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Behavioural Tracking and Analysis

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Behavioural Tracking and Analysis

BonZeb was designed to perform rapid behavioural tracking and analysis of zebrafish. BonZeb behavioural tracking seamlessly integrates with Bonsai to enable flexible and robust tracking paradigms. BonZeb provides nodes to perform tail curvature analysis, tail beat analysis, eye angle analysis, and more.

This folder contains the following sections:

  1. Basic behavioural tracking and analysis
  2. Head-fixed Tracking
  3. Timed online tracking
  4. Automated offline video tracking
  5. Automated offline tail beat analysis
  6. Automated offline batch process

Basic behavioural tracking and analysis

Most behavioural tracking protocols for free-swimming adhere to the following pipeline:

Video is processed using background subtraction. The background subtracted image is thresholded to obtain a binary image. Connected components are calculated from the pixels of the binary image. The centroid of the connected component corresponding to the animal is then used to calculate points along the tail of the animal. The angles between each of these points is calculated and normalized to the heading angle. The tail angles can then be used to analyze tail beat kinematics. Below is an example of a Bonsai workflow which can implement this behavioral tracking and analysis pipeline using BonZeb.

The CameraCapture node generates images of the animal. These images are then converted to grayscale using the Grayscale node.

The grayscale images are then passed onto a CalculateBackground node to calculate the background as the darkest or lightest pixels over time. The grayscale image and the background are then zipped together using a Zip node. The background is then subtracted from incoming images using the AbsoluteDifference node.

Following background subtraction, the centroid is calculated using the CalculateCentroid node. The CalculateCentroid node performs a threshold to create a binary image. The raw image moments are then calculated from the binary image moments. The center of mass derived from the raw image moments is taken as the centroid of the animal. The background subtracted image and the centroid are zipped together with Zip. These are then passed to the CalculateTailPoints node, which searches for the tail points in the image, given the centroid.

The tail points are then passed to the CalculateTailCurvature node to normalize and compute the angle between successive points. These angles, commputed in radians, are then converted to units of degrees using the ConvertRadiansToDegrees module. The DetectTailBeatKinematics node receives the tail angles as input and computes the tail beat frequency, amplitudes, and bout instance. The angles and the tail kinematics are saved to seperate csv files using CsvWriter nodes.

This pipeline sets up the basis for tracking in more complex online and offline workflows.

Head-fixed Tracking

The tracking protocol used for head-fixed tracking is very similar to free-swimming tracking with some exceptions. Below is an example workflow that uses this method.

The main difference is that rather than calculating a moving centroid, a static point is used to seed the tail tracking algorithm. The HeadingDirection property of the CalculateTailPoints node is set to the fixed heading angle of the animal. We generate a single static point using the CreatePoint2f node and combine it with the latest image from the camera using WithLatestFrom.

Timed online tracking

The following workflow sets up a more complex system.

Here, things are organized into GroupWorkflows. Below shows what is inside the VideoAcquisition group.

All that happens inside the VideoAcquisition group is the CameraCapture node broadcasts images to the workflow using a PublishSubject node called Image. To use a specific camera module, simply change the CameraCapture node to a similar node which produces the IplImage data type. Below is what happens inside the CalculateBackground group node.

The background is calculated using the CalculateBackground node. When the user believes that the background has been sufficiently extracted from the live video, the user presses the Tab key on the keyboard. When the Tab key is pressed, the background calculate stops and the Tracking group is initiated.

Inside the Tracking group, there is a lot of overlap with the previous example. The images from the camera are combined with the background followed by background subtraction. Once the centroid is calculated, the tail points are calculated followed by the the tail angles. The ExpressionTransform node takes the average of the last 3 tail segments.

Instead of saving all of the tail kinematic data into a single csv file, we select each value (frequency, amplitude, and instance) and save each individually to a csv file.

We also introduce a protocol for tracking of the eyes and heading angle.

