Releases: nextcloud-releases/spreed
Releases · nextcloud-releases/spreed
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- Clarify the usage of the High-performance backend and warn when it's not configured #14065
- fix(moderation): Allow promoting self-joined users #14082
- fix(firstrun): Create default conversations when loading the dashboard #14089
- fix(archive): Don't add asterix to title for unread messages in archived conversations #14102
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.16 to 1.11.17 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14040
- [stable30] fix: migrate Nc* components to v-model usage by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14047
- build(deps): Bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14050
- [stable30] fix: migrate Nc* components to v-model usage (part 2) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14057
- [stable30] build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/vue from 8.21.0 to 8.22.0 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14058
- [stable30] fix(NewMessage): prevent placeholder content overflow by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14060
- [stable30] Warn the admin when no High-performance backend is set up by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14065
- [stable30] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#14076
- [stable30] fix(moderator): Allow promoting self-joined participants to moderators by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14082
- [stable30] feat(dashboard): Create default conversations when loading the dashboard by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14089
- [stable30] fix(i18n): replace 'e-mail' to 'email' in strings by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14094
- [stable30] fix(useDocumentTitle): skip asterik for normal messages in archives by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14102
- build(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.121 to 7.0.123 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14104
- build(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.17 to 9.2.19 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14105
- [stable30] fix(types): add typings for EventBus by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14127
- [stable30] fix(popover): do not steal focus with connection warning by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14129
- [stable30] chore(i18n): Improved grammar by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#14130
- Release 20.1.2 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#14137
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v20.1.1...v20.1.2
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(calls): Retain names of guests when they disconnect from the High-performance backend #13983
- fix(search): Add pagination support to the conversation search in unified search #14033
- fix(setupcheck): Check server times of Webserver nodes and High-performance backend to be in sync #14015
- fix(moderation): Allow promoting self-joined users #14081
- fix(calls): Fix "Talk while muted" toast #14026
- fix(firstrun): Create default conversations when loading the dashboard #14090
What's Changed
- [stable29] fix: reduce amount of EventBus listeners on messages by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13748
- [stable29] style: fix public share layout by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13753
- build(deps): bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13794
- build(deps): bump firebase/php-jwt from 6.10.1 to 6.10.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13909
- [stable29] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#13916
- [stable29] fix(guests): Don't force remove guests but leave it to the "purge logic" by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13983
- build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/moment from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14000
- [stable29] fix(store): throw error from room creation to handle in component by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13992
- [stable29] fix: remove "formatted" from copy message button by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14002
- [stable29] fix(backends): Check times of the backend servers by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14015
- [stable29] fix(SpeakingWhileMutedWarner): show toast message by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14026
- [stable29] fix(search): Paginate unified search results by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14033
- build(deps): Bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14051
- [stable29] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#14077
- [stable29] fix(moderator): Allow promoting self-joined participants to moderators by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14081
- [stable29] feat(dashboard): Create default conversations when loading the dashboard by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14090
- build(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.121 to 7.0.123 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14112
- Release 19.0.12 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#14136
- chore(release): Fix version typo by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#14140
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v19.0.11...v19.0.12
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(calls): Retain names of guests when they disconnect from the High-performance backend #13982
- fix(search): Add pagination support to the conversation search in unified search #14032
- fix(setupcheck): Check server times of Webserver nodes and High-performance backend to be in sync #14014
- fix(moderation): Allow promoting self-joined users #14080
What's Changed
- [stable28] style: fix public share layout by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13752
- build(deps): bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13793
- [stable28] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#13918
- [stable28] fix(guests): Don't force remove guests but leave it to the "purge logic" by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13982
- build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/moment from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13996
- [stable28] fix(backends): Check times of the backend servers by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14014
- [stable28] fix(search): Paginate unified search results by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14032
- build(deps): Bump ua-parser-js from 1.0.39 to 1.0.40 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14055
- [stable28] fix(moderator): Allow promoting self-joined participants to moderators by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14080
- [stable28] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#14078
- build(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.121 to 7.0.123 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#14111
- Release 18.0.14 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#14135
