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JSDoc linting rules for ESLint.


Install ESLint either locally or globally.

npm install --save-dev eslint

If you have installed ESLint globally, you have to install JSDoc plugin globally too. Otherwise, install it locally.

npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-jsdoc


Add plugins section and specify eslint-plugin-jsdoc as a plugin.

    "plugins": [

Finally, enable all of the rules that you would like to use.

    "rules": {
        "jsdoc/check-alignment": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-examples": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-indentation": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-param-names": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-syntax": 1,
        "jsdoc/check-tag-names": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/check-types": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/implements-on-classes": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/match-description": 1,
        "jsdoc/newline-after-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/no-types": 1,
        "jsdoc/no-undefined-types": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-description": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-example": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-hyphen-before-param-description": 1,
        "jsdoc/require-jsdoc": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param-name": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-param-type": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns-check": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns-description": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/require-returns-type": 1, // Recommended
        "jsdoc/valid-types": 1 // Recommended

Or you can simply use the following which enables the rules commented above as "recommended":

  "extends": ["plugin:jsdoc/recommended"]

You can then selectively add to or override the recommended rules.


Allow @private to disable rules for that comment block

  • settings.jsdoc.ignorePrivate - Disables all rules for the comment block on which a @private tag occurs. Defaults to false.

Alias Preference

Use settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference to configure a preferred alias name for a JSDoc tag. The format of the configuration is: <primary tag name>: <preferred alias name>, e.g.

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "param": "arg",
                "returns": "return"

One may also use an object with a message and replacement.

The following will report the message @extends is to be used over @augments as it is more evocative of classes than @augments upon encountering @augments.

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "augments": {
                  "message": "@extends is to be used over @augments as it is more evocative of classes than @augments",
                  "replacement": "extends"

If one wishes to reject a normally valid tag, e.g., @todo, one may set the tag to false:

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "todo": false

Or one may set the targeted tag to an object with a custom message, but without a replacement property:

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "tagNamePreference": {
                "todo": {
                  "message": "We expect immediate perfection, so don't leave to-dos in your code."

Note that the preferred tags indicated in the settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference map will be assumed to be defined by check-tag-names.

The defaults in eslint-plugin-jsdoc (for tags which offer aliases) are as follows:

  • @abstract (over @virtual)
  • @augments (over @extends)
  • @class (over @constructor)
  • @constant (over @const)
  • @default (over @defaultvalue)
  • @description (over @desc)
  • @external (over @host)
  • @file (over @fileoverview, @overview)
  • @fires (over @emits)
  • @function (over @func, @method)
  • @member (over @var)
  • @param (over @arg, @argument)
  • @property (over @prop)
  • @returns (over @return)
  • @throws (over @exception)
  • @yields (over @yield)

This setting is utilized by the the rule for tag name checking (check-tag-names) as well as in the @param and @require rules:

  • check-param-names
  • check-tag-names
  • require-hyphen-before-param-description
  • require-description
  • require-param
  • require-param-description
  • require-param-name
  • require-param-type
  • require-returns
  • require-returns-check
  • require-returns-description
  • require-returns-type

@override/@augments/@extends/@implements Without Accompanying @param/@description/@example/@returns

The following settings allows the element(s) they reference to be omitted on the JSDoc comment block of the function or that of its parent class for any of the "require" rules (i.e., require-param, require-description, require-example, or require-returns).

  • settings.jsdoc.overrideReplacesDocs (@override) - Defaults to true
  • settings.jsdoc.augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs (@augments or its alias @extends) - Defaults to false.
  • settings.jsdoc.implementsReplacesDocs (@implements) - Defaults to false

The format of the configuration is as follows:

    "rules": {},
    "settings": {
        "jsdoc": {
            "overrideReplacesDocs": true,
            "augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs": true,
            "implementsReplacesDocs": true

Settings to Configure check-types and no-undefined-types

  • settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes An option map to indicate preferred or forbidden types (if default types are indicated here, these will have precedence over the default recommendations for check-types). The keys of this map are the types to be replaced (or forbidden). These keys may include:

    1. The "ANY" type, *
    2. The pseudo-type [] which we use to denote the parent (array) types used in the syntax string[], number[], etc.
    3. The pseudo-type .<> (or .) to represent the format Array.<value> or Object.<key, value>
    4. The pseudo-type <> to represent the format Array<value> or Object<key, value>
    5. A plain string type, e.g., MyType
    6. A plain string type followed by one of the above pseudo-types (except for [] which is always assumed to be an Array), e.g., Array., or SpecialObject<>.

    If a bare pseudo-type is used, it will match all parent types of that form. If a pseudo-type prefixed with a type name is used, it will only match parent types of that form and type name.

    The values can be:

    • false to forbid the type
    • a string to indicate the type that should be preferred in its place (and which fix mode can replace); this can be one of the formats of the keys described above. Note that the format will not be changed unless you use a pseudo-type in the replacement (e.g., 'Array.<>': 'MyArray' will change Array.<string> to MyArray.<string>, preserving the dot; to get rid of the dot, you must use the pseudo-type: 'Array.<>': 'MyArray<>' which will change Array.<string> to MyArray<string>). If you use a bare pseudo-type in the replacement, e.g., 'MyArray.<>': '<>', the type will be converted to the format of the pseudo-type without changing the type name, i.e., MyArray.<string> will become MyArray<string> but Array.<string> will not be modified.
    • an object with the key message to provide a specific error message when encountering the discouraged type and, if a type is to be preferred in its place, the key replacement to indicate the type that should be used in its place (and which fix mode can replace) or false if forbidding the type. The message string will have the substrings with special meaning, {{tagName}} and {{tagValue}}, replaced with their corresponding value.

Note that the preferred types indicated as targets in settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes map will be assumed to be defined by no-undefined-types.

See the option of check-types, unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks, for how the keys of preferredTypes may have <> or .<> (or just .) appended and its bearing on whether types are checked as parents/children only (e.g., to match Array if the type is Array vs. Array.<string>).



Reports invalid alignment of JSDoc block asterisks.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags N/A

The following patterns are considered problems:

  * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

  * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

  * @param {Number} foo
 function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

   * A jsdoc not attached to any node.
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

class Foo {
   *  Some method
    * @param a
  quux(a) {}
// Message: Expected JSDoc block to be aligned.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * Desc
 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {


 * Desc
 * @param {{
  foo: Bar,
  bar: Baz
 * }} foo
function quux (foo) {


/*  <- JSDoc must start with 2 stars.
  *    So this is unchecked.
function quux (foo) {}


Ensures that (JavaScript) examples within JSDoc adhere to ESLint rules.


The options below all default to no-op/false except as noted.


JSDoc specs use of an optional <caption> element at the beginning of @example.

The option captionRequired insists on a <caption> being present at the beginning of any @example.

exampleCodeRegex and rejectExampleCodeRegex

JSDoc does not specify a formal means for delimiting code blocks within @example (it uses generic syntax highlighting techniques for its own syntax highlighting). The following options determine whether a given @example tag will have the check-examples checks applied to it:

  • exampleCodeRegex - Regex which whitelists lintable examples. If a parenthetical group is used, the first one will be used, so you may wish to use (?:...) groups where you do not wish the first such group treated as one to include. If no parenthetical group exists or matches, the whole matching expression will be used. An example might be "^```(?:js|javascript)([\\s\\S]*)```\s*$" to only match explicitly fenced JavaScript blocks.
  • rejectExampleCodeRegex - Regex blacklist which rejects non-lintable examples (has priority over exampleCodeRegex). An example might be "^`" to avoid linting fenced blocks which may indicate a non-JavaScript language.

If neither is in use, all examples will be matched. Note also that even if captionRequired is not set, any initial <caption> will be stripped out before doing the regex matching.


This integer property allows one to add a fixed amount of whitespace at the beginning of the second or later lines of the example to be stripped so as to avoid linting issues with the decorative whitespace. For example, if set to a value of 4, the initial whitespace below will not trigger indent rule errors as the extra 4 spaces on each subsequent line will be stripped out before evaluation.

 * @example
 *     anArray.filter((a) => {
 *      return a.b;
 *     });


If not set to false, reportUnusedDisableDirectives will report disabled directives which are not used (and thus not needed). Defaults to true. Corresponds to ESLint's --report-unused-disable-directives.

Inline ESLint config within @example JavaScript is allowed, though the disabling of ESLint directives which are not needed by the resolved rules will be reported as with the ESLint --report-unused-disable-directives command.

Options for Determining ESLint Rule Applicability (allowInlineConfig, noDefaultExampleRules, matchingFileName, configFile, eslintrcForExamples, and baseConfig)

The following options determine which individual ESLint rules will be applied to the JavaScript found within the @example tags (as determined to be applicable by the above regex options). They are ordered by decreasing precedence:

  • allowInlineConfig - If not set to false, will allow inline config within the @example to override other config. Defaults to true.
  • noDefaultExampleRules - Setting to true will disable the default rules which are expected to be troublesome for most documentation use. See the section below for the specific default rules.
  • matchingFileName - Option for a file name (even non-existent) to trigger specific rules defined in one's config; usable with ESLint .eslintrc.* overrides -> files globs, to apply a desired subset of rules with @example (besides allowing for rules specific to examples, this option can be useful for enabling reuse of the same rules within @example as with JavaScript Markdown lintable by other plugins, e.g., if one sets matchingFileName to so that @example rules will follow one's Markdown rules). Note that this option may come at somewhat of a performance penalty as the file's existence is checked by eslint.
  • configFile - A config file. Corresponds to ESLint's -c.
  • eslintrcForExamples - Defaults to true in adding rules based on an .eslintrc.* file. Setting to false corresponds to ESLint's --no-eslintrc.
  • baseConfig - An object of rules with the same schema as .eslintrc.* for defaults

Rules Disabled by Default Unless noDefaultExampleRules is Set to true
  • eol-last - Insisting that a newline "always" be at the end is less likely to be desired in sample code as with the code file convention
  • no-console - Unlikely to have inadvertent temporary debugging within examples
  • no-undef - Many variables in examples will be undefined.
  • no-unused-vars - It is common to define variables for clarity without always using them within examples.
  • padded-blocks - It can generally look nicer to pad a little even if one's code follows more stringency as far as block padding.
  • import/no-unresolved - One wouldn't generally expect example paths to resolve relative to the current JavaScript file as one would with real code.
  • import/unambiguous - Snippets in examples are likely too short to always include full import/export info
  • node/no-missing-import - See import/no-unresolved
  • node/no-missing-require - See import/no-unresolved
Context everywhere
Tags example
Options See above

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @example alert('hello')
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-alert":2,"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false}]
// Message: @example error (no-alert): Unexpected alert.

