+ Sensor measuring the voltage applied to sample and sample holder.
+ In case of a single or averaged bias measurement, this is the scalar voltage measured between
+ sample and sample holder. It can also be an 1D array of measured voltages (without time stamps).
+ In the case of an experiment in which the bias changes and is recorded with
+ time stamps, this is an array of length m of voltages.
+ Any additional actuator on the manipulator used to control an external
+ condition.
+ Any additional sensors on the manipulator used to monitor an external condition.
+ Class to describe the motors that are used in the manipulator
+ Refers to the last transformation specifying the positon of the manipulator in
+ the NXtransformations chain.
+ Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the location and
+ geometry of the manipulator as a component in the instrument. Conventions from
+ the NXtransformations base class are used. In principle, the McStas coordinate
+ system is used. The first transformation has to point either to another
+ component of the system or . (for pointing to the reference frame) to relate it
+ relative to the experimental setup. Typically, the components of a system should
+ all be related relative to each other and only one component should relate to
+ the reference coordinate system.
+ .. index:: plotting
+ Declares which child group contains a path leading
+ to a :ref:`NXdata` group.
+ It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
+ to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted.
+ See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html
+ for a summary of the discussion.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXopt_window.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXopt_window.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f1fc90e670
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXopt_window.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+ A window of a cryostat, heater, vacuum chamber or a simple glass slide.
+ This first verion originates from NXopt to describe cryostate windows
+ and possible influences for ellipsometry measurements.
+ For environmental measurements, the environment (liquid, vapor
+ etc.) is enclosed in a cell, which has windows both in the
+ direction of the source (entry window) and the detector (exit
+ window) (looking from the sample). In case that the entry and exit
+ windows are not the same type and do not have the same properties,
+ use a second 'WINDOW(NXaperture)' field.
+ The windows also add a phase shift to the light altering the
+ measured signal. This shift has to be corrected based on measuring
+ a known sample (reference sample) or the actual sample of interest
+ in the environmental cell. State if a window correction has been
+ performed in 'window_effects_corrected'. Reference data should be
+ considered as a separate experiment, and a link to the NeXus file
+ should be added in reference_data_link in measured_data.
+ The window is considered to be a part of the sample stage but also
+ beam path. Hence, its position within the beam path should be
+ defined by the 'depends_on' field.
+ Was a window correction performed? If 'True' describe the window
+ correction procedure in 'window_correction/procedure'.
+ Type of effects due to this window on the measurement.
+ Was a window correction performed? If 'True' describe the
+ window correction procedure in ''
+ Describe when (before or after the main measurement + time
+ stamp in 'date') and how the window effects have been
+ corrected, i.e. either mathematically or by performing a
+ reference measurement. In the latter case, provide the link to
+ to the reference data in 'reference_data_link'.
+ Link to the NeXus file which describes the reference data if a
+ reference measurement for window correction was performed.
+ Ideally, the reference measurement was performed on a reference
+ sample and on the same sample, and using the same conditions as
+ for the actual measurement with and without windows. It should
+ have been conducted as close in time to the actual measurement
+ as possible.
+ The material of the window.
+ If you specified 'other' as material, decsribe here what it is.
+ Thickness of the window.
+ Angle of the window normal (outer) vs. the substrate normal
+ (similar to the angle of incidence).
diff --git a/base_classes/NXphysical_process.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXphysical_process.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d422e516c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXphysical_process.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+ A planned or unplanned process which results in physical changes in a specified material.
+ A physical change involve changes only in intermolecular forces, not in the chemical bonds.
+ Examples include sample preparation, material transformation, or (partially) destructive measurements.
+ ISO 8601 formatted time code (with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ included) when this process started.
+ ISO 8601 formatted time code (with local time zone offset to UTC information
+ included) when this process ended.
+ Short description of the activity.
+ Method by which this process was performed.
+ This can be any data or other descriptor acquired during the physical process
+ (NXnote allows to add pictures, audio, movies). Alternatively, a
+ reference to the location or a unique identifier or other metadata file. In the
+ case these are not available, free-text description.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXpid.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXpid.nxdl.xml
similarity index 70%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXpid.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXpid.nxdl.xml
index 62fad3f835..4941cac937 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXpid.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXpid.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
Contains the settings of a PID controller.
@@ -53,12 +53,18 @@
It can also be a link to an NXsensor.value field.
+ Time log of the setpoint(s) used as an input for the PID controller.
Proportional term. The proportional term produces an output value
that is proportional to the current error value.
The proportional response can be adjusted by multiplying the error
by a constant Kp, called the proportional gain constant.
