- API related to "compatible models" removed, as the client and server models do not need to have model IDs differing by 1 (#225).
- Scene messages added.
- Lightness, CTL and HSL messages added.
- Improved switching from provisioning to node configuration.
- Support for Proxies with proxy filter capacity limited to 1.
- Bugfix: Several potential crashes fixed, including #208.
- Spelling: Targetting -> targeting.
- Option to select connected proxy manually (disable Automatic Connection on Proxy screen).
- An example Simple OnOff client vendor model added.
- Bugfix: Race condition on Access and Upper Transport Layer fixed (#179).
- Bugfix: Editing keys possible only when new one is created (#188).
- Improvement: Clarification of Relay documentation (#168).
- Improvement: Compatibility with Xcode 10.x (#180).
- A complete rewrite of the sample app and underlying mesh library. The API is not backwards compatible with the old version.
- The old database will be automatically migrated to the new format when calling
- Adds ability to control GenericOnOff parameters,
(some testing needed). - Adds ability to control GenericLevel models, additionally
(some testing needed). - Bugfix: Fixed an issue causign the provisioning to halt at 91% intermittently due to block acknowledgements not working as it should, a 2 second delay is restored to workaround this.
- Adds ability to control GenericOnOff parameters,
- Adds minor improvements to the copy on some UI components within the application.
- Bugfix: Performance improvement due to removing an intended 2 second delay when switching between Composition Data Get state and AppKeyAdd state due to an earlier bug.
- Bugfix: fixed an issue with block acknowledgements that caused longer messages that needs multiple acknowledgment to fail.
- Bugfix: fixed an issue in the GenericOnOff control view, this bug caused loss of control over the node when it's added then removed from a subscription group.
- Bugfix: fixed an issue that caused the navigation bar not to reflect the scanner state when directly tapping the
Add Node
button instead of using the tab bar button.
- Adds a better approach for GenericOnOffSet messages to be sent to all subscribed addresses on the target element. If no subscriptions are present, messages will be sent to the element's unicast.
- Adds element unicast address within the node view to allow easier configuration.
- Adds Application Version and build numbers in the settings view.
- Adds a more descriptive title depending on OOB type in the user input view.
- Fixes some typos and misplaced text in the bundled application.
- Bugfix: Fixed a crash when the input OOB length won't fit within an UIn16 value.
- Bugfix: Input and Output OOB actions where wrongly parsed as Octets instead of bit fields, causing a crash when a node supports more than one action type.
- Bugfix: Fixed a bug causing Output OOB action types that are not Numeric OOB to never trigger due to a legacy check that's no longer required.
- Adds GenericOnOffServer control.
- Adds UI improvement in Element view, now subscription,publication and both states are shown on the cell.
- Adds UI improvement for GenericOnOff control to disable the feature if an AppKey is not bound to the model.
- Bugfix: Access messages no longer use DeviceKey and DeviceNonce in cases where Appkey should be used.
- Bugfix: Sequence number's first octet was not calculated properly, causing it to always be 0x00.
- Bugfix: Fixed Typo in scanner view "Discovery" -> "Discover".
- TestFlight Release.
- First App Store Release.
- Adds ability to reset/remove a node.
- Adds ability to remove subscription addresses for a model.
- Adds ability to parse node identity packets to allow connecting to a specific node (Cryptographically safe).
- Adds ability to parse network identity packets to allow reconnecting to the same node (Cryptographically safe).
- Adds MeshManager class that manages the proxy node, network state and related mesh network data through API calls.
- Adds ability to abort node provisioning.
- Adds Improved provisioning view with progressbar indicaton.
- Bugfix: AppKeyIndex values above 1 caused a failure to bind models to app keys due to a hardcoded value.
- Bugfix: NetKeyIndex and AppKeyIndex values were swapped in the AppKeyStatus message.
- Bugfix: Mesh connection button was too slow and sometimes malfunctioned.
- Bugfix: Scanner views were someimes untapabble and scrolling was erratic when nodes advertise with low intervals.
- Bugfix: Main network view crashed intermittently after network has been reset.
- Bugfix: Some input views where parsing freetext as hex, causing a crash.
- Input views can now rubustly handle hex input format starting with
. - Subscription address types are now shown beside the subscription address.
- Empty scanner views will now have an empty state to avoid blank screens.
- Provisioning logs moved to a separate view.
- Improved UI and interaction accross all views.
- TestFligt Release.
