title | weight |
Usage |
40 |
The AsyncAPI CLI makes it easier to work with AsyncAPI documents.
$ npm install -g @asyncapi/cli
$ asyncapi COMMAND
running command...
$ asyncapi (--version | --v)
@asyncapi/cli/2.16.1 linux-x64 node-v18.20.5
$ asyncapi --help [COMMAND]
$ asyncapi COMMAND
- Usage
- Commands
asyncapi bundle
asyncapi config
asyncapi config analytics
asyncapi config context
asyncapi config context add CONTEXT-NAME SPEC-FILE-PATH
asyncapi config context current
asyncapi config context edit CONTEXT-NAME NEW-SPEC-FILE-PATH
asyncapi config context init [CONTEXT-FILE-PATH]
asyncapi config context list
asyncapi config context remove CONTEXT-NAME
asyncapi config context use CONTEXT-NAME
asyncapi config versions
asyncapi convert [SPEC-FILE] [PROXYHOST] [PROXYPORT]
asyncapi diff OLD NEW
asyncapi format [SPEC-FILE]
asyncapi generate
asyncapi generate fromTemplate ASYNCAPI TEMPLATE
asyncapi generate models LANGUAGE FILE
asyncapi new
asyncapi new file
asyncapi new glee
asyncapi new template
asyncapi optimize [SPEC-FILE] [PROXYHOST] [PROXYPORT]
asyncapi pretty SPEC-FILE
asyncapi start
asyncapi start studio
asyncapi validate [SPEC-FILE] [PROXYHOST] [PROXYPORT]
Bundle one or multiple AsyncAPI Documents and their references together.
$ asyncapi bundle [-h] [-o <value>] [-b <value>] [-d <value>] [-x]
-b, --base=<value> Path to the file which will act as a base. This is required when some properties need to be
-d, --baseDir=<value> One relative/absolute path to directory relative to which paths to AsyncAPI Documents that
should be bundled will be resolved.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> The output file name. Omitting this flag the result will be printed in the console.
-x, --xOrigin Pass this switch to generate properties "x-origin" that will contain historical values of
dereferenced "$ref"s.
Bundle one or multiple AsyncAPI Documents and their references together.
$ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml > final-asyncapi.yaml
$ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml --output final-asyncapi.yaml
$ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml ./features.yaml
$ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml ./features.yaml --base ./main.yaml
$ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml ./features.yaml --base ./main.yaml --xOrigin
$ asyncapi bundle ./asyncapi.yaml -o final-asyncapi.yaml --base ../public-api/main.yaml --baseDir ./social-media/comments-service
See code: src/commands/bundle.ts
CLI config settings
$ asyncapi config
CLI config settings
See code: src/commands/config/index.ts
Enable or disable analytics for metrics collection
$ asyncapi config analytics [-h] [-d] [-e] [-s]
-d, --disable disable analytics
-e, --enable enable analytics
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --status show current status of analytics
Enable or disable analytics for metrics collection
See code: src/commands/config/analytics.ts
Manage short aliases for full paths to AsyncAPI documents
$ asyncapi config context
Manage short aliases for full paths to AsyncAPI documents
See code: src/commands/config/context/index.ts
Add a context to the store
$ asyncapi config context add CONTEXT-NAME SPEC-FILE-PATH [-h] [-s]
CONTEXT-NAME context name
SPEC-FILE-PATH file path of the spec file
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-s, --set-current Set context being added as the current context
Add a context to the store
See code: src/commands/config/context/add.ts
Shows the current context that is being used
$ asyncapi config context current [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Shows the current context that is being used
See code: src/commands/config/context/current.ts
Edit a context in the store
$ asyncapi config context edit CONTEXT-NAME NEW-SPEC-FILE-PATH [-h]
CONTEXT-NAME context name
NEW-SPEC-FILE-PATH file path of the spec file
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Edit a context in the store
See code: src/commands/config/context/edit.ts
Initialize context
$ asyncapi config context init [CONTEXT-FILE-PATH] [-h]
CONTEXT-FILE-PATH Specify directory in which context file should be created:
- current directory : asyncapi config context init . (default)
- root of current repository : asyncapi config context init ./
- user's home directory : asyncapi config context init ~
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Initialize context
See code: src/commands/config/context/init.ts
List all the stored contexts in the store
$ asyncapi config context list [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
List all the stored contexts in the store
See code: src/commands/config/context/list.ts
Delete a context from the store
$ asyncapi config context remove CONTEXT-NAME [-h]
CONTEXT-NAME Name of the context to delete
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Delete a context from the store
See code: src/commands/config/context/remove.ts
Set a context as current
$ asyncapi config context use CONTEXT-NAME [-h]
CONTEXT-NAME name of the saved context
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Set a context as current
See code: src/commands/config/context/use.ts
Show versions of AsyncAPI tools used
$ asyncapi config versions [-h]
-h, --help Show CLI help.
