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visionOS Sample

The visionOS sample provides a working demo of core interactors working with visionOS input. While some work has been done to accommodate the discontinuous nature of pose tracking on the platform, the interaction paradigm demonstrated on other platforms is intact here.

Importantly, a simple swap of the XR Origin (XR Rig) prefab and the introduction of a volume camera used in a scene that is already designed around hand tracking should be all that's required to get the XR Interaction Toolkit content to work in a mixed reality (Bounded or Unbounded) context on visionOS.

Prerequisites and setup

This sample and its dependencies are configured to run with the latest Unity 2022.3 LTS or newer (minimum 2022.3.19f1). A Unity Pro license is also required to access the PolySpatial packages.

In order for this sample to function properly, a few additional packages are required. Install these by clicking Fix in Edit > Project Settings > XR Plug-in Management > Project Validation or by using the Window > Package Manager window.

  • Starter Assets sample - imported from Package Manager under XR Interaction Toolkit in the Samples area
  • Shader Graph - For the materials used. PolySpatial requires the use of Shader Graph for any custom materials.
  • AR Foundation - For mixed reality support.
  • PolySpatial XR - For PolySpatial XR functionality.
  • PolySpatial visionOS - For visionOS support with PolySpatial.

Key interactions supported

  • Touching objects with your index finger tip will allow interactables to receive poke interaction events, leveraging the poke interactor.
  • Gazing at objects will highlight them using the VisionOSHoverEffect component, and on pinch VisionOSFarCaster will provide that object as a valid target to the NearFarInteractor.
  • Direct pinching objects will leverage the PointNearCaster and prioritize close proximity targets over the object surfaced by the platform input.

Given the modular paradigm of the Near-Far Interactor, it is possible to selectively disable either near or far interaction at authoring or runtime to control how interaction behaves.

This sample is installed into the default location for package samples, in the Assets\Samples\XR Interaction Toolkit\[version]\visionOS folder. You can move these Assets to a different location.

Asset Description
Editor\ Contains project validation logic for the Unity Editor.
Input\ Contains action map and generated C# bindings used by SpatialTouchInputReader.cs.
Materials\ Contains SpatialUI materials added in this sample. Other materials are located in the Starter Assets sample.
Models\ Contains 3D models used in this sample, namely the Spatial UI .fbx model, as well as rounded cube and platform meshes.
Prefabs\ Contains numerous starter prefab and example object prefabs. Importantly look for the XRI_SimpleRig prefab to get started.
Resources\ Contains volume config scriptable object. This is required to configure mixed reality PolySpatial applications.
Scripts\ Contains the sample's scripts. See the Input Bridge folder for the core scripts required to make the XRI Rig work with visionOS.
Shaders\ Asset folder containing Shader Graph shaders used in the scene.
Themes\ Contains Affordance System themes created for this sample. Grab interaction's rely on themes from the Starter Assets sample.
VolumeDemo Scene that demonstrates XRI interaction utilizing PolySpatial input events for direct, indirect, and poke-based input in a shared space volume.
See Demo scene below.

Demo scene

The VolumeDemo scene shows a minimal bounded volume setup designed to demo 3D interaction using the XR Interaction Toolkit. It features two-handed interactions supported on cubes, a floating cylinder, and tapered cylinder.

The cubes and tapered cylinder are set up using velocity tracked mode on the XRGrabInteractable, to showcase how physics interaction is meant to behave. The floating cylinder uses the lower latency instantaneous mode, which ignores physics collisions when evaluating motion.

There is also a reset button in the scene that is meant to demo a tactile poke interactable using an XRPokeFollowAffordance component to animate the button position as the poke depth changes. When fully pressed it will trigger the reset function on all interactables in the scene with a Resetable component on them, to re-initialize them to the original location.

Finally, there is an instance of the SpatialPanel_UI prefab meant to show how common UI components can be interacted with using the XR Interaction Toolkit interaction events.


  • Interactables
    • GrabAffordance
    • XRI_Cube
  • Interactors
    • Primary Interaction Group
    • Secondary Interaction Group Variant
  • SpatialUI
    • ButtonAffordance
    • SpatialPanel_UI
  • XRI_SimpleRig

The most important prefab in this folder is the XRI_SimpleRig, which uses the prefabs in the Interactors folder to create a functional rig that can be dropped into an XRI scene and allow interaction to occur on visionOS, assuming the project is well configured.

The Primary Interaction Group, and its secondary variant, are configured to handle poke, direct, and indirect pinch for the corresponding spatial pointer device input.

GrabAffordance shows a minimal setup used to enable select rim shader effects to pair with an XRI interactable. ButtonAffordance does the same for the SpatialUI components.

XRI_Cube is a simple grab interactable that supports two-handed interaction by enabling Multiple on Select Mode property from XRGrabInteractable. While XRGrabInteractable automatically adds a GeneralGrabTransformer component at runtime if needed, the component has been added to the GameObject to allow two-handed scaling by enabling the Allow Two Handed Scaling property on that component.

SpatialPanel_UI is a 3D UI panel showing common interaction patterns in UI, implemented using the XR Interaction Toolkit interaction events. This panel should be compatible with projects that use the XR Interaction Toolkit on other supported platforms.

Scripts / Input Bridge

The input bridge folder represents the core of the work done to make the XR Interaction Toolkit interactors compatible with visionOS.


XRI 3.0 introduced Input Readers, which are a core part of managing input events that interactors rely on to correctly handle state transitions. Because interactors poll input from an abstracted Input Reader rather than input actions directly, it is possible to write a custom implementation of input logic that can process input before they're exposed to interactors.

