Older experiments
Use a stored google cloud function to perform the download - free hosting
See gfuncs.js - works!
Somewhat complicated to store the PATs; and hard to secure.
Maybe need a better way to query user for repo/PAT info. (Which is what led to putting all this in a github pages hosted index.html page)
Gives you a bookmarklet to retrieve tiddlyWiki index.html from github. (bookmarklets are just javascript programs stored as a bookmark).
Thus, you can just click on a bookmark, get to you tiddlyWiki and it can be saved (and autosaved) back to GitHub.
- copy code from tgbm.js
- use a javascript minifer - this helps to make the bookmarklet smaller and removes comments. Recommend https://chriszarate.github.io/bookmarkleter/ ... make sure to use babel minify (auto removes comments...)
- IMPORTANT: in the input field, make sure to paste-in your GitHub user name and PAT
- The output from the bookmarkleter will need to be copied in to the new bookmark
- make the bookmark
- open up your browsers bookmark manager
- add a new bookmark
- copy in the bookmarklet code - a long string starting with "javascript:(function(){..." - as the URL
- save
Works; a bit complicated to edit the bookmarklet
- https://chriszarate.github.io/bookmarkleter/ - use babel minify (auto removes comments...)
- https://mrcoles.com/bookmarklet/