 * @example alert('hello')
class quux {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-alert":2,"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false}]
// Message: @example error (no-alert): Unexpected alert.

 * @example ```js
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example
 * ```js alert('hello'); ```
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js ([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example
 * ```js alert('hello'); ```
var quux = {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js ([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example ```
 * js alert('hello'); ```
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```\njs ([\\s\\S]*)```"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example <b>Not JavaScript</b>
function quux () {

 * @example quux2();
function quux2 () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"rejectExampleCodeRegex":"^\\s*<.*>\\s*$"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Extra semicolon.

 * @example
 * quux(); // does something useful
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-undef":["error"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example error (no-undef): 'quux' is not defined.

 * @example <caption>Valid usage</caption>
 * quux(); // does something useful
 * @example
 * quux('random unwanted arg'); // results in an error
function quux () {

// Options: [{"captionRequired":true,"eslintrcForExamples":false}]
// Message: Caption is expected for examples.

 * @example  quux();
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]
// Message: @example error (indent): Expected indentation of 0 spaces but found 1.

 * @example test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// Options: [{"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true,"reportUnusedDisableDirectives":true}]
// Message: @example error: Unused eslint-disable directive (no problems were reported from 'semi').

 * @example
 test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// Options: [{"allowInlineConfig":false,"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example const i = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// Options: [{"matchingFileName":"test/jsdocUtils.js"}]
// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'i' is too short (< 2).

 * @example const i = 5;
 *   quux2()
function quux2 () {

// Options: [{"paddedIndent":2}]
// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'i' is too short (< 2).

 * @example
 * const i = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// Message: @example warning (id-length): Identifier name 'i' is too short (< 2).

 * @example const i = 5;
 * quux2()
function quux2 () {

// Options: [{"matchingFileName":"test/rules/data/dummy.js"}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

 * @example // begin
 // end
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["warn","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"// begin[\\s\\S]*// end","noDefaultExampleRules":true}]
// Message: @example warning (semi): Missing semicolon.

function f () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"allowInlineConfig":true,"baseConfig":{},"captionRequired":false,"configFile":"configFile.js","eslintrcForExamples":true,"exampleCodeRegex":".*?","matchingFileName":"","noDefaultExampleRules":false,"rejectExampleCodeRegex":"\\W*","reportUnusedDisableDirectives":true}}
// Message: `settings.jsdoc.captionRequired` has been removed, use options in the rule `check-examples` instead.

 * @typedef {string} Foo
 * @example <caption></caption>
 * 'foo'
// Options: [{"captionRequired":true,"eslintrcForExamples":false}]
// Message: Caption is expected for examples.

 * @example
 * const list: number[] = [1, 2, 3]
 * quux(list);
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"parser":"/Users/brett/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser/dist/parser.js","parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":6},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false}]
// Message: @example error (semi): Missing semicolon.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @example ```js
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js([\\s\\S]*)```"}]

 * @example
 * // arbitrary example content
function quux () {

// Options: [{"eslintrcForExamples":false}]

 * @example
 * quux(); // does something useful
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"no-undef":["error"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @example quux();
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @example <caption>Valid usage</caption>
 * quux(); // does something useful
 * @example <caption>Invalid usage</caption>
 * quux('random unwanted arg'); // results in an error
function quux () {

// Options: [{"captionRequired":true,"eslintrcForExamples":false}]

 * @example test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// Options: [{"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true,"reportUnusedDisableDirectives":false}]

 * @example
 test() // eslint-disable-line semi
function quux () {}
// Options: [{"allowInlineConfig":true,"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":true}]

 * @example ```js
var quux = {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"semi":["error","never"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"exampleCodeRegex":"```js([\\s\\S]*)```"}]

 * @example
 * foo(function (err) {
 *     throw err;
 * });
function quux () {}
// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"rules":{"indent":["error"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false,"noDefaultExampleRules":false}]

 * @example
 * const list: number[] = [1, 2, 3];
 * quux(list);
function quux () {

// Options: [{"baseConfig":{"parser":"/Users/brett/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser/dist/parser.js","parserOptions":{"ecmaVersion":6},"rules":{"semi":["error","always"]}},"eslintrcForExamples":false}]


Reports invalid padding inside JSDoc block.

Ignores parts enclosed in Markdown's "code block". For example, following description is valid:

 * Some description:
 * ```html
 * <section>
 *   <title>test</title>
 * </section>
 * ```


This rule has an object option.


Array of tags (e.g., ['example', 'description']) whose content will be "hidden" from the check-indentation rule. Defaults to ['example'].

By default, whole JSDoc block is checked for invalid padding. That would include @example blocks too, which would get in the way of adding full, readable examples of code without ending up with multiple linting issues.

When disabled (by passing excludeTags: [] option), following code will lint with padding issue:

 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
Context everywhere
Tags N/A
Options excludeTags

The following patterns are considered problems:

/***  foo */
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * @param bar
 *  baz
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * Foo
 *   bar
class Moo {}
// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
function quux () {

// Options: [{"excludeTags":[]}]
// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * @example
 *   aaaa
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * ```html
 * <section>
 *   <title>test</title>
 * </section>
 * ```
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

 * foo
 * ```   aaaa```
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Message: There must be no indentation.

* @example <caption>
* Here is a long
*   indented summary of this
* example
* </caption>
* ```js
* function hi () {
*   alert('Hello');
* }
* ```
// Options: [{"excludeTags":[]}]
// Message: There must be no indentation.

* @example <caption>
* Here is a long
* summary of this
* example
* </caption>
* // Code is not wrapped into fenced code block
* function hi () {
*   alert('Hello');
* }
// Options: [{"excludeTags":[]}]
// Message: There must be no indentation.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * foo
 * @param bar
 * baz
function quux () {


/*** foo */
function quux () {


 * foo
 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
function quux () {


 * foo
 * @example
 * anArray.filter((a) => {
 *   return a.b;
 * });
 * @returns
 *   eeee
function quux () {

// Options: [{"excludeTags":["example","returns"]}]

 * foo
 * ```html
 * <section>
 *   <title>test</title>
 * </section>
 * ```
 * @returns eeee
function quux () {