- chore(release): Fix version typo by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#14139
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v18.0.13...v18.0.14
- Schedule a meeting directly from within the conversation #6292
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- Require Nextcloud 31 / Hub 10
What's Changed
- Refactor: clean call view styles and use CSS variables. by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#12913
- chore: update PR template by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12967
- feat(deps): Add Nextcloud 31 support on main by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#12965
- fix: provide accessible heading for components by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12971
- chore(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.113 to 7.0.114 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#12977
- chore(deps): Bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.9 to 9.2.10 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#12976
- fix(Participant): hide ban option for federated users by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#12964
- feat(statuses): Post-load local user statuses in federated conversations by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#12959
- Fix using signaling session ID instead of Nextcloud session ID by @danxuliu in nextcloud/spreed#12961
- feat(TopBar): add next meeting date by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#12902
- fix(federation): No notification for call summary and other system me… by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#12968
- Get call peers by federated users by @danxuliu in nextcloud/spreed#12962
- feat: add login button to guest welcome window by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#12941
- ci: Also install sqlite and pdo_sqlite for now by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#12986
- fix: migrate NcModal to NcDialog by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12970
- fix(Participant): design follow-ups by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12966
- fix(capabilities): store remote capabilities based on remoteServer by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12861
- fix(capabilities): minor adjustments for federation by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12992
- fix(avatar): decrease avatar size from 44px to 36px by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12956
- fix: remove extra spinner by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#12994
- fix: warning from
SearchBox's aria-describedby value by @ShGKme in nextcloud/spreed#12998 - chore(release): Changelog for 20.0.0-rc.1 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13001
- fix(call): Fix race condition of "End call for everyone" and a parall… by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#12969
- chore(eslint): ignore openapi generated files by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13002
- feat: Add "New in Talk 20" messages by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#12999
- fix(avatar): increase avatar size to 40px by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13010
- chore(release): Changelog for 20.0.0-rc.2 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13015
- fix(a11y): migrate NcModal to NcDialog p2 by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12997
- chore(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.5 to 1.11.7 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13022
- chore(deps): Bump pinia from 2.2.1 to 2.2.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13025
- chore(deps): Bump @vueuse/components from 10.11.1 to 11.0.0 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13024
- chore(deps): Bump @nextcloud/dialogs from 5.3.5 to 6.0.0 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13023
- [main] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#13028
- fix(style): apply NcDialog header styles to NcModal headers by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13031
- fix: set devMode in CallView component by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13026
- fix: Fix some minor things found by stan by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13037
- style(FilePreview): adjust row layout design by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13042
- fix(ConversationSettingsDialog): hide unused settings sections in 1-1 by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13041
- fix(SelectableParticipant): restyle component by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13017
- Enable debug mode in helper script for integration tests by @danxuliu in nextcloud/spreed#13036
- fix(federation): Fix system message when a fed user is removed by mod… by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13049
- fix(guest): migrate localStorage nick to nextcloud/auth implementation by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13050
- feat: Added blurhash to image metadata by @skalidindi53 in nextcloud/spreed#13009
- fix: correct userGroups intersection check for federation access by @sanskar-soni-9 in nextcloud/spreed#13030
- fix(RightSidebar): hide sidebar button in lobby by @ShGKme in nextcloud/spreed#13057
- chore(deps): bump nextcloud/vue from 8.16.0 to 8.17.0 by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13068
- feat(FilePreview): add blurhash support by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13066
- chore(deps): Update openapi-extractor to v1.0.0 by @provokateurin in nextcloud/spreed#13064
- Fix adding and removing permissions by @danxuliu in nextcloud/spreed#13027
- feat: NoteToSelf messages are editable forever by @skalidindi53 in nextcloud/spreed#13035
- fix(recording): distinguish global consent and room-level consent in constants by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13087
- chore(deps): replace vue-shortkey with vueuse directive by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#12698
- feat(NoteToSelf): allow to edit old messages on frontend by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13084
- fix(conversation): don't create a participant with falsy credentials by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13061
- fix(signaling): check only required features on Frontend by @ShGKme in nextcloud/spreed#13078
- fix(avatar): decrease size of loading spinner by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13093
- fix(NcListItem): force three-dot-menu (+ minor follow-ups) by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13074
- fix(federation): Sync room properties on join by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13072
- fix(conversations): Remove call-permissions by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13086
- fix(federation): Propagate permission changes to federated servers by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13092
- chore(release): Add changelog for 18.0.11, 19.0.8 and 20.0.0-rc.3 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13102
- fix(TopBar): show "now" instead of start time when it is in the past by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#13112
