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Usage without data binding

Lake edited this page Nov 7, 2021 · 8 revisions

Sometimes, We cannot use data binding for a few reasons (e.g. Complicated view holder, The situation which doesn't use data binding).
For this situation, we support Antonio without data binding.

  • Implement TypedViewHolder. (TypedViewHolder implements RecyclerView.ViewHolder)

    class SmallContentViewHolder(parent: ViewGroup) :
            itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
                .inflate(R.layout.view_holder_content_small, parent, false)
        ) {
        init {
            // onCreateView process
        override fun onBindViewHolder(data: ContentSmallModel, position: Int, payloads: List<Any>?) {
            super.onBindViewHolder(data, position, payloads)
            // onBindViewHolder process
        override fun onViewAttachedToWindow(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) {
        override fun onViewDetachedFromWindow(viewHolder: RecyclerView.ViewHolder) {
        override fun onViewRecycled() {
  • Create AntonioModel to bind the model on your view holder with MappedWithViewDependency in Antonio Annotation.

    @MappedWithViewDependency(viewClass = SmallContentViewHolder::class)
    data class ContentSmallModel(
      val id: String,
      @DrawableRes val iconRes: Int,
      val price: Int,
      val onClick: (id: String) -> Unit,
      val onLongClick: (id: String) -> Boolean,
      val selectedIds: LiveData<Set<String>>
  • Declare AntonioAdapter (or AntonioListAdapter) and Set adapter with your data to RecyclerView.

     private fun initAdapter(){
         // You also can specify the type of Antonio model for the adapter, if you don't need various view types.
         // e.g., AntonioAdapter<ContentSmallModel>()
          binding.recyclerView.adapter =
              AntonioAdapter<AntonioModel>().apply { currentList = viewModel.antonioModels }
          // Don't forget to set the layout manager to your recycler view :)
          binding.recyclerView.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context,4)
          viewModel.onDataSetChanged.observe(this) {

Preconditions for the annotation

  • TypedViewHolder, PagerViewDependency, AntonioFragment are supported.
          // It can use the class that is implemented by one of the three classes above only.
          viewClass = SmallContentViewHolder::class)
  • TypedViewHolder must have only one viewGroup parameter on their constructor.
    • e.g.,
      class SmallContentViewHolder(
          // Require view group only for the constructor's parameter.
          parent: ViewGroup
      ) :
              itemView = LayoutInflater.from(parent.context)
                  .inflate(R.layout.view_holder_content_small, parent, false)
          ) {
  • PagerViewDependency constructor, Fragment constructor must not have any parameters.
  • If you need additional parameters for the view dependency constructor, You can link manually without Antonio annotation

Without Antonio annotation

Antonio annotation cannot be used when your view holder has some parameters on your constructor.

For this situation, You need to link your model with your view holder builder in the container yourself.

In Global container

private fun linkAntonio() {
       ViewHolderBuilder { parent ->
           return@ViewHolderBuilder SmallContentViewHolder(parent)

In Local container

private fun linkAntonio() {
    val localContainer = ViewHolderContainer().add(,
        ViewHolderBuilder { parent ->
            return@ViewHolderBuilder SmallContentViewHolder(parent)
    // Don't forget to set the layout manager to your recycler view :)
    binding.recyclerView.layoutManager = GridLayoutManager(context,4)
    binding.recyclerView.adapter =
        AntonioAdapter(viewHolderContainer = localContainer)
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