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dishwasher installed in a kitchen

Interface with Home Connect appliances in Python

This is a very, very beta interface for Bosch-Siemens Home Connect devices through their local network connection. Unlike most IoT devices that have a reputation for very bad security, BSG seem to have done a decent job of designing their system, especially since they allow a no-cloud local control configuration. The protocols seem sound, use well tested cryptographic libraries (TLS PSK with modern ciphres) or well understood primitives (AES-CBC with HMAC), and should prevent most any random attacker on your network from being able to take over your appliances to mine cryptocurrency.

WARNING: This tool not ready for prime time and is still beta!


pip3 -r requirements.txt

Install the Python dependencies; the sslpsk one is a little weird and we might need to revisit it later.

Authenticate to the cloud servers

laptop in a clothes washer with a display DoorState:Closed

hc-login $USERNAME $PASSWORD > config.json

The hc-login script perfoms the OAuth process to login to your Home Connect account with your usename and password. It receives a bearer token that can then be used to retrieves a list of all the connected devices, their authentication and encryption keys, and XML files that describe all of the features and options.

This only needs to be done once or when you add new devices; the resulting configuration JSON file should be sufficient to connect to the devices on your local network, assuming that your mDNS or DNS server resolves the names correctly.

Home Connect to MQTT

hc2mqtt config.json

This tool will establish websockets to the local devices and transform their messages into MQTT JSON messages.
You have to manually specify the MQTT settings "MQTT_CONF" in your generated config file (explanations see below). For renaming of the features of your device you also manually have to add a json entry "hc2mqtt" within the device:

		"name": "MQTT_CONF",
		"host": "localhost",
		"topic_prefix": "hc2mqtt/",
		"port": 1883,
		"username": "",
		"password": ""
	"description": {
		"type": "Dishwasher",
        "hc2mqtt": {
            "publish_as_json": true,
            "publish_as_mqtt": true,
            "publish_homie_topics": true,
            "rename": {
				"default": "short",
				"Dishcare.Dishwasher.Setting.ExtraDry": "ExtraDrySet"
            "publish": {
				"contains": ["BSH.Common.Event.","BSH.Common.Option.","BSH.Common.Root.","BSH.Common.Setting.","BSH.Common.Status.","Dishcare.Dishwasher.Event.","Dishcare.Dishwasher.Option.","Dishcare.Dishwasher.Status.","Dishcare.Dishwasher.Setting."],
				"long_names": []
            "publish_never": {
				"contains": [],
				"long_names": []
        "features": {

First add the MQTT_CONF block (just copy paste and adapt). If you want to use the Homie MQTT Convention for MQTT publishing and your e.g. smart home system can automatically detect Homie-devices, you probably have to change "topic_prefix": "hc2mqtt/" to "topic_prefix": "homie/" for automatic detection.

Second, add the "hc2mqtt": {...} block within each of your devices. This block specifies which features are specified and how they are specified:

  • "publish_as_json": This is a thin translation layer over the XML retrieved from cloud servers during the initial configuration. It publishs one json object containing all features in tshe MQTT topic <topic_prefix>//state (Use this for backwards compatibility. Otherwise you probably want one or both of the other options)
  • "publish_as_mqtt": This will publish the features as multiple MQTT topics, so that each feature has its own topic
  • "publish_homie_topics": Specify, if additional topics shall be published according to the Homie MQTT Convention (only applicable with "publish_as_mqtt_topics" set to True)

Which features are actually published, are specified with "publish" and "publish_never". The following rule priority is defined:

  • feature name is exactly specified in long_names (individual names of features) in "publish" => publish
  • if not: long_names specified in "publish_never" => do not publish
  • if not: "publish_never" contains a substring of the feature name => publish not
  • if not: "publish" contains a substring of the feature name => publish
  • if not: => publish not.

In "rename" you can define the default naming behaviour for MQTT exposing ("short" ( = last part of the name), "long" or "uid") or specify explicit renaming for some features (overwrites default setting).