The eyes are tracked by taking a Threshold of the image. The threshold value must be large enough such that the eyes are seperated into 2 distinct binary regions. The image produced by this Threshold is zipped with the tail points and passed to the FindEyeContours function. The FindEyeContours node finds the binary regions corresponding to the left and right eye. These data are generated as a ConnectedComponentCollection.

The ConnectedComponentCollection generated by the FindEyeContours node contain the ConnectedComponents corresponding to each eye. This output is zipped with the tail points and passed to the CalculateEyeAngles node. The CalculateEyeAngles node uses information about the tail points and the binary regions of the eyes to effectively normalize and calculate each eye angle with respect to the heading angle. The angle for the left and right eye are then saved using CsvWriter nodes.

The ConnectedComponentCollection produced from the FindEyeContours is zipped with the tail points and passed onto the CalculateHeadingAngle node. The CalculateHeadingAngle node uses the centroids of each eye and the tail points to calculate the heading angle. The heading angle is saved to file.

In the final branch of the Tracking group workflow, a video with the tracking data overlaid is saved to a .avi file using the VideoWriter node. The DrawTailPoints node overlays the calculated tail points onto the image and produces a new image. The DrawHeadingAngle node draws an arrow corrsponding to the heading angle onto the image. The DrawEyeAngles node draws the angles of each eye onto the image.

The Timer group workflow sets the time for how long we would like to track live video. The Timer group receives tracked video from the Tracking group and waits one minute until terminating the workflow. The WorkflowInput node, represented as the Source to the group, is subscribed to by the Background subject using the SubscribeWhen node. This mechanism is what tells the Tracking node to wait until the background has been calculated.

The Timer node sets the duration for how long tracking should proceed. Setting the Period property of the Timer will adjust how long data will be collected. When the Timer branch fires after the elapsed Period, the Tracking data stream stops, which is controlled by the TakeUntil and TakeLast nodes.

Automated offline video tracking

Similar to the more complicated example above, the workflow can be adopted to automatically track a pre-acquired video. The offline tracking workflow is shown below.

The CalculateBackground group uses the entire pre-acquired video to calculate the background and takes the final background calculated for tracking.

The Tracking group workflow is the same as before. The Tracking group is initiated once the background has been calculated. The TakeLast node determines when the last image of the video has been processed and then terminates the workflow.

Automated offline tail beat analysis

BonZeb can also be used to further process data files which have already been collected. In the example below, the tail beat kinematics are calculated based on a pre-acquired tail angles data file.

The CsvReader node loads all of the data from the csv file. It produces a single String output for each row contained in the data file. The String is parsed using the Parse node, which seperates each row of data into a list of strings. Each string in the list corresponds to a single tail angle at a given time. These values are then converted into a Double data type. The data are then used to calculate the tail beat frequency, amplitude, and bout instance, using the DetectTailBeatKinematics module, and subsequently saved to file.

Automated offline batch process

Offline batch processing of videos is also possible with BonZeb. In the example below, the workflow is set up for batch processing.

The GetFiles node loads a list of filenames inside of a folder. The list of strings is passed to a SelectMany node. The SelectMany node projects each of these names into an observable window, which get processed using the following workflow.

The Concat node takes the list of filenames and concatenates them such that each filename is processed into a seperate observable window in sequence. The filename is processed by a higher-order observable sequence defined inside the CreateObservable node. The higher-order observable sequence generated by the CreateObservable node is concatenated again and added into a list, which also gets concatenated outside of the SelectMany node. Inside the CreateObservable node, the name of each file is received as input and is broadcast to the CalculateBackground and Tracking group workflows.

The CalculateBackground group starts calculating the background, using the Filename subject to determine which video to use for processing.

When the background is finished, the Tracking group begins. It uses the same tracking pipeline as the Automated offline video tracking example with one exception. The Filename of each video is used to create a prefix which gets added to the naming of each of the csv files generated during data collection.