- Bundled sample firmwares for Light Server and Light client to ease the testing process.
- Minor fixes for copy in the model configuration view, Detail labels where left blank, now they show more information on what happens on selection.
- Added empty scanner view (Not yet implemented in UI).
- Added mesh save when mesh state is reset to fix the crash caused by mesh state not being present on main network view.
- Reset network text will now be red to alert the user of destructive action.
- Settings view copy improvemetns: capitalization fixes and better naming of rows.
- CBUUID log in the provisioner will now show the hex value instead of data size.
- Title on provisioner will use the friendly name instead of BLE name.
- Display node name and unicast in the node's cell title label.
- Fixed bug causing node friendly name to be forced into a hex value.
- Fixed a bug causing node friendly name not to be stored and used.
- Minor tweak to the node cell UI.
- Shortened company name/company id label text.
- removed 0x from placeholder input to avoid confusion.
- Fixed Bug causing key binding, pub/sub addresses to overlap on models with same identifier.
- Minor refactor to the compositionelement model to allow storing model related data within the element instead of the root object.
- Added activity indicator in the provisioning view to emphasise the progress, it stops at completion or any failures.
- Minor cleanup in log messages during node identity verification, all lowercased.
- Used CBUUID as a node identifier to avoid duplication and to avoid the mistake of using advertisement data as it's not a node identifier.
- Minor log fixes to avoid double logging of disconnection, etc..
- Disconnecting of current proxy when provisioning a new node, this is to avoid having multiple proxies connected simultaneously.
- Removed commented out code line.
- Node Identity validation.
- Added node identity advertisement parsing when reconnecting to a node to configure after provisioning.
- Added ability to overwrite the unicast address in case the user doesn't want to use the automatically incremented space.
- Added automatic unicast address incrementing in mesh state struct.
- unicast will automatically increment according to number of elements coming from the composition data of a provisioned node.
- This allows simply tapping provision button instead of having to type in the address manually.
- Minor tweak to tint settings.
- Color improvements on Node cells.
- Renamed Display name to nRF Mesh.
- Updated LaunchScreen Storyboard.
- Added missing image assets.
- Added 1 second delay after provisioning succeeds to allow the user to see the message.
- Provisioning view will set the main tab to the network view instead of the scanner view before popping to root view, to give a better context.
- Renamed Product Vendor Identifier to Product Version as it was incorrect.
- Updated Composition status struct and NodeEntry struct to reflect the VenrodId->ProductVersion change.
- Added an improved settings icon.
- Fixed borken icon in node conviguration view.
- Added Settings icon to settings tab bar item instead of the list icon.
- Added an improved icon to the add tabbar.
- Added option to reset the mesh database, this is a destructive/non reversible action and regenerate new NetKey and mesh state.
- Added Mesh rejoin functionality to connect to a proxy node.
- Reconnection to Proxy node functional, also displaying advertisement data on the scanner view with RSSI.
- Enabled Mesh disconnection form the main view.
- WIP: Added proxy scanning mode.
- Added Reconnect button on the main network view when there's a configured network, but no connected proxy node.
- Display SIG model identifiers as subtitle even if they're parsed into a human readable string.
- Created an improved scanner node item cell.
- Display RSSI values (Will grey out when RSSI is not available, displaying the last known RSSI.
- Display Provisioning advertisement data when present.
- Added a network icon to cells.
- Extracted status code alerts to clean up code duplication.
- Added hex parsign validation to address value inputs.
- Fixed Default TTL Configuration message implementation.
- Default TTL status message is now implemented and callbacks are forwarded to it's designated delegate.
- Added subscription lists support for the Example application's UI.
- Added Subscription Add message operation, Subscription status operation and dependencies.
- iOS10 data compatibility and Segmentation / Acknowledgement messages bugs resolved.
- Fixes related to segmentation and reassembly, This fixes the acknowlegement messages failing when they're longer than MTU size and are not segmented.
- This also adds Default TTL Get message support (Not accessible currently, but functional).
- Fixes a bug that caused an invalid state when a segmented message arrives over only one segment I.E: SegN=0x00 and SegO=0x00 causing the ack timer to have an unknown state.
- Re-enabled app key state switch after composition data is received.
- Copy Data objects to preserve 0 indices on iOS versions <= 10.
- Added GATT Bearer SAR checks to assure that segments that are out of order are dropped.
- Added segment caching to assure that incomind lower transport segments are not appended to the the current segment being Reassembled upon retransmission.
- Initial release.