Some Examples:

  1. With "publish_as_json": true, "publish_as_mqtt": false the above example will only publish '{"ProgramFinished": "Off", "DoorState": "Closed", "WaterForecast": 45, "ExtraDrySet": false, [...]}' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/state'
  2. With "publish_as_json": false, "publish_as_mqtt": true the above example will only publish 'Off' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/ProgramFinished/value' and 'Closed' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/value' and '45' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/WaterForecast/value' and 'False' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/ExtraDrySet/value' and so on for all features.
  3. With "publish_as_json": true, "publish_as_mqtt": true the above example will publish both from example 1) and 2)
  4. With additionally "publish_homie_topics": true the above example will also the "$-meta-data-topics" for homie like
    'BSH.Common.Status.DoorState' to 'homie/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/$name'
    'type' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/$type'
    'value' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/$properties'
    'DoorState' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/value/$name'
    'enum' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/value/$datatype'
    'Open,Closed' to 'hc2mqtt/yourDishwasherName/DoorState/value/$format'


laptop in a dishwasher

The dishwasher has a local HTTPS port open, although attempting to connect to the HTTPS port with curl results in a cryptic protocol error due to the non-standard cipher selection, ECDHE-PSK-CHACHA20-POLY1305. PSK also requires that both sides agree on a symetric key, so a special hacked version of sslpsk is used to establish the connection and then hand control to the Python websock-client library.

Example message published to homeconnect/dishwasher:

	"state":	"Run",
	"door":		"Closed",
	"remaining":	"2:49",
	"power":	true,
	"lowwaterpressure": false,
	"aquastop":	false,
	"error":	false,
	"remainingseconds": 10140
Full state information
	'AllowBackendConnection': False,
	'BackendConnected': False,
	'RemoteControlLevel': 'ManualRemoteStart',
	'SoftwareUpdateAvailable': 'Off',
	'ConfirmPermanentRemoteStart': 'Off',
	'ActiveProgram': 0,
	'SelectedProgram': 8192,
	'RemoteControlStartAllowed': False,
	'520': '2022-02-21T16:48:54',
	'RemoteControlActive': True,
	'AquaStopOccured': 'Off',
	'DoorState': 'Open',
	'PowerState': 'Off',
	'ProgramFinished': 'Off',
	'ProgramProgress': 100,
	'LowWaterPressure': 'Off',
	'RemainingProgramTime': 0,
	'ProgramAborted': 'Off',
	'547': False,
	'RemainingProgramTimeIsEstimated': True,
	'OperationState': 'Inactive',
	'StartInRelative': 0,
	'EnergyForecast': 82,
	'WaterForecast': 70,
	'ConnectLocalWiFi': 'Off',
	'SoftwareUpdateTransactionID': 0,
	'SoftwareDownloadAvailable': 'Off',
	'SoftwareUpdateSuccessful': 'Off',
	'ProgramPhase': 'Drying',
	'SilenceOnDemandRemainingTime': 0,
	'EcoDryActive': False,
	'RinseAid': 'R04',
	'SensitivityTurbidity': 'Standard',
	'ExtraDry': False,
	'HotWater': 'ColdWater',
	'TimeLight': 'On',
	'EcoAsDefault': 'LastProgram',
	'SoundLevelSignal': 'Off',
	'SoundLevelKey': 'Medium',
	'WaterHardness': 'H04',
	'DryingAssistantAllPrograms': 'AllPrograms',
	'SilenceOnDemandDefaultTime': 1800,
	'SpeedOnDemand': False,
	'InternalError': 'Off',
	'CheckFilterSystem': 'Off',
	'DrainingNotPossible': 'Off',
	'DrainPumpBlocked': 'Off',
	'WaterheaterCalcified': 'Off',
	'LowVoltage': 'Off',
	'SaltLack': 'Off',
	'RinseAidLack': 'Off',
	'SaltNearlyEmpty': 'Off',
	'RinseAidNearlyEmpty': 'Off',
	'MachineCareReminder': 'Off',
	'5121': False,
	'HalfLoad': False,
	'IntensivZone': False,
	'VarioSpeedPlus': False,
	'5131': False,
	'5134': True,
	'SilenceOnDemand': False

Clothes washer

laptop in a clothes washer

The clothes washer has a local HTTP port that also responds to websocket traffic, although the contents of the frames are AES-CBC encrypted with a key derived from HMAC(PSK,"ENC") and authenticated with SHA256-HMAC using another key derived from HMAC(PSK,"MAC"). The encrypted messages are send as binary data over the websocket (type 0x82).

