diff --git a/conf.py b/conf.py
index 2056785c..e98a1767 100644
--- a/conf.py
+++ b/conf.py
@@ -47,7 +47,25 @@
exclude_patterns += ['documentation/notebook_review_process.md', 'spectroscopy/*', '*/code_src/*']
# Myst-NB configuration
+# Override kernelspec.name for rendering for all the notebooks.
+# "python3" kernel is created by ipython.
+nb_kernel_rgx_aliases = {".*": "python3"}
nb_execution_timeout = 900
+nb_execution_excludepatterns = []
+# Don't execute the forced photometry notebook until we base the CI on
+# the actual fornax image instead of the fresh installs
+# (aka tractor install pain).
+nb_execution_excludepatterns += ['multiband_photometry.md',]
+# We use the non-public IRSA bucket for ZTF data, cannot execute the generator
+# notebook until https://github.com/nasa-fornax/fornax-demo-notebooks/issues/311 is addressed
+nb_execution_excludepatterns += ['light_curve_generator.md',]
+# DTW distance runs too long, exclude notebooks for now, see
+# https://github.com/nasa-fornax/fornax-demo-notebooks/issues/324
+nb_execution_excludepatterns += ['ML_AGNzoo.md',]
# -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/forced_photometry/code_src/fornax.py b/forced_photometry/code_src/fornax.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8c6857fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/forced_photometry/code_src/fornax.py
@@ -0,0 +1,659 @@
+import os
+import requests
+import json
+import logging
+import threading
+from pathlib import Path
+import numpy as np
+from astropy.utils.data import download_file
+from astropy.utils.console import ProgressBarOrSpinner
+import pyvo
+import boto3
+import botocore
+logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format="%(asctime)s | %(name)s | %(message)s")
+log = logging.getLogger('fornax')
+__all__ = ['get_data_product', 'DataHandler', 'AWSDataHandler', 'AWSDataHandlerError']
+def get_data_product(product, provider='on-prem', access_url_column='access_url',
+ access_summary_only=False, verbose=True, **kwargs):
+ """Top layer function to handle cloud/non-cloud access
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ product : astropy.table.Row
+ The data url is accessed in product[access_url_column]
+ provider : str
+ Data provider to use. Options are: on-prem | aws
+ access_url_column : str
+ The name of the column that contains the access url.
+ This is typically the column with ucd 'VOX:Image_AccessReference'
+ in SIA.
+ kwargs: other arguments to be passed to DataHandler or its subclasses
+ """
+ handler = None
+ if provider == 'on-prem':
+ handler = DataHandler(product, access_url_column)
+ elif provider == 'aws':
+ handler = AWSDataHandler(product, access_url_column, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ raise Exception(f'Unable to handle provider {provider}')
+ if verbose:
+ handler._summary()
+ if not access_summary_only:
+ return handler
+class DataHandler:
+ """A base class that handles the different ways data can be accessed.
+ The base implementation is to use on-prem data. Subclasses can handle
+ cloud data from aws, azure, google cloud etc.
+ Subclasses can also handle authentication if needed.
+ """
+ def __init__(self, product, access_url_column='access_url'):
+ """Create a DataProvider object.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ product : astropy.table.Row
+ The data url is accessed in product[access_url_column]
+ access_url_column : str
+ The name of the column that contains the access url.
+ This is typically the column with ucd 'VOX:Image_AccessReference'
+ in SIA.
+ """
+ self.product = product
+ self.access_url = product[access_url_column]
+ self.processed_info = None
+ def process_data_info(self):
+ """Process data product info """
+ if self.processed_info is None:
+ info = {'access_url': self.access_url}
+ info['message'] = 'Accessing data from on-prem servers.'