Show versions of AsyncAPI tools used
See code: src/commands/config/versions.ts
Convert asyncapi documents older to newer versions or OpenAPI/postman-collection documents to AsyncAPI
$ asyncapi convert [SPEC-FILE] [PROXYHOST] [PROXYPORT] -f openapi|asyncapi|postman-collection [-h] [-o
<value>] [-t <value>] [-p client|server] [--proxyHost <value>] [--proxyPort <value>]
SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name
PROXYHOST Name of the Proxy Host
PROXYPORT Name of the Port of the ProxyHost
-f, --format=<option> (required) [default: asyncapi] Specify the format to convert from (openapi or asyncapi)
<options: openapi|asyncapi|postman-collection>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> path to the file where the result is saved
-p, --perspective=<option> [default: server] Perspective to use when converting OpenAPI to AsyncAPI (client or
server). Note: This option is only applicable for OpenAPI to AsyncAPI conversions.
<options: client|server>
-t, --target-version=<value> [default: 3.0.0] asyncapi version to convert to
--proxyHost=<value> Name of the ProxyHost
--proxyPort=<value> Port number number for the proxyHost.
Convert asyncapi documents older to newer versions or OpenAPI/postman-collection documents to AsyncAPI
See code: src/commands/convert.ts
Find diff between two asyncapi files
$ asyncapi diff OLD NEW [-h] [-f json|yaml|yml|md] [-t breaking|non-breaking|unclassified|all]
[--markdownSubtype json|yaml|yml] [-o <value>] [--no-error] [-w] [--log-diagnostics] [--diagnostics-format
json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty] [--fail-severity error|warn|info|hint] [-o <value>]
OLD old spec path, URL or context-name
NEW new spec path, URL or context-name
-f, --format=<option> [default: yaml] format of the output
<options: json|yaml|yml|md>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> The output file name. Omitting this flag the result will be printed in the console.
-o, --overrides=<value> path to JSON file containing the override properties
-t, --type=<option> [default: all] type of the output
<options: breaking|non-breaking|unclassified|all>
-w, --watch Enable watch mode
--diagnostics-format=<option> [default: stylish] format to use for validation diagnostics
<options: json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty>
--fail-severity=<option> [default: error] diagnostics of this level or above will trigger a failure exit
<options: error|warn|info|hint>
--[no-]log-diagnostics log validation diagnostics or not
--markdownSubtype=<option> the format of changes made to AsyncAPI document. It works only when diff is
generated using md type. For example, when you specify subtype as json, then diff
information in markdown is dumped as json structure.
<options: json|yaml|yml>
--no-error don't show error on breaking changes
Find diff between two asyncapi files
See code: src/commands/diff.ts
Convert asyncapi documents from any format to yaml, yml or JSON
$ asyncapi format [SPEC-FILE] -f yaml|yml|json [-h] [-o <value>]
SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name
-f, --format=<option> (required) [default: json] Specify the format to convert to
<options: yaml|yml|json>
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> path to the file where the result is saved
Convert asyncapi documents from any format to yaml, yml or JSON
See code: src/commands/format.ts
Generate typed models or other things like clients, applications or docs using AsyncAPI Generator templates.
$ asyncapi generate
Generate typed models or other things like clients, applications or docs using AsyncAPI Generator templates.
