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554 lines (444 loc) · 21.5 KB

File metadata and controls

554 lines (444 loc) · 21.5 KB

ctbk python library

CLI for generating datasets (derived from Citi Bike public data in s3://tripdata).

Data flow

flowchart LR;
agg_sc["AggregatedMonths(YYYYMM, 's', 'c')\ns3://ctbk/aggregated/s_c_YYYYMM.parquet"]
agg_sec["AggregatedMonths(YYYYMM, 'se', 'c')\ns3://ctbk/aggregated/se_c_YYYYMM.parquet"]
agg_ymrgtb["AggregatedMonths(YYYYMM, 'ymrgtb', 'cd')\ns3://ctbk/aggregated/ymrgtb_cd_YYYYMM.parquet"]
smh_in["StationMetaHists(YYYYMM, 'in')\ns3://ctbk/stations/meta_hists/in_YYYYMM.parquet"]
smh_il["StationMetaHists(YYYYMM, 'il')\ns3://ctbk/stations/meta_hists/il_YYYYMM.parquet"]

z --> c --> n
n --> agg_sc
n --> agg_sec
n --> agg_ymrgtb
n --> smh_in
n --> smh_il
smh_in --> sm
smh_il --> sm
agg_sc --> sm
sm --> spj
agg_sec --> spj

TripdataZips (a.k.a. zips): public Citi Bike files

  • Released as NYC and JC files at s3://tripdata
  • See s3://tripdata

TripdataCsvs (a.k.a. csvs): unzipped and gzipped CSVs

NormalizedMonths (a.k.a. norms): normalize csvs

  • Merge regions (NYC, JC) for the same month, harmonize columns drop duplicate data, etc.
  • Writes <root>/ctbk/normalized/YYYYMM.parquet
  • See also: s3://ctbk/normalized

AggregatedMonths (a.k.a. aggs): compute histograms over each month's rides:

  • Group by any of several "aggregation keys" ({year, month, day, hour, user type, bike type, start and end station, …})
  • Produce any "sum keys" ({ride counts, duration in seconds})
  • Writes <root>/ctbk/aggregated/KEYS_YYYYMM.parquet
  • See also: s3://ctbk/aggregated/*.parquet

StationMetaHists (a.k.a. smhs): compute station {id,name,lat/lng} histograms:

  • Similar to aggs, but counts station {id,name,lat/lng} tuples that appear as each ride's start and end stations (whereas agg's rows are 1:1 with rides)
  • "agg_keys" can include id (i), name (n), and lat/lng (l); there are no "sum_keys" (only counting is supported)
  • Writes <root>/ctbk/stations/meta_hists/YYYYMM.parquet
  • See also: s3://ctbk/stations/meta_hists

StationModes (a.k.a. sms): canonical {id,name,lat/lng} info for each station:

  • Computed from StationMetaHists:
    • name is chosen as the "mode" (most commonly listed name for that station ID)
    • lat/lng is taken to be the mean of the lat/lngs reported for each ride's start and end station
  • Writes <root>/ctbk/aggregated/YYYYMM/stations.json
  • See also: s3://ctbk/aggregated/YYYYMM/stations.json

StationPairJsons (a.k.a. spjs): counts of rides between each pair of stations:

  • JSON formatted as { <start idx>: { <end idx>: <count> } }
  • idxs are based on order of appearance in StationModes / stations.json above (which is also sorted by station ID)
  • Values are read from AggregatedMonths(<ym>, 'se', 'c'):
    • group by station start ("s") and end ("e"),
    • sum ride counts ("c")
  • Writes <root>/ctbk/aggregated/YYYYMM/se_c.json
  • See also: s3://ctbk/stations/YYYYMM/se_c.json


Clone this repo and install this library:

git clone
pip install -e ctbk

Then the ctbk executable will be available, which exposes a subcommand for each of the stages above:


