uid |
xri-teleportation-multi-anchor-volume |
An interactable that teleports the user to a specific position and/or rotation defined by one of several anchors. The volume designates a destination anchor upon first hover based on an implementation of ITeleportationVolumeAnchorFilter
Property | Description |
Interaction Manager | The XRInteractionManager that this Interactable will communicate with (will find one if None). |
Interaction Layer Mask | Allows interaction with Interactors whose Interaction Layer Mask overlaps with any Layer in this Interaction Layer Mask. |
Colliders | Colliders to use for interaction with this Interactable (if empty, will use any child Colliders). |
Custom Reticle | The reticle that appears at the end of the line when valid. |
Select Mode | Indicates the selection policy of an Interactable. This controls how many Interactors can select this Interactable. The value is only read by the Interaction Manager when a selection attempt is made, so changing this value from Multiple to Single will not cause selections to be exited. |
Single | Set Select Mode to Single to prevent additional simultaneous selections from more than one Interactor at a time. |
Multiple | Set Select Mode to Multiple to allow simultaneous selections on the Interactable from multiple Interactors. |
Allow Gaze Interaction | Enable for basic interaction events from an XRGazeInteractor and other gaze features. |
Allow Gaze Select | Enable selection from an XRGazeInteractor. |
Override Gaze Time To Select | Enables this Interactable to override the hover to select time on an XRGazeInteractor. |
Gaze Time To Select | Number of seconds an XRGazeInteractor must hover this interactable to select it if Hover To Select is enabled on the gaze Interactor. |
Override Time To Auto Deselect | Enables this Interactable to override the auto deselect time on an XRGazeInteractor. |
Time To Auto Deselect | Number of seconds this Interactable will be selected by an XRGazeInteractor before being automatically deselected if Auto Deselect is enabled on the gaze Interactor. |
Allow Gaze Assistance | If enabled, an XR Gaze Interactor will place an XR Interactable Snap Volume at this interactable to allow a properly configured XR Ray Interactor to snap to this interactable. See the XR Interactable Snap Volume or XR Ray Interactor pages for further information about correctly configuring an XRRayInteractor to support an XRInteractableSnapVolume . |
Match Orientation | How to orient the rig after teleportation. |
WorldSpaceUp | Set Match Orientation to WorldSpaceUp to stay oriented according to the world space up vector. |
TargetUp | Set Match Orientation to TargetUp to orient according to the target TeleportAnchor Transform's up vector. |
TargetUpAndForward | Set Match Orientation to TargetUpAndForward to orient according to the target BaseTeleportationInteractable Transform's rotation. |
None | Set Match Orientation to None to maintain the same orientation before and after teleporting. |
Match Directional Input | Specifies whether or not to rotate the rig to match the forward direction of the attach transform of the selecting interactor. This option is only available when Match Orientation is set to World Space Up or Target Up. |
Teleport Trigger | Specifies when the teleportation triggers. |
OnSelectEntered | Set Teleport Trigger to OnSelectEntered to teleport when the Interactable is selected. |
OnSelectExited | Set Teleport Trigger to OnSelectEntered to teleport when the Interactable is no longer selected after having been selected. |
OnActivated | Set Teleport Trigger to OnActivated to teleport when the Interactable is activated. Not to be confused with the active state of a GameObject, an activate event in this context refers to a contextual command action, such as toggling a flashlight on and off. |
OnDeactivated | Set Teleport Trigger to OnActivated to teleport when the Interactable is deactivated. Not to be confused with the active state of a GameObject, an activate event in this context refers to a contextual command action, such as toggling a flashlight on and off. |
Teleportation Provider | The teleportation provider that this teleportation interactable communicates teleport requests to. If no teleportation provider is configured, will attempt to find a teleportation provider. |
Filter Selection By Hit Normal | When enabled, this teleportation interactable will only be selectable by a ray interactor if its current hit normal is aligned with this object's up vector. |
Up Normal Tolerance Degrees | Sets the tolerance in degrees from this object's up vector for a hit normal to be considered aligned with the up vector. Only used and displayed when Filter Selection By Hit Normal is enabled. |
Anchor Transforms | The transforms that represent the possible teleportation destinations. The volume uses both the position and the rotation of each anchor, depending on which Match Orientation is selected. |
Destination Evaluation Settings | Settings for how this volume evaluates a destination anchor. |
Use Asset | Enable to use a TeleportVolumeDestinationSettings object externally defined in a TeleportVolumeDestinationSettingsDatum asset that can be assigned using the accompanying field. |
Use Value | Enable to use a TeleportVolumeDestinationSettings object which comes with default values editable in the component editor. |
Enable Destination Evaluation Delay | Whether the volume delays evaluation of the destination anchor until the user has hovered over the volume for a certain amount of time. If the user doesn't hover long enough before triggering teleport, no anchor will be used and so no teleport will occur. |
Destination Evaluation Delay Time | The amount of time, in seconds, for which the user must hover over the volume before it designates a destination anchor. Only used and displayed when Enable Destination Evaluation Delay is enabled. |
Poll For Destination Change | Whether the volume periodically queries the filter for its calculated destination. If the determined anchor is not the current destination, the volume will initiate re-evaluation of the destination anchor. This is useful if you want the user to be able to change their destination while hovering over the volume. |
Destination Poll Frequency | The amount of time, in seconds, between queries to the filter for its calculated destination anchor. Only used and displayed when Poll For Destination Change is enabled. |
Destination Filter Object | The anchor filter used to evaluate a teleportation destination (must implement the ITeleportationVolumeAnchorFilter interface). If set to None, the volume will use the anchor furthest from the user as the destination. |
Interactable Events | For other events, see the Interactable Events page. |
Teleporting | Gets or sets the event that Unity calls when queuing to teleport via TeleportationProvider .The TeleportingEventArgs passed to each listener is only valid while the event is invoked, do not hold a reference to it. |