Prerequites: hardhat
- Clone repository: picasarts-contracts
- Install modules:
npm install
- Compile contracts:
npx hardhat conpile
- Config network in file:
- Deploy contracts:
npx hardhat run --network <network> scripts/deploy_all.js
- Get file
and all files in folderabis
Picasarts has 1 governance contract (Hub) and 3 feature contracts (Marketplace, Loan and Rental). For handle logic of feature contracts and futher extending contract, this is design of them:
Those also use same a NFT standard contract called PNFT extend from ERC-721, ERC-2981 and ERC-4907. This is not required, you can create new PNFT contract by Hub or just import simple ERC-721 contract that extend Ownable contract but I encourage you use this contract for able using full product features.
- Use cases:
- Flow:
- Use cases:
- Flow:
- Explain status after each action:
- Use cases:
- Flow:
- Calculate amount can withdraw: