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base repository: net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall
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base: RELEASE/
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head repository: net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall
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compare: master
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Showing with 3,556 additions and 747 deletions.
  1. +18 −19
  2. +13 −60
  3. +209 −0
  4. +23 −2
  5. +117 −0 Docs/net.lisias-ksp/
  6. BIN Docs/net.lisias-ksp/content/FatalAlertBox-OriginAppRoot.jpg
  7. BIN Docs/net.lisias-ksp/content/NonFatalAlertBox-pwd.jpg
  8. BIN Docs/net.lisias-ksp/content/ShowStopperAlertBox.jpg
  9. +17 −0 Extras/__LOCAL/KSP-Recall/ActivateProceduralPartsFixes.cfg
  10. +31 −0 Extras/__LOCAL/KSP-Recall/ChillingOut.cfg
  11. +20 −0 Extras/__LOCAL/KSP-Recall/DisplayNameForUKS.cfg
  12. +14 −0 Extras/__LOCAL/KSP-Recall/TestPersistentId.cfg
  13. BIN GameData/666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll
  14. +39 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/KSP-Recall.cfg
  15. +21 −1 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/Resources/Resources.cfg
  16. +15 −1 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/100_Interventions.cfg
  17. +43 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/101_ProceduralPartsAttachmentNodesFix.cfg
  18. +6 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/EDITOR_160.cfg
  19. +12 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/attached-on-editor.cfg
  20. +1 −1 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/chillingout.cfg
  21. +4 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/fundskeeper.cfg
  22. +1 −5 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/refunding.cfg
  23. +3 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/resourceful.cfg
  24. +7 −0 GameData/999_KSP-Recall/patches/stealbackfunds.cfg
  25. +52 −0 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/
  26. +8 −7 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/ModuleManagerWatchDog.version
  27. +1 −1 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/NOTICE
  28. +7 −0 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/Plugins/InterstellarRedist.cfg
  29. BIN GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/Plugins/PluginData/ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll
  30. +20 −0 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/Plugins/ScaleRedist.cfg
  31. BIN GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/Plugins/WatchDogForInterstellarRedist.dll
  32. BIN GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/Plugins/WatchDogForScaleRedist.dll
  33. BIN GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/Plugins/WatchDogInstallChecker.dll
  34. +62 −4 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/
  35. +31 −0 GameData/ModuleManagerWatchDog/WatchDog.cfg
  36. +6 −6
  37. +14 −6
  38. +0 −31 KSP-Recall.netkan
  39. +18 −0 KSP-Recall.sln
  40. +7 −7 KSP_Recall.version
  41. +1 −1 NOTICE
  42. +33 −15
  43. +5 −0 Source/Attached/Attached.csproj
  44. +8 −11 Source/Attached/EditorHelper.cs
  45. +6 −0 Source/Attached/GlobalSuppressions.cs
  46. +6 −6 Source/Attached/PartModule.cs
  47. +3 −4 Source/Attached/PartPool.cs
  48. +3 −1 Source/Attached/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  49. +57 −0 Source/AttachedOnEditor/AttachedOnEditor.csproj
  50. +404 −0 Source/AttachedOnEditor/PartModule.cs
  51. +28 −0 Source/AttachedOnEditor/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  52. +4 −0 Source/ChillingOut/ChillingOut.csproj
  53. +39 −13 Source/ChillingOut/PartModule.cs
  54. +3 −1 Source/ChillingOut/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  55. +4 −0 Source/Driftless/Driftless.csproj
  56. +6 −6 Source/Driftless/PartModule.cs
  57. +3 −1 Source/Driftless/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  58. +44 −0 Source/KSP-Recall/GUI/FatalAlertBox.cs
  59. +40 −0 Source/KSP-Recall/GUI/NonFatalAlertBox.cs
  60. +19 −20 Source/KSP-Recall/GUI/ShowStopperAlertBox.cs
  61. +95 −0 Source/KSP-Recall/Globals.cs
  62. +8 −0 Source/KSP-Recall/KSP-Recall.csproj
  63. +3 −3 Source/KSP-Recall/Log.cs
  64. +41 −17 Source/KSP-Recall/ModuleManagerSupport.cs
  65. +2 −1 Source/KSP-Recall/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  66. +1 −1 Source/KSP-Recall/Properties/
  67. +22 −23 Source/KSP-Recall/Properties/LegalMamboJambo.cs
  68. +178 −99 Source/KSP-Recall/SanityCheck.cs
  69. +4 −5 Source/KSP-Recall/Startup.cs
  70. +22 −19 Source/Refunding/EditorHelper.cs
  71. +235 −22 Source/Refunding/FlightHelper.cs
  72. +13 −0 Source/Refunding/GlobalSuppressions.cs
  73. +100 −0 Source/Refunding/PartCostHelper.cs
  74. +0 −271 Source/Refunding/PartModule.cs
  75. +386 −0 Source/Refunding/PartModules/Abstract.cs
  76. +176 −0 Source/Refunding/PartModules/FundsKeeper.cs
  77. +106 −0 Source/Refunding/PartModules/Refunding.cs
  78. +100 −0 Source/Refunding/PartModules/StealBackMyFunds.cs
  79. +3 −1 Source/Refunding/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  80. +16 −2 Source/Refunding/Refunding.csproj
  81. +9 −12 Source/Resourceful/EditorHelper.cs
  82. +7 −7 Source/Resourceful/PartModule.cs
  83. +4 −5 Source/Resourceful/PartResourcePool.cs
  84. +3 −1 Source/Resourceful/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  85. +4 −0 Source/Resourceful/Resourceful.csproj
  86. +96 −0 Source/TestPersistentId/PartModule.cs
  87. +79 −0 Source/TestPersistentId/PersistentIdHelper.cs
  88. +28 −0 Source/TestPersistentId/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  89. +58 −0 Source/TestPersistentId/TestPersistentId.csproj
  90. +13 −0 Source/Tests/Program.cs
  91. +26 −0 Source/Tests/Properties/AssemblyInfo.cs
  92. +37 −0 Source/Tests/Tests.csproj
  93. +23 −0
  94. +3 −0
  95. +5 −1
  96. +54 −15
  97. +6 −6
  98. +7 −3
  99. +4 −0
  100. +23 −3
37 changes: 18 additions & 19 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,37 +1,36 @@