+ The Type switches controller parameters between P/I (proportional gain/integral gain) and P/T (proportional gain/time constant). The formula for the controller in the frequency domain is G(s) = P + I/s = P(1 + 1/(Ts)). The integral gain and time constant are related as follows I = P/T.
@@ -81,4 +87,25 @@
action is termed the derivative gain, K_d
+ The Type switches controller parameters between P/I (proportional gain/integral
+ gain) and P/T (proportional gain/time constant). The formula for the controller
+ in the frequency domain is G(s) = P + I/s = P(1 + 1/(Ts)). The integral gain and
+ time constant are related as follows I = P/T.
+ .. index:: plotting
+ Declares which child group contains a path leading
+ to a :ref:`NXdata` group.
+ It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
+ to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted.
+ See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html
+ for a summary of the discussion.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXprocess.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXprocess.nxdl.xml
index d7d1a80f84..7a9cecd4d5 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXprocess.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXprocess.nxdl.xml
@@ -43,6 +43,21 @@
Date and time of processing.
+ Describes the operations of image registration
+ Describes the operations of image distortion correction
+ Describes the operations of calibration procedures, e.g. axis calibrations.
The note will contain information about how the data was processed
@@ -67,4 +82,3 @@
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXprogram.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXprogram.nxdl.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXprogram.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXprogram.nxdl.xml
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXregistration.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXregistration.nxdl.xml
similarity index 100%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXregistration.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXregistration.nxdl.xml
diff --git a/base_classes/NXresolution.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXresolution.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4197d55506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXresolution.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ Describes the resolution of a physical quantity.
+ The physical quantity of the resolution, e.g.,
+ energy, momentum, time, etc.
+ The process by which the resolution was determined.
+ Additional details of the estimate or description of the calibration procedure
+ The resolution of the physical quantity.
+ Standard deviation of the resolution of the physical quantity.
+ Ratio of the resolution at a specified measurand value to that measurand value,
+ Standard deviation of the relative resolution of the physical quantity.
+ The response of the instrument or part to a infinitesimally sharp input signal
+ along the physical quantity of this group.
+ This is also sometimes called instrument response function for time resolution or
+ point spread function for spatial response.
+ The resolution is typically determined by taking the full width at half maximum (FWHM)
+ of the response function.
+ The input axis or grid of the response function.
+ The unit should match the one of the resolution field.
+ The magnitude of the response function corresponding to the points
+ in the input axis or grid.
+ This field should have the same dimensions as `input`.
+ A symbol linking to another path in this appdef to be referred to from the
+ `resolution_formula` field. This should be a valid path inside this application
+ definition, i.e., of the form /entry/instrument/my_part/my_field.
+ A resolution formula to determine the resolution from a set of symbols as
+ entered by the `formula_...` fields.
+ The output unit should match the provided unit of this field.
+ .. index:: plotting
+ Declares which child group contains a path leading
+ to a :ref:`NXdata` group.
+ It is recommended (as of NIAC2014) to use this attribute
+ to help define the path to the default dataset to be plotted.
+ See https://www.nexusformat.org/2014_How_to_find_default_data.html
+ for a summary of the discussion.
+ For storing details and data of a calibration to derive a resolution from data.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXrotation_set.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXrotation_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f47e3fb89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXrotation_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+ The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays.
+ The cardinality of the set, i.e. the number of value tuples.
+ How many phases with usually different crystal and symmetry are distinguished.
+ Base class to detail a set of rotations, orientations, and disorientations.
+ For getting a more detailed insight into the discussion of the
+ parameterized description of orientations in materials science see:
+ * `H.-J. Bunge <https://doi.org/10.1016/C2013-0-11769-2>`_
+ * `T. B. Britton et al. <https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matchar.2016.04.008>`_
+ * `D. Rowenhorst et al. <https://doi.org/10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501>`_
+ * `A. Morawiec <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-09156-2>`_
+ Once orientations are defined, one can continue to characterize the
+ misorientation and specifically the disorientation. The misorientation describes
+ the rotation that is required to register the lattices of two oriented objects
+ (like crystal lattice) into a crystallographic equivalent orientation:
+ * `R. Bonnet <https://doi.org/10.1107/S0567739480000186>`_
+ Reference to an instance of :ref:`NXcoordinate_system_set` which contextualizes
+ how the here reported parameterized quantities can be interpreted.
+ Point group which defines the symmetry of the crystal.
+ This has to be at least a single string. If crystal_symmetry is not
+ provided point group 1 is assumed.
+ In the case that misorientation or disorientation fields are used
+ and the two crystal sets resolve for phases with a different
+ crystal symmetry, this field has to encode two string.
+ In this case the first string is for phase A the second one for phase B.