See code: src/commands/generate/index.ts
Generates whatever you want using templates compatible with AsyncAPI Generator.
$ asyncapi generate fromTemplate ASYNCAPI TEMPLATE [-h] [-d <value>...] [--no-interactive] [-i] [--debug] [-n <value>...]
[-o <value>] [--force-write] [-w] [-p <value>...] [--map-base-url <value>] [--registry-url <value>] [--registry-auth
<value>] [--registry-token <value>] [--proxyHost <value>] [--proxyPort <value>] [--use-new-generator]
ASYNCAPI - Local path, url or context-name pointing to AsyncAPI file
TEMPLATE - Name of the generator template like for example @asyncapi/html-template or
-d, --disable-hook=<value>... Disable a specific hook type or hooks from a given hook type
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --install Installs the template and its dependencies (defaults to false)
-n, --no-overwrite=<value>... Glob or path of the file(s) to skip when regenerating
-o, --output=<value> Directory where to put the generated files (defaults to current directory)
-p, --param=<value>... Additional param to pass to templates
-w, --watch Watches the template directory and the AsyncAPI document, and re-generate the files
when changes occur. Ignores the output directory.
--debug Enable more specific errors in the console
--force-write Force writing of the generated files to given directory even if it is a git repo with
unstaged files or not empty dir (defaults to false)
--map-base-url=<value> Maps all schema references from base url to local folder
--no-interactive Disable interactive mode and run with the provided flags.
--registry-auth=<value> The registry username and password encoded with base64, formatted as username:password
--registry-token=<value> The npm registry authentication token, that can be passed instead of base64 encoded
username and password
--registry-url=<value> [default: https://registry.npmjs.org] Specifies the URL of the private registry for
fetching templates and dependencies
--proxyHost=<value> Name of the ProxyHost
--proxyPort=<value> Port number number for the proxyHost.
--use-new-generator Use v2 generator, for generating from newer templates
Generates whatever you want using templates compatible with AsyncAPI Generator.
$ asyncapi generate fromTemplate asyncapi.yaml @asyncapi/html-template --param version=1.0.0 singleFile=true --output ./docs --force-write
See code: src/commands/generate/fromTemplate.ts
Generates typed models
$ asyncapi generate models LANGUAGE FILE [-h] [-o <value>] [--packageName <value>] [--namespace <value>]
[--tsModelType class|interface] [--tsEnumType enum|union] [--tsModuleSystem ESM|CJS] [--tsIncludeComments]
[--tsExportType default|named] [--tsJsonBinPack] [--tsMarshalling] [--tsExampleInstance] [--tsRawPropertyNames]
[--csharpAutoImplement] [--csharpNewtonsoft] [--csharpArrayType Array|List] [--csharpHashcode] [--csharpEqual]
[--csharpSystemJson] [--javaIncludeComments] [--javaJackson] [--javaConstraints] [--javaArrayType Array|List]
[--pyDantic] [--no-interactive] [--log-diagnostics] [--diagnostics-format
json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty] [--proxyHost <value>] [--proxyPort <value>] [--fail-severity error|warn|info|hint]
LANGUAGE (typescript|csharp|golang|java|javascript|dart|python|rust|kotlin|php|cplusplus|scala) The language you want
the typed models generated for.
FILE Path or URL to the AsyncAPI document, or context-name
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> The output file name. Omitting this flag the result will be printed in the console.
--csharpArrayType=<option> [default: Array] C# specific, define which type of array needs to be generated.
<options: Array|List>
--csharpAutoImplement C# specific, define whether to generate auto-implemented properties or not.
--csharpEqual C# specific, generate the models with the Equal method overwritten
--csharpHashcode C# specific, generate the models with the GetHashCode method overwritten
--csharpNewtonsoft C# specific, generate the models with newtonsoft serialization support
--csharpSystemJson C# specific, generate the models with System.Text.Json serialization support
--diagnostics-format=<option> [default: stylish] format to use for validation diagnostics
<options: json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty>
--fail-severity=<option> [default: error] diagnostics of this level or above will trigger a failure exit
<options: error|warn|info|hint>
--javaArrayType=<option> [default: Array] Java specific, define which type of array needs to be generated.