Usage: ctbk [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI for generating datasets (derived from Citi Bike public data in `s3://`).
  ## Data flow
  ### `TripdataZips` (a.k.a. `zip`s): Public Citi Bike `` files
  - Released as NYC and JC `` files at s3://tripdata
  - See
  ### `TripdataCsvs` (a.k.a. `csv`s): unzipped and gzipped CSVs
  - Writes `<root>/ctbk/csvs/YYYYMM.csv`
  - See also:
  ### `NormalizedMonths` (a.k.a. `norm`s): normalize `csv`s
  - Merge regions (NYC, JC) for the same month, harmonize columns drop duplicate data, etc.
  - Writes `<root>/ctbk/normalized/YYYYMM.parquet`
  - See also:
  ### `AggregatedMonths` (a.k.a. `agg`s): compute histograms over each month's rides:
  - Group by any of several "aggregation keys" ({year, month, day, hour, user type, bike
    type, start and end station, …})
  - Produce any "sum keys" ({ride counts, duration in seconds})
  - Writes `<root>/ctbk/aggregated/KEYS_YYYYMM.parquet`
  - See also:
  ### `StationMetaHists` (a.k.a. `smh`s): compute station {id,name,lat/lng} histograms:
  - Similar to `agg`s, but counts station {id,name,lat/lng} tuples that appear as each
    ride's start and end stations (whereas `agg`'s rows are 1:1 with rides)
  - "agg_keys" can include id (i), name (n), and lat/lng (l); there are no "sum_keys"
    (only counting is supported)
  - Writes `<root>/ctbk/stations/meta_hists/YYYYMM/KEYS.parquet`
  - See also:
  ### `StationModes` (a.k.a. `sm`s): canonical {id,name,lat/lng} info for each station:
  - Computed from `StationMetaHist`s:
    - `name` is chosen as the "mode" (most commonly listed name for that station ID)
    - `lat/lng` is taken to be the mean of the lat/lngs reported for each ride's start
      and end station
  - Writes `<root>/ctbk/aggregated/YYYYMM/stations.json`
  - See also:
  ### `StationPairJsons` (a.k.a. `spj`s): counts of rides between each pair of stations:
  - JSON formatted as `{ <start idx>: { <end idx>: <count> } }`
  - `idx`s are based on order of appearance in `StationModes` / `stations.json` above
    (which is also sorted by station ID)
  - Values are read from `AggregatedMonths(YYYYMM, 'se', 'c')`:
    - group by station start ("s") and end ("e"),
    - sum ride counts ("c")
  - Writes `<root>/ctbk/aggregated/YYYYMM/se_c.json`
  - See also:

  -r, --read TEXT   Set "read" behavior for `HasRoot` subclasses, `<alias>=<value>` to set specific classes by
                    alias, just `<value>` to set a global default. `<value>`s are `memory`, `disk`, and their
                    aliases, indicating whether to return disk-round-tripped versions of newly-computed
  -t, --root TEXT   Path- or URL-prefixes for `HasRoot` subclasses to write to and read from. `<alias>=<value>`
                    to set specific classes by alias, just `<value>` to set a global default. `<value>`s are
                    `memory`, `disk`, and their aliases, indicating whether to return disk-round-tripped
                    versions of newly-computed datasets.
  -w, --write TEXT  Set "write" behavior for `HasRoot` subclasses, `<alias>=<value>` to set specific classes by
                    alias, just `<value>` to set a global default. `<value>`s are `never`, `ifabsent`, `always`,
                    and their aliases, indicating how to handle each dataset type already existing on disk
                    (under its `root`) vs. not.
  --s3              Alias for `--root s3:/`, pointing all classes' "root" dirs at S3
  --help            Show this message and exit.

  zip                 Read files from s3://tripdata
  csv                 Extract CSVs from "tripdata" .zip files.
  normalized          Normalize "tripdata" CSVs (combine regions for each...
  aggregated          Aggregate normalized ride entries by various...
  station-meta-hist   Aggregate station name, lat/lng info from ride...
  station-modes-json  Compute canonical station names, lat/lngs from...
  station-pairs-json  Write station-pair ride_counts keyed by...
  sampled-zip         Generate test data by downsampling tripdata...
ctbk zip
Usage: ctbk zip [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Read files from s3://tripdata

  -d, --dates TEXT
  -r, --region [NYC|JC]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

  urls  Print URLs for selected datasets
ctbk csv
Usage: ctbk csv [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Extract CSVs from "tripdata" .zip files. Writes to <root>/ctbk/csvs.

  -d, --dates TEXT
  -r, --region [NYC|JC]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...
ctbk normalized
Usage: ctbk normalized [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Normalize "tripdata" CSVs (combine regions for each month, harmonize column
  names, etc. Writes to <root>/ctbk/normalized/YYYYMM.parquet.