+ An example of this most complex case is the description of the
+ disorientation between crystals adjoining a hetero-phase boundary.
+ Point group which defines an assumed symmetry imprinted upon processing
+ the material/sample which could give rise to or may justify to use a
+ simplified description of rotations, orientations, misorientations,
+ and disorientations via numerical procedures that are known as
+ symmetrization.
+ If sample_symmetry is not provided point group 1 is assumed.
+ The traditionally used symmetrization operations within the texture
+ community in Materials Science, though, are thanks to methodology and
+ software improvements no longer strictly needed. Therefore, users are
+ encouraged to set the sample_symmetry to 1 (triclinic) and thus assume
+ there is no justification to assume the imprinting of additional
+ symmetry because of the processing.
+ In practice one often faces situations where indeed these assumed
+ symmetries are anyway not fully observed, and thus an accepting of
+ eventual inaccuracies just for the sake of reporting a simplified
+ symmetrized description should be avoided.
+ The set of rotations expressed in quaternion parameterization considering
+ crystal_symmetry and sample_symmetry. Rotations which should be
+ interpreted as antipodal are not marked as such.
+ The set of rotations expressed in Euler angle parameterization considering
+ the same applied symmetries as detailed for the field rotation_quaternion.
+ To interpret Euler angles correctly, it is necessary to inspect the
+ conventions behind depends_on to resolve which of the many Euler-angle
+ conventions possible (Bunge ZXZ, XYZ, Kocks, Tait, etc.) were used.
+ True for all those value tuples which have assumed antipodal symmetry.
+ False for all others.
+ The set of orientations expressed in quaternion parameterization and
+ obeying symmetry for equivalent cases as detailed in crystal_symmetry
+ and sample_symmetry. The supplementary field is_antipodal can be used
+ to mark orientations with the antipodal property.
+ The set of orientations expressed in Euler angle parameterization following
+ the same assumptions like for orientation_quaternion.
+ To interpret Euler angles correctly, it is necessary to inspect the
+ conventions behind depends_on to resolve which of the many Euler-angle
+ conventions possible (Bunge ZXZ, XYZ, Kocks, Tait, etc.) were used.
+ The set of misorientations expressed in quaternion parameterization
+ obeying symmetry operations for equivalent misorientations
+ as defined by crystal_symmetry and sample_symmetry.
+ Misorientation angular argument (eventually signed) following the same
+ symmetry assumptions as expressed for the field misorientation_quaternion.
+ Misorientation axis (normalized) and signed following the same
+ symmetry assumptions as expressed for the field misorientation_angle.
+ The set of disorientation expressed in quaternion parameterization
+ obeying symmetry operations for equivalent misorientations
+ as defined by crystal_symmetry and sample_symmetry.
+ Disorientation angular argument (should not be signed, see
+ `D. Rowenhorst et al. <https://doi.org/10.1088/0965-0393/23/8/083501>`_)
+ following the same symmetry assumptions as expressed for the field
+ disorientation_quaternion.
+ Disorientation axis (normalized) following the same symmetry assumptions
+ as expressed for the field disorientation_angle.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsample.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsample.nxdl.xml
index c101fcb56f..4b15f3b8fa 100755
--- a/base_classes/NXsample.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXsample.nxdl.xml
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
Descriptive name of sample
+ Identification number or signatures of the sample used.
The chemical formula specified using CIF conventions.
@@ -379,13 +382,63 @@
- Any positioner (motor, PZT, ...) used to locate the sample
- This group describes the shape of the sample
+ Any positioner (motor, PZT, ...) used to locate the sample
+ This group describes the shape of the sample
+ Physical form of the sample material.
+ Examples include single crystal, foil, pellet, powder, thin film, disc, foam, gas, liquid, amorphous.
+ If the sample is a single crystal, add description of single crystal and unit
+ cell.
+ Set of sample components and their configuration.
+ There can only be one NXsample_component_set in one component.
+ If the sample is made from a pure substance and cannot be further divided using
+ NXsample_component.
+ Details about the sample vendor (company or research group)
+ An (ideally) globally unique identifier for the sample.
+ Any environmental or external stimuli/measurements.
+ These can include, among others:
+ applied pressure, surrounding gas phase and gas pressure,
+ external electric/magnetic/mechanical fields, temperature, ...
+ A set of physical processes that occurred to the sample prior/during experiment.
.. index:: plotting
@@ -418,4 +471,3 @@
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsample_component.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsample_component.nxdl.xml
index 1b5a282613..3c4670a148 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXsample_component.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXsample_component.nxdl.xml
@@ -38,11 +38,16 @@
- One group like this per component can be recorded For a sample consisting of multiple components.
+ One group like this per component can be recorded for a sample consisting of multiple components.