- fix(FilePreview): set fixed size to image container by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13109
- fix(Reactions): show all names if they are at most 4 reactions by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#13116
- chore: Update coding-standard by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13117
- ci: Fix reuse and exclude file from packaging by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13120
- chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/upload from 1.4.3 to 1.5.0 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13128
- chore(deps): bump @vueuse/components from 11.0.0 to 11.0.1 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13129
- chore(deps-dev): bump @babel/preset-env from 7.25.3 to 7.25.4 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13130
- chore(deps-dev): bump ts-jest from 29.2.4 to 29.2.5 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13131
- docs: Fix values for used recording consent options by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13135
- fix(GuestWelcomeWindow): fix padding and text clipping by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#13138
- fix(federation): Expire sessions of federated users by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13142
- feat(calls): Support "Send call notification" for and with federated … by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13140
- fix(federation): ensure federation invites appear in store by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13149
- fix(federation): Correctly handle decline in system messages by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13150
- feat(NoteToSelf): add tasks counter by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#13122
- feat(Call): show presenter overlay for local screenshare by @DorraJaouad in nextcloud/spreed#12890
- fix(appconfig): Ensure configs are within ranges by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13154
- feat(error_message): Display proper message on error on join call by @Souptik2001 in nextcloud/spreed#13133
- style(InvitationHandler): don't shrink action buttons by @A...
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- perf(calls): Add endpoint for clients to specifically check if a call notification is still current #13950
- fix(chat): Add start and end of out-of-office to the note card in one-to-one conversations #13926
- fix(chat): Fix chats for offline participants when the chat history was reset #13965
- fix(calls): Remove "Share to chat" button from failure notifications of recording summaries #13941
- fix(calls): Hide option to start without enabled media when it can not be stored on the server #13953
- fix(calls): Retain names of guests when they disconnect from the High-performance backend #13984
- fix(calls): Fix missing "Speaking while muted" popup #14027
- fix(search): Implement pagination in conversation search results #14034
- fix(settings): Confirm server time of High-performance and recording backend in admin settings #14016
What's Changed
- [stable30] feat(ooo): Add start and end dates to out-of-office view by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13926
- [stable30] fix(LobbySettings): fix date picker alignment by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13932
- [stable30] fix(Matterbridge): add a hint about Discord Channel ID usage by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13937
- [stable30] fix: add admin setting for AI generated call recording summary by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13939
- [stable30] ci(integration): Print federation log file by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13942
- [stable30] fix(summary): Don't add share button to failed summary notification by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13941
- [stable30] feat(call): Direct endpoint to check if call notification should be dismissed by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13950
- [stable30] fix(SettingsDialog): check capability for start without media by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13953
- build(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.15 to 1.11.16 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13954
- build(deps-dev): Bump openapi-typescript from 7.4.3 to 7.4.4 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13955
- [stable30] chore(i18n): Improved grammar by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13962
- [stable30] fix(chat): Add a repair-step to handle the last-read-message=0 case by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13965
- [stable30] fix(media): checking for config existence, not value by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13972
- [stable30] fix(icons): rename icon components by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13974
- [stable30] fix(guests): Don't force remove guests but leave it to the "purge logic" by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13984
- [stable30] fix(AdminSettings): allow to retry server checks by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13988
- [stable30] fix(store): throw error from room creation to handle in component by @Antreesy in nextcloud/spreed#13991
- build(deps): Bump @nextcloud/moment from 1.3.1 to 1.3.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13998
- [stable30] fix: remove "formatted" from copy message button by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14003
- [stable30] fix(backends): Check times of the backend servers by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14016
- [stable30] fix(SpeakingWhileMutedWarner): show toast message by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14027
- [stable30] fix(call): Fix call summary when the connection was interrupted by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14031
- [stable30] fix(search): Paginate unified search results by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#14034
- Release/20.1.1 by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#14037
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v20.1.0...v20.1.1
- Introducing the Nextcloud Talk desktop client for Windows, macOS and Linux Download
- feat(calls): Summarize call recordings automatically with AI when installed #13429
- feat(chat): Allow to summarize the chat history when there are many unread messages #13430
- feat(calls): Allow moderators to download a call participants list #13453
- feat(meetings): Allow importing email lists as attendees #13882
- feat(email-guests): Identify and recognize guests invited via email address #6098
- feat(email-guests): Allow to invite email guests when creating a conversation #4937
- feat(polls): Allow to draft, export and import polls #13439
- feat(conversations): Allow to archive conversations #6140
- feat(conversations): Add direct option to change notification settings to the conversation list again #13870
- feat(chat): Add option to directly download attachments Desktop #824
- feat(voice-messages): Auto play voice messages which are grouped together #13199
- feat(calls): Add an option to always disable devices by default #13446
- feat(calls): Add option to enable blurred background always by default #13783
