var startTime = new Date().setHours(19); // 7pm
var actions = [
while (new Date().getTime() < startTime);
Installation instructions for node and tonight's featured workshoppers are available on the TV in each conference room.
- Workshoppers are self guided sets of exercises that teach you an aspect of Javascript and node.
- Run the workshopper module to select an exercise. The instructions for that exercise will be printed out.
- Each exercise asks you to write some Javascript and verify your
answer like so
javascripting verify my-solution.js
. - If your solution passes, you are rewarded with lots of happy green text! If not, don't let the angry red text get you down. This stuff is tricky.
- Don't hesitate to ask a friendly neighbor or one of the organizers for help if you get stuck.
- Nonverbal? Use the gitter chat room to chat it up and ask questions.
- Feel free to work on your own or if you're feeling eXtreme, find a friend and work in pairs.
- For each exercise you finish, throw your hands in the air like you don't care and let out a hey-o/whoop/opa/holla/etc of success!
Everyone (for tonight)!
- Mentors will help you get unstuck.
- Next meeting we will ask if you would like to volunteer to be a mentor in the event RSVP.
- Qualification is you have just enough node xp to have completed the featured workshoppers ahead of time.
Anyone who finishes an entire workshop get's sweet Nodeschool Dallas laptop swag!
There's no hard stop. We'll hack until we can hack no more.
Be friendly, ask questions, learn you some node!
Thanks to Credera for sponsoring!
- Nodeschool Dallas landing page
- Github
- Meetup
- Twitters @NodeschoolDal
- Adam Torres
- Alex Bugeja
- Alex Seong
- Alisher Zhunissov
- Alp
- Andrew Turner
- Andy Pande
- Anthony Lemus
- Arvinder
- ashoksomala
- Austin
- AZ Zayan
- Barry Forrest
- Bassel Said
- Boyd Carter
- brad hawbaker
- Brent Lemons
- brian
- Brian Cobbel
- Brian Michael Smith
- Bryan
- Buzz McDermott
- Casey Lucas
- Charith Tangirala
- Chris Rust
- Chris Shelton
- D Prescott
- darpan
- Darryl O
- Darshan
- David Hooker
- David Ly
- derek bumpas
- doug jost
- [x ] Doug Twyman
- Durga Gadiraju
- Emmanuel
- Erik Maga̱a
- Ernest
- Fernanda
- Glenn M
- Govind
- Grace
- Henrique Baleroni
- Jay Ram
- J Henderson
- jaime r. carrero
- Jblakecollins84
- Jeremy Lindstrom
- Jeremy Stewart
- Jerry Bradshaw
- Jim Shaw
- Joe Ryan
- Joey Nguyen
- John Christensen
- [x ] Justin Noel
- Karthik Hariharan
- Kelly Henderson
- Kendall Scott
- Kristina Wahlquist
- Kyle Wahlquist
- Leon Gaban
- Lori
- Lupe Rios
- Maddy
- maheedhar
- Marty Reach
- matt
- Matt Ashley
- Matt Howell
- Matt T
- Michael Bambach
- Mohammed Asim Zagzoog
- Nimit Kalra
- Paul Lynas
- Paulinho Da-rocha
- Ram
- ravi sharma
- Richard Martin
- rajkumar
- Roger Siqueira
- Ronak Shah
- Sam Weber
- samiconductor
- Seth Bonnie
- Sharan
- Shy Ward
- Spencer Avinger
- Stephen Morrow
- Steven
- Steven S
- Sunday Ogwu
- Sunder
- Susan
- Thomas Goodwin
- Tony
- Travis Choma
- Unni
- Vincent Garcia
- Yujun Liang