Releases: naver/ngrinder
Releases · naver/ngrinder
- Changes
- Add additional groovy dependencies.
- json, xml, sql, datetime, templates.
- Change webpack default profile.
- Add additional groovy dependencies.
- Support Java 11.
- nGrinder now supports Java 11. Controller & Agent supports Java 1.8 or above.
- Bump several libraries version up.
- Support Java 11.
Trivial Fix
- Remove mobile phone column from NUSER table.
- Make several UI improvements.
3.5.0 (2020.07.31)
New Feature
- Introduce server mode agent
- In previous version, nGrinder agents made TCP connections from agent to controller and this made hard to locate a nGrinder controller behind a firewall. From version 3.5.0, nGrinder introduces server mode agent so that a controller make a connection from a controller to agents.
- See
- Update agents automatically
- When the test is executed with older version of agent, it triggers agent auto update.
- Support GitHub script storage
- Users can save and run their test script saved in not only embedded SVN server but also external GitHub repository. GitHub enterprise deployed in each own organization is also supported.
- See
- Support MySQL
- Since 3.5.0, we support H2 and MySQL as databases and fade out Cubrid and provide cubrid-to-mysql migration script.
- See
- Improve test restart time
- In previous version, nGrinder agent doesn't cache executed test lib & resources, Therefore, it took long time to execute tests in the case of using large amount of libraries and resource. From nGrinder 3.5.0, the test execution is much faster by sending only changed test resources to agents
- Fade out nGrinder-recorder
- nGrinder-recorder is no longer supported.
- Support multiple user defined statistics
- Ignore error count
- Some of users want to continue testing even if there were many errors in the test. So nGrinder 3.5.0 supports that as a test option in advanced configuration panel
- Support custom classpath
- If you want to set classpath for test scripts, you can use this.
- See
- Introduce server mode agent
- Back-end
- Spring boot
- Change from spring framework 4 to spring boot 2.
- Remove embedded Jetty.
- Hazelcast
- Use Hazelcast to share data among clusters
- Reduce load of database.
- Gradle
- Use Gradle 6.3 as a build system.
- Spring boot
- Front-end
- Vue.js
- Introduce SPA for imporve responsibility & usability.
- Use webpack as a module bundler.
- Use Billboard.js to draw charts.
- Bump bootstrap up from 2 to 4.
- Vue.js
- Back-end
Bug fix
- #490 Fix log file name for agent command line
- #558 Fix agent state API to work in private agent
- #571 Prevent zombie agents from remaining in distributed cache
- #581 Set default locale to "en" when fail to detect user locale
- #587 Handle case of no sampling model
- #597 Fix log replacement to hide home path correctly
3.4.4 (2020.01.30)
nGrinder 3.4.4 is the bug fix release.
- Make default groovy maven project pom.xml work correctly.
- Drop SSLv2Hello protocol.
Bug Fix
- #495 Fix maven central repository url to https
3.4.3 (2019.07.09)
nGrinder 3.4.3
is the bug fix and minor enhancement release.
- Make agent worker log-rotation work correctly.
- Make script with html escape chracter be saved correctly.
- Bump Lucy XSS filter version up to 2.0.1
- Show script contents without HTML escape characters
Bug Fix
3.4.2 (2018.08.30)
This is the last version in 3.4.X.
nGrinder supports only JDK1.7 and JDK1.8. JDK1.9 or above will be supported from 3.5.
New feature and changes
- Speed up the page navigation when there are many users who have the followers.
- Use LAZY patching in JPA
- Use Hibernate 2nd Level Cache not to query user
- Use id for perftest ordering instead of modified_date to avoid full db search
- Add light security mode
- Allows multicast / tcp connection to unspecified address compared normal security mode.
- Can be configured by adding
in system.conf
- Provide the way to turn off security mode in agent config
- Allow the some agent to ignore security mode restriction
- Can be configured by adding
in agent.conf
- Make agent list shown even for not admin user.
- Lists public and own agents in the agent management menu even for non admin users.
- Speed up the page navigation when there are many users who have the followers.
Bug Fix
- #274 Use internal in monitor and report plugin
- #278 fix bug when har file has no params
- #294 Fix bandWidth calculation
- #295 Fix csv separator inside SingleConsole
- #297 Remove context path from AjaxObj url
- #299 Modify NGrinderSecurityManager read access
- #303 Fix failed controller test case
- #308 Fix test failure
- #318 Fix invalid reference bug in login.ftl
- #323 Fix invalid rampup section layout
- #335 Make GTest only instrument method in ngrinder context
3.4 (2016.05.24)
We have not been publically released nGrinder for last 2 years. It's true that we thought previous nGrinder was enough for our internal use.
As time goes by, surrounding circumstances(for example Java version or Docker) was been changing.. So we decided to continously enhance nGrinder.
- New features and changes
- Support Java 1.8
- nGrinder now supports Java 1.8. Controller supports java 1.7 or above and Agent supports java 1.6 or above.
- Provide elaborated script generator
- Since nGrinder 3.0, we provided the script generation wizard that helps users easily create a default script.
- However, it only created simple scripts for GET method case and people frequently asked to us how to use the other methods, how to use cookies and headers in the script.
- In nGrinder 3.4, you can choose one of methods such as GET, POST and set HTTP headers and cookies in script creation form, then it will create useful example codes for you.
- Provide a brand new nGrinder script recorder
- A few years ago, we had released the script recorder based on JXBrowser. However it was not easy to run it due to several reasons.
- Now, we have developed a brand-new script recorder from the scratch using the Chrome extension technology. If you are using Chrome browser, you can install nGrinder Script Recorder package.
- See
- Provide the dockerized nGrinder
- Now, dockerize is becoming as one of fashions now. You can easily run dockerized nGrinder.
- See
- Introduce new plugin architecture based on the PF4J
- Previously we have used Atlassian Plugin Framework(APF) for plugins. However we found out it was too overwhelmed way to ngrinder extension and also found there are not much developers familiar with it.
- So we dropped APF and adopt PF4J instead. See for details.
- Add intro.js for easy understanding.
- You can find the very small button "Tip" on every pages. Click it and see what it is.
- Support Java 1.8
- Bug
- Improvement
- Special Thanks To @chengaomin