+ self.processed_info = info
+ log.info(self.processed_info['message'])
+ return self.processed_info
+ def _summary(self):
+ """A str representation of the data handler"""
+ info = self.process_data_info()
+ print('\n---- Summary ----')
+ for key, value in info.items():
+ print(f'{key:12}: {value}')
+ print('-----------------\n')
+ def download(self):
+ """Download data. Can be overloaded with different implimentation"""
+ info = self.process_data_info()
+ return download_file(info['access_url'])
+class AWSDataHandlerError(Exception):
+ pass
+class AWSDataHandler(DataHandler):
+ """Class for managaing access to data in AWS"""
+ def __init__(self, product, access_url_column='access_url', profile=None, requester_pays=False):
+ """Handle AWS-specific authentication and data download
+ Requires boto3
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ product : astropy.table.Row or (a subclass of) pyvo.dal.Record if datalinks are to be used.
+ aws-s3 information should be available in product['cloud_access'],
+ otherwise, fall back to on-prem using product[access_url_column]
+ access_url_column : str
+ The name of the column that contains the access url for on-prem
+ access fall back. This is typically the column with ucd
+ 'VOX:Image_AccessReference' in SIA.
+ profile : str
+ name of the user's profile for credentials in ~/.aws/config
+ or ~/.aws/credentials. Use to authenticate the AWS user with
+ boto3 when needed.
+ requester_pays : bool
+ Used when the data has region-restricted access and the user
+ want to explicitely pay for cross region access. Requires aws
+ authentication using a profile.
+ """
+ if requester_pays:
+ raise NotImplementedError('requester_pays is not implemented.')
+ super().__init__(product, access_url_column)
+ # set variables to be used elsewhere
+ self.requester_pays = requester_pays
+ self.profile = profile
+ self.product = product
+ self._s3_uri = None
+ self.bucket_access = {}
+ @property
+ def s3_uri(self):
+ if not self._s3_uri:
+ self.process_data_info()
+ self._s3_uri = f's3://{self.processed_info["s3_bucket_name"]}/{self.processed_info["s3_key"]}'
+ return self._s3_uri
+ def _validate_aws_info(self, info):
+ """Do some basic validation of the json information provided in the
+ data product's cloud_access column.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ info : dict
+ A dictionary serialized from the json text returned in the cloud_access
+ column returned with the data product
+ Returns
+ -------
+ The same input dict with any standardization applied.
+ """
+ meta_keys = list(info.keys())
+ msg0 = ' Failed to process cloud metadata: '
+ # check for required keys, note that 'access' is now optional and defaults to ``"open"`` if not
+ # present
+ required_keys = ['region', 'bucket_name', 'key']
+ for req_key in required_keys:
+ if not req_key in meta_keys:
+ msg = f'{req_key} value is missing from the cloud_acess column.'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg0 + msg)
+ # extra checks: access has to be one of these values
+ accepted_access = ['open', 'region', 'restricted', 'none']
+ if 'access' not in info:
+ info['access'] = 'open'
+ else:
+ access = info['access']
+ if not access in accepted_access:
+ msg = f'Unknown access value {access}. Expected one of '
+ msg += ', '.join(accepted_access)
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg0 + msg)
+ if info['key'][0] == '/':
+ info['key'] = info['key'][1:]
+ return info
+ def _process_single_aws_entry(self, aws_info):
+ """Extract the AWS access information from the metadata provided by the server
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ aws_info: dict
+ A dictionay serialized from the json text returned in the cloud_access column
+ returned with the data product.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ A dict containing the information needed by boto3 to access the data in s3.
+ s3_key, s3_bucket_name, s3_resource, data_region and data_access (for data mode).
+ The dict also contains a message as a str to describe the result of the attempted
+ access.
+ Raises
+ ------
+ AWSDataHandlerError if the data cannot be accessed for some reason.
+ """
+ # data holder
+ aws_access_info = {}
+ # first, validate the information provided with the data product
+ aws_info = self._validate_aws_info(aws_info)
+ # region and access mode
+ data_region = aws_info['region']
+ data_access = aws_info['access'] # open | region | restricted | none
+ data_bucket = aws_info['bucket_name']
+ data_key = aws_info['key']
+ log.info(f'data region: {data_region}')
+ log.info(f'data access mode: {data_access}')
+ # check if we already have access to data_bucket
+ if data_bucket in self.bucket_access.keys():
+ aws_access_info = self.bucket_access[data_bucket].copy()
+ aws_access_info['s3_key'] = data_key
+ aws_access_info['message'] += f', re-using access.'