To handle an interactor's select state transition, we need to implement IXRInputButtonReader which exposes a bool through ReadIsPerformed to tell the interactor when select is active.

SpatialTouchInputReader implements IXRInputButtonReader and is set up to bind to performed calls on the generated SpatialPointerInput input class, which exposes the Primary SpatialPointer0 and Secondary SpatialPointer1 spatial pointers. visionOS does not provide handedness information for these pointers, and the pointer kind can change throughout the lifecycle of an interaction. If no input is active, the first hand to pinch or poke something will be the primary pointer, and the second will be the secondary.

Note: This input reader will not function in fully immersive VR mode because different input action binding are required to source input events in that mode.

Frame behavior of pointer events

Because of the way PolySpatial is set up to work with visionOS, input performed calls may not arrive at regular intervals. In one frame, you might receive 3 callbacks, while in the next, you'll receive 0. This erratic input timing can lead to issues if your input stack expects only one state transition per frame, which is indeed the case here. Consider a scenario where you poll ReadValue once per frame to get the last passed value. If the previous frame started an interaction with a Begin phase event, and the current frame ended that interaction and started a new one, the last state would still be Begin. While two different interactions have occurred, the polling input code would have failed to transition between them correctly.

To address this issue, SpatialTouchInputReader implements a queue to buffer input events, capturing every one that passes through. Then, in the component's update loop, we can work our way through the queue and ensure that we only change the input ReadIsPerformed state once per frame, assuring the integrity of WasPerformedThisFrame and WasCompletedThisFrame. This queue also allows us to safely exit interactions when an incompatible kind is passed through. Our XRI rig is configured with a separate input reader for poke (Touch) and for Near-Far interaction (Direct & Indirect Pinch), and visionOS' fluidity in change kinds requires careful consideration.


XRI 3.0 introduced the Near-Far Interactor, which modularized the components responsible for sourcing the list of valid targets considered by the interactor. One of the key motivations for this change was to make it possible for valid targets to be determined by other means than physics casting.

The visionOS Far Caster is a prime example of the power of this system, as it sources its valid targets directly from the SpatialPointerState struct exposed by the SpatialTouchInputReader.

Note: This caster will only work in bounded and unbounded mixed reality modes, and not in fully immersive VR mode. This is because of the limitation of the SpatialTouchInputReader, but also because visionOS only sources an entity id (valid target) when ARKit is doing the rendering.


Much like the VisionOSFarCaster is in charge of handling far casting for the Near-Far Interactor, we need to have a near interaction caster that is well suited to the discontinuous input of visionOS.

The PointNearCaster functions very similarly to the SphereInteractionCaster in the XR Interaction Toolkit, except that instead of sweeping the distance covered between frames for valid targets, a simple overlap sphere check is performed when SpatialTouchInputReader reports valid positions.

While in theory the entity id returned by the SpatialTouchInputReader during DirectPinch input events should be sufficient for near interaction, in practice, visionOS fails to prioritize direct pinch over indirect when the user's hand is directly over objects. For this reason, the sphere overlap check done by this component at the pinch device position takes precedence over the target returned by VisionOSFarCaster, simply because the Near-Far Interactor prioritizes near interactors over far by default.

Poke Interaction Toggler

Unlike the Near-Far Interactor which allows the valid targets to be determined by caster components, the XR Poke Interactor does not support custom casters as of this release.

As a result, the Poke Interactor is ill-suited for discontinuous input and does not support custom entity id target sources. The PokeInteractorToggler component simply listens for changes in the SpatialTouchInputReader and toggles the XRPokeInteractor on and off as touch input comes and goes. This ensures that sudden jumps in position of the poke interactor do not cause accidental touches to occur.

Scripts / UI

The following components are ported from PolySpatial samples to leverage the XR Interaction Toolkit interaction events.

Drop-Down Component

Simple interactable drop down component that activates a pop-up of DropDownElement components.

Drop-Down Element

Drop-Down Element component pairs with the DropDownComponent to handle selecting an element and to close the drop-down pop-up.

Slider Component

Slider component that uses a material property to animate the fill amount of a slider. Poking the slider will move the slider end to the poke position. Indirect pinching will move the slider using a motion delta as the user's hand moves left and right.

A float UnityEvent is exposed to the Unity Editor to allow scripts to bind to the fill amount of the slider.

Toggle Component

Simple toggle interactable that animates the toggle visual according to the current toggle state.

A bool UnityEvent is exposed to the Unity Editor to allow scripts to bind to the toggle state.


Folder holding the input action map used by this sample. A generated C# script also exposes the input actions to be bound through code.

See SpatialTouchInputReader for details on how this is used.

Known limitations

  • Because poke relies on continuous motion to determine interaction, and volumes do not have access to the hand skeleton data, this sample relies on the touch data returned by the spatial pointer API, which can lead to some late starts on poke or incorrect angle threshold calculations in some situations. Work is ongoing to improve the feel of poke with visionOS.
  • At the time of this release, PolySpatial requires that all canvases have a PolySpatial Graphics Raycaster component on them, which is incompatible with the TrackedDeviceGraphicsRaycaster in the XR Interaction Toolkit. Because of this, Unity UI (uGUI) interaction is not well supported on visionOS in projects that use the XR Interaction Toolkit. We are investigating ways of improving support for this for future releases of PolySpatial and the toolkit.

Helpful links

If you have a question after reading the documentation, you can: