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NeoBurger Contributors

vang1ong7ang edited this page Dec 9, 2021 · 17 revisions

NeoBurger Contributors

NeoBurger is built by volunteer contributors, which means there is never an official team, never a foundation, never a founder, never a leader in NeoBurger.

The ownership of NeoBurger project belongs to all NoBug holders - one coin, one vote.

Long term contributors who continuously contribute for more than 256 days are able to claim their contributor reward. (see NeoBuger Governance Token TODO: 🔗).

List of Long Term Contributors

name is optional due to privacy concerns

Neo Address Name Start Time Reward Claim Time
NfgJDvxqwQ4GmJkBcSVhH77dY7B4pSjQim vang1ong7ang 2021-09-10 ---
NaBAgpE17vm4dfA4RARbiXUcf5DW7yGfDL dusmart 2021-09-10 ---
NdCH4FS8DBm6TowfA2CQhHARYgdjSfDUbp Lichen9618 2021-09-10 ---
NPC8XP8F9vbonWtoSsC4F1pog7d73hy1Fs Hecate2 2021-09-13 ---
NhAhgt6bVrFBhuQSN1xH9D923gUytyE1aJ Ryu 2021-09-16 ---
NXcX2vy2ohCuPtTsrhg4QMmo2nsH94u4eR ANON 2021-09-16 ---
NW2szuv3uPtCzGh4hBzxjkVNhBQZVuBiEZ Edge 2021-09-17 ---
Nd5pB8Qu6V1orRgPRo8d2Tf8SjL4fEug3X ANON 2021-09-17 ---
NZ4m9j3FaHDjVkCdgQUDtiomTQSiC1XvDt ANON 2021-09-22 ---
NMNvsgx1LxcY4h6p5Tth4ypxZrrhTnTxb2 0xcarmichael 2021-09-28 ---
Ni4euu5rFh3uasrDQqd8Ay5iKU6naY74nG Łùççï 2021-09-29 ---
NVUgsDqUeGjgg2LDgg4u8mgN2WsBzWayb2 Love_NeoBurger 2021-09-29 ---
NNyopWiLniWYvJBjRhUWHWNP1w8dpKFxvH Neo to the moon 2021-09-29 ---
NihwZ77BZqcyxPg3fegcyRMRGpoGabNkNR Cocoahomology 2021-10-12
NfVCChsX7d6mvwMiFNZWWXA75Rsdw1AxL3 cloud8little 2021-10-20 ---
Nj5hsLbX7mtEvRaZD8RM1FitGEn1mPFWCw eeee 2021-10-20 ---
NQeoekyFN686uMh7Ux8E2s1rNxNoa74LqF Mizuno 2021-10-28 ---
NZ5b8UznXRwXha7wcopjPpZshbrcVk96mi NeoDashboard 2021-12-01 ---
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