<options: Array|List>
--javaConstraints Java specific, generate the models with constraints
--javaIncludeComments Java specific, if enabled add comments while generating models.
--javaJackson Java specific, generate the models with Jackson serialization support
--[no-]log-diagnostics log validation diagnostics or not
--namespace=<value> C#, C++ and PHP specific, define the namespace to use for the generated models.
This is required when language is `csharp`,`c++` or `php`.
--no-interactive Disable interactive mode and run with the provided flags.
--packageName=<value> Go, Java and Kotlin specific, define the package to use for the generated models.
This is required when language is `go`, `java` or `kotlin`.
--pyDantic Python specific, generate the Pydantic models.
--tsEnumType=<option> [default: enum] TypeScript specific, define which type of enums needs to be
<options: enum|union>
--tsExampleInstance Typescript specific, generate example of the model.
--tsExportType=<option> [default: default] TypeScript specific, define which type of export needs to be
<options: default|named>
--tsIncludeComments TypeScript specific, if enabled add comments while generating models.
--tsJsonBinPack TypeScript specific, define basic support for serializing to and from binary with
--tsMarshalling TypeScript specific, generate the models with marshalling functions.
--tsModelType=<option> [default: class] TypeScript specific, define which type of model needs to be
<options: class|interface>
--tsModuleSystem=<option> [default: ESM] TypeScript specific, define the module system to be used.
<options: ESM|CJS>
--tsRawPropertyNames Typescript specific, generate the models using raw property names.
--proxyHost=<value> Name of the ProxyHost
--proxyPort=<value> Port number number for the proxyHost.
Generates typed models
See code: src/commands/generate/models.ts
Create a new AsyncAPI project, specification files, or templates for clients and applications.
$ asyncapi new
Create a new AsyncAPI project, specification files, or templates for clients and applications.
See code: src/commands/new/index.ts
Creates a new asyncapi file
$ asyncapi new file [-h] [-n <value>] [-e <value>] [-s] [-p <value>] [--no-tty]
-e, --example=<value>
name of the example to use. Available examples are:
- simple-asyncapi.yml
- adeo-kafka-request-reply-asyncapi.yml
- anyof-asyncapi.yml
- application-headers-asyncapi.yml
- correlation-id-asyncapi.yml
- websocket-gemini-asyncapi.yml
- gitter-streaming-asyncapi.yml
- kraken-websocket-request-reply-message-filter-in-reply-asyncapi.yml
- kraken-websocket-request-reply-multiple-channels-asyncapi.yml
- mercure-asyncapi.yml
- not-asyncapi.yml
- operation-security-asyncapi.yml
- oneof-asyncapi.yml
- rpc-client-asyncapi.yml
- rpc-server-asyncapi.yml
- slack-rtm-asyncapi.yml
- tutorial.yml
- streetlights-kafka-asyncapi.yml
- streetlights-operation-security-asyncapi.yml
- streetlights-mqtt-asyncapi.yml
-h, --help
Show CLI help.
-n, --file-name=<value>
name of the file
-p, --port=<value>
port in which to start Studio
-s, --studio
open in Studio
do not use an interactive terminal
Creates a new asyncapi file
$ asyncapi new - start creation of a file in interactive mode
$ asyncapi new --file-name=my-asyncapi.yml --example=default-example.yml --no-tty - create a new file with a specific name, using one of the examples and without interactive mode
See code: src/commands/new/file.ts
Creates a new Glee project
$ asyncapi new glee [-h] [-n <value>] [-t <value>] [-f <value>] [--force-write]
-f, --file=<value> The path to the AsyncAPI file for generating a Glee project.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> [default: project] Name of the Project
-t, --template=<value> [default: default] Name of the Template
--force-write Force writing of the generated files to given directory even if it is a git repo with unstaged
files or not empty dir (defaults to false)
Creates a new Glee project
See code: src/commands/new/glee.ts
Creates a new template
$ asyncapi new template [-h] [-n <value>] [-t <value>] [-f <value>] [--force-write] [-r <value>]
-f, --file=<value> The path to the AsyncAPI file for generating a template.
