Basic Bufferoverflow value repaster and suggesster.Instead of have to repaste an command output, ip, port, etc. This tool do it for you and also suggest next step to do.
Simpleoverflowhelper was inspired by AutoRecon which the author used during practice for the OSCP exam. Simpleoverflowhelper carried over an idea that the tool suggest the next step command to execute. The tool built to minimize human error like mistyping , mispasting and etc and minimize action that have to be done to create a script by repaste payload from argument to script instead.
Simpleoverflowhelper uses Python3 to generate Python2 script.
usage: [-h HOST] [-p PORT] [-r PREFIX] [-g PATTERN] [-b BADCHAR] [--offset OFFSET] [-j JMPADDRESS] [-s SHELLFILE] [-o OUTPUT] [--version] [generatestep]
Basic Bufferoverflow value repaster and suggesster.Instead of have to repaste an command output, ip, port, etc. This tool do it for you and also suggest next step to do.
positional arguments:
generatestep The bufferoverflow step (e.g. 1)
optional arguments:
-h HOST, --host HOST IP addresses of target host (e.g.
-p PORT, --port PORT The vulnerable to bufferoverflow service port (e.g. 9999)
-r PREFIX, --prefix PREFIX
The bufferoverflow prefix before send value to actual vulnerable input field (e.g. "TRUN ")
-g PATTERN, --pattern PATTERN
The generated pattern from msf pattern_create.rb (e.g. Aa0Aa1Aa2Aa3Aa4Aa5Aa)
-b BADCHAR, --badchar BADCHAR
The bufferoverflow step (e.g. 0,a)
--offset OFFSET The bufferoverflow step payload offset before replace the EIP regeister value. (e.g. 2003)
The bufferoverflow jump to esp address (e.g. 65459201)
A filename contain the reverse shell code generated from msfvenom. (e.g. reverseshell.txt)
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
Specify output file name. If not specified will be the template file name without template word. (e.g.
--version Prints the Simple Overflow Helper version and exits.
- ip
- port
- prefix
./ 1 -h -p 9999 -r "TRUN "
- Step 1 or ip, port, prefix
- pattern
- Step 1 or ip, port, prefix
- offset
- Step 1 or ip, port, prefix
- Step 3 or offset
- badchar
- Step 1 or ip, port, prefix
- Step 3 or offset
- jmp address
- Step 1 or ip, port, prefix
- Step 3 or offset
- Step 5 or jmp address
- shellcode file