Example message published to homeconnect/washer:

	"state": "Ready",
	"door": "Closed",
	"remaining": "3:48",
	"power": true,
	"lowwaterpressure": false,
	"aquastop": false,
	"error": false,
	"remainingseconds": 13680
Full state information
	'BackendConnected': False,
	'CustomerEnergyManagerPaired': False,
	'CustomerServiceConnectionAllowed': False,
	'DoorState': 'Open',
	'FlexStart': 'Disabled',
	'LocalControlActive': False,
	'OperationState': 'Ready',
	'RemoteControlActive': True,
	'RemoteControlStartAllowed': False,
	'WiFiSignalStrength': -50,
	'LoadInformation': 0,
	'AquaStopOccured': 'Off',
	'CustomerServiceRequest': 'Off',
	'LowWaterPressure': 'Off',
	'ProgramFinished': 'Off',
	'SoftwareUpdateAvailable': 'Off',
	'WaterLevelTooHigh': 'Off',
	'DoorNotLockable': 'Off',
	'DoorNotUnlockable': 'Off',
	'DoorOpen': 'Off',
	'FatalErrorOccured': 'Off',
	'FoamDetection': 'Off',
	'DrumCleanReminder': 'Off',
	'PumpError': 'Off',
	'ReleaseRinseHoldPending': 'Off',
	'EnergyForecast': 20,
	'EstimatedTotalProgramTime': 13680,
	'FinishInRelative': 13680,
	'FlexFinishInRelative': 0,
	'ProgramProgress': 0,
	'RemainingProgramTime': 13680,
	'RemainingProgramTimeIsEstimated': True,
	'WaterForecast': 40,
	'LoadRecommendation': 10000,
	'ProcessPhase': 4,
	'ReferToProgram': 0,
	'LessIroning': False,
	'Prewash': False,
	'RinseHold': False,
	'RinsePlus': 0,
	'SilentWash': False,
	'Soak': False,
	'SpeedPerfect': False,
	'SpinSpeed': 160,
	'Stains': 0,
	'Temperature': 254,
	'WaterPlus': False,
	'AllowBackendConnection': False,
	'AllowEnergyManagement': False,
	'AllowFlexStart': False,
	'ChildLock': False,
	'Language': 'En',
	'PowerState': 'On',
	'EndSignalVolume': 'Medium',
	'KeySignalVolume': 'Loud',
	'EnableDrumCleanReminder': True,
	'ActiveProgram': 0,
	'SelectedProgram': 28718

Coffee Machine

Image of the coffee machine from the Siemens website

The coffee machine needs a better mapping to MQTT messages.