- feat(conversations): Add settings to automatically lock rooms after days of inactivity #13448
- feat(calls): Allow to enforce a maximum call length #13445
- feat(chat): Highlight file and object shares with an icon in conversations list
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(conversations): Fix password validation when setting a password #13890
- fix(chat): Fix visibility of "Send message without notification" option being enabled #13824
- fix(matterbridge): Fix settings disappearing after configuring matterbridge in a conversation #13786
- fix(chat): Disable interactiveness of reference by default, to avoid input-focus stealing #4937
- fix(avatar): Use person icon for deleted accounts and guests without a name #13754
- fix(calls): Omit "with 0 guests" when a call is ended and only 1 logged-in participant joined #13545
- fix(polls): rename "Private poll" to "Anonymous poll"
- perf: Fix a performance issue when the page is not reloaded over multiple days
What's Changed
- [stable30] feat(Conversation): mark file/object shares with icon in conversations list by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13523
- [stable30] feat: archive conversations (frontend) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13522
- [stable30] feat(calls): Add appconfig and user preference for default setting of… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13497
- [stable30] feat(devices): add an option to always disable streams by default befo… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13540
- [stable30] feat(calls): Allow to enforce a maximum call length by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13542
- [stable30] feat(polls): Allow moderators to draft polls by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13548
- [stable30] feat(Call): show presenter overlay for local screenshare (+ dev fixes) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13547
- [stable30] fix(callView): move store to Pinia 🍍 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13546
- [stable30] feat: align polls state management with API by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13550
- [stable30] fix(TopBar): do not fetch events if actor is a guest or it is not ini… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13551
- [stable30] feat(audioPlayer): Auto play voice messages which are grouped together by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13553
- [stable30] fix: omit 'with 0 guests' in system messages when call ends by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13549
- [stable30] feat(calls): Allow moderators to download a call participants list by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13555
- [stable30] fix: respect mimetype aliases for file previews by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13566
- [stable30] fix(sounds): harden checks on sounds playing by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13571
- [stable30] feat(calls): Allow moderators to download a call participants list - frontend by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13575
- [stable30] fix(call): Fix support for PHP < 8.3 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13577
- [stable30] feat: draft polls management 📊 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13578
- [stable30] fix(chat): disable smooth scroll to bottom by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13579
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.117 to 7.0.118 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13589
- build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.11 to 1.11.12 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13591
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.13 to 9.2.14 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13590
- [stable30] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#13595
- [stable30] fix: handle background blur in Talk if server doesn't support it by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13601
- [stable30] feat(polls): Import/Export pre-filled poll form to JSON 📊 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13604
- [stable30] ci: Fix restoring the domain and skeleton of the main and real-fed se… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13599
- [stable30] feat: replace audioRecorderStore with composable by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13610
- [stable30] fix: check for false positive hidden parent when scroll by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13614
- [stable30] fix: localURL previews by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13616
- [stable30] feat(email): Recognize guests invited via email by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13617
- [stable30] fix: appearance of public conversation for guests by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13623
- [stable30] fix: pass token to callView store via actions by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13626
- [stable30] feat(chat): add download link to attachments by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13627
- [stable30] Share from Files wording fix (better consistency) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13630
- [stable30] fix(TopBarMenu): check capabilities for downloading participants in call by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13631
- build(deps-dev): bump @types/jest from 29.5.13 to 29.5.14 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13640
- build(deps-dev): bump @babel/preset-env from 7.25.8 to 7.25.9 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13641
- build(deps): bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13642
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.14 to 9.2.16 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13643
- build(deps-dev): bump @babel/core from 7.25.8 to 7.25.9 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13644
- [stable30] chore: move EventBus to TS by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13657
- [stable30] fix: use method of largest remainder to count poll votes by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13662
- [stable30] fix: e-mail guests - frontend 📧 (part 1) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13663
- [stable30] fix: hide 'Browse drafts' button in Note to self and 1-1 rooms by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13664
- [stable30] feat: show conversation settings, if URL hash is specified by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13666
- [stable30] ci(integration): Bump behat/behat to support PHP 8.4 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13668
- [stable30] fix(sharing): Align expected sharing behaviour after server change by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13669
- [stable30] fix(chat): Edit last message hotkey on macOS by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13673
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.118 to 7.0.121 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13675
- build(deps): bump pinia from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13677
- build(deps...
