Explore functional programming's place in the Python landscape, and gain practice with powerful tools like map
, filter
, iterators, generators, and decorators.
Surprisingly, a few people have asked for longer labs - we think we've delivered! We've added lots of challenge problems to this lab, many of which are domain-specific, but we don't expect you to complete them all. If you're short on time, or don't know exactly what a challenge problem is asking, skip it! Challenge problems are intended to be challenging, and are reserved for when you've finished the rest of the lab.
Recall that lambda functions are anonymous, unnamed function objects created on the fly, usually to accomplish a small transformation. For example,
(lambda val: val ** 2)(5) # => 25
(lambda x, y: x * y)(3, 8) # => 24
(lambda s: s.strip().lower()[:2])(' PyTHon') # => 'py'
On their own, lambda
s aren't particularly useful, as demonstrated above. Usually, lambda
s are used to avoid creating a formal function definiton for small throwaway functions, not only because they involves less typing (no def
or return
statement needed) but also, and perhaps more importantly, because these small functions won't pollute the enclosing namespace.
Lambdas are also frequently used as arguments to or return values from higher-order functions, such as map
and filter
Recall from class that map(func, iterable)
applies a function over elements of an iterable.
For each of the following rows, write a single statement using map
that converts the left column into the right column:
From | To |
['12', '-2', '0'] |
[12, -2, 0] |
['hello', 'world'] |
[5, 5] |
['hello', 'world'] |
['olleh', 'dlrow'] |
range(2, 6) |
[(2, 4, 8), (3, 9, 27), (4, 16, 64), (5, 25, 125)] |
zip(range(2, 5), range(3, 9, 2)) |
[6, 15, 28] |
Hint: you may need to wrap the output in a list()
constructor to see it printed to console - that is, list(map(..., ...))
The map
function can accept a variable number of iterables as arguments. Thus, map(func, iterA, iterB, iterC)
is equivalent to map(func, zip(iterA, iterB, iterC))
. This can be used as follows:
map(int, ('10110', '0xCAFE', '42'), (2, 16, 10)) # generates 22, 51966, 42
This works because int
takes an optional second argument specifying the conversion base
Recall from class that filter(pred, iterable)
keeps only those elements from an iterable that satisfy a predicate function.
Write statements using filter
that convert the following sequences from the left column to the right column:
From | To |
['12', '-2', '0'] |
['12', '0'] |
['hello', 'world'] |
['world'] |
['Stanford', 'Cal', 'UCLA'] |
['Stanford'] |
range(20) |
[0, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 15, 18] |
The functools module is "for higher order functions; functions that act on or return other functions."
There is a utility in the functools
module called reduce
, which in Python 2.x was a builtin language feature but has since been relegated to this module. The reduce
function is explained best by the official documentation:
functools.reduce(function, iterable[, initializer])
of two arguments cumulatively to the items ofiterable
, from left to right, so as to reduce the iterable to a single value. For example,functools.reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
calculates((((1 + 2) + 3) + 4) + 5)
. The left argument,x
, is the accumulated value and the right argument,y
, is the update value from the sequence. If the optionalinitializer
is present, it is placed before the items of the sequence in the calculation, and serves as a default when the iterable is empty. Ifinitializer
is not given anditerable
contains only one item, the first item is returned.
Use the reduce
function to find the least common multiple (LCM) of an arbitrary amount of positive integer arguments. This can be accomplished in one line of Python.
import operator
from functools import reduce
from fractions import gcd
def lcm(*nums):
# Your implementation here: Use reduce. This function can be implemented in only one line!
Hint: Recall that, mathematically, the LCM of two numbers x
and y
can be expressed as (x*y) // gcd(x, y)
, and that the LCM of a list of numbers [x, y, z, ...]
is the same as the LCM(...(LCM(LCM(x, y), z), ...)