  -d, --dates TEXT
  --help            Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...
ctbk aggregated
Usage: ctbk aggregated [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Aggregate normalized ride entries by various columns, summing ride counts or
  durations. Writes to <root>/ctbk/aggregated/KEYS_YYYYMM.parquet.

  -d, --dates TEXT
  -g, --group-by TEXT      One or more keys to group rides by: 'y' (year), 'm'
                           (month), 'w' (weekday), 'h' (hour), 'r' (region),
                           'g' (gender), 't' (user_type), 'b' (rideable_type),
                           's' (start_station), 'e' (end_station)  [required]
  -a, --aggregate-by TEXT  One or more keys to aggregate (sum) rides by: 'c'
                           (count), 'd' (duration)  [required]
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...
ctbk station-meta-hist
Usage: ctbk station-meta-hist [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Aggregate station name, lat/lng info from ride start and end fields. Writes
  to <root>/ctbk/stations/meta_hists/KEYS_YYYYMM.parquet.

  -d, --dates TEXT
  -g, --group-by TEXT  One or more keys to group station occurrences (taken
                       from both ride starts and ends) by: 'y' (year), 'm'
                       (month), 'i' (id), 'n' (name), 'l' (lat_lng)
  --help               Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...
ctbk station-modes-json
Usage: ctbk station-modes-json [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Compute canonical station names, lat/lngs from StationMetaHists. Writes to

  -d, --dates TEXT
  --help            Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...
ctbk station-pairs-json
Usage: ctbk station-pairs-json [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Write station-pair ride_counts keyed by StationModes' JSON indices. Writes
  to <root>/ctbk/aggregated/YYYYMM/se_c.json.

  -d, --dates TEXT
  --help            Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...
ctbk sampled-zip
Usage: ctbk sampled-zip [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  Generate test data by downsampling tripdata files. Writes to

  -d, --dates TEXT
  -r, --region [NYC|JC]
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

  urls    Print URLs for selected datasets
  create  Create selected datasets
  dag     Save and `open` a graph visualization of the datasets to be...

Subcommands: urls, create, dag

Each of the ctbk commands above supports 3 further subcommands:

  • urls: print the URLs that would be read from or written to
  • create: compute and save the relevant data to those URLs (optionally no-op'ing if already present, overwriting, or failing if not present)
  • dag: rudimentary DAG visualization of computation (powered by Dask, see below)


urls: print URLS

Print URLs for 3 months of normalized data on S3:

ctbk --s3 normalized -d 202206-202209 urls
# s3://ctbk/normalized/202206.parquet
# s3://ctbk/normalized/202207.parquet
# s3://ctbk/normalized/202208.parquet

Print URLs for 3 months of normalized data in the local folder s3/

ctbk normalized -d 202206-202209 urls
# s3/ctbk/normalized/202206.parquet
# s3/ctbk/normalized/202207.parquet
# s3/ctbk/normalized/202208.parquet

create: create+save data

Compute one month of normalized ride data:

ctbk --s3 -tnorm=tmproot normalized -d202101 create
ctbk --s3 -tnorm=tmproot normalized -d202101 create
# Writing tmproot/ctbk/normalized/202101.parquet
# Reading s3://ctbk/csvs/202101-citibike-tripdata.csv.gz
# s3://ctbk/csvs/202101-citibike-tripdata.csv.gz: "Rideable Type" column not found; setting to "unknown" for all rows
# Reading s3://ctbk/csvs/JC-202101-citibike-tripdata.csv.gz
# s3://ctbk/csvs/JC-202101-citibike-tripdata.csv.gz: "Rideable Type" column not found; setting to "unknown" for all rows

Upstream data is read from S3 (--s3 flag):

Output normalized data is written under local folder tmproot/ (-tnorm=tmproot):

tree -sh tmproot
# [  96]  tmproot
# └── [  96]  ctbk
#     └── [  96]  normalized
#         └── [ 30M]  202101.parquet
# 3 directories, 1 file

stderr messages about Rideable Type not being found are due to the chosen month predating the addition of that column in February 2021.

