- git initials:
git init # initialize an empty git repository
git remote # to check what remote/source you have
git remote add origin "repository link" # add remote
git remote rm <existing-remote-name> # delete existing remote
git remote set-url origin https://x.y.x # overwrite existing remote origin
git config --list # check current git config
git config user.name "username" # set username
git fetch && git checkout branch-name # fetch the reposity and go to working branch
# press q to exit from command
- git save changes:
git add -A . # new added, modified, deleted
git add -u # modified and deleted
git reset # remove all add
git reset <file-name>
- git stashing:
git stash # stash all current changes and push to stash stack
git stash save "stash_name" # saving with a name
git stash list # show stash list
git stash apply # stash is a stack. apply the top one
git stash apply stash@{n} # To apply a stash and keep it in the stash stack
git stash drop # stash is a stack. drop the top one
git stash drop stash@{n} # To drop a specific stash from list
git stash pop stash@{n} # To apply a stash and remove it from the stash stack
git stash clear # clear all stash
- git branching:
git checkout -b branch-name # create new branch
git checkout branch-name # move to an existing brance
git branch # to see all branch
git branch -d branch-name # to delete a branch
git checkout --track origin/newsletter # checkout to remote branch
git branch --set-upstream-to <remote-branch> # set remote branch
git branch --move <old_name> <new_name> # local branch rename
git push origin [-u] <new_name> # pushing to remote will create new branch if not already exist
git push origin -d <old_name> # delete remote branch
- git reset:
git reset --hard HEAD
git reset -- main/*
git reset -- main/dontcheckmein.txt
- git untrack a file in local repo only and keep it in the remote repo
git update-index --assume-unchanged nbproject/project.properties # untrack the project.properties
git update-index --no-assume-unchanged # revert the st
git ls-files -v | grep '^h ' # see list of untracked file
- git commit:
git log # see commit logs
git reset --soft HEAD~1 # undo last local commit
git reset --hard HEAD~ # undo all local commits
git reset --hard @{u} # undo all local changes and align with remote
- git merge:
git merge <:branch_you_want_to_merge:> # first move to branch you working