Frequently, you might find yourself writing anonymous functions similar to lambda x, y: x + y
. This feels a little redundant, since Python already knows how to add two values together. Unfortunately, we can't just refer to +
as a function - it's a builtin syntax element. To solve this problem, The operator
module exports callable functions for each builtin operation. These operators can simplify some common uses of lambdas, and should be used wherever possible, since in almost all cases they are faster than constructing and repeatedly invoking a lambda function.
import operator
operator.add(1, 2) # => 3
operator.mul(3, 10) # => 30
operator.pow(2, 3) # => 8
operator.itemgetter(1)([1, 2, 3]) # => 2
Take a moment to skim over the official documentation for the operator
Use reduce
in conjunction with a function from the operator
module to compute factorials in one line of Python:
import operator
from functools import reduce
def fact(n):
# Your implementation here: Use reduce, an operator, and only one line!
fact(3) # => 6
fact(7) # => 5040
When ordering sequences (or finding the largest or smallest element), Python defaults a default ordering for sequence elements. For instance, a collection of strings will be sorted alphabetically (by ASCII value), and a collection of tuples will sort lexicographically. Sometimes, however, we need to sort based on a custom key value. In Python, we can supply an optional key
argument to sorted(seq)
, max(seq)
, min(seq)
, or seq.sort()
to determine the values used for ordering elements in a sequence. In Python, both sorted(seq)
and seq.sort()
are stable.
For example:
words = ['pear', 'cabbage', 'apple', 'bananas']
min(words) # => 'apple'
words.sort(key=lambda s: s[-1]) # Alternatively, key=operator.itemgetter(-1)
words # => ['cabbage', 'apple', 'pear', 'bananas'] ... Why 'cabbage' > 'apple'?
max(words, key=len) # 'cabbage' ... Why not 'bananas'?
min(words, key=lambda s: s[1::2]) # What will this value be?
Write a function to return the two words with the highest alphanumeric score of uppercase letters:
def alpha_score(upper_letters):
"""Computers the alphanumeric sum of letters in a string.
Prerequisite: upper_letters is composed entirely of capital letters.
return sum(map(lambda l: 1 + ord(l) - ord('A'), upper_letters))
alpha_score('ABC') # => 6 = 1 ('A') + 2 ('B') + 3 ('C')
def two_best(words):
pass # Your implementation here
two_best(['hEllO', 'wOrLD', 'i', 'aM', 'PyThOn'])
You may want to use filter
As an academic thought exercise, let's investigate how we would use Python in a purely functional programming paradigm. Ultimately, we will try to remove statements and replace them with expressions.
The first thing that needs to go are control flow statements - if/elif/else
. Luckily, Python, like many other languages, short circuits boolean expressions. This means that we can rewrite
if <cond1>: func1()
elif <cond2>: func2()
else: func3()
as the equivalent expression
(<cond1> and func1()) or (<cond2> and func2()) or (func3())
Note: The above will work if and only if all of the functions return truthy values.
Rewrite the following code block without using if/elif/else
if score == 1:
return "Winner"
elif score == -1:
return "Loser"
return "Tied"
However, we would still need return values to do anything useful. Since lambdas implicitly return their expression, we will use lambdas to eliminate return statements. We can bind these temporary conditional conjunctive normal form expressions to a lambda function.
echo = lambda arg: arg # In practice, you should never bind lambdas to local names
cond_fn = lambda x: (x==1 and echo("one")) \
or (x==2 and echo("two")) \
or (echo("other"))
Getting rid of loops is easy! We can map
over a sequence instead of looping over the sequence. For example:
for e in lst:
map(func, lst)
Most programs take the form a sequence of steps, written out line by line. By using a just_do_it
function and map
, we can replicate a sequence of function calls.
just_do_it = lambda f: f()
# Suppose f1, f2, f3 are actions
map(just_do_it, [f1, f2, f3])
Our main program execution can then be a single call to such a map expression.
In fact, Python has eval
and exec
functions builtin. Don't use them! They are dangerous.
Python supports functional programming paradigms, but as you can see, in some cases FP introduces unnecessary complexity.
If you really enjoyed this section, read Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3 of IBM's articles on FP in Python.
Recall from class than an iterator is an object that represents a stream of data returned one value at a time.
Suppose the following two lines of code have been run:
it = iter(range(100))
67 in it # => True
What is the output of each of the following lines of code?
next(it) # => ??
37 in it # => ??
next(it) # => ??
With a partner, discuss why we see these results.
Python ships with a spectacular module for manipulating iterators called itertools
. Take a moment to read through the documentation page for itertools.
Predict the output of the following pieces of code:
import itertools
import operator
for el in itertools.permutations('XKCD', 2):
print(el, end=', ')
for el in itertools.cycle('LO'):
print(el, end='') # Don't run this one. Why not?
itertools.starmap(operator.mul, itertools.zip_longest([3,5,7],[2,3], fillvalue=1))
These challenge problems test your ability to write compact Python functions using the tools of functional programming and some good old-fashioned cleverness. As always, challenge problems are optional. These challenge problems focus heavily on linear algebra.