Parallel computation with --dask:

ctbk --s3 -tagg=tmproot agg -d202210-2023 -gymr -ac create --dask
Writing tmproot/ctbk/aggregated/ymr_c_202210.parquet
Reading s3://ctbk/normalized/202210.parquet
Writing tmproot/ctbk/aggregated/ymr_c_202211.parquet
Reading s3://ctbk/normalized/202211.parquet
Writing tmproot/ctbk/aggregated/ymr_c_202212.parquet
Reading s3://ctbk/normalized/202212.parquet

Upstream data is read from S3 (--s3 flag):

Output aggregated data is written under local folder tmproot/ (-tagg=tmproot):

tree -sh tmproot
# [  96]  tmproot
# └── [ 128]  ctbk
#     ├── [ 160]  aggregated
#     │   ├── [4.2K]  ymr_c_202210.parquet
#     │   ├── [4.2K]  ymr_c_202211.parquet
#     │   └── [4.2K]  ymr_c_202212.parquet
#     └── [  96]  normalized
#         └── [ 30M]  202101.parquet
# 4 directories, 4 files

Inspect the generated ymr_c_202210.parquet file using parquet2json:

parquet2json $f rowcount
# 3
parquet2json $f schema
# message schema {
#   OPTIONAL INT64 Start Year;
#   OPTIONAL INT64 Start Month;
#   OPTIONAL INT64 Count;
# }
parquet2json $f cat
# {"Region":"HB","Start Year":2022,"Start Month":10,"Count":40520}
# {"Region":"JC","Start Year":2022,"Start Month":10,"Count":48681}
# {"Region":"NYC","Start Year":2022,"Start Month":10,"Count":3015015}

Generate all the data used by in a local s3/ctbk directory (mirroring s3://ctbk):

ctbk spj create --dask
  • spj stands for station-pair-json (the final derived data product in the diagram above)
  • createing spj requires createing all predecessor datasets
    • Default "root" for each dataset is the local folder s3/
      • No existing data will be found there (on your computer), so it will be computed and saved
      • One exception to this is the initial TripdataZips, which are read from s3://tripdata by default
    • Previous examples use --s3 to point datasets to S3 locations, where they already exist
      • --s3 is equivalent to -ts3 or --root s3
      • This is in turn equivalent to --root csvs=s3:/ --root norm=s3:/ --root agg=s3:/ ...; all stages' URLs are prefixed with s3:/
      • Point at your own bucket with -ts3://my_bucket, which will result in files written under s3://my_bucket/ctbk/

⚠️ takes O(hours), streams ≈7GB of .csv.zips from s3://tripdata, writes ≈12GiB under s3/ctbk/ locally.

dag: DAG visualization of a given computation

Dask also powers a rudimentary DAG visualization for each stage, e.g.:

4 months of aggregated data (by year, month, and region, counting rides), reading from existing upstream normalized data in S3:

ctbk --s3 -tagg=tmproot agg -d202210- -gymr -ac dag


This vaguely shows a computation that:

  • produces 4 months of aggregated ymr_c_YYYYMM.parquet files
    • grouped by year (y), month (m), and region (r)
    • counting (c) rides
  • written to a local folder s3/ctbk/aggregated/
    • -tagg=s3 is short for --root aggregated=s3
    • s3 as "root" URL prefix results in writing to a local relative path s3/ctbk/…
  • reads input NormalizedMonth data on S3 (s3://ctbk/normalized)
    • --s3 is short for -ts3 or --root s3, meaning datasets besides aggregated are read from S3

5 months of normalized data, reading zips from s3://tripdata and writing intermediate csvs (and final normalized outputs) under local folder tmproot/ctbk/:

ctbk -ttmproot n -d2022-202206 dag -fsvg

Convert the initial SVG output to PNG:

svg2png -h4000 normalized_202201-202206_dag.{svg,png}

normalized_202201-202206_dag medium

Abbreviated command names

Abbreviations for each subcommand are supported, e.g.:

# Save and open a graph visualization of the computations involved in creating
# `normalized` (`n`) datasets for the months from 202201 to the present
ctbk n -d2022- dag

See HasRoot for more info about top-level -r/--read, -w/--write, and -t/--root parameters.

GitHub Actions

ci.yml breaks each derived dataset into a separate job, for example:

ctbk dev gha dag

It also includes a final call to generate JSON used by the main plot at

python -m ctbk.ymrgtb_cd -f

Any changes are pushed to the www branch, which triggers the www.yml GHA.

The www.yml GHA:

The code for the site is under ../www.