- feat(conversations): Add direct option to change notification settings to the conversation list again #13870
- feat(meetings): Allow importing email lists as attendees #13882
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(conversation): Fix password validation when setting a password #13890
- fix(calls): Don't disable microphone and camera when it was enabled in the device check #13893
- fix(chat): Hide "Generate summary" in federated conversations for now #13881
- fix(chat): Fix mention suggestions referring to participants of the previous conversation #13870
- fix(chat): Links in markdown todo-lists are only clickable with edit permissions #13865
What's Changed
- build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.14 to 1.11.15 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13857
- [stable30] fix: introduce submenu logic in Conversation component by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13866
- [stable30] fix(css): allow pointer events on links in todo-lists by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13865
- [stable30] fix: delegate message posting from NewMessage to parent components by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13868
- [stable30] fix: minor regressions by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13870
- [stable30] fix(chat): No "Generate summary" in federated conversations by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13881
- [stable30] feat(invitations): Allow importing CSV email lists by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13882
- [stable30] fix: handle password policy validation by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13890
- [stable30] fix: respect user changes of devices state when toggling it by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13893
- [stable30] feat(invitations): Import e-mail participants from CSV 🗒️ by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13897
- [stable30] chore(release): Add changelog for 20.1.0-rc.3 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13895
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v20.1.0-rc.2...v20.1.0-rc.3
- feat(chat): Allow to summarize the chat history when there are many unread messages #13430
- feat(call): Summarize call recordings automatically with AI when installed #13429
- feat(call): Add option to enable blurred background always by default #13783
- feat(conversations): Allow to archive conversations #6140
- feat(conversations): Add settings to automatically lock rooms after days of inactivity #13448
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(chat): Fix visibility of the silent send option being enabled #13824
- fix(matterbridge): Fix settings disappearing after configuring matterbridge in a conversation #13786
What's Changed
- [stable30] feat(call): add option to enable blur background by default for all c… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13783
- [stable30] fix(matterbridge): fix Matterbridge setup by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13786
- [stable30] fix: share autocomplete mentions for NewMessage by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13787
- build(deps): bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.1 to 3.9.2 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13791
- [stable30] fix: use useDarkTheme from nextcloud/vue library by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13796
- [stable30] fix: extract createTemporaryMessage to utils by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13798
- [stable30] fix: minor regression fixes by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13800
- [stable30] fix(CallView): update isEmptyCallView correctly by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13805
- [stable30] feat(chat): Add API to summarize chat messages by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13775
- [stable30] fix: replace IconLink variant by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13809
- [stable30] fix(calls): Add email to exported participant list and list everyone … by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13810
- [stable30] feat(archive): Finalize archived conversation behaviour by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13817
- [stable30] feat(AI-call-summary): Automatically summarize call transcript by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13822
- [stable30] fix: improve silent message visibility by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13824
- [stable30] fix: e-mail guests parsing in chat messages by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13821
- [stable30] fix(chat): Fix summarizing chats if there are blocks with only invisible messages by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13826
- [stable30] fix(call): Add warning to AI summary and transcript by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13828
- [stable30] fix(calls): Fix call notifications in archived conversations by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13831
- [stable30] fix: adjust archive filtering behaviour - frontend by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13836
- [stable30] chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/vue lib from 8.20.0 to 8.21.0 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13841
- [stable30] Bugfix/noid/emoji font for reaction by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13844
- [stable30] fix(call): prevent call time jumping by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13845
- [stable30] fix(chat): Fix marking the first message of a chat unread by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13833
- [stable30] fix(openapi): Improve empty array cases by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13846
- [stable30] fix(MessagesList): fix fetching messages completion when there is no … by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13850
- [stable30] feat: add 'Generate summary' integration: frontend ✨ by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13852
- [stable30] chore(release): Add changelog for 20.1.0-rc.2 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13849