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-n, --name=<value> [default: project] Name of the Project
-r, --renderer=<value> [default: react] Creating a template for particular engine, Its value can be either react or
-t, --template=<value> [default: default] Name of the Template
--force-write Force writing of the generated files to given directory even if it is a git repo with unstaged
files or not empty dir (defaults to false)
Creates a new template
See code: src/commands/new/template.ts
optimize asyncapi specification file
$ asyncapi optimize [SPEC-FILE] [PROXYHOST] [PROXYPORT] [-h] [-p
remove-components|reuse-components|move-duplicates-to-components|move-all-to-components...] [-i schema...] [-o
terminal|new-file|overwrite] [--no-tty] [--proxyHost <value>] [--proxyPort <value>]
SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name
PROXYHOST Name of the Proxy Host
PROXYPORT Name of the Port of the ProxyHost
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-i, --ignore=<option>... [default: ] list of components to be ignored from the optimization process
<options: schema>
-o, --output=<option> [default: terminal] select where you want the output.
<options: terminal|new-file|overwrite>
-p, --optimization=<option>... [default: remove-components,reuse-components,move-duplicates-to-components,move-all-to
-components] select the type of optimizations that you want to apply.
<options: remove-components|reuse-components|move-duplicates-to-components|move-all-to
--no-tty do not use an interactive terminal
--proxyHost=<value> Name of the ProxyHost
--proxyPort=<value> Port number number for the proxyHost.
optimize asyncapi specification file
$ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml
$ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --no-tty
$ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --optimization=remove-components --optimization=reuse-components --optimization=move-all-to-components --no-tty
$ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --optimization=remove-components --output=terminal --no-tty
$ asyncapi optimize ./asyncapi.yaml --ignore=schema
See code: src/commands/optimize.ts
Beautify the AsyncAPI spec file (indentation, styling) in place or output the formatted spec to a new file.
$ asyncapi pretty SPEC-FILE [-o <value>]
SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name
-o, --output=<value> Output file path
Beautify the AsyncAPI spec file (indentation, styling) in place or output the formatted spec to a new file.
$ asyncapi pretty ./asyncapi.yaml
$ asyncapi pretty ./asyncapi.yaml --output formatted-asyncapi.yaml
See code: src/commands/pretty.ts
Starts AsyncAPI-related services. Currently, it supports launching the AsyncAPI Studio
$ asyncapi start
Starts AsyncAPI-related services. Currently, it supports launching the AsyncAPI Studio
See code: src/commands/start/index.ts
starts a new local instance of Studio
$ asyncapi start studio [SPEC_FILE] [-h] [-p <value>]
SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-p, --port=<value> port in which to start Studio
starts a new local instance of Studio
See code: src/commands/start/studio.ts
validate asyncapi file
$ asyncapi validate [SPEC-FILE] [PROXYHOST] [PROXYPORT] [-h] [-w] [--log-diagnostics] [--diagnostics-format
json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty] [--fail-severity error|warn|info|hint] [-o <value>] [--score]
[--proxyHost <value>] [--proxyPort <value>]
SPEC-FILE spec path, url, or context-name
PROXYHOST Name of the Proxy Host
PROXYPORT Name of the Port of the ProxyHost
-h, --help Show CLI help.
-o, --output=<value> The output file name. Omitting this flag the result will be printed in the console.
-w, --watch Enable watch mode
--diagnostics-format=<option> [default: stylish] format to use for validation diagnostics
<options: json|stylish|junit|html|text|teamcity|pretty>
--fail-severity=<option> [default: error] diagnostics of this level or above will trigger a failure exit
<options: error|warn|info|hint>
--[no-]log-diagnostics log validation diagnostics or not
--proxyHost=<value> Name of the ProxyHost
--proxyPort=<value> Port number number for the proxyHost.
--score Compute the score of the AsyncAPI document. Scoring is based on whether the
document has description, license, server and/or channels.
validate asyncapi file
See code: src/commands/validate.ts