 * foo
 * ```   aaaa```
 * @returns eeee
function quux () {


* @example <caption>
* Here is a long
* summary of this
* example
* </caption>
* ```js
* function hi () {
*   alert('Hello');
* }
* ```
// Options: [{"excludeTags":[]}]


Ensures that parameter names in JSDoc match those in the function declaration.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags param

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param Foo
function quux (foo = 'FOO') {

// Message: Expected @param names to be "foo". Got "Foo".

 * @arg Foo
function quux (foo = 'FOO') {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Expected @arg names to be "foo". Got "Foo".

 * @param Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Expected @param names to be "foo". Got "Foo".

 * @param Foo.Bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: @param path declaration ("Foo.Bar") appears before any real parameter.

 * @param foo
 * @param Foo.Bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: @param path declaration ("Foo.Bar") root node name ("Foo") does not match previous real parameter name ("foo").

 * @param foo
 * @param
 * @param bar
function quux (bar, foo) {

// Message: Expected @param names to be "bar, foo". Got "foo, bar".

 * @param foo
 * @param bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: @param "bar" does not match an existing function parameter.

 * @param foo
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Duplicate @param "foo"

 * @param foo
 * @param foo
function quux (foo, bar) {

// Message: Duplicate @param "foo"

 * @param foo
 * @param foo
function quux (foo, foo) {

// Message: Duplicate @param "foo"

export class SomeClass {
   * @param prop
  constructor(private property: string) {}
// Message: Expected @param names to be "property". Got "prop".

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

function quux (foo) {


 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @param foo
 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar) {


 * @param foo
 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {


 * @param foo
 * @param
 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar) {


 * @param args
function quux (...args) {


 * @param foo
function quux ({a, b}) {


 * @param foo
function quux ({a, b} = {}) {


 * @param foo
function quux ([a, b] = []) {


 * Assign the project to a list of employees.
 * @param {Object[]} employees - The employees who are responsible for the project.
 * @param {string} employees[].name - The name of an employee.
 * @param {string} employees[].department - The employee's department.
function assign (employees) {


export class SomeClass {
   * @param property
  constructor(private property: string) {}

Deconstructing Function Parameter

eslint-plugin-jsdoc does not validate names of parameters in function deconstruction, e.g.

 * @param foo
function quux ({
}) {


{a, b} is an ObjectPattern AST type and does not have a name. Therefore, the associated parameter in JSDoc block can have any name.

Likewise for the pattern [a, b] which is an ArrayPattern.


Reports against Google Closure Compiler syntax.

Context everywhere
Tags N/A

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param {string=} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Syntax should not be Google Closure Compiler style.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param {string} [foo]
function quux (foo) {


function quux (foo) {



Reports invalid block tag names.

Valid JSDoc 3 Block Tags are:

modifies (Currently undocumented but in source)

The following synonyms are also recognized:


For TypeScript (or Closure), one may also use the following:


And for Closure, one may also use:

implicitCast (casing distinct from that recognized by jsdoc internally)
inheritDoc (casing distinct from that recognized by jsdoc internally)

Note that the tags indicated as replacements in settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference will automatically be considered as valid.



Use an array of definedTags strings to configure additional, allowed JSDoc tags. The format is as follows:

  "definedTags": ["note", "record"]
Context everywhere
Tags N/A
Options definedTags
Settings tagNamePreference

The following patterns are considered problems:

/** @typoo {string} */
let a;
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag name "typoo".

 * @Param
function quux () {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag name "Param".

 * @foo
function quux () {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag name "foo".

 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "arg" JSDoc tag with "param".

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "param" JSDoc tag with "arg".

 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"arg":"somethingDifferent"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "arg" JSDoc tag with "somethingDifferent".

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"parameter"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "param" JSDoc tag with "parameter".

 * @bar foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag name "bar".

 * @baz @bar foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"definedTags":["bar"]}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag name "baz".

 * @bar
 * @baz
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"definedTags":["bar"]}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag name "baz".

 * @todo
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"todo":false}}}
// Message: Blacklisted tag found (`@todo`)

 * @todo
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"todo":{"message":"Please resolve to-dos or add to the tracker"}}}}
// Message: Please resolve to-dos or add to the tracker

 * @todo
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"todo":{"message":"Please use x-todo instead of todo","replacement":"x-todo"}}}}
// Message: Please use x-todo instead of todo

 * @todo
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"todo":{"message":"Please use x-todo instead of todo","replacement":"x-todo"}}}}
// Message: Please use x-todo instead of todo

 * @todo
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"todo":55}}}
// Message: Invalid `settings.jsdoc.tagNamePreference`. Values must be falsy, a string, or an object.

 * @property {object} a
 * @prop {boolean} b
function quux () {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "prop" JSDoc tag with "property".

 * @abc foo
 * @abcd bar
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"abc":"abcd"}}}
// Options: [{"definedTags":["abcd"]}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "abc" JSDoc tag with "abcd".

 * @abc
 * @abcd
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"abc":"abcd"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc tag (preference). Replace "abc" JSDoc tag with "abcd".

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @memberof! foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}

 * @bar foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"definedTags":["bar"]}]

 * @baz @bar foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"definedTags":["baz","bar"]}]

 * @baz @bar foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"baz","returns":{"message":"Prefer `bar`","replacement":"bar"},"todo":false}}}

 * @modifies
 * @abstract
 * @access
 * @alias
 * @async
 * @augments
 * @author
 * @borrows
 * @callback
 * @class
 * @classdesc
 * @constant
 * @constructs
 * @copyright
 * @default
 * @deprecated
 * @description
 * @enum
 * @event
 * @example
 * @exports
 * @external
 * @file
 * @fires
 * @function
 * @generator
 * @global
 * @hideconstructor
 * @ignore
 * @implements
 * @inheritdoc
 * @inner
 * @instance
 * @interface
 * @kind
 * @lends
 * @license
 * @listens
 * @member
 * @memberof
 * @memberof!
 * @mixes
 * @mixin
 * @module
 * @name
 * @namespace
 * @override
 * @package
 * @param
 * @private
 * @property
 * @protected
 * @public
 * @readonly
 * @requires
 * @returns
 * @see
 * @since
 * @static
 * @summary
 * @this
 * @throws
 * @todo
 * @tutorial
 * @type
 * @typedef
 * @variation
 * @version
 * @yields
function quux (foo) {}

function quux (foo) {


 * @todo
function quux () {


 * @extends Foo
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"augments":{"message":"@extends is to be used over @augments.","replacement":"extends"}}}}


Reports invalid types.

By default, ensures that the casing of native types is the same as in this list:



check-types allows one option:

  • An option object:
    • with the key noDefaults to insist that only the supplied option type map is to be used, and that the default preferences (such as "string" over "String") will not be enforced. The option's default is false.
    • with the key unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks which will treat settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes keys such as SomeType as matching not only child types such as an unadorned SomeType but also SomeType<aChildType>, SomeType.<aChildType>, or if SomeType is Array (or []), it will match aChildType[]. If this is false or unset, the former format will only apply to types which are not parent types/unions whereas the latter formats will only apply for parent types/unions. The special types [], .<> (or .), and <> act only as parent types (and will not match a bare child type such as Array even when unified, though, as mentioned, Array will match say string[] or Array.<string> when unified). The special type * is only a child type. Note that there is no detection of parent and child type together, e.g., you cannot specify preferences for string[] specifically as distinct from say number[], but you can target both with [] or the child types number or string.

See also the documentation on settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes which impacts the behavior of check-types.

Why not capital case everything?

Why are boolean, number and string exempt from starting with a capital letter? Let's take string as an example. In Javascript, everything is an object. The string Object has prototypes for string functions such as .toUpperCase().

Fortunately we don't have to write new String() everywhere in our code. Javascript will automatically wrap string primitives into string Objects when we're applying a string function to a string primitive. This way the memory footprint is a tiny little bit smaller, and the GC has less work to do.

So in a sense, there two types of strings in Javascript; {string} literals, also called primitives and {String} Objects. We use the primitives because it's easier to write and uses less memory. {String} and {string} are technically both valid, but they are not the same.

new String('lard') // String {0: "l", 1: "a", 2: "r", 3: "d", length: 4}
'lard' // "lard"
new String('lard') === 'lard' // false

To make things more confusing, there are also object literals and object Objects. But object literals are still static Objects and object Objects are instantiated Objects. So an object primitive is still an object Object.

However, Object.create(null) objects are not instanceof Object, however, so in the case of this Object we lower-case to indicate possible support for these objects.

Basically, for primitives, we want to define the type as a primitive, because that's what we use in 99.9% of cases. For everything else, we use the type rather than the primitive. Otherwise it would all just be {object}.

In short: It's not about consistency, rather about the 99.9% use case. (And some functions might not even support the objects if they are checking for identity.)

type name typeof check-types testcase
Array object Array ([]) instanceof Array -> true
Function function function (function f () {}) instanceof Function -> true
Date object Date (new Date()) instanceof Date -> true
RegExp object RegExp (new RegExp(/.+/)) instanceof RegExp -> true
Object object object ({}) instanceof Object -> true but Object.create(null) instanceof Object -> false
Boolean boolean boolean (true) instanceof Boolean -> false
Number number number (41) instanceof Number -> false
String string string ("test") instanceof String -> false
Context everywhere
Tags augments, class, constant, enum, implements, member, module, namespace, param, property, returns, throws, type, typedef, yields
Aliases constructor, const, extends, var, arg, argument, prop, return, exception, yield
Closure-only package, private, protected, public, static
Options noDefaults, unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks
Settings preferredTypes

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param {abc} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":100}}}
// Message: Invalid `settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes`. Values must be falsy, a string, or an object.

 * @param {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Number"; prefer: "number".

 * @arg {Number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc @arg "foo" type "Number"; prefer: "number".

 * @returns {Number} foo
 * @throws {Number} foo
function quux () {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc @returns type "Number"; prefer: "number".

 * @param {(Number|string|Boolean)=} foo
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Number"; prefer: "number".

 * @param {Array.<Number|String>} foo
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Number"; prefer: "number".

 * @param {(Number|String)[]} foo
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Number"; prefer: "number".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":"Abc","string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":{"replacement":"Abc"},"string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":{"message":"Messed up JSDoc @{{tagName}}{{tagValue}} type \"abc\"; prefer: \"Abc\".","replacement":"Abc"},"string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Messed up JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
 * @param {cde} bar
 * @param {object} baz
function qux(foo, bar, baz) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":{"message":"Messed up JSDoc @{{tagName}}{{tagValue}} type \"abc\"; prefer: \"Abc\".","replacement":"Abc"},"cde":{"message":"More messed up JSDoc @{{tagName}}{{tagValue}} type \"cde\"; prefer: \"Cde\".","replacement":"Cde"},"object":"Object"}}}
// Message: Messed up JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":{"message":"Messed up JSDoc @{{tagName}}{{tagValue}} type \"abc\".","replacement":false},"string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Messed up JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":{"message":"Messed up JSDoc @{{tagName}}{{tagValue}} type \"abc\"."},"string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Messed up JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
 * @param {Number} bar
function qux(foo, bar) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":"Abc","string":"Str"}}}
// Options: [{"noDefaults":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
 * @param {Number} bar
function qux(foo, bar) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":"Abc","string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":false,"string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc".

 * @param {abc} foo
function qux(foo) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":false}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc".