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v20.1.0-rc.1...v20.1.0-rc.2
- feat(polls): Allow to draft, export and import polls #13439
- feat(voice-messages): Auto play voice messages which are grouped together #13199
- feat(calls): Allow moderators to download a call participants list #13453
- feat(calls): Allow to enforce a maximum call length #13445
- feat(chat): Add option to directly download attachments Desktop #824
- feat(calls): Add an option to always disable devices by default #13446
- feat(email-guests): Identify and recognize guests invited via email address #6098
- feat(email-guests): Allow to invite email guests when creating a conversation #4937
- feat(chat): Highlight file and object shares with an icon in conversations list
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(chat): Disable interactiveness of reference by default, to avoid focus stealing
- fix(avatar): Use person icon for deleted accounts and guests without a name #13754
- fix(call): Omit "with 0 guests" when a call is ended and only 1 logged-in participant joined #13545
- fix(polls): rename "Private poll" to "Anonymous poll"
- perf: Fix a performance issue when the page is not reloaded over multiple days
What's Changed
- [stable30] feat(Conversation): mark file/object shares with icon in conversations list by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13523
- [stable30] feat: archive conversations (frontend) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13522
- [stable30] feat(calls): Add appconfig and user preference for default setting of… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13497
- [stable30] feat(devices): add an option to always disable streams by default befo… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13540
- [stable30] feat(calls): Allow to enforce a maximum call length by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13542
- [stable30] feat(polls): Allow moderators to draft polls by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13548
- [stable30] feat(Call): show presenter overlay for local screenshare (+ dev fixes) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13547
- [stable30] fix(callView): move store to Pinia 🍍 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13546
- [stable30] feat: align polls state management with API by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13550
- [stable30] fix(TopBar): do not fetch events if actor is a guest or it is not ini… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13551
- [stable30] feat(audioPlayer): Auto play voice messages which are grouped together by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13553
- [stable30] fix: omit 'with 0 guests' in system messages when call ends by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13549
- [stable30] feat(calls): Allow moderators to download a call participants list by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13555
- [stable30] fix: respect mimetype aliases for file previews by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13566
- [stable30] fix(sounds): harden checks on sounds playing by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13571
- [stable30] feat(calls): Allow moderators to download a call participants list - frontend by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13575
- [stable30] fix(call): Fix support for PHP < 8.3 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13577
- [stable30] feat: draft polls management 📊 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13578
- [stable30] fix(chat): disable smooth scroll to bottom by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13579
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.117 to 7.0.118 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13589
- build(deps): bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.11 to 1.11.12 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13591
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.13 to 9.2.14 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13590
- [stable30] Update nextcloud/ocp dependency by @nextcloud-command in nextcloud/spreed#13595
- [stable30] fix: handle background blur in Talk if server doesn't support it by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13601
- [stable30] feat(polls): Import/Export pre-filled poll form to JSON 📊 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13604
- [stable30] ci: Fix restoring the domain and skeleton of the main and real-fed se… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13599
- [stable30] feat: replace audioRecorderStore with composable by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13610
- [stable30] fix: check for false positive hidden parent when scroll by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13614
- [stable30] fix: localURL previews by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13616
- [stable30] feat(email): Recognize guests invited via email by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13617
- [stable30] fix: appearance of public conversation for guests by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13623
- [stable30] fix: pass token to callView store via actions by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13626
- [stable30] feat(chat): add download link to attachments by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13627
- [stable30] Share from Files wording fix (better consistency) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13630
- [stable30] fix(TopBarMenu): check capabilities for downloading participants in call by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13631
- build(deps-dev): bump @types/jest from 29.5.13 to 29.5.14 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13640
- build(deps-dev): bump @babel/preset-env from 7.25.8 to 7.25.9 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13641
- build(deps): bump @nextcloud/files from 3.9.0 to 3.9.1 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13642
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.14 to 9.2.16 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13643