Write a one-liner in Python that takes the dot product of two lists u
and v
. You can assume that the lists are the same size, and are standard Python lists (not anything special, like numpy arrays). You should use
def dot_product(u, v):
For example, dot_product([1, 3, 5], [2, 4, 6])
should return 44
(since 1 * 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 * 6 = 44
Write a one-liner in Python to transpose a matrix. Assume that the input matrix is a tuple-of-tuples that represents a valid matrix, not necessarily square. Again, do not use numpy or any other libraries - just raw data structure manipulation.
def transpose(m):
Not only can you do this in one line - you can do it in 14 characters!
For example,
matrix = (
(1, 2, 3, 4),
(5, 6, 7, 8),
# returns
# (
# (1, 5, 9),
# (2, 6, 10),
# (3, 7, 11),
# (4, 8, 12)
# )
Write another one-liner in Python to take the product of two matrices m1
and m2
. You can use the dot_product
and transpose
functions you already wrote.
def matmul(m1, m2):
Rewrite your transpose
and matmul
functions above so that they are lazily evaluated.
Recall that generator expressions are a way to lazily compute values on the fly, without buffering the entire contents of the list in place.
For each of the following scenarios, discuss whether it would be more appropriate to use a generator expression or a list comprehension:
- Searching for a given entity in the entries of a 1TB database.
- Calculate cheap airfare using lots of journey-to-destination flight information.
- Finding the first palindromic Fibonacci number greater than 1,000,000.
- Determine all multi-word anagrams of user-supplied 1000-character-or-more strings (very expensive to do).
- Generate a list of names of Stanford students whose SUNet ID numbers are less than 5000000.
- Return a list of all startups within 50 miles of Stanford.
Write a infinite generator that successively yields the triangle numbers 0, 1, 3, 6, 10, ...
def generate_triangles():
pass # Your implementation here
Use your generator to write a function triangles_under(n)
that prints out all triangle numbers strictly less than the parameter n
def triangles_under(n):
In class, we quickly showed a highly unusual way to generate primes. Take some time to read through it again, and talk with a partner about how and why this successfully generates prime numbers.
def primes_under(n):
tests = []
for i in range(2, n):
if not any(map(lambda test: test(i), tests)):
yield i
How would you modify the code above to yield all composite numbers, rather than all prime numbers? Test your solution. What is the 1000th composite number?
In class, we saw that functions can be defined within the scope of another function (recall from Week 3 that functions introduce new scopes via a new local symbol table). An inner function is only in scope inside of the outer function, so this type of function definition is usually only used when the inner function is being returned to the outside world.
def outer():
def inner(a):
return a
return inner
f = outer()
print(f) # <function outer.<locals>.inner at 0x1044b61e0>
f(10) # => 10
f2 = outer()
print(f2) # <function outer.<locals>.inner at 0x1044b6268> (Different from above!)
f2(11) # => 11
Why are the memory addresses different for f
and f2
? Discuss with a partner.
As we saw above, the definition of the inner function occurs during the execution of the outer function. This implies that a nested function has access to the environment in which it was defined. Therefore, it is possible to return an inner function that remembers the state of the outer function, even after the outer function has completed execution. This model is referred to as a closure.
def make_adder(n):
def add_n(m): # Captures the outer variable `n` in a closure
return m + n
return add_n
add1 = make_adder(1)
print(add1) # <function make_adder.<locals>.add_n at 0x103edf8c8>
add1(4) # => 4
add1(5) # => 6
add2 = make_adder(2)
print(add2) # <function make_adder.<locals>.add_n at 0x103ecbf28>
add2(4) # => 6
add2(5) # => 7
The information in a closure is available in the function's __closure__
attribute. For example:
closure = add1.__closure__
cell0 = closure[0]
cell0.cell_contents # => 1 (this is the n = 1 passed into make_adder)
As another example, consider the function:
def foo(a, b, c=-1, *d, e=-2, f=-3, **g):
def wraps():
print(a, c, e, g)
The print
call induces a closure of wraps
over a
, c
, e
, g
from the enclosing scope of foo
. Or, you can imagine that wraps "knows" that it will need a
, c
, e
, and g
from the enclosing scope, so at the time wraps
is defined, Python takes a "screenshot" of these variables from the enclosing scope and stores references to the underlying objects in the __closure__
attribute of the wraps
w = foo(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, e=6, f=7, y=2, z=3)
list(map(lambda cell: cell.cell_contents, w.__closure__))
# = > [1, 3, 6, {'y': 2, 'z': 3}]
What happens in the following situation? Why?
def outer(l):
def inner(n):
return l * n
return inner
l = [1, 2, 3]
f = outer(l)
print(f(3)) # => ??
print(f(3)) # => ??