 * @param {*} baz
function qux(baz) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"*":false,"abc":"Abc","string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "baz" type "*".

 * @param {*} baz
function qux(baz) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"*":"aaa","abc":"Abc","string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "baz" type "*"; prefer: "aaa".

 * @param {abc} foo
 * @param {Number} bar
function qux(foo, bar) {
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"abc":"Abc","string":"Str"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "abc"; prefer: "Abc".

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"GenericArray"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "GenericArray".

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"GenericArray","Array.<>":"GenericArray"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "GenericArray".

 * @param {Array.<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.<>":"GenericArray"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "GenericArray".

 * @param {Array<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array<>":"GenericArray"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "GenericArray".

 * @param {string[]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "[]"; prefer: "SpecialTypeArray".

 * @param {string[]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "[]"; prefer: "SpecialTypeArray".

 * @param {string[]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "SpecialTypeArray".

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject","object.<>":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject","object<>":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object.<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object.<>":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object<>":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object.<string, number>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object.<>":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object<string, number>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object<>":"GenericObject"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object.<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":false}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object".

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":false}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object".

 * @param {object.<string, number>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {object<string, number>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "GenericObject".

 * @param {string[][]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"Array."}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "[]"; prefer: "Array.".

 * @param {string[][]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"Array.<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "[]"; prefer: "Array.<>".

 * @param {string[][]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"Array<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "[]"; prefer: "Array<>".

 * @param {object.<string, object.<string, string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object.":"Object"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "Object".

 * @param {object.<string, object.<string, string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object.":"Object<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "Object<>".

 * @param {object<string, object<string, string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object<>":"Object."}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "object"; prefer: "Object.".

 * @param {Array.<Array.<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.":"[]"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "[]".

 * @param {Array.<Array.<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.":"Array<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "Array<>".

 * @param {Array.<Array.<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.":"<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "<>".

 * @param {Array.<MyArray.<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.":"<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "<>".

 * @param {Array.<MyArray.<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"MyArray.":"<>"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "MyArray"; prefer: "<>".

 * @param {Array<Array<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"<>":"Array."}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "Array.".

 * @param {Array<Array<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"Array."}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "Array.".

 * @param {Array<Array<string>>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"<>":"[]"}}}
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @param "foo" type "Array"; prefer: "[]".

/** @typedef {String} foo */
// Message: Invalid JSDoc @typedef "foo" type "String"; prefer: "string".

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param {number} foo
 * @param {Bar} bar
 * @param {*} baz
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {


 * @arg {number} foo
 * @arg {Bar} bar
 * @arg {*} baz
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {


 * @param {(number|string|boolean)=} foo
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {


 * @param {typeof bar} foo
function qux(foo) {

 * @param {import('./foo').bar.baz} foo
function qux(foo) {

 * @param {(x: number, y: string) => string} foo
function qux(foo) {

 * @param {() => string} foo
function qux(foo) {

 * @returns {Number} foo
 * @throws {Number} foo
function quux () {

// Options: [{"noDefaults":true}]

 * @param {Object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"Object"}}}

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @param {Array.<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"GenericArray"}}}

 * @param {Array<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"GenericArray"}}}

 * @param {string[]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array":"SpecialTypeArray","Array.<>":"SpecialTypeArray","Array<>":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}

 * @param {string[]} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.<>":"SpecialTypeArray","Array<>":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"[]":"SpecialTypeArray"}}}
// Options: [{"unifyParentAndChildTypeChecks":true}]

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array.<>":"GenericArray"}}}

 * @param {Array} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"Array<>":"GenericArray"}}}

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @param {object.<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}

 * @param {object<string>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}

 * @param {object.<string, number>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}

 * @param {object<string, number>} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object":"GenericObject"}}}

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object.<>":"GenericObject"}}}

 * @param {object} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"object<>":"GenericObject"}}}

 * @param {Number<} Ignore the error as not a validating rule
function quux (foo) {


/** @param {function(...)} callback The function to invoke. */
var subscribe = function(callback) {};


Reports an issue with any non-constructor function using @implements.

Constructor functions, whether marked with @class, @constructs, or being an ES6 class constructor, will not be flagged.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags implements (prevented)

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @implements {SomeClass}
function quux () {

// Message: @implements used on a non-constructor function

 * @implements {SomeClass}
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"implements":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@implements`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @implements {SomeClass}
 * @class
function quux () {


 * @implements {SomeClass}
 * @constructor
function quux () {


class quux {
   * @implements {SomeClass}
  constructor () {


const quux = class {
   * @implements {SomeClass}
  constructor () {


function quux () {


function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"implements":false}}}


Enforces a regular expression pattern on descriptions.

The default is this basic expression to match English sentences (Support for Unicode upper case may be added in a future version when it can be handled by our supported Node versions):


Applies to the jsdoc block description and @description (or @desc) by default but the tags option (see below) may be used to match other tags.



You can supply your own expression to override the default, passing a matchDescription string on the options object.

  'jsdoc/match-description': ['error', {matchDescription: '[A-Z].*\\.'}]

As with the default, the supplied regular expression will be applied with the Unicode ("u") flag and is not case-insensitive.


If you want different regular expressions to apply to tags, you may use the tags option object:

  'jsdoc/match-description': ['error', {tags: {
    param: '\\- [A-Z].*\\.',
    returns: '[A-Z].*\\.'

In place of a string, you can also add true to indicate that a particular tag should be linted with the matchDescription value (or the default).

  'jsdoc/match-description': ['error', {tags: {
    param: true,
    returns: true

The tags @param/@arg/@argument and @property/@prop will be properly parsed to ensure that the matched "description" text includes only the text after the name.

All other tags will treat the text following the tag name, a space, and an optional curly-bracketed type expression (and another space) as part of its "description" (e.g., for @returns {someType} some description, the description is some description while for @some-tag xyz, the description is xyz).


If you wish to override the main function description without changing the default match-description, you may use mainDescription:

  'jsdoc/match-description': ['error', {
    mainDescription: '[A-Z].*\\.',
    tags: {
      param: true,
      returns: true

There is no need to add mainDescription: true, as by default, the main function (and only the main function) is linted, though you may disable checking it by setting it to false.


Set this to an array of strings representing the AST context where you wish the rule to be applied (e.g., ClassDeclaration for ES6 classes). Overrides the default contexts (see below).

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression; others when contexts option enabled
Tags docblock and @description by default but more with tags
Aliases @desc
Options contexts, tags (accepts tags with names and optional type such as 'param', 'arg', 'argument', 'property', and 'prop', and accepts arbitrary list of other tags with an optional type (but without names), e.g., 'returns', 'return'), mainDescription, matchDescription

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * foo.
const q = class {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassExpression"]}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * foo.
const q = {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ObjectExpression"]}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * foo.
function quux () {

// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo)
function quux () {

// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * тест.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"matchDescription":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\."}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Abc.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"mainDescription":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\.","tags":{"param":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo
function quux () {

// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"param":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @prop foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"prop":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @summary foo.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"summary":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @author
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"author":".+"}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @x-tag
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"x-tag":".+"}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @description foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"description":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo
 * @param foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"mainDescription":"^[a-zA-Z]*$","tags":{"param":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo
 * @param foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"mainDescription":false,"tags":{"param":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"param":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * {@see} buz
function quux (foo) {

// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @returns {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"returns":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo.
 * @returns foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"returns":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. pellentesque elit diam,
 * iaculis eu dignissim sed, ultrices sed nisi. nulla at ligula auctor, consectetur neque sed,
 * tincidunt nibh. vivamus sit amet vulputate ligula. vivamus interdum elementum nisl,
 * vitae rutrum tortor semper ut. morbi porta ante vitae dictum fermentum.
 * proin ut nulla at quam convallis gravida in id elit. sed dolor mauris, blandit quis ante at,
 * consequat auctor magna. duis pharetra purus in porttitor mollis.
function longDescription (foo) {

// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * @arg {number} foo - Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"arg":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * @argument {number} foo - Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"argument":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * @return {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"return":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Returns bar.
 * @return {number} bar
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"return":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * @param notRet
 * @returns Тест.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"param":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\."}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * @description notRet
 * @returns Тест.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"description":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\."}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * foo.
class quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"]}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

class MyClass {
   * Abc
  myClassField = 1
// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassProperty"]}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * foo.
interface quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["TSInterfaceDeclaration"]}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

