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Staking Pool Cheatsheet

  • Any notes or instructions assume your using Ubuntu

This low-maintained cheatsheet supports Validators and Delegators who use near-cli to manage their stake.

Replace nearkat.stakingpool with the name of your pool, and pool_admin.nearkat with the owner/administrator of the pool (or the account that is staking the tokens).

If you get stuck, give a look to the troubleshooting page, open an issue, or join on Discord

Configure your Environment for guildnet

  • REQUIRED: To send commands to the guildnet network
echo "export NODE_ENV=guildnet" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
  • To switch networks mid-session
export NODE_ENV=testnet 

Deploy a staking pool using the staking pool factory

  • This uses the staking pool factory to deploy a staking pool. On the guildnet network you are free to deploy your own contracts if you choose. All pools deployed with this method on guildnet will end with the .stake.guildnet suffix.

  • A staking pool contract is required for all validators. Please remember the staking pool contract controls all rewards, tracks delegations, and generally keeps track of everything.

  • Call the staking pool factory stake.guildnet to deploy the contract

near call stake.guildnet create_staking_pool '{"staking_pool_id": "nearkat", "owner_id": "pool_admin.nearkat", "stake_public_key": "ed25519:00000000000000000000000000000000000000000042", "reward_fee_fraction": {"numerator": 10, "denominator": 100}}' --accountId="pool_admin.nearkat" --amount=30 --gas=300000000000000

From the example above, you have to replace:

  • nearkat with the name of your staking pool (HEADS UP: the factory automatically adds its name to this parameter, creating nearkat.stakingpool)
  • pool_admin.nearkat with the wallet that will control the staking pool
  • ed25519:0..042 with the public key in your validator.json file
  • 25 with the fees that you like (in this case 25 over 100 is 25% of fees!)
  • pool_admin.nearkat in the --accountId with your pool admin account
  • be sure to have 30 NEAR available in your account (HEADS UP: keep the minimum balance to pay the storage stake)

Alternative: Deploying a custom staking pool using your locally-compiled contract

This method allows you to run your own fork of the staking pool.

  • Deploy the smart contract in the account my_cool_pool.nearkat (replace my_cool_pool.nearkat account with your cool pool name)
near deploy --accountId=my_cool_pool.nearkat --wasmFile=res/staking_pool_with_shares.wasm

Configure your staking pool contract

(replace my_cool_pool.nearkat, pool_admin.nearkat, stake_public_key and reward_fee_fraction accordingly)

near call my_cool_pool.nearkat new '{"owner_id": "pool_admin.nearkat", "stake_public_key": "ed25519:00000000000000000000000000000000000000000042", "reward_fee_fraction": {"numerator": 25, "denominator": 100}}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat

The pool above will have 25% of fees (25 numerator, 100 denominator).

Manage your staking pool contract

  • HINT: Copy/Paste everything after this line into a text editor and use search and replace

Once your pool is deployed, you can issue the commands below

Owner Info

  • Retrieve the owner ID of the staking pool
near view nearkat.stakingpool get_owner_id '{}'

Staking Key and validator name

  • Issue this command to retrieve the validators local name and public key
cat .near/guildnet/validator_key.json | grep "account_id\|public_key"
  • Issue this command to retrieve the public key the network has for your validator
near view nearkat.stakingpool get_staking_key '{}'
  • If the validator name does not match you will need to delete the guildnet folder and start over
  • If the public key does not match you can update the staking key like this (replace the pubkey below with the key in your validator.json file)
near call nearkat.stakingpool update_staking_key '{"stake_public_key": "ed25519:00000000000000000000000000000000000000000042"}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat


In order to get a validator seat you must first submit a proposal with an appropriate amount of stake. Proposals are sent for epoch +2. Meaning if you send a proposal now, if approved, you would get the seat in 3 epochs. You should submit a proposal every epoch to ensure your seat. To send a proposal we use the ping command. A proposal is also sent if a stake or unstake command is sent to the staking pool contract.

  • Ping the pool, paying gas from account pool_admin.nearkat
near call nearkat.stakingpool ping '{}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat


  • Deposit 10,000 NEAR for the account pool_admin.nearkat. You should always deposit funds then issue a staking command.
near call nearkat.stakingpool deposit '' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat --amount 10000
  • Stake 10,000 NEAR (value in YoctoNEAR) with the account pool_admin.nearkat
near call nearkat.stakingpool stake '{"amount": "10000000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat
  • Unstake 10,000 NEAR(value in YoctoNEAR) from the account pool_admin.nearkat
near call nearkat.stakingpool unstake '{"amount": "10000000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat
  • Withdraw 10,000 NEARs in YoctoNEAR from the account pool_admin.nearkat
near call nearkat.stakingpool withdraw '{"amount": "10000000000000000000000000000"}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat


  • Retrieve the total balance in YoctoNEAR for the account pool_admin.nearkat
near view nearkat.stakingpool get_account_total_balance '{"account_id": "pool_admin.nearkat"}'
  • Retrieve the staked balance in YoctoNEAR for the account pool_admin.nearkat
near view nearkat.stakingpool get_account_staked_balance '{"account_id": "pool_admin.nearkat"}'
  • Retrieve the unstaked balance in YoctoNEAR for the account pool_admin.nearkat
near view nearkat.stakingpool get_account_unstaked_balance '{"account_id": "pool_admin.nearkat"}'
  • Check if the unstaked balance for the account pool_admin.nearkat is unlocked. You can only withdraw funds from a contract if they are unlocked.
near view nearkat.stakingpool is_account_unstaked_balance_available '{"account_id": "pool_admin.nearkat"}'

Pause / Resume Staking

  • Pause
near call nearkat.stakingpool pause_staking '{}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat
  • Resume
near call nearkat.stakingpool resume_staking '{}' --accountId pool_admin.nearkat