Descriptive name of sample component
+ Identification number or signatures of the sample component used.
The chemical formula specified using CIF conventions.
@@ -139,6 +144,48 @@
As a function of Wavelength
+ If the component is a single crystal, add description of single crystal and unit
+ cell.
+ Set of sub-components and their configuration.
+ There can only be one NXsample_component_set in one component.
+ If the component is made from a pure substance and cannot be further divided
+ using NXsample_component.
+ Details about the sample component vendor (company or research group)
+ An (ideally) globally unique identifier for the sample component.
+ A set of physical processes that occurred to the sample component prior/during
+ experiment.
+ Any NXsample_component depends on the instance of NXsample_component_set, at the same level of
+ description granularity where the component is located.
.. index:: plotting
@@ -152,4 +199,4 @@
for a summary of the discussion.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsample_component_set.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsample_component_set.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa3a0e794f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXsample_component_set.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ number of components
+ Set of sample components and their configuration.
+ The idea here is to have a united place for all materials descriptors that are not
+ part of the individual sample components, but rather their configuration.
+ Array of strings referring to the names of the NXsample_components.
+ The order of these components serves as an index (starting at 1).
+ Concentration of each component
+ Volume fraction of each component
+ Scattering length density of each component
+ Each component set can contain multiple components.
+ For description of a sub-component set. Can contain multiple components itself.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsensor.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsensor.nxdl.xml
index 5917c370f3..7c2e5fce39 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXsensor.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXsensor.nxdl.xml
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
@@ -154,6 +155,7 @@
This group describes the shape of the sensor when necessary.
.. index:: plotting
@@ -190,4 +192,3 @@
diff --git a/base_classes/NXserialized.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXserialized.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fda0769482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXserialized.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ Metadata to a set of pieces of information of a resource that has been serialized.
+ A typical use case is the documentation of the source (file) or database (entry)
+ from which pieces of information have been extracted for consumption in e.g. a
+ research data management system (RDMS). This may be for reasons of enabling
+ services such as providing access to normalized information for which reading
+ again from the resource may not be desired, possibe, or feasible.
+ Possible reasons could be the extraction of specific information for caching,
+ performance reasons, or re-evaluate given pieces of information based on other
+ views and interaction patterns with the data where information has been formatted
+ differently by tools than how these pieces of information were originally
+ serialized.
+ Answers into what resource the information was serialized.
+ Path to the resource.
+ E.g. the name of a file or its absolute or relative path, or the
+ identifier to a resource in another database.
+ Value of the hash that is obtained when running algorithm
+ on the content of the resource referred to by path.
+ Name of the algorithm whereby the checksum was computed.
+ Extracted file containing the serialized information.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsingle_crystal.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsingle_crystal.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..44f6e92c30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXsingle_crystal.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ Description of a single crystal material or a single crystalline phase in a material.
+ There is the option of using Busing-Levy convention (as orginally designed in NXsample)
+ or using a more detailed description with NXrotation_set.
+ This will follow the Busing-Levy convention:
+ W. R. Busing and H. A. Levy (1967). Acta Cryst. 22, 457-464
+ Orientation matrix of single crystal sample using Busing-Levy convention:
+ W. R. Busing and H. A. Levy (1967). Acta Cryst. 22, 457-464
+ UB matrix of single crystal sample using Busing-Levy convention:
+ W. R. Busing and H. A. Levy (1967). Acta Cryst. 22, 457-464. This is
+ the multiplication of the orientation_matrix, given above,
+ with the :math:`B` matrix which can be derived from the lattice constants.
+ Detailed description of single crystal orientation and misorientation.
+ Unit cell of the single crystal.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsource.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsource.nxdl.xml
index 16974c945f..3743fb4218 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXsource.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXsource.nxdl.xml
@@ -240,6 +240,11 @@
Deflectors inside the source.
+ Individual electromagnetic lenses inside the source.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsubentry.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsubentry.nxdl.xml
index 2a95f45019..726080c202 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXsubentry.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXsubentry.nxdl.xml
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
Extended title for entry
Unique identifier for the experiment, defined by
the facility, possibly linked to the proposals
@@ -95,13 +95,13 @@
Description of the full experiment (document in pdf, latex, ...)
User or Data Acquisition defined group of NeXus files or :ref:`NXentry`
Brief summary of the collection, including grouping criteria.
unique identifier for the measurement, defined by the facility.
@@ -185,5 +185,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/base_classes/NXsubstance.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXsubstance.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6d246ca224
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXsubstance.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
+ A form of matter with a constant, definite chemical composition.
+ Examples can be single chemical elements, chemical compunds, or alloys.
+ For further information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_substance.
