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Releases: naver/arcus-memcached

Arcus Server 1.11.8

20 Nov 12:00
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2019-11-20 [version 1.11.8]

* [FEATURE] Dump SM info summary when "no more small memory" occurs.
* [FEATURE] Print out not absolute but the remaining exptime in key dump.
* [FIX]     Fix memory leak when bad data is given in bop update.
* [ENHANCE] Increase SSL as free big slot and chunk space decreases.
* [ENHANCE] Change SM logic to alloc the smaller avail memory first.
* [ENHANCE] Use proper sized memory within engine to get coll elements.
* [ENHANCE] DO not increase refcount when allocate an element.
* [DOC]     Include contribution process document.
* [CLEANUP] Do lots of code refactoring.

Arcus Server 1.11.7

27 Sep 02:43
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2019-09-26 [version 1.11.7]

* [FEATURE] Added scrub_count config command.
* [FEATURE] Reflect immediately the changed scrub_count while scrubbing.
* [ENHANCE] New scrub execution to reduce CPU usage and cache lock duration.
* [ENHANCE] Consider the number of collection elements when do scan next.
* [ENHANCE] Reduce cache lock duration when evict/reclaim collection items.
* [ENHANCE] Define and use NULL bkrange to access all elements of b+tree.
* [ENHANCE] Reduce initial size of roottable and realloc as necessary.
* [FIX]     Fixed invalid memory access in trim_copy().
* [FIX]     Freed the response string buffer only when it exists.
* [FIX]     Fixed memory leak when getting hostname by address.
* [TEST]    Added code coverage test.
* [TEST]    Added lop operation test on a large list collection.
* [INTERNAL] Added functions for getting all collection elements.
* [INTERNAL] Added change log generation macros for future use.
* [CLEANUP] Fixed cppcheck's errors and warnings.
* [CLEANUP] Devided store_item() into detailed store functions.
* [CLEANUP] Used global engine pointer instead of passing engine argument.
* [CLEANUP] Refactored a lot of code for readbility and others.

Arcus Server 1.11.6

05 Jun 00:24
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2019-06-05 [version 1.11.6]

* [FEATURE] Add long query detection for map collection.
* [FEATURE] Check cache_server_mapping ZK node with hostname.
* [FIX]     Incorrect ip checking when it is proxy mode.

Arcus Server 1.11.5

11 Oct 06:15
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2018-10-11 [version 1.11.5]

* [ENHANCE] Do exact search instead of full scan when do flush_prefix.
* [FEATURE] Increase HEART_BEAT_DFT_FAILSTOP. 30000 => 60000 (ms)
* [FEATURE] Increase HEART_BEAT_MAX_FAILSTOP. 60000 => 300000 (ms)
* [FEATURE] Add stat_prefixes(# of prefix stats) in stats result.
* [FEATURE] Auto-off stats detail when prefix stats count is over 10000.
* [FEATURE] Can disable mc heartbeat failstop by setting its value to 0.

Arcus Server 1.11.4

17 Aug 00:08
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* [Fix]     Fix free space mis-calculation when the last 01pct slot is freed.
* [Fix]     Use free small memory if possible when sm space is short of.
* [Fix]     Fix the wrong result of bop smget with unique option
            when the first bkeys of some btrees are duplicate.
* [Fix]     Fix the incr/decr operation on binary bkey value.
* [Enhance] Reduce "no more small memory check" messages.
* [Manual]  Add description about smallest/largest_silent_trim.
* [Manual]  Add description about bop incr/decr with initial value.

* [Other]   Reinforce and reorganize arcus-memcached unit tests.

Arcus Server 1.11.3

07 Jun 09:40
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* [Feature] Removed the useless attribute compatibility check in smget.
* [Feature] Forced btree overflow action for temporary use.
* [Feature] Automatic srcub stale when a new node is added.
* [Feature] Proxy support where memcached operates as a backend of it.
* [Feature] Added "cmd_cas" memcached stat and activated cas stats.
* [Feature] Increased MAX_SERVICECODE_LENGTH. 32 => 128.
* [Feature] Added MAX_HOSTNAME_LENGTH whose value is 128.
* [Fix]     Slab free_small_space overflow.
* [Fix]     TCP port bug when UDP port of 0 is only specified.
* [Fix]     Disabled UDP by default.
* [Fix]     Incorrect value length checking of collection.
* [Enhance] Handled multiple scattered values of an item or an element.
* [Enhance] Used mblocks for command parsing and tokenizing.
* [Test]    Reorganized the unit tests.
* [Test]    Fixed the intermittent failure in the testapp test.
* [Other]   A lot of code refactoring.

Arcus Server 1.11.2

27 Feb 01:36
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* [Enhance] Improve the logic of finding list elements.
* [Fix]     Add missing break when print the long query string.
* [Other]   Some code refactoring.

Arcus Server 1.11.1

02 Feb 02:05
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* [Enhance] Use element count when full range is given in bop count.
* [Enhance] Check/move cache items to LRU top only for read operation.
* [Other] Turn off printing the increament of space shortage level.
* [Other] Fix some typos, do some code refactoring.

Arcus Server 1.11.0

22 Sep 08:11
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* [Feature] Support long key. KEY_MAX_LENGTH(250 => 32000).
* [Feature] Use space separated keys instead of comma separated keys.
* [Feature] Add a new mget command, efficient for getting multiple items.
* [Fix]     Fix the trimmed/duplicated bugs of bop smget.
* [Enhance] Use memory blocks to reduce alloc/free some large memory.

Arcus Server 1.10.3

01 Sep 01:55
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* [Feature] leave and rejoin when cache_list znode is deleted.
* [Feature] Change the name of mcfailstop to zkfailstop.
* [Fix] the miscaculated checked value in tokenize_command().