We are following the model in capitains.github.io/pages/guidelines. For our database and XQuery processor we use BaseX.
- First, we need to create workgroups, as directories and metadata descriptions; to achieve that in an uniform way, we call the croalabib XML db (for authors' names)
- We need to create work directories inside each workgroup
- The appropriate files have to be moved into the work directories
- File names have to be changed, but a concordance list (old name - new name) will be kept
The scripts work locally, paths of files have to be changed. They also rely on several XML databases.
- List files with multiple authors: cts-list-multiauthor.xq
- Subtract files with multiple authors from the cts-croala db: subtract-multiauthors.xq
- Prepare a list of author refs (IDs) for croalabib: cts-get-refs-from-croalabib.xq
- Prepare a list of textgroups: cts-list-from-croalabib.xq
All these scripts are combined in create-single-author-textgroups.bxs.
In the next phase, we use a helper index file croalactstextgroups.xml, created with croalacts-create-work-metadata.xq.
- Create directories for each textgroup (in rad/croalacts/data): croalacts-create-dirs.xq
- Put a
file with metadata in each textgroup dir: croalacts-create-textgroup-metadata.xq - Create works directories: croalacts-create-dirs-works.xq
- Put the XML documents into directories, rename the XML files: croalacts-move-docs-to-works.xq
- Create
metadata for works: croalacts-works-create-metadata.xq
The (development) database which will be created from files in data is called croala-cts-1
. It can be created and replicated with the script create-croalacts-db.bxs, provided you correct the absolute path of the data
On our development server, the script is run by:
./basex/bin/basex /home/croala/cts-croala/scripts/bxs/create-croalacts-db.bxs
Then we move the XQuery modules (croalacts.xqm
, functx.xqm
) and scripts to required places:
rsync -avzP scripts/restxq/cts-open-urn.xq ~/basex/webapp/restxq/
rsync -avzP scripts/xqm/*.xqm ~/basex/repo/
We test the setup by going to, for example, croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/cts/urn:cts:croala:sivri01.croala853690.croala-lat1:text.body.div2.div6.div2.div2.l6. Or, if we want, we open a CTS URN several levels up: croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/cts/urn:cts:croala:sivri01.croala853690.croala-lat1:text.body.div2.div6.
CTS URNs present texts at several levels:
- textgroups (usually sharing the same author, or authors, or identity)
- works (belonging to textgroups, instantiated in different editions)
- editions (realizations of works, differing in textual readings, layout, language)
- segments (all divisions of an edition we find necessary)
There are XQuery functions to display, or access, everything CroALa has at each level.
All functions are part of the croalacts.xqm XQuery library module.
The functions were developed using unit testing. The tests are in ctstest.xqm.
Results of XQueries are displayed as web pages using the BaseX RESTXQ API. The RESTXQ scripts are in restxq, as follows:
- cts-list-textgroups.xq displays a list of textgroup URNs available in CroALa; see it on the CroALa site: croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/conglomerationes
- cts-list-works.xq lists all works belonging to a textgroup; on the CroALa site, for example: croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/ctsconglomeratio/urn:cts:croala:skrl01; note that the URL croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/ctsconglomeratio/index lists all works available in CroALa, in alphabetical order
- cts-list-editions.xq lists all editions of a work available in CroALa -- currently only one per work; on the CroALa site, for example, croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/ctsopus/urn:cts:croala:anonymus_1066.croala842559; again, croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/ctsopus/index lists all editions available
- cts-list-nodes.xq lists CTS URNs of all textual nodes in an edition (in its original sequence), for example croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/ctseditio/urn:cts:croala:selimb01.croala1579857.croala-lat1
- cts-open-urn.xq displays text, or whatever else belongs to a CTS URN node; for example croala.ffzg.unizg.hr/basex/cts/urn:cts:croala:selimb01.croala1579857.croala-lat1:text.front.div