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+title: 'End of life for REST API Keys'
+summary: "On March 1, 2025, REST API Keys are deprecating."
+publishDate: '2025-01-16'
+eolEffectiveDate: '2025-03-01'
+Effective March 01, 2025, our REST API Keys integration drops support for API integrations.
+## Background [#bg]
+REST API keys are account-level keys and are not directly linked to a individual user, which limits auditing capabilities. This poses a security risk for both New Relic and our customers. User API keys are a well-tested alternative and serve as a replacement to REST API keys. These newer keys can be used across New Relic features such as NerdGraph, among others.
+Additionally, storing these keys in plain text in the database poses security concerns. Therefore, we have been encouraged to retire them promptly or migrate them to a secret store. A potential data breach could expose these keys, granting access to all accounts.
+## What's happening [#whats-happening]
+Customers using deprecated REST API keys will be impacted by this end-of-life.
+If you have integrations or custom scripts which make calls to **(api.newrelic.com/v2 and api.eu.newrelic.com/v2)** you must check your API keys. If your API key starts with `NRAK`, no update is required.
+ The 'v2' portion of the URL path is crucial; other paths do not support REST API keys.
+## What do you need to do [#what-to-do]
+* Generate a new User API key and configure your systems to use it.
+* If you use a third-party integration, follow the instructions provided by the vendor to update the key.
+## What happens if you don't make any changes to your account [#account]
+* Failure to update the key will cause API calls to fail against the REST v2 API.
+* The impact on your operations depends on which REST v2 API endpoints you use and your reliance on them.
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+title: "REST API Keys End-of-life"
+summary: "Retiring the REST API key to improve security and reliability."
+releaseDate: "2025-03-01"
+learnMoreLink: "https://docs.newrelic.com/install/aws-logs/"
+getStartedLink: "https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/logs/get-started/get-started-log-management/"
+New Relic now retiring the REST API key to improve security and reliability. You must update your systems with the new keys to avoid service disruptions.
+The current REST API keys used to access REST API v2 **(api.newrelic.com/v2 and api.eu.newrelic.com/v2)** will be retired. This change addresses the limitations of the existing account-level keys and aligns with industry best practices.
+If your systems or integrations calling these specified API end-points using the REST API keys, you must replace them with new user API keys by **March 1, 2025**, to avoid service disruptions. Failure to update may result in API call failures and errors, also potentially disrupting workflows.
+You must complete replacement of the REST API keys by March 1, 2025.
+## To get started
+This change requires you to [rotate your API key](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/intro-apis/new-relic-api-keys/#rotate-user-key).
+You must do the following:
+* **Generate new keys:** Use the [New Relic UI](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/intro-apis/new-relic-api-keys/) or [NerdGraph API.](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/nerdgraph/examples/use-nerdgraph-manage-license-keys-user-keys/)
+* **Update systems:** Replace old keys with new User API keys in your systems.
+* **Validate:** ensure all API integrations work with the new keys.
+* **Remove old keys:** Delete old keys once validated.
+## Rotate API key
+**To rotate API keys in UI:**
+1. Go to [New Relic UI](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/intro-apis/new-relic-api-keys/) and determine which account you need a key for.
+2. Create new user API keys associated to that account.
+3. Update your systems to use the new user API keys.
+ a. Go to [one.newrelic.com/api-keys](http://one.newrelic.com/api-keys) or [one.eu.newrelic.com/api-keys](http://one.eu.newrelic.com/api-keys) for EU data center and refer to the create and update instructions [here](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/intro-apis/new-relic-api-keys/#rotate-user-key).
+4. Ensure your API integrations function/work correctly with the new keys. This requires updating any scripts or code that reference the old key to use the new key value.
+5. Once validated, remove the old REST API keys.
+ Once the old key is deleted, it cannot be restored.
+You can also manage user keys via our NerdGraph API. For instructions, refer to NerdGraph tutorial [Manage API keys.](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/nerdgraph/examples/use-nerdgraph-manage-license-keys-user-keys/)
+## Additional key points
+* If you’re using multiple New Relic accounts, each one will have its own REST API key. Each API key is must replaced individually with a user API key which is generated in the corresponding account.
+* If your API key starts with `NRAK`, no update is required.
+## Contact support
+Our support team is here to assist you during this transition. If you have any questions about these changes, please contact [Support.](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/new-relic-solutions/solve-common-issues/find-help-get-support/)
+For more information on how to view and manage API Keys in New Relic, click [here.](https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/intro-apis/new-relic-api-keys/#keys-ui)