Recall that a decorator is a special type of function that accepts a function as an argument and (usually) returns a modified version of that function. In class, we saw the debug
decorator - review the slides if you still feel uncomfortable with the idea of a decorator.
Furthermore, recall that the @decorator
syntax is syntactic sugar.
def fn():
is equivalent to
def fn():
fn = decorator(fn)
In lecture, we implemented the debug
def debug(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
print("Arguments:", args, kwargs)
return function(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
Take a moment, with a partner, and make sure you understand what is happening in the above lines. Why are the arguments to wrapper on the second line *args
and **kwargs
instead of something else? What would happen if we didn't return wrapper
at the end of the function body?
Write a decorator cache
that will automatically cache any calls to the decorated function. You can assume that all arguments passed to the decorated function will always be hashable types.
def cache(function):
pass # Your implementation here
For example:
def fib(n):
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2) if n > 2 else 1
fib(10) # 55 (takes a moment to execute)
fib(10) # 55 (returns immediately)
fib(100) # doesn't take forever
fib(400) # doesn't raise RuntimeError
Hint: You can set arbitrary attributes on a function (e.g. fn._cache
). When you do so, the attribute-value pair also gets inserted into fn.__dict__
. Take a look for yourself. Are the extra attributes and .__dict__
always in sync?
Add max_size
and eviction_policy
keyword arguments, with reasonable defaults (perhaps max_size=None
as a sentinel), to your cache
decorator. eviction_policy
should be 'LRU'
, 'MRU'
, or 'random'
This is actually implemented as part of the language in functools.lru_cache
The debug
decorator we wrote in class isn't very good. It doesn't tell us which function is being called, and it just gives us a tuple of positional arguments and a dictionary of keyword arguments - it doesn't even know what the names of the positional arguments are! If the default arguments aren't overridden, it won't show us their value either.
Use function attributes to improve our debug
decorator into a print_args
decorator that is as good as you can make it.
def print_args(function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# (1) You could do something here
retval = function(*args, **kwargs)
# (2) You could also do something here
return retval
return wrapper
Hint: Consider using the attributes fn.__name__
and fn.__code__
. You'll have to investigate these attributes, but I will say that the fn.__code__
code object contains a number of useful attributes - for instance, fn.__code__.co_varnames
. Check it out! More information is available in the latter half of Lab 3.
There are a lot of subtleties to this function, since functions can be called in a number of different ways. How does your print_args
handle keyword arguments or even keyword-only arguments? Variadic positional arguments? Variadic keyword arguments? For more customization, look at fn.__defaults__
, fn.__kwdefaults__
, as well as other attributes of fn.__code__
Functions in Python can be optionally annotated by semantically-useless but structurally-valuable type annotations. For example:
def foo(a: int, b: str) -> bool:
return b[a] == 'X'
foo.__annotations__ # => {'a': int, 'b': str, 'return': bool}
Write a dynamic type checker, implemented as a decorator, that enforces the parameter types and return type of Python objects, if supplied.
def enforce_types(function):
pass # Your implementation here
For example:
def foo(a: int, b: str) -> bool:
if a == -1:
return 'Gotcha!'
return b[a] == 'X'
foo(3, 'abcXde') # => True
foo(2, 'python') # => False
foo(1, 4) # prints "Invalid argument type for b: expected str, received int
foo(-1, '') # prints "Invalid return type: expected bool, received str
There are lots of nuances to this function. What happens if some annotations are missing? How are keyword arguments and variadic arguments handled? What happens if the expected type of a parameter is not a primitive type? Can you annotate a function to describe that a parameter should be a list of strings? A tuple of (str, bool) pairs? A dictionary mapping strings to lists of ints?
If you think you're done, show your decorator to a member of the course staff.
Warning! This extension is very hard
Extend the enforce_types
decorator to accept a keyword argument severity
which modifies the extent of the enforcement. If severity == 0
, disable type checking. If severity == 1
(which is the default), just print a message if there are any type violations. If severity == 2
, raise a TypeError if there are any type violations.
For example:
def bar(a: list, b: str) -> int:
return 0
@enforce_types_challenge() # Why are there parentheses here?
def baz(a: bool, b: str) -> str:
return ''