+ User-defined chemical name of the substance
+ Molecular mass of the substance
+ Unique numeric CAS REGISTRY number of the sample chemical content
+ For further information, see https://www.cas.org/.
+ CAS REGISTRY name of the sample chemical content
+ Synonyms in the CAS system.
+ String InChi identifier.
+ The InChI identifier expresses chemical structures in terms of atomic connectivity,
+ tautomeric state, isotopes, stereochemistry and electronic charge in order to
+ produce a string of machine-readable characters unique to the respective molecule.
+ For further information, see https://iupac.org/who-we-are/divisions/division-details/inchi/.
+ Condensed, 27 character InChI key.
+ Hashed version of the full InChI (using the SHA-256 algorithm).
+ Name according to the IUPAC system (standard).
+ For further information, see https://iupac.org/.
+ Identifier in the SMILES (Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry System) system
+ For further information, see https://www.daylight.com/smiles/.
+ Canonical version of the smiles identifier
+ The chemical formula specified using CIF conventions.
+ Abbreviated version of CIF standard:107
+ This is the *Hill* system used by Chemical Abstracts.
+ * Only recognized element symbols may be used.
+ * Each element symbol is followed by a 'count' number. A count of '1' may be omitted.
+ * A space or parenthesis must separate each cluster of (element symbol + count).
+ * Where a group of elements is enclosed in parentheses, the multiplier for the
+ group must follow the closing parentheses. That is, all element and group
+ multipliers are assumed to be printed as subscripted numbers.
+ * Unless the elements are ordered in a manner that corresponds to their chemical
+ structure, the order of the elements within any group or moiety depends on
+ whether or not carbon is present.
+ * If carbon is present, the order should be:
+ - C, then H, then the other elements in alphabetical order of their symbol.
+ - If carbon is not present, the elements are listed purely in alphabetic order of their symbol.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXtransformations.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXtransformations.nxdl.xml
index c8337ce725..fd40f89e48 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXtransformations.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXtransformations.nxdl.xml
@@ -170,8 +170,9 @@
- Points to the path to a field defining the axis on which this
- depends or the string ".".
+ Points to the path of a field defining the axis on which this instance of
+ NXtransformations depends or the string ".". It can also point to an instance of
+ ``NX_coordinate_system`` if this transformation depends on it.
@@ -202,7 +203,7 @@
the corresponding axis moves during the exposure of a frame. Ideally, the
value of this field added to each value of ``AXISNAME`` would agree with the
corresponding values of ``AXISNAME_end``, but there is a possibility of significant
- differences. Use of ``AXISNAME_end`` is recommended.
+ differences. Use of ``AXISNAME_end`` is recommended.
@@ -218,4 +219,4 @@
for a summary of the discussion.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/base_classes/NXunit_cell.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXunit_cell.nxdl.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b20c22cbc1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base_classes/NXunit_cell.nxdl.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+ Number of atom positions.
+ Description of a unit cell, i.e., the crystal structure of a single
+ thermodynamic phase.
+ Identifier of an entry resolvable via crystallographic_database
+ which was used for creating this structure model.
+ Name of the crystallographic database to resolve
+ crystallographic_database_identifier e.g. COD, ICSD, or others.
+ A lattice system is a group of lattices with the same set of lattice point groups.
+ For further information, see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crystal_system.
+ Crystallographic space group.
+ A space group is the symmetry group of a repeating pattern in space.
+ For further information, see International Table for Crystallography (https://it.iucr.org/).
+ Crystallographic point group.
+ A crystallographic point group is a set of symmetry operations, corresponding to one of the point groups in three dimensions,
+ such that each operation (perhaps followed by a translation) would leave the structure of a crystal unchanged.
+ This field should use Schoenflies notation (see Schoenflies, A., Krystallsysteme und Krystallstructur, 1891).
+ For further information, see https://dictionary.iucr.org/Point_group.
+ Laue group (also called Laue class).
+ The Laue classes are eleven geometric crystal classes containing centrosymmetric crystallographic types of point groups and their subgroups.
+ When absorption is negligible and Friedel's law applies, it is impossible to distinguish by diffraction between a centrosymmetric point group
+ and one of its non-centrosymmetric subgroups; only point groups belonging to different Laue classes can then be distinguished.
+ For further information, see https://dictionary.iucr.org/Laue_class.
+ Crystallography unit cell parameters a, b, and c
+ Crystallography unit cell vector a
+ For definining which coordinate system the unit cell vector a is defined in.
+ Crystallography unit cell vector b
+ For definining which coordinate system the unit cell vector b is defined in.
+ Crystallography unit cell vector c
+ For definining which coordinate system the unit cell vector c is defined in.