+ aws_access_info['data_region'] = data_region
+ aws_access_info['data_access'] = data_access
+ log.info(f'Reusing access information for {data_bucket}')
+ return aws_access_info
+ # data on aws not accessible for some reason
+ if data_access == 'none':
+ msg = 'Data access mode is "none".'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ # data have open access
+ if data_access == 'open':
+ s3_config = botocore.client.Config(signature_version=botocore.UNSIGNED)
+ s3_resource = boto3.resource(service_name='s3', config=s3_config)
+ accessible, message = self.is_accessible(s3_resource, data_bucket, data_key)
+ msg = 'Accessing public data anonymously on aws ... '
+ if not accessible:
+ msg = f'{msg} {message}'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ # data is restricted by region.
+ elif data_access in ['region', 'restricted']:
+ accessible = False
+ messages = []
+ while not accessible:
+ # -----------------------
+ # -----------------------
+ # Attempting anonymous access:
+ if data_access == 'region':
+ msg = f'Accessing {data_access} data anonymously ...'
+ s3_config = botocore.client.Config(signature_version=botocore.UNSIGNED)
+ s3_resource = boto3.resource(service_name='s3', config=s3_config)
+ accessible, message = self.is_accessible(s3_resource, data_bucket, data_key)
+ if accessible:
+ break
+ message = f' - {msg} {message}.'
+ messages.append(message)
+ # If profile is given, try to use it first as it takes precedence.
+ if self.profile is not None:
+ msg = f'Accessing {data_access} data using profile: {self.profile} ...'
+ try:
+ s3_session = boto3.session.Session(profile_name=self.profile)
+ s3_resource = s3_session.resource(service_name='s3')
+ accessible, message = self.is_accessible(s3_resource, data_bucket, data_key)
+ if accessible:
+ break
+ else:
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(message)
+ except Exception as e:
+ message = f' - {msg} {str(e)}.'
+ messages.append(message)
+ # If access with profile fails, attemp to use any credientials
+ # in the user system e.g. environment variables etc. boto3 should find them.
+ msg = f'Accessing {data_access} data with other credentials ...'
+ s3_resource = boto3.resource(service_name='s3')
+ accessible, message = self.is_accessible(s3_resource, data_bucket, data_key)
+ if accessible:
+ break
+ message = f' - {msg} {message}.'
+ messages.append(message)
+ # if we are here, then we cannot access the data. Fall back to on-prem
+ msg = f'\nUnable to authenticate or access data with "{data_access}" access mode:\n'
+ msg += '\n'.join(messages)
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ else:
+ msg = f'Unknown data access mode: {data_access}.'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ # if we make it here, we have valid aws access information.
+ aws_access_info['s3_key'] = data_key
+ aws_access_info['s3_bucket_name'] = data_bucket
+ aws_access_info['message'] = msg
+ aws_access_info['s3_resource'] = s3_resource
+ aws_access_info['data_region'] = data_region
+ aws_access_info['data_access'] = data_access
+ # save some info in case we need it later
+ self.bucket_access[data_bucket] = aws_access_info
+ return aws_access_info
+ def process_data_info(self, multi_access_sort=True):
+ """Process cloud infromation from data product metadata
+ This returns a dict which contains information on how to access
+ the data. The main logic that attempts to interpret the cloud_access
+ column provided for the data product. If sucessfully processed, the
+ access details (bucket_name, key etc) are added to the final dictionary.
+ If any information is missing, the returned dict will return access_url
+ that allows points to the data location in the on-prem servers as
+ a backup.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ multi_access_sort: bool
+ If True and there are multiple access points, sort them giving
+ priority to open buckets.