const myObject = {
   * Bad description
  myProp: true
// Options: [{"contexts":["Property"]}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * @param foo Foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"tags":{"param":true}}]
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

 * Foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Message: JSDoc description does not satisfy the regex pattern.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo - Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"param":true}}]

 * Foo.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Тест.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"matchDescription":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\."}]

 * @param notRet
 * @returns Тест.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"returns":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\."}}]

 * @param notRet
 * @description Тест.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"description":"[А-Я][А-я]+\\."}}]

 * Foo
 * bar.
function quux () {


 * @returns Foo bar.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"returns":true}}]

 * @returns {type1} Foo bar.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"returns":true}}]

 * @description Foo bar.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"description":true}}]

 * Foo. {@see Math.sin}.
function quux () {


 * Foo {@see Math.sin} bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo?
 * Bar!
 * Baz:
 *   1. Foo.
 *   2. Bar.
function quux () {


 * Hello:
 * World.
function quux () {


 * Hello: world.
function quux () {


 * Foo
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * foo.
function quux () {


 * foo.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"mainDescription":false}]

 * foo.
class quux {


 * foo.
class quux {

// Options: [{"mainDescription":true}]

class MyClass {
   * Abc.
  myClassField = 1
// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassProperty"]}]

 * Foo.
interface quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["TSInterfaceDeclaration"]}]

const myObject = {
   * Bad description
  myProp: true
// Options: [{"contexts":[]}]

 * foo.
const q = class {

// Options: [{"contexts":[]}]

 * foo.
const q = {

// Options: [{"contexts":[]}]

 * @description foo.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"param":true}}]

 * Foo.
 * @summary Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"summary":true}}]

 * Foo.
 * @author Somebody
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"author":".+"}}]

 * Foo.
 * @x-tag something
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":{"x-tag":".+"}}]

 * Foo.
 * @prop foo Foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":{"prop":true}}]

 * @param foo Foo bar.
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}

function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}


Enforces a consistent padding of the block description.


This rule allows one optional string argument. If it is "always" then a problem is raised when there is no newline after the description. If it is "never" then a problem is raised when there is a newline after the description. The default value is "always".

Context everywhere
Options (a string matching `"always"
Tags N/A (doc block)

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * Foo.
 * Foo.
 * @foo
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]
// Message: There must be a newline after the description of the JSDoc block.

 * Foo.
 * Foo.
 * @foo
function quux () {

// Message: There must be a newline after the description of the JSDoc block.

 * Bar.
 * Bar.
 * @bar
function quux () {

// Options: ["never"]
// Message: There must be no newline after the description of the JSDoc block.

 * A.
 * @typedef {Object} A
 * @prop {boolean} a A.
// Options: ["never"]
// Message: There must be no newline after the description of the JSDoc block.

 * A.
 * @typedef {Object} A
 * @prop {boolean} a A.
// Options: ["always"]
// Message: There must be a newline after the description of the JSDoc block.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]

 * Bar.
function quux () {

// Options: ["never"]

 * Foo.
 * @foo
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]

 * Bar.
 * @bar
function quux () {

// Options: ["never"]


This rule reports types being used on @param or @returns.

The rule is intended to prevent the indication of types on tags where the type information would be redundant with TypeScript.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags param, returns
Aliases arg, argument, return

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Types are not permitted on @param.

 * @returns {number}
function quux () {

// Message: Types are not permitted on @returns.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {



Checks that types in jsdoc comments are defined. This can be used to check unimported types.

When enabling this rule, types in jsdoc comments will resolve as used variables, i.e. will not be marked as unused by no-unused-vars.

In addition to considering globals found in code (or in ESLint-indicated globals) as defined, the following tags will also be checked for name(path) definitions to also serve as a potential "type" for checking the tag types in the table below:

@callback, @class (or @constructor), @constant (or @const), @event, @external (or @host), @function (or @func or @method), @interface, @member (or @var), @mixin, @name, @namespace, @template (for Closure/TypeScript), @typedef.

The following types are always considered defined.

  • null, undefined, void, string, boolean, object, function
  • number, NaN, Infinity
  • any, *
  • Array, Object, RegExp, Date, Function

Note that preferred types indicated within settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes will also be assumed to be defined.


An option object may have the following key:

  • definedTypes - This array can be populated to indicate other types which are automatically considered as defined (in addition to globals, etc.). Defaults to an empty array.
Context everywhere
Tags augments, class, constant, enum, implements, member, module, namespace, param, property, returns, throws, type, typedef, yields
Aliases constructor, const, extends, var, arg, argument, prop, return, exception, yield
Closure-only package, private, protected, public, static
Options definedTypes
Settings preferredTypes

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param {HerType} baz - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar, baz) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"HerType":1000}}}
// Message: Invalid `settings.jsdoc.preferredTypes`. Values must be falsy, a string, or an object.

 * @param {HerType} baz - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar, baz) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"HerType":false}}}
// Message: The type 'HerType' is undefined.

 * @param {strnig} foo - Bar.
function quux(foo) {

// Message: The type 'strnig' is undefined.

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar) {

// Options: [{"definedTypes":["MyType"]}]
// Message: The type 'HisType' is undefined.

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
 * @param {HerType} baz - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar, baz) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"hertype":{"replacement":"HerType"}}}}
// Options: [{"definedTypes":["MyType"]}]
// Message: The type 'HisType' is undefined.

  * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
  * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
  * @param {HerType} baz - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar, baz) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"hertype":{"replacement":false},"histype":"HisType"}}}
// Options: [{"definedTypes":["MyType"]}]
// Message: The type 'HerType' is undefined.

 * @template TEMPLATE_TYPE
 * @param {WRONG_TEMPLATE_TYPE} bar
function foo (bar) {
// Message: The type 'WRONG_TEMPLATE_TYPE' is undefined.

class Foo {
   * @return {TEMPLATE_TYPE}
  bar () {
// Message: The type 'TEMPLATE_TYPE' is undefined.

class Foo {
   * @return {TEMPLATE_TYPE}
  invalidTemplateReference () {

 * @template TEMPLATE_TYPE
class Bar {
   * @return {TEMPLATE_TYPE}
  validTemplateReference () {
// Message: The type 'TEMPLATE_TYPE' is undefined.

 * @type {strnig}
var quux = {

// Message: The type 'strnig' is undefined.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param {string} foo - Bar.
function quux(foo) {


 * @param {Promise} foo - Bar.
function quux(foo) {


class MyClass {}

 * @param {MyClass} foo - Bar.
function quux(foo) {


const MyType = require('my-library').MyType;

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
  function quux(foo) {


const MyType = require('my-library').MyType;

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
  function quux(foo) {


import {MyType} from 'my-library';

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {Object<string, number>} foo
 * @param {Array<string>} baz
  function quux(foo, bar, baz) {


/*globals MyType*/

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
  function quux(foo, bar) {


 * @typedef {Object} hello
 * @property {string} a - a.

 * @param {hello} foo
function quux(foo) {


 * @param {Array<syntaxError} foo
function quux(foo) {


 * Callback test.
 * @callback addStuffCallback
 * @param {String} sum - An test integer.
 * Test Eslint.
 * @param {addStuffCallback} callback - A callback to run.
function testFunction(callback) {

function foo () {


function foo () {


 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar) {

// Options: [{"definedTypes":["MyType","HisType"]}]

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
 * @param {HerType} baz - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar, baz) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"hertype":{"replacement":"HerType"},"histype":"HisType"}}}
// Options: [{"definedTypes":["MyType"]}]

 * @param {MyType} foo - Bar.
 * @param {HisType} bar - Foo.
 * @param {HerType} baz - Foo.
function quux(foo, bar, baz) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"preferredTypes":{"hertype":{"replacement":"HerType<>"},"histype":"HisType.<>"}}}
// Options: [{"definedTypes":["MyType"]}]

 * @template TEMPLATE_TYPE
 * @param {TEMPLATE_TYPE} bar
 * @return {TEMPLATE_TYPE}
function foo (bar) {

 * @template TEMPLATE_TYPE
class Foo {
   * @return {TEMPLATE_TYPE}
  bar () {

class Foo {
   * @param {TEMPLATE_TYPE_A} baz
   * @return {TEMPLATE_TYPE_B}
  bar (baz) {


function quux () {



Requires that block description, explicit @description, and @param/@returns tag descriptions are written in complete sentences, i.e.,

  • Description must start with an uppercase alphabetical character.
  • Paragraphs must start with an uppercase alphabetical character.
  • Sentences must end with a period.
  • Every line in a paragraph (except the first) which starts with an uppercase character must be preceded by a line ending with a period.
  • A colon or semi-colon followed by two line breaks is still part of the containing paragraph (unlike normal dual line breaks).



If you want additional tags to be checked for their descriptions, you may add them within this option.

  'jsdoc/require-description-complete-sentence': ['error', {tags: ['see', 'copyright']}]

The tags @param/@arg/@argument and @property/@prop will be properly parsed to ensure that the checked "description" text includes only the text after the name.

All other tags will treat the text following the tag name, a space, and an optional curly-bracketed type expression (and another space) as part of its "description" (e.g., for @returns {someType} some description, the description is some description while for @some-tag xyz, the description is xyz).

Context everywhere
Tags doc block, param, returns, description, property, summary, file, classdesc, todo, deprecated, throws, 'yields' and others added by tags
Aliases arg, argument, return, desc, prop, fileoverview, overview, exception, yield
Options tags
The following patterns are considered problems:
 * foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * foo?
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @description foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo)
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * `foo` is a variable
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Foo.
 * foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * тест.
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * Foo
 * Bar.
function quux () {

// Message: A line of text is started with an uppercase character, but preceding line does not end the sentence.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @param foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * {@see} buz
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @returns {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Foo.
 * @returns foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. pellentesque elit diam,
 * iaculis eu dignissim sed, ultrices sed nisi. nulla at ligula auctor, consectetur neque sed,
 * tincidunt nibh. vivamus sit amet vulputate ligula. vivamus interdum elementum nisl,
 * vitae rutrum tortor semper ut. morbi porta ante vitae dictum fermentum.
 * proin ut nulla at quam convallis gravida in id elit. sed dolor mauris, blandit quis ante at,
 * consequat auctor magna. duis pharetra purus in porttitor mollis.
function longDescription (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @arg {number} foo - Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @argument {number} foo - Foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @return {number} foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * Returns bar.
 * @return {number} bar
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Sentence should start with an uppercase character.

 * @throws {Object} Hello World
 * hello world
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @summary Foo
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @throws {SomeType} Foo
function quux () {

// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @see Foo
function quux () {

// Options: [{"tags":["see"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

 * @param foo Foo bar
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"tags":["param"]}]
// Message: Sentence must end with a period.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo - Foo.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * Bar.
function quux () {


 * Тест.
function quux () {


 * Foo
 * bar.
function quux () {


 * @returns Foo bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo. {@see Math.sin}.
function quux () {


 * Foo {@see Math.sin} bar.
function quux () {


 * Foo?
 * Bar!
 * Baz:
 *   1. Foo.
 *   2. Bar.
function quux () {


 * Hello:
 * World.
function quux () {


 * Hello: world.
function quux () {


function quux () {


 * @description Foo.
function quux () {


 * `foo` is a variable.
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * `foo`.
function quux () {


 * @param foo - `bar`.
function quux () {


 * @returns {number} `foo`.
function quux () {


 * Foo
 * `bar`.
function quux () {


 * @example Foo
function quux () {


 * @see Foo
function quux () {


 * Foo.
 * @param foo Foo.
function quux (foo) {


 * Foo.
 * @param foo Foo.
function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"tags":["param"]}]