+ Crystallography unit cell angles alpha, beta, and gamma
+ Volume of the unit cell
+ True if space group is considered a centrosymmetric one.
+ False if space group is considered a non-centrosymmetric one.
+ Centrosymmetric has all types and combinations of symmetry elements
+ (translation, rotational axis, mirror planes, center of inversion)
+ Non-centrosymmetric compared to centrosymmetric is constrained (no inversion).
+ Chiral compared to non-centrosymmetric is constrained (no mirror planes).
+ True if space group is considered a chiral one.
+ False if space group is consider a non-chiral one.
+ Identifier for the phase.
+ The value 0 is reserved for the unknown phase which represents the null-model
+ that no phase model was sufficiently significantly confirmed.
+ Trivial name of the phase/alias.
+ Labels for each atom position
+ The hash value :math:`H` is :math:`H = Z + N \cdot 256` with :math:`Z`
+ the number of protons and :math:`N` the number of neutrons
+ of each isotope respectively. :math:`Z` and :math:`N` have to be 8-bit unsigned integers.
+ For the rationale behind this `M. Kühbach et al. (2021) <https://doi.org/10.1017/S1431927621012241>`_
+ Atom positions x, y, z.
+ Reference to an instance of NXcoordinate_system whereby the positions can be
+ resolved.
+ Relative occupancy of the atom position.
+ For definining which coordinate system the unit cell parameters are defined in.
diff --git a/base_classes/NXuser.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXuser.nxdl.xml
index 607d50e90a..e014584c2b 100644
--- a/base_classes/NXuser.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXuser.nxdl.xml
@@ -66,12 +66,13 @@
address/contact database
- an author code, Open Researcher and Contributor ID,
- defined by https://orcid.org and expressed as a URI
+ Details about an author code, open researcher, or contributor
+ (persistent) identifier, e.g. defined by https://orcid.org and expressed
+ as a URI.
.. index:: plotting
@@ -85,5 +86,4 @@
for a summary of the discussion.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXwaveplate.nxdl.xml b/base_classes/NXwaveplate.nxdl.xml
similarity index 95%
rename from contributed_definitions/NXwaveplate.nxdl.xml
rename to base_classes/NXwaveplate.nxdl.xml
index 52abcb0baa..02178ac9fa 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXwaveplate.nxdl.xml
+++ b/base_classes/NXwaveplate.nxdl.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
@@ -83,6 +84,11 @@
+ Wavelength resolved retardence of the waveplate.
Diameter of the waveplate.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcalibration.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcalibration.nxdl.xml
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--- a/contributed_definitions/NXcalibration.nxdl.xml
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- The symbols used in the schema to specify e.g. dimensions of arrays
- Number of coefficients of the calibration function
- Number of features used to fit the calibration function
- Number of points of the calibrated and uncalibrated axes
- Subclass of NXprocess to describe post-processing calibrations.
- Indicates the name of the last operation applied in the NXprocess sequence.
- Has the calibration been applied?
- For non-linear energy calibrations, e.g. in a TOF, a polynomial function is fit
- to a set of features (peaks) at well defined energy positions to determine
- E(TOF). Here we can store the array of fit coefficients.
- For non-linear energy calibrations. Here we can store the formula of the
- fit function.
- Use a0, a1, ..., an for the coefficients, corresponding to the values in the coefficients field.
- Use x0, x1, ..., xn for the variables.
- The formula should be numpy compliant.
- For linear calibration. Scaling parameter.
- For linear calibration. Offset parameter.
- A vector representing the axis after calibration, matching the data length
- Vector containing the data coordinates in the original uncalibrated axis
- A description of the procedures employed.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXcoordinate_system_set.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXcoordinate_system_set.nxdl.xml
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--- a/contributed_definitions/NXcoordinate_system_set.nxdl.xml
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- Container to hold different coordinate systems conventions.
- It is the purpose of this base class to define these conventions and
- offer a place to store mappings between different coordinate systems
- which are relevant for the interpretation of the data described
- by the application definition and base class instances.
- For each Cartesian coordinate system users should use a set of
- NXtransformations:
- * These should define the three base vectors.
- * The location of the origin.
- * The affine transformations which bring each axis of this coordinate system
- into registration with the McStas coordinate system.
- * Equally, affine transformations should be given for the inverse mapping.
- As an example one may take an experiment or computer simulation where
- there is a laboratory (lab) coordinate system, a sample/specimen coordinate
- system, a crystal coordinate system, and additional coordinate systems,
- which are eventually attached to components of the instrument.
- If no additional transformation is specified in this group or if an
- instance of an NXcoordinate_system_set is absent it should be assumed
- the so-called McStas coordinate system is used.