[KSP Recall]( is on the Wild, featuring:
[KSP Recall]( is on the Wild, featuring:

* A (dirty) workaround for the KSP 1.11.x faulty calculation of Funds on recovering crafts (Issue [#12](
* Fixes a deployment mishap for CurseForge
Fixes for the already published fixes:

A new module, `Refunding`, as well a new "Resource" was introduced for KSP 1.11, to counter attack the miscalculation mentioned above.
- [#26]( Kerbal going on EVA on Kerbin without helmet instantly dies
- [#25]( ChillingOut apparently is screwing up KSPIE

When recovering the craft, the badly calculated refunds will still be there, but an additional Resource called "Refunding" will be present ~~stealing~~ giving back the losses.
Both issues were related to the same feature, `ChillingOut`, besides having different causes. In both cases, less than ideal implementations ended up causing undesired collateral effects.

Thanks to @ss8913 and @rawhide_k for [their]( [reports](

Users of **EVERY** add'on that implements`IPastCostModifier` and are running on KSP 1.11.x **NEED** to install KSP-Recall - or your Career will be seriously hindered.
### About the Future

Affected (known) add'ons are:
Given the current state of affairs on Forum, I think the best line of action for KSP-Recall is to stop pursuing work-arounds for KSP 1.12.x and let others do the job.

+ [Darth Pointer's Pay to Play](
+ [FreeThinker's Interstellar Fuel Switch](
+ [allista's Cargo Accelerators](
+ [All Angel 125 Add'Ons that uses WildBlueTools](
+ [Nathan Kell's Modular Fuel System]( (and Real Fuels)
+ [IgorZ's Kerbal Inventory System](
+ [KOS](
+ [Kerbalism](
+ [And many, many others]( - perhaps Squad's own modules (who knows?)
So I decided that no KSP 1.12.x specific bugs will be handled anymore by KSP-Recall as it's becoming increasingly harder to diagnose and code fixes relying only on [Clean Room Design]( approaches, and recent events suggest that trying different methods can be legally risky (even by, at least in theory, being perfectly legal on USA, Europe and most other countries).

The current Workarounds will be actively maintained and eventual workarounds for KSP versions up to 1.11.2 (including very old ones, as 1.2.2 and 1.3.1 - I'm still playing on 1.7.3!!) can be considered - mainly because these codebases are very well known already and there's no one else considering supporting them.

There're alternatives for KSP-Recall available on Forum for KSP 1.12.x users, so this is not exactly a settle back - it can be even an improvement, as some of the alternatives are willing to go trought paths I'm not.

As usual, anything going wrong or weird can still be reported here: if it's something on KSP-Recall, **it will be fixed**. If it affects some older KSP version still in use, we can study a workaround or perhaps a fix (these versions will not change for sure anymore!).

For problems on KSP 1.12.x, at least some preliminary diagnosing can be carry out, making easier for some third-party to code a fix. But no implementation will be carried out.