 * @param foo Foo bar.
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"tags":["param"]}]

function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}

* We stop loading Items when we have loaded:
* 1) The main Item;
* 2) All its variants.


Requires that all functions have a description.

  • All functions must have an implicit description or have the option descriptionStyle set to tag.
  • Every jsdoc block description (or description tag if descriptionStyle is "tag") must have a non-empty description that explains the purpose of the method.


An options object may have any of the following properties:

  • contexts - Set to an array of strings representing the AST context where you wish the rule to be applied (e.g., ClassDeclaration for ES6 classes). Overrides the default contexts (see below).
  • exemptedBy - Array of tags (e.g., ['type']) whose presence on the document block avoids the need for a @description. Defaults to an empty array.
  • descriptionStyle - Whether to accept implicit descriptions ("body") or @description tags ("tag") as satisfying the rule. Set to "any" to accept either style. Defaults to "body".
Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression; others when contexts option enabled
Tags description or jsdoc block
Aliases desc
Options contexts, exemptedBy, descriptionStyle
Settings overrideReplacesDocs, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs, implementsReplacesDocs

The following patterns are considered problems:

function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"any"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc block description or @description declaration.

function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"body"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc block description.

class quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"],"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

class quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"],"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

class quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"],"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

 * @description
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description description.

interface quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["TSInterfaceDeclaration"],"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

var quux = class {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassExpression"],"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

var quux = {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ObjectExpression"],"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @description declaration.

 * @someDesc
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":{"message":"Please avoid `{{tagName}}`; use `{{replacement}}` instead","replacement":"someDesc"}}}}
// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @someDesc description.

 * @description
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]
// Message: Unexpected tag `@description`

 * @description
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}
// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"any"}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc block description or @description declaration.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @description
 * // arbitrary description content
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

 * @description
 * quux(); // does something useful
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

 * @description <caption>Valid usage</caption>
 * quux(); // does something useful
 * @description <caption>Invalid usage</caption>
 * quux('random unwanted arg'); // results in an error
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

class quux {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

function quux () {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"]}]

 * @type {MyCallback}
function quux () {

// Options: [{"exemptedBy":["type"]}]

interface quux {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

var quux = class {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

var quux = {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"tag"}]

 * Has an implicit description
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"body"}]

 * Has an implicit description
function quux () {


 * Has an implicit description
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"any"}]

 * @description Has an explicit description
function quux () {

// Options: [{"descriptionStyle":"any"}]

function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"description":false}}}


Requires that all functions have examples.

  • All functions must have one or more @example tags.
  • Every example tag must have a non-empty description that explains the method's usage.


This rule has an object option.


Array of tags (e.g., ['type']) whose presence on the document block avoids the need for an @example. Defaults to an empty array.


Set to true to avoid the need for an example on a constructor (whether indicated as such by a jsdoc tag or by being within an ES6 class). Defaults to false.


Set this to an array of strings representing the AST context where you wish the rule to be applied (e.g., ClassDeclaration for ES6 classes). Overrides the default contexts (see below).


The fixer for require-example will add an empty @example, but it will still report a missing example description after this is added.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression; others when contexts option enabled
Tags example
Options exemptedBy, avoidExampleOnConstructors, contexts
Settings overrideReplacesDocs, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs, implementsReplacesDocs

The following patterns are considered problems:

function quux () {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @example declaration.

 * @example
function quux () {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @example description.

 * @constructor
function f () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"avoidExampleOnConstructors":true}}
// Message: `settings.jsdoc.avoidExampleOnConstructors` has been removed, use options in the rule `require-example` instead.

 * @constructor
function quux () {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @example declaration.

 * @constructor
 * @example
function quux () {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @example description.

class quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @example declaration.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @example
 * // arbitrary example content
function quux () {


 * @example
 * quux(); // does something useful
function quux () {


 * @example <caption>Valid usage</caption>
 * quux(); // does something useful
 * @example <caption>Invalid usage</caption>
 * quux('random unwanted arg'); // results in an error
function quux () {


 * @constructor
function quux () {

// Options: [{"avoidExampleOnConstructors":true}]

 * @constructor
 * @example
function quux () {

// Options: [{"avoidExampleOnConstructors":true}]

class Foo {
  constructor () {

// Options: [{"avoidExampleOnConstructors":true}]

 * @inheritdoc
function quux () {


 * @type {MyCallback}
function quux () {

// Options: [{"exemptedBy":["type"]}]

 * @example Some example code
class quux {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"]}]

function quux () {

// Options: [{"contexts":["ClassDeclaration"]}]


Requires a hyphen before the @param description.


This rule takes one optional string argument. If it is "always" then a problem is raised when there is no hyphen before the description. If it is "never" then a problem is raised when there is a hyphen before the description. The default value is "always".

Context everywhere
Tags param
Aliases arg, argument
Options (a string matching `"always"

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param foo Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]
// Message: There must be a hyphen before @param description.

 * @param foo Foo.
function quux () {

// Message: There must be a hyphen before @param description.

 * @param foo - Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: ["never"]
// Message: There must be no hyphen before @param description.

 * @param foo - foo
 * @param foo foo
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]
// Message: There must be a hyphen before @param description.

 * @param foo foo
 * bar
 * @param bar - bar
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]
// Message: There must be a hyphen before @param description.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo - Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: ["always"]

 * @param foo Foo.
function quux () {

// Options: ["never"]

 * @param foo
function quux () {



Checks for presence of jsdoc comments, on class declarations as well as functions.


Accepts one optional options object with the following optional keys.

  • publicOnly - This option will insist that missing jsdoc blocks are only reported for function bodies / class declarations that are exported from the module. May be a boolean or object. If set to true, the defaults below will be used. If unset, jsdoc block reporting will not be limited to exports.

    This object supports the following optional boolean keys (false unless otherwise noted):

    • ancestorsOnly - Only check node ancestors to check if node is exported
    • esm - ESM exports are checked for JSDoc comments (Defaults to true)
    • cjs - CommonJS exports are checked for JSDoc comments (Defaults to true)
    • window - Window global exports are checked for JSDoc comments
  • require - An object with the following optional boolean keys which all default to false except as noted, indicating the contexts where the rule will apply:

    • ArrowFunctionExpression
    • ClassDeclaration
    • ClassExpression
    • FunctionDeclaration (defaults to true)
    • FunctionExpression
    • MethodDefinition
  • contexts - Set this to an array of strings representing the additional AST contexts where you wish the rule to be applied (e.g., Property for properties). Defaults to an empty array.

  • exemptEmptyFunctions (default: false) - When true, the rule will not report missing jsdoc blocks above functions/methods with no parameters or return values (intended where variable names are sufficient for themselves as documentation).

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, ClassDeclaration, ClassExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags N/A
Options publicOnly, require, contexts, exemptEmptyFunctions

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @func myFunction
function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"maxLines":3,"minLines":2}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

 * @func myFunction

function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"maxLines":2}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

/** @func myFunction */ function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"minLines":1}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export var test = function () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function test () {

export var test2 = test;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export const test = () => {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export let test = class {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ClassExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default function () {}
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default () => {}
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default (function () {})
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default class {}
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"exemptEmptyFunctions":true}}
// Message: `settings.jsdoc.exemptEmptyFunctions` has been removed, use options in the rule `require-jsdoc` instead.

function quux (foo) {

// Options: [{"exemptEmptyFunctions":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"minLines":2}}
// Options: [{"exemptEmptyFunctions":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function myFunction() {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

 * Description for A.
class A {
   constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

class A {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

class A extends B {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export class A extends B {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default class A extends B {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var myFunction = () => {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var myFunction = () => () => {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var foo = function() {}
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

const foo = {bar() {}}
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var foo = {bar: function() {}}
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function foo (abc) {}
// Options: [{"exemptEmptyFunctions":false}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function foo () {
  return true;
// Options: [{"exemptEmptyFunctions":false}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

module.exports = function quux () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

module.exports = function quux () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

module.exports = {
  method: function() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

module.exports = {
  test: {
    test2: function() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

module.exports = {
  test: {
    test2: function() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

const test = module.exports = function () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

const test = module.exports = function () {


test.prototype.method = function() {}
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

const test = function () {

module.exports = {
  test: test
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

const test = () => {

module.exports = {
  test: test
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

class Test {
    method() {

module.exports = Test;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"MethodDefinition":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default function quux () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default function quux () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function quux () {

export default quux;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export function test() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export function test() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var test = function () {

var test2 = 2;
export { test, test2 }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var test = function () {

export { test as test2 }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default class A {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export default class A {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

var test = function () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"window":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