- Many application definitions in NeXus refer to this `McStas <https://mailman2.mcstas.org/pipermail/mcstas-users/2021q2/001431.html>`_ coordinate system.
- This is a Cartesian coordinate system whose z axis points along the neutron
- propagation axis. The systems y axis is vertical up, while the x axis points
- left when looking along the z-axis. Thus, McStas is a right-handed coordinate system.
- Within each NXtransformations a depends_on section is required. The depends_on
- field specifies if the coordinate system is the root/reference
- (which is indicated by writing "." in the depends_on section.)
- A group of transformations which specify:
- * Three base vectors of the coordinate system.
- * Origin of the coordinate system.
- * A depends_on keyword. Its value can be "." or the name of an
- NXtransformations instance which needs to exist in the
- NXcoordinate_system_set instance.
- * If the coordinate system is the reference one it has to be named
- reference.
- In case of having more than one NXtransformations there has to be for
- each additional coordinate system, i.e. the one not the reference:
- * A set of translations and rotations which map each base vector to the reference.
- * A set of translations and rotations which map each reference base vector
- to the coordinate system.
- The NXtransformations for these mappings need to be formatted
- according to the descriptions in NXtransformations.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml
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--- a/contributed_definitions/NXellipsometry.nxdl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,357 +0,0 @@
- Variables used throughout the document, e.g. dimensions or parameters.
- Length of the spectrum array (e.g. wavelength or energy) of the measured
- data.
- Number of sensors used to measure parameters that influence the sample,
- such as temperature or pressure.
- Number of measurements (1st dimension of measured_data array). This is
- equal to the number of parameters scanned. For example, if the experiment
- was performed at three different temperatures and two different pressures
- N_measurements = 2*3 = 6.
- Number of detection angles of the beam reflected or scattered off the
- sample.
- Number of angles of incidence of the incident beam.
- Number of observables that are saved in a measurement. e.g. one for
- intensity, reflectivity or transmittance, two for Psi and Delta etc. This
- is equal to the second dimension of the data array 'measured_data' and the
- number of column names.
- Number of time points measured, the length of NXsample/time_points
- Ellipsometry, complex systems, up to variable angle spectroscopy.
- Information on ellipsometry is provided, e.g. in:
- * H. Fujiwara, Spectroscopic ellipsometry: principles and applications,
- John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
- * R. M. A. Azzam and N. M. Bashara, Ellipsometry and Polarized Light,
- North-Holland Publishing Company, 1977.
- * H. G. Tompkins and E. A. Irene, Handbook of Ellipsometry,
- William Andrew, 2005.
- Open access sources:
- * https://www.angstromadvanced.com/resource.asp
- * https://pypolar.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
- Review articles:
- * T. E. Jenkins, "Multiple-angle-of-incidence ellipsometry",
- J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 32, R45 (1999),
- https://doi.org/10.1088/0022-3727/32/9/201
- * D. E. Aspnes, "Spectroscopic ellipsometry - Past, present, and future",
- Thin Solid Films 571, 334-344 (2014),
- https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2014.03.056
- * R. M. A. Azzam, "Mueller-matrix ellipsometry: a review",
- Proc. SPIE 3121, Polarization: Measurement, Analysis, and Remote Sensing,
- (3 October 1997),
- https://doi.org/10.1117/12.283870
- * E. A. Irene, "Applications of spectroscopic ellipsometry to microelectronics",
- Thin Solid Films 233, 96-111 (1993),
- https://doi.org/10.1016/0040-6090(93)90069-2
- * S. Zollner et al., "Spectroscopic ellipsometry from 10 to 700 K",
- Adv. Opt. Techn., (2022),
- https://doi.org/10.1515/aot-2022-0016
- This is the application definition describing ellipsometry experiments.
- Such experiments may be as simple as identifying how a reflected
- beam of light with a single wavelength changes its polarization state,
- to a variable angle spectroscopic ellipsometry experiment.
- The application definition defines:
- * elements of the experimental instrument
- * calibration information if available
- * parameters used to tune the state of the sample
- * sample description
- An application definition for ellipsometry.
- Version number to identify which definition of this application
- definition was used for this entry/data.
- URL where to find further material (documentation, examples) relevant
- to the application definition.
- An optional free-text description of the experiment.
- However, details of the experiment should be defined in the specific
- fields of this application definition rather than in this experiment
- description.
- Specify the type of ellipsometry.
- Properties of the ellipsometry equipment.
- Name of the company which build the instrument.
- ISO8601 date when the instrument was constructed.
- UTC offset should be specified.
- Commercial or otherwise defined given name of the program that was
- used to generate the result file(s) with measured data and metadata.
- This program converts the measured signals to ellipsometry data. If
- home written, one can provide the actual steps in the NOTE subfield
- here.