Full state information
	'LastSelectedBeverage': 8217,
	'LocalControlActive': False,
	'PowerSupplyError': 'Off',
	'DripTrayNotInserted': 'Off',
	'DripTrayFull': 'Off',
	'WaterFilterShouldBeChanged': 'Off',
	'WaterTankEmpty': 'Off',
	'WaterTankNearlyEmpty': 'Off',
	'BrewingUnitIsMissing': 'Off',
	'SelectedProgram': 0,
	'MacchiatoPause': '5Sec',
	'ActiveProgram': 0,
	'BeverageCountdownWaterfilter': 48,
	'BeverageCountdownCalcNClean': 153,
	'RemoteControlStartAllowed': True,
	'EmptyDripTray': 'Off',
	'BeverageCountdownDescaling': 153,
	'EmptyDripTrayRemoveContainer': 'Off',
	'BeverageCounterRistrettoEspresso': 177,
	'AllowBackendConnection': True,
	'BeverageCounterHotWater': 37351,
	'RemindForMilkAfter': 'Off',
	'BeverageCounterFrothyMilk': 22,
	'BeverageCounterCoffeeAndMilk': 1077,
	'CustomerServiceRequest': 'Off',
	'4645': 0,
	'CoffeeMilkOrder': 'FirstCoffee',
	'BackendConnected': True,
	'BeverageCounterCoffee': 21,
	'Enjoy': 'Off',
	'UserMode': 'Barista',
	'PlaceEmptyGlassUnderOutlet': 'Off',
	'WaterTankNotInserted': 'Off',
	'PlaylistRunning': False,
	'BeverageCounterPowderCoffee': 9,
	'DemoModeActive': False,
	'CleanBrewingUnit': 'Off',
	'WaterHardness': 'Medium',
	'CloseDoor': 'Off',
	'EmptyMilkTank': 'Off',
	'SpecialRinsing': 'Off',
	'AllowConsumerInsights': False,
	'SwitchOffAfter': '01Hours15Minutes',
	'4681': 0,
	'LastSelectedCoffeeWorldBeverage': 20514,
	'BrightnessDisplay': 7,
	'CleanMilkTank': 'Off',
	'NotEnoughWaterForThisKindOfBeverage': 'Off',
	'ChildLock': False,
	'4666': 0,
	'Language': 'De',
	'MilkContainerConnected': 'Off',
	'SoftwareUpdateAvailable': 'Off',
	'LeaveProfilesAutomatically': True,
	'RemoveWaterFilter': 'Off',
	'OperationState': 'Inactive',
	'BeverageCounterHotMilk': 9,
	'4362': 0,
	'MilkTubeRemoved': 'Off',
	'DeviceIsToCold4C': 'Off',
	'SystemHasRunDry': 'Off',
	'DeviceShouldBeDescaled': 'Off',
	'PowerState': 'Standby',
	'DeviceShouldBeCleaned': 'Off',
	'DeviceShouldBeCalcNCleaned': 'Off',
	'BeanContainerEmpty': 'Off',
	'MilkStillOK': 'Off',
	'CoffeeOutletMissing': 'Off',
	'MilkReminder': 'Off',
	'RefillEmptyWaterTank': 'Off',
	'RefillEmptyBeanContainer': 'Off',
	'UnderOverVoltage': 'Off',
	'NotEnoughPomaceCapacityForThisKindOfBeverage': 'Off',
	'AdjustGrindSetting': 'Off',
	'InsertWaterFilter': 'Off',
	'FillDescaler': 'Off',
	'CleanFillWaterTank': 'Off',
	'PlaceContainerUnderOutlet': 'Off',
	'SwitchOffPower30sekBackOn': 'Off',
	'ThrowCleaningDiscInTheDrawer': 'Off',
	'RemoveMilkContainer': 'Off',
	'RemoveContainerUnderOutlet': 'Off',
	'MilkContainerRemoved': 'Off',
	'ServiceProgramFinished': 'Off',
	'DeviceDescalingOverdue': 'Off',
	'DeviceDescalingBlockage': 'Off',
	'CustomerServiceConnectionAllowed': False,
	'BeverageCountdownCleaning': 38,
	'ProcessPhase': 'None'

Posting to the appliance

Whereas the reading of de status is very beta, this is very very alpha. There is some basic error handling, but don't expect that everything will work.

In your config file you can find items that contain readWrite or writeOnly, some of them contain values so you know what to provide, ie:

"539": {
	"name": "BSH.Common.Setting.PowerState",
	"access": "readWrite",
	"available": "true",
	"refCID": "03",
	"refDID": "80",
	"values": {
		"2": "On",
		"3": "Standby"

With this information you can build the JSON object you can send over mqtt to change the power state

Topic: homeconnect/[devicename]/set, ie homeconnect/coffeemaker/set



As for now, the results will be displayed by the script only, there is no response to an mqtt topic.

There are properties that do not require predefined values, debugging is required to see what is needed. Here are some of those values found through debugging:

Set the time:


Synchronize with time server, false is disabled


FRIDA tools

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