window.test = function () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"window":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

function test () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"window":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

module.exports = function() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":true,"esm":false,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export function someMethod() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

export function someMethod() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionDeclaration":true}}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

const myObject = {
  myProp: true
// Options: [{"contexts":["Property"]}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc comment.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

var array = [1,2,3];
array.forEach(function() {});

 * @class MyClass
function MyClass() {}

 Function doing something
function myFunction() {}
 Function doing something
var myFunction = function() {};
 Function doing something
Object.myFunction = function () {};
var obj = {
    *  Function doing something
    myFunction: function () {} };

 @func myFunction
function myFunction() {}
 @method myFunction
function myFunction() {}
 @function myFunction
function myFunction() {}

 @func myFunction
var myFunction = function () {}
 @method myFunction
var myFunction = function () {}
 @function myFunction
var myFunction = function () {}

 @func myFunction
Object.myFunction = function() {}
 @method myFunction
Object.myFunction = function() {}
 @function myFunction
Object.myFunction = function() {}

var object = {
   *  @func myFunction - Some function
  myFunction: function() {} }
var object = {
   *  @method myFunction - Some function
  myFunction: function() {} }
var object = {
   *  @function myFunction - Some function
  myFunction: function() {} }

var array = [1,2,3];
array.filter(function() {});
Object.keys(this.options.rules || {}).forEach(function(name) {}.bind(this));
var object = { name: 'key'};
Object.keys(object).forEach(function() {})

 * @func myFunction

function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"maxLines":2,"minLines":0}}

 * @func myFunction

function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"maxLines":3,"minLines":0}}

/** @func myFunction */  function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"maxLines":0,"minLines":0}}

 * @func myFunction

function myFunction() {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"maxLines":3,"minLines":2}}

function myFunction() {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"FunctionDeclaration":false,"MethodDefinition":true}}]

var myFunction = function() {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"FunctionDeclaration":false,"MethodDefinition":true}}]

 * Description for A.
class A {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]

 * Description for A.
class App extends Component {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]

 * Description for A.
export default class App extends Component {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]

 * Description for A.
export class App extends Component {
     * Description for constructor.
     * @param {object[]} xs - xs
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true,"MethodDefinition":true}}]

class A {
    constructor(xs) {
        this.a = xs;
// Options: [{"require":{"ClassDeclaration":false,"MethodDefinition":false}}]

* Function doing something
var myFunction = () => {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]

* Function doing something
var myFunction = function () {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]

* Function doing something
var myFunction = () => {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":false}}]

 Function doing something
var myFunction = () => () => {}
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]

setTimeout(() => {}, 10);
// Options: [{"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]

JSDoc Block
var foo = function() {}
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

const foo = {/**
JSDoc Block
bar() {}}
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

var foo = {/**
JSDoc Block
bar: function() {}}
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

var foo = { [function() {}]: 1 };
// Options: [{"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

function foo () {}
// Options: [{"exemptEmptyFunctions":true}]

function foo () {
// Options: [{"exemptEmptyFunctions":true}]

const test = {};
 * test
 test.method = function () {

module.exports = {
  prop: { prop2: test.method }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

function test() {


module.exports = {
  prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

test = function() {


module.exports = {
  prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":true,"esm":false,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

test = function() {


exports.someMethod = {
  prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

const test = () => {


module.exports = {
prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]

const test = () => {

module.exports = {
  prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"ArrowFunctionExpression":true}}]

window.test = function() {


module.exports = {
prop: window
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

test = function() {


test = function() {


module.exports = {
prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

test = function() {


test = 2;

module.exports = {
prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

function test() {


test.prototype.method = function() {


module.exports = {
prop: { prop2: test }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

class Test {
   * Test
  method() {

module.exports = Test;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"MethodDefinition":true}}]

export default function quux () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

export default function quux () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

function quux () {

export default quux;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

function quux () {

export default quux;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

export function test() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

export function test() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

var test = function () {

var test2 = 2;
export { test, test2 }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

var test = function () {

export { test as test2 }
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

export default class A {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"ancestorsOnly":true},"require":{"ClassDeclaration":true}}]

var test = function () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"window":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

let test = function () {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"window":true},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

let test = class {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ClassExpression":false}}]

let test = class {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"ClassExpression":true}}]

export function someMethod() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":true,"esm":false,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionDeclaration":true}}]

export function someMethod() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":true,"esm":false,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionDeclaration":true}}]

exports.someMethod = function() {

// Options: [{"publicOnly":{"cjs":false,"esm":true,"window":false},"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

const myObject = {
  myProp: true
// Options: [{"contexts":[]}]

function bear() {}
function quux () {
export default quux;
// Options: [{"publicOnly":true,"require":{"FunctionExpression":true}}]

 * This example interface is great!
export interface Example {
   * My super test string!
  test: string
// Options: [{"contexts":["TSInterfaceDeclaration"]}]

 * This example interface is great!
interface Example {
   * My super test string!
  test: string
// Options: [{"contexts":["TSInterfaceDeclaration"]}]

 * This example type is great!
export type Example = {
   * My super test string!
  test: string
// Options: [{"contexts":["TSTypeAliasDeclaration"]}]

 * This example type is great!
type Example = {
   * My super test string!
  test: string
// Options: [{"contexts":["TSTypeAliasDeclaration"]}]

 * This example enum is great!
export enum Example {
   * My super test enum!
  test = 123
// Options: [{"contexts":["TSEnumDeclaration"]}]

 * This example enum is great!
enum Example {
   * My super test enum!
  test = 123
// Options: [{"contexts":["TSEnumDeclaration"]}]


Requires that @param tag has description value.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags param
Aliases arg, argument

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" description.

 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @arg "foo" description.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

function quux (foo) {


 * @param foo Foo.
function quux (foo) {



Requires that all function parameters have name.

The @param tag requires you to specify the name of the parameter you are documenting. You can also include the parameter's type, enclosed in curly brackets, and a description of the parameter.


Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags param
Aliases arg, argument

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param
function quux (foo) {

// Message: There must be an identifier after @param type.

 * @param {string}
function quux (foo) {

// Message: There must be an identifier after @param tag.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @param {string} foo
function quux (foo) {



Requires that @param tag has type value.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags param
Aliases arg, argument

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" type.

 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @arg "foo" type.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

function quux (foo) {


 * @param {number} foo
function quux (foo) {



Requires that all function parameters are documented.


An options object accepts one optional property:

  • exemptedBy - Array of tags (e.g., ['type']) whose presence on the document block avoids the need for a @param. Defaults to an empty array.
Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags param
Aliases arg, argument
Options exemptedBy
Settings overrideReplacesDocs, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs, implementsReplacesDocs

The following patterns are considered problems:

function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

function quux (foo, bar) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo, bar) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bar" declaration.

 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param foo
 * @param bar
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "baz" declaration.

 * @param baz
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @arg "foo" declaration.

 * @param foo
function quux (foo, bar) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "bar" declaration.

 * @override
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @implements
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @augments
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @extends
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @override
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @implements
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":false}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @augments
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @extends
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

export class SomeClass {
   * @param property
  constructor(private property: string, private foo: number) {}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @param "foo" declaration.

 * @param
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@param`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @inheritdoc
function quux (foo) {


 * @arg foo
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"param":"arg"}}}

 * @override
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @override
function quux (foo) {


 * @override
class A {
  quux (foo) {


 * @override
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
class A {
  quux (foo) {


 * @implements
function quux (foo) {


 * @implements
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @augments
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @augments
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @extends
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @extends
 * @param foo
function quux (foo) {


 * @augments
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @extends
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @override
class A {
  * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @override
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"overrideReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"implementsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @implements
class A {
   * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @augments
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @augments
class A {
   * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @extends
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @extends
class A {
   * @param foo
  quux (foo) {


 * @augments
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @extends
class A {
  quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs":true}}

 * @private
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"ignorePrivate":true}}

// issue 182: optional chaining
/** @const {boolean} test */
const test = something?.find(_ => _)

/** @type {RequestHandler} */
function foo(req, res, next) {}

 * @type {MyCallback}
function quux () {

// Options: [{"exemptedBy":["type"]}]

 * @override
var A = class {
  quux (foo) {


export class SomeClass {
   * @param property
  constructor(private property: string) {}

 * Assign the project to an employee.
 * @param {object} employee - The employee who is responsible for the project.
 * @param {string} - The name of the employee.
 * @param {string} employee.department - The employee's department.
function assign({name, department}) {
  // ...


Requires a return statement in function body if a @returns tag is specified in jsdoc comment.

Will also report if multiple @returns tags are present.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags returns
Aliases return

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @returns
function quux (foo) {

// Message: JSDoc @returns declaration present but return expression not available in function.

 * @return
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":"return"}}}
// Message: JSDoc @return declaration present but return expression not available in function.

 * @returns
const quux = () => {}
// Message: JSDoc @returns declaration present but return expression not available in function.

 * @returns {undefined} Foo.
 * @returns {String} Foo.
function quux () {

  return foo;
// Message: Found more than one @returns declaration.

const language = {
   * @param {string} name