- What type of ellipsometry was used? See Fujiwara Table 4.2.
- Define which element rotates, e.g. polarizer or analyzer.
- Specify the used light source. Multiple selection possible.
- If focussing probes (lenses) were used, please state if the data
- were corrected for the window effects.
- Were the recorded data corrected by the window effects of the
- focussing probes (lenses)?
- Specify the angular spread caused by the focussing probes.
- Properties of the detector used. Integration time is the count time
- field, or the real time field. See their definition.
- Properties of the rotating element defined in
- 'instrument/rotating_element_type'.
- Define how many revolutions of the rotating element were averaged
- for each measurement. If the number of revolutions was fixed to a
- certain value use the field 'fixed_revolutions' instead.
- Define how many revolutions of the rotating element were taken
- into account for each measurement (if number of revolutions was
- fixed to a certain value, i.e. not averaged).
- Specify the maximum value of revolutions of the rotating element
- for each measurement.
- The spectroscope element of the ellipsometer before the detector,
- but often integrated to form one closed unit. Information on the
- dispersive element can be specified in the subfield GRATING. Note
- that different gratings might be used for different wavelength
- ranges. The dispersion of the grating for each wavelength range can
- be stored in grating_dispersion.
- Was the backside of the sample roughened? Relevant for infrared
- ellipsometry.
- Select which type of data was recorded, for example Psi and Delta
- (see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ellipsometry#Data_acquisition).
- It is possible to have multiple selections. Data types may also be
- converted to each other, e.g. a Mueller matrix contains N,C,S data
- as well. This selection defines how many columns (N_observables) are
- stored in the data array.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXlens_em.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXlens_em.nxdl.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 92be5ae595..0000000000
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXlens_em.nxdl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
- Description of an electro-magnetic lens or a compound lens.
- For NXtransformations the origin of the coordinate system is placed
- in the center of the lens
- (its polepiece, pinhole, or another point of reference).
- The origin should be specified in the NXtransformations.
- For details of electro-magnetic lenses in the literature see e.g. `L. Reimer <https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-38967-5>`_
- Qualitative type of lens with respect to the number of pole pieces.
- Given name, alias, colloquial, or short name for the lens.
- For manufacturer names and identifiers use respective manufacturer fields.
- Name of the manufacturer who built/constructed the lens.
- Hardware name, hash identifier, or serial number that was given by the
- manufacturer to identify the lens.
- Ideally an identifier, persistent link, or free text which gives further details
- about the lens.
- Excitation voltage of the lens. For dipoles it is a single number. For higher
- orders, it is an array.
- Excitation current of the lens. For dipoles it is a single number. For higher
- orders, it is an array.
- This field should be used when the exact voltage or current of the lens is not directly controllable
- as the control software of the microscope does not enable users/or is was not configured to enable
- the user to retrieve these values. In this case this field should be used to specify the value as
- read from the control software. Although consumers of the application definition should not expect
- this value to represent the exact physical voltage or excitation, it is still useful to know though
- as it allows other users to reuse this lens setting, which, provided a properly working instrument
- and software should bring the lenses into a similar state.
- Specifies the position of the lens by pointing to the last transformation in the
- transformation chain in the NXtransformations group.
- Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the
- location and geometry of the lens as a component in the instrument.
- Typically, the components of a system should all be related relative to
- each other and only one component should relate to the reference
- coordinate system.
diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXmanipulator.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXmanipulator.nxdl.xml
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index dff2584fcf..0000000000
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXmanipulator.nxdl.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
- Extension of NXpositioner to include fields to describe the use of manipulators
- in photoemission experiments.
- Name of the manipulator.
- A description of the manipulator.
- Type of manipulator, Hexapod, Rod, etc.
- Is cryocoolant flowing through the manipulator?
- Temperature of the cryostat (coldest point)
- Power in the heater for temperature control.
- Temperature at the closest point to the sample. This field may also be found in
- NXsample if present.
- Current to neutralize the photoemission current. This field may also be found in
- NXsample if present.
- Possible bias of the sample with trespect to analyser ground. This field may
- also be found in NXsample if present.
- Class to describe the motors that are used in the manipulator
- Refers to the last transformation specifying the positon of the manipulator in
- the NXtransformations chain.
- Collection of axis-based translations and rotations to describe the location and
- geometry of the manipulator as a component in the instrument. Conventions from
- the NXtransformations base class are used. In principle, the McStas coordinate
- system is used. The first transformation has to point either to another
- component of the system or . (for pointing to the reference frame) to relate it
- relative to the experimental setup. Typically, the components of a system should
- all be related relative to each other and only one component should relate to
- the reference coordinate system.