- - -

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

* GitHub, reaching manual installers and users of KSP-AVC first. Right now.
* CurseForge, by Saturday's noon (GMT-3)
* SpaceDock (and CKAN users), by Saturday's night (GMT-3)
* CurseForge, by this Wednesday night (GMT-3) - I hope
* SpaceDock (and CKAN users), by this Thursday's night (GMT-3) - with luck

The reasoning is to gradually distribute the Release to easily monitor the deployment and cope with eventual mishaps.
73 changes: 13 additions & 60 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,62 +1,15 @@
# KSP-Recall :: Changes

* 2021-0327: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Properly implemented the `active` attribute, allowing `Refunding` to be deactivate on a part per part basis if something wrong happens on the field.
+ Reworked the `Refunding` mechanism, injecting the Resource at runtime as needed.
- This will hopefully workaround the problem with Fuel Switches and other add'ons that mangle the Resource Pool of the part.
+ Preventing `Resourceful` to be applied on parts with `ModuleCargoPart`, `ModuleComet`, `ModuleAsteroid` and `ModuleKerbal` as these are proven problematic on the field with code that handles resources.
+ The `activate` property of all Modules are now persisted on saving.
- Be cautious, this can screw up your savegame.
* 2021-0322: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Made the `Refunding` stunt invisible on the U.I., decluttering the widgets.
- Thanks for the [tip](, [Hohmannson](
+ Preventing `Refunding` from messing up Stock Stackable parts
- At the expense of having its costs fixed on Recovering, however
- Thanks for [Krazy1]( for reporting [this](
+ Preventing `Refunding` from messing up Stackable on KIS
- No collateral effects expected on this one.
+ Added a Sanity Check for `Refunding` on KSP-Recall Startup.
* 2021-0308: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Fixed a pretty lame mistake on initiating the `Refund` PartModule.
* 2021-0305: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ (Properly) Implements a ~~ugly hack~~, I mean, a workaround for the KSP 1.11.x bug on recovering funds described on Issue [#12](
- Thanks a lot to [firethorn6]( and [DarthPointer]( for reporting the problem and further help on diagnosing it and testing the solution!
+ Fixes a deployment mishap for CurseForge
* 2021-0303: **BETA** (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Enhances further more that ~~ugly hack~~, I mean, a workaround for the KSP 1.11.x bug on recovering funds described on Issue [#12](
- Most, if not all, Add'Ons are expected to be supported directly or indirectly this time.
+ **Attention please**
- **DO NOT** use this on "production". This thing may be unsafe, as I used some dirty tricks that can backfire later.
* 2021-0303: **BETA** (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ **DITCHED** due a mishap on the craft charge on Launch
* 2021-0302: **BETA** (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Implements a ~~ugly hack~~, I mean, a workaround for the KSP 1.11.x bug on recovering funds described on Issue [#12](
+ **Attention please**
- **DO NOT** use this on "production". This thing may be unsafe, as I used some dirty tricks that can backfire later.
- Not all add'ons are guaranteed to work yet, I need to study some affected add'ons in order to detect the most simple way to support them.
* 2021-0209: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Updating the KSPe.Light, with a fix on the installment check
+ Some minor fixes on the stats of the Sanity Checks.
+ Removing the Beta status, the `ChilliongOut` stunt appears to be working fine.
* 2021-0106: **BETA** (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Preliminary attempt to overcome the new bug on launching from KSP 1.11
+ Check the following posts for more information:
- [KAX](
- [Impossible Innovations](
* 2020-1220: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Preventing installing Driftless on KSP 1.11.
- Check [Issue #10](
* 2020-0827: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Some tool (and I'm hunting this \*\*\*\*), with all its wisdom, decided to "help me" adding silently a configuration that automatically converts EoL between UNIX and Windows. And did the stunt on a DLL.
+ This release fixes the DLL.
+ Full history on [Forum](
* 2020-0817: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Fixes an annoying situation where Decouplers and Docking Ports with `Driftless` blocks fuel to engines above them on the stack.
* 2020-0817: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ An error on handling parts without `RigidBody` was raining NREs on the KSP.log. Fixed.
+ A slightly smarter handling of inactive and rigidbodyless parts may save a tiny little bit of CPU time.
+ Specialised treatment for Kerbals on EVA, as it was realised that Kerbals drifts a lot more than crafts - by reasons still unknown at this moment.
* 2020-0815: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.8.0
+ Adds a Work Around for crafts drifting on the Heading at rest, even when without wheels attached.
- There's another similar problem on the wheels themselves, KSP Recall are still working on this one
+ **Way** smarter selective applying of the Modules when needed.
* 2024-0521: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.4.1
+ Fixes an unexpected misbehaviour on KSP >= 1.9.x that, frankly, I don't know how I had missed for so much time.
+ Closes issues:
- [#80]( Merge Craft is getting its surface attachments screwed on 1.9.x and newer
* 2024-0519: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.4.1
- Because sleepy developers should do more sleeping and less releases! :P
* 2024-0506: (LisiasT) for KSP >= 1.4.1
+ Rollbacks the PAW changes due an absolutely unexpected, unexplainable and crappy KSP behaviour that only manifested itself on KSP 1.12.x
- I don't have the slightest clue about what happened yet.
+ Closes issues:
- [#77](
Refunding is not working on 1.12.x!!!