   * @returns {string}
  get name() {
    this._name = name;
// Message: JSDoc @returns declaration present but return expression not available in function.

class Foo {
   * @returns {string}
  bar () {
// Message: JSDoc @returns declaration present but return expression not available in function.

 * @returns
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@returns`

 * @returns {string}
function f () {
  function g() {
    return 'foo'

  () => {
    return 5
// Message: JSDoc @returns declaration present but return expression not available in function.

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @returns Foo.
function quux () {

  return foo;

 * @returns {string} Foo.
function quux () {

  return foo;

 * @returns {string} Foo.
function quux () {

  return foo;

function quux () {

 * @returns {*} Foo.
const quux = () => foo;

 * @returns {undefined} Foo.
function quux () {}

 * @returns { void } Foo.
function quux () {}

 * @returns {Promise<void>}
async function quux() {}

 * @returns {Promise<void>}
const quux = async function () {}

 * @returns {Promise<void>}
const quux = async () => {}

 * @returns Foo.
 * @abstract
function quux () {
  throw new Error('must be implemented by subclass!');

 * @returns Foo.
 * @virtual
function quux () {
  throw new Error('must be implemented by subclass!');

 * @returns Foo.
 * @constructor
function quux () {

 * @interface
class Foo {
   * @returns {string}
  bar () {

 * @returns {undefined} Foo.
function quux () {

 * @returns {void} Foo.
function quux () {

 * @returns {void} Foo.
function quux () {
  return undefined;

 * @returns {void} Foo.
function quux () {

function quux () {
  return undefined;

function quux () {

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  try {
    return true;
  } catch (err) {

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  try {
  } finally {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
  return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  try {
  } catch (err) {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  switch (true) {
  case 'abc':
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  switch (true) {
  case 'abc':
  return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  for (const i of abc) {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  for (const a in b) {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  for (let i=0; i<n; i+=1) {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  while(true) {
    return true

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  do {
    return true

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  if (true) {
  return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  if (true) {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  var a = {};
  with (a) {
    return true;

 * @returns {true}
function quux () {
  if (true) {
  } else {
    return true;


Requires that @returns tag has description value.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags returns
Aliases return

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @returns
function quux (foo) {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns description.

 * @return
function quux (foo) {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":"return"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @return description.

 * @returns
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@returns`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

function quux () {


 * @returns Foo.
function quux () {


 * @returns {undefined}
function quux () {


 * @returns {void}
function quux () {



Requires that @returns tag has type value.

Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags returns
Aliases return

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @returns
function quux () {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns type.

 * @returns Foo.
function quux () {

// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns type.

 * @return Foo.
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":"return"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @return type.

 * @returns
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@returns`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @returns {number}
function quux () {



Requires returns are documented.

Will also report if multiple @returns tags are present.


  • exemptedBy - Array of tags (e.g., ['type']) whose presence on the document block avoids the need for a @returns. Defaults to an empty array.
  • forceRequireReturn - Set to true to always insist on @returns documentation regardless of implicit or explicit return's in the function. May be desired to flag that a project is aware of an undefined/void return. Defaults to false.
  • forceReturnsWithAsync - By default async functions that do not explicitly return a value pass this rule. You can force all async functions to require return statements by setting forceReturnsWithAsync to true on the options object. This may be useful as an async function will always return a Promise, even if the Promise returns void. Defaults to false.
'jsdoc/require-returns': ['error', {forceReturnsWithAsync: true}]
Context ArrowFunctionExpression, FunctionDeclaration, FunctionExpression
Tags returns
Aliases return
Options exemptedBy, forceRequireReturn, forceReturnsWithAsync
Settings overrideReplacesDocs, augmentsExtendsReplacesDocs, implementsReplacesDocs

The following patterns are considered problems:

function quux (foo) {

  return foo;
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

const foo = () => ({
  bar: 'baz'
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

const foo = bar=>({ bar })
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

const foo = bar => bar.baz()
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

function quux (foo) {

  return foo;
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":"return"}}}
// Message: Missing JSDoc @return declaration.

function foo() {}

function bar() {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"forceRequireReturn":true}}
// Message: `settings.jsdoc.forceRequireReturn` has been removed, use options in the rule `require-returns` instead.

async function quux() {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

const quux = async function () {}
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

const quux = async () => {}
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

async function quux () {}
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

const language = {
   * @param {string} name
  get name() {
    return this._name;
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

async function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceReturnsWithAsync":true}]
// Message: Missing JSDoc @returns declaration.

 * @returns {undefined}
 * @returns {void}
function quux (foo) {

  return foo;
// Message: Found more than one @returns declaration.

 * @returns
function quux () {

// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"tagNamePreference":{"returns":false}}}
// Message: Unexpected tag `@returns`

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @returns Foo.
function quux () {

  return foo;

function quux () {

function quux (bar) {
  bar.filter(baz => {
    return baz.corge();

 * @returns Array
function quux (bar) {
  return bar.filter(baz => {
    return baz.corge();

 * @returns Array
const quux = (bar) => bar.filter(({ corge }) => corge())

 * @inheritdoc
function quux (foo) {

 * @override
function quux (foo) {

 * @constructor
function quux (foo) {

 * @implements
function quux (foo) {

 * @override
function quux (foo) {

  return foo;

 * @class
function quux (foo) {


 * @constructor
function quux (foo) {


 * @returns {Object}
function quux () {

  return {a: foo};

 * @returns {Object}
const quux = () => ({a: foo});

 * @returns {Object}
const quux = () => {
  return {a: foo}

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {

 * @returns {void}
const quux = () => {


 * @returns {undefined}
function quux () {

 * @returns {undefined}
const quux = () => {


function quux () {

const quux = () => {


class Foo {
  constructor () {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]

const language = {
   * @param {string} name
  set name(name) {
    this._name = name;

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {
  return undefined;

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {
  return undefined;
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]

 * @returns {void}
function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]

/** @type {RequestHandler} */
function quux (req, res , next) {

 * @returns {Promise}
async function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceRequireReturn":true}]

 * @returns {Promise}
async function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceReturnsWithAsync":true}]

async function quux () {}

const quux = async function () {}

const quux = async () => {}

/** foo class */
class foo {
  /** foo constructor */
  constructor () {
    // => = true;

export default foo;

function quux () {
// Options: [{"forceReturnsWithAsync":true}]

 * @type {MyCallback}
function quux () {

// Options: [{"exemptedBy":["type"]}]


Requires all types to be valid JSDoc or Closure compiler types without syntax errors.

Also impacts behaviors on namepath (or event)-defining and pointing tags:

  1. Name(path)-defining tags requiring namepath: @external, @host, @name, @typedef
  2. Name(path)-defining tags (which may have value without namepath or their namepath can be expressed elsewhere on the block): @event, @callback, @class, @constructor, @constant, @const, @function, @func, @method, @interface, @member, @var, @mixin, @namespace
  3. Name(path)-pointing tags requiring namepath: @alias, @augments, @extends, @lends, @memberof, @memberof!, @mixes, @this
  4. Name(path)-pointing tags (which may have value without namepath or their namepath can be expressed elsewhere on the block): @listens, @fires, @emits, and @modifies
  5. Name(path)-pointing tags (multiple names in one): @borrows

...with the following applying to the above sets:

  • Expect tags in set 1-4 to have a valid namepath if present
  • Prevent sets 2 and 4 from being empty by setting allowEmptyNamepaths to false as these tags might have some indicative value without a path or may allow a name expressed elsewhere on the block (but sets 1 and 3 will always fail if empty)
  • For the special case of set 5, i.e., @borrows <that namepath> as <this namepath>, check that both namepaths are present and valid and ensure there is an as between them. In the case of <this namepath>, it can be preceded by one of the name path operators, #, ., or ~.
  • For the special case of @memberof and @memberof! (part of set 3), as per the specification, they also allow #, ., or ~ at the end (which is not allowed at the end of normal paths).


  • allowEmptyNamepaths (default: true) - Set to false to disallow empty name paths with @callback, @event, @class, @constructor, @constant, @const, @function, @func, @method, @interface, @member, @var, @mixin, @namespace, @listens, @fires, @modifies, or @emits (these might often be expected to have an accompanying name path, though they have some indicative value without one; these may also allow names to be defined in another manner elsewhere in the block)
  • checkSeesForNamepaths (default: false) - Set this to true to insist that @see only use name paths (the tag is normally permitted to allow other text)
Context everywhere
Tags For name only unless otherwise stated: alias, augments, borrows, callback, class (for name and type), constant (for name and type), enum (for type), event, external, fires, function, implements (for type), interface, lends, listens, member (for name and type), memberof, memberof!, mixes, mixin, modifies, module (for name and type), name, namespace (for name and type), param (for name and type), property (for name and type), returns (for type), this, throws (for type), type (for type), typedef (for name and type), yields (for type)
Aliases extends, constructor, const, host, emits, func, method, var, arg, argument, prop, return, exception, yield
Closure-only For type only: package, private, protected, public, static
Options allowEmptyNamepaths, checkSeesForNamepaths

The following patterns are considered problems:

 * @param {Array<string} foo
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in type: Array<string

 * @memberof module:namespace.SomeClass<~
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:namespace.SomeClass<~

 * @memberof module:namespace.SomeClass~<
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:namespace.SomeClass~<

 * @borrows foo% as bar
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: foo%

 * @borrows #foo as bar
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: #foo

 * @borrows foo as bar%
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: bar%

 * @borrows foo
function quux() {

// Message: @borrows must have an "as" expression. Found ""

 * @see foo%
function quux() {

// Options: [{"checkSeesForNamepaths":true}]
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: foo%

/** */
function foo() {}
// Settings: {"jsdoc":{"allowEmptyNamepaths":true,"checkSeesForNamepaths":true}}
// Message: `settings.jsdoc.allowEmptyNamepaths` has been removed, use options in the rule `valid-types` instead.

 * @alias module:abc#event:foo-bar
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:abc#event:foo-bar

 * @mixes module:namespace.SomeClass~
function quux() {

// Message: Syntax error in namepath: module:namespace.SomeClass~

 * @callback
function quux() {

// Options: [{"allowEmptyNamepaths":false}]
// Message: Tag @callback must have a namepath

 * @constant {str%ng}
 const FOO = 'foo';
// Message: Syntax error in type: str%ng

 * @typedef {str%ng} UserString
// Message: Syntax error in type: str%ng

 * @typedef {string} UserStr%ng
// Message: Syntax error in namepath: UserStr%ng

 * @extends
 class Bar {};
// Message: Tag @extends must have either a type or namepath

 * @type
 let foo;
// Message: Tag @type must have a type

 * @modifies {bar|foo<}
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {}
// Message: Syntax error in type: bar|foo<

The following patterns are not considered problems:

 * @param {Array<string>} foo
function quux() {


 * @param {string} foo
function quux() {


 * @param foo
function quux() {


 * @borrows foo as bar
function quux() {


 * @borrows foo as #bar
function quux() {


 * @see foo%
function quux() {


 * @alias module:namespace.SomeClass#event:ext_anevent
function quux() {


 * @callback foo
function quux() {


 * @callback
function quux() {

// Options: [{"allowEmptyNamepaths":true}]

 * @class
function quux() {


 * @see {@link foo}
function quux() {

// Options: [{"checkSeesForNamepaths":true}]

 * @fires {module:namespace.SomeClass#event:ext_anevent}
function quux() {


 * @memberof module:namespace.SomeClass~
function quux() {


 * @memberof! module:namespace.SomeClass.
function quux() {


function quux() {


 * @constant {string}
 const FOO = 'foo';

 * @constant {string} FOO
 const FOO = 'foo';

 * @extends Foo
 class Bar {};

 * @extends {Foo<String>}
 class Bar {};

 * @typedef {number|string} UserDefinedType

 * @typedef {number|string}
let UserDefinedGCCType;

 * @modifies {foo|bar}
function quux (foo, bar, baz) {}