- build(deps-dev): bump @babel/core from 7.25.8 to 7.25.9 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13644
- [stable30] chore: move EventBus to TS by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13657
- [stable30] fix: use method of largest remainder to count poll votes by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13662
- [stable30] fix: e-mail guests - frontend 📧 (part 1) by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13663
- [stable30] fix: hide 'Browse drafts' button in Note to self and 1-1 rooms by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13664
- [stable30] feat: show conversation settings, if URL hash is specified by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13666
- [stable30] ci(integration): Bump behat/behat to support PHP 8.4 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13668
- [stable30] fix(sharing): Align expected sharing behaviour after server change by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13669
- [stable30] fix(chat): Edit last message hotkey on macOS by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13673
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder-wav-encoder from 7.0.118 to 7.0.121 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13675
- build(deps): bump pinia from 2.2.4 to 2.2.5 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13677
- build(deps): bump extendable-media-recorder from 9.2.16 to 9.2.17 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13676
- build(deps): bump pinia from 2.2.5 to 2.2.6 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13691
- [stable30] chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/dialogs library from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13697
- [stable30] style: move a hover effect to image container by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13710
- [stable30] feat: invite email guests when creating a conversation by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13708
- [stable30] fix: do not compare read/typing privacy with constants casted to string by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13712
- [stable30] fix: move useDocumentTitle logic to composable by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13713
- [stable30] fix(activity): Fix parameter type of call activity by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13717
- [stable30] fix: non-moderators should not query participants from server by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13726
- [stable30] style: fix e-mail guests icons by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13727
- [stable30] chore(release): Add changelog for 18.0.13, 19.0.11 and 20.0.2 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13730
- [stable30] fix: make useIsInCall a shared composable by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13739
- build(deps): bump lib...
20.0.2 – 2024-11-07
- Update translations
- Update dependencies
- fix(attachments): Fix a performance issue when opening the file picker in Talk #13698
- fix(meetings): Fix layout for guests on public conversations #13552
What's Changed
- [stable30] chore: bump @nextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 6.1.1 to 6.2.0 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13515
- chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/core from 7.25.7 to 7.25.8 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13524
- chore(deps): Bump vue-material-design-icons from 5.3.0 to 5.3.1 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13525
- chore(deps): Bump libphonenumber-js from 1.11.10 to 1.11.11 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13526
- chore(deps-dev): Bump @babel/preset-env from 7.25.7 to 7.25.8 by @dependabot in nextcloud/spreed#13527
- [stable30] chore(dev-deps): Bump nextcloud/ocp package by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13536
- [stable30.0] fix(TopBar): do not fetch events if actor is a guest or it is not ini… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13552
- [stable30.0] fix: respect mimetype aliases for file previews by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13567
- [stable30.0] fix(sounds): harden checks on sounds playing by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13570
- [stable30.0] fix(chat): disable smooth scroll to bottom by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13580
- [stable30.0] fix: handle background blur in Talk if server doesn't support it by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13602
- [stable30.0] ci: Fix restoring the domain and skeleton of the main and real-fed se… by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13598
- [stable30.0] fix: check for false positive hidden parent when scroll by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13613
- [stable30.0] fix: localURL previews by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13615
- [stable30.0] fix: appearance of public conversation for guests by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13622
- [stable30.0] fix(sharing): Align expected sharing behaviour after server change by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13670
- [stable30.0] chore(deps): bump @nextcloud/dialogs library from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13698
- Fix(l10n): Update translations from Transifex by @nickvergessen in nextcloud/spreed#13707
- [stable30.0] style: move a hover effect to image container by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13709
- [stable30.0] fix(chat): Edit last message hotkey on macOS by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13703
- [stable30.0] fix(activity): Fix parameter type of call activity by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13718
- [stable30.0] fix: non-moderators should not query participants from server by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13725
- [stable30.0] feat(chat): add download link to attachments by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13704
- chore(release): Bump version to 20.0.2 by @backportbot in nextcloud/spreed#13729
Full Changelog: nextcloud/spreed@v20.0.1...v20.0.2