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executable file
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executable file
113 lines (96 loc) · 6.2 KB


A pipeline for clustering and making otu tables. This repo uses Python3 and has been tested
with Galaxy v.22.01 (using a Terraform/Ansible install on the new Naturalis OpenStack).


For USEARCH no Conda package exists at the time of writing.
The Conda package for unzip conflicted with other requirements, but has to be
available in your environment.

To install USEARCH create a usearch folder in your Tools directory:
sudo wget -P /path/to/Tools/usearch
Unzip, make usearch executable and available:
sudo gunzip /path/to/Tools/usearch/usearch11.0.667_i86linux32.gz
sudo chmod 755 /path/to/Tools/usearch/usearch11
sudo ln -s /home/galaxy/Tools/usearch/usearch11 /usr/local/bin/usearch11



Clone this repo in your Galaxy Tools directory:
git clone

Make sure the scripts are executable:
chmod 755 galaxy-tool-make-otu-table/
chmod 755 galaxy-tool-make-otu-table/

Append the file tool_conf.xml:
<tool file="/path/to/Tools/galaxy-tool-make-otu-table/make_otu_table.xml" />


Depending on your setup the ansible.builtin.git module could be used.
Install the tool by including the following in your dedicated *.yml file:

- repo:
  file: make_otu_table.xml
  version: master


On the following graph you can see the global workflow:



DADA2 is following a slightly different path. The file that is being used to do the analysis can be found here:


Dereplication is done on one file containing all the sequences from the input zip file. With dereplication all duplicates will be removed and the amount(abundance) of the duplicates will be added to the fasta header. This abundance is needed for the other steps. The command that is being used:

vsearch --derep_fulllength <combined_sequences.fa> --output <uniques.fa> --minseqlength 1 -sizeout


The sequences will be sorted on abundance. The command that is being used:

vsearch --sortbysize uniques.fa --output uniques_sorted.fa --minseqlength 1 --minsize <your min size>


If the user choose UNOISE as clustering method UNOISE3 from the USEARCH package will be executed. This tool has build in chimera checking The command that is being used:

usearch11 -unoise3 uniques_sorted.fa -unoise_alpha <alpha setting> -minsize <minimal abundance> -tabbedout cluster_file.txt -zotus zotususearch.fa


If the user choose cluster_otus (UPARSE) as clustering method cluster_otus from the USEARCH package will be executed This tool clusters at a 97% identity and has build in chimera checking. The command that is being used:

usearch11 -cluster_otus uniques_sorted.fa -uparseout cluster_file.txt -otus otu_sequences.fa -relabel Otu -fulldp

6. VSEARCH uchime_denovo

This tool is part of the VSEARCH package and it does chimera checking. If the users selects clustering with VSEARCH and with chimera checking this will be executed. The command that is being used:

vsearch --uchime_denovo uniques_sorted.fa --sizein --fasta_width 0 --nonchimeras non_chimera.fa

7. VSEARCH cluster_size

This tool is part of the VSEARCH package, it clusters at a certain identity that the user can set. This tool does not have build in chimera checking. And will be executed right after step 6. The command that is being used:

vsearch --cluster_size non_chimera.fa --id <cluster identity> --sizein --fasta_width 0 --minseqlength 1 --relabel Otu --centroids otu_sequences.fa

8. VSEARCH cluster_size

The user has the option to not check for chimeras, in this case only the command of step 7 will be executed.


The UNOISE algorithm is also build in the VSEARCH package, the difference with UNOISE from the USEARCH package is that this one does not have build in chimera checking. So here we use tools from VSEARCH and first UNOISE is executed and afther that chimera checking is done.The command that is being used:

vsearch --cluster_unoise uniques_sorted.fa --unoise_alpha <alpha setting> --minsize <minimal abundance> --minseqlength 1 --centroids zotusvsearch.fa

10. VSEARCH uchime3_denovo

Chimera checking on denoised reads with VSEARCH. The command that is being used:

vsearch --uchime3_denovo zotusvsearch.fa --fasta_width 0 --nonchimeras otu_sequences_nochime.fa


The command that is being used: vsearch --cluster_unoise uniques_sorted.fa --unoise_alpha --minsize --minseqlength 1 --centroids zotusvsearch.fa

12. VSEARCH usearch_global

After clustering the reads need to be mapped back on the otus to create an otu table. This tool is comming from the VSEARCH package but for some extra info you can vitis the following pages: and The command that is being used:

vsearch --usearch_global combined.fa --db otu_sequences.fa --id 0.97 --minseqlength 1 --otutabout otutab.txt --biomout bioom.json


Rognes T, Flouri T, Nichols B, Quince C, Mahé F. (2016) VSEARCH: a versatile open source tool for metagenomics. PeerJ 4:e2584. doi: 10.7717/peerj.2584

Edgar, R.C. (2016), UNOISE2: Improved error-correction for Illumina 16S and ITS amplicon reads.

Edgar, R.C. (2013) UPARSE: Highly accurate OTU sequences from microbial amplicon reads, Nature Methods [Pubmed:23955772,].