+ """
+ if self.processed_info is not None:
+ return self.processed_info
+ # Get a default on-prem-related information
+ info = {
+ 'access_url': self.access_url,
+ 'message': 'Accessing data from on-prem servers.'
+ }
+ try:
+ # if self.product is a (subclass of) pyvo pyvo.dal.Record,
+ # lets try datalinks
+ # TODO: also handle pyvo.dal.DALResults (i.e. many Records)
+ use_datalinks = False
+ if isinstance(self.product, pyvo.dal.Record):
+ dlink_resource = self.product._results.get_adhocservice_by_ivoid(pyvo.dal.adhoc.DATALINK_IVOID)
+ # Look for the 'source' element inside the inputParams element.
+ # pyvo already handles part of this.
+ source_elems = [p for p in dlink_resource.groups[0].entries if p.name == 'source']
+ # proceed only if we have a PARAM named source,
+ # otherwise, look for the cloud_access column
+ if len(source_elems) != 0:
+ # we have a source parameters, process it
+ source_elem = source_elems[0]
+ # list the available options in the `source` element:
+ access_options = source_elem.values.options
+ aws_info = []
+ for opt in access_options:
+ sopt = opt[1].split(':')
+ if sopt[0] == 'aws':
+ # do a datalink call:
+ log.info(f'doing a datalink request for {opt[1]}')
+ query = pyvo.dal.adhoc.DatalinkQuery.from_resource(
+ self.product, dlink_resource, self.product._results._session,
+ source=opt[1]
+ )
+ dl_result = query.execute()
+ url = dl_result[0].access_url.split('/')
+ bucket_name = url[2]
+ key = '/' + ('/'.join(url[3:]))
+ region = sopt[1]
+ aws_info.append({
+ 'bucket_name': bucket_name,
+ 'region': region,
+ 'key': key,
+ # TODO: find a way to handle `access`
+ 'access': 'region',
+ })
+ # if we have populated aws_info, then we proceed with datalinks
+ # otherwise, fall back to the cloud_access json column
+ if len(aws_info):
+ use_datalinks = True
+ # we do this part only when we don't have datalinks
+ if not use_datalinks:
+ # do we have cloud_access info in the data product?
+ if 'cloud_access' not in self.product.keys():
+ msg = 'Input product does not have any cloud access information.'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ # read json provided by the archive server
+ cloud_access = json.loads(self.product['cloud_access'])
+ # do we have information specific to aws in the data product?
+ if 'aws' not in cloud_access:
+ msg = 'No aws cloud access information in the data product.'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ # we have info about data in aws; validate it first #
+ aws_info = cloud_access['aws']
+ if isinstance(aws_info, list) and len(aws_info) == 1:
+ aws_info = aws_info[0]
+ # we have a single aws access point given as a dict
+ if isinstance(aws_info, dict):
+ aws_access_info = self._process_single_aws_entry(aws_info)
+ info.update(aws_access_info)
+ info['access_points'] = [aws_access_info]
+ # we have multiple aws access points given as a list of dict
+ elif isinstance(aws_info, list):
+ aws_access_info = [self._process_single_aws_entry(aws_i) for aws_i in aws_info]
+ # sort access points so that open data comes first
+ if multi_access_sort:
+ sorter = {'open': 0, 'region': 1, 'restricted': 2, 'none': 3}
+ aws_access_info = sorted(aws_access_info, key=lambda x: sorter[x['data_access']])
+ info.update(aws_access_info[0])
+ info['access_points'] = aws_access_info
+ else:
+ msg = f'Unrecognized aws entry: {type(access_info)}. Expected a dict or a list'
+ raise AWSDataHandlerError(msg)
+ except AWSDataHandlerError as e:
+ info['message'] += str(e)
+ self.processed_info = info
+ return self.processed_info
+ def is_accessible(self, s3_resource, bucket_name, key):
+ """Do a head_object call to test access
+ Paramters
+ ---------
+ s3_resource : s3.ServiceResource
+ the service resource used for s3 connection.
+ bucket_name : str
+ bucket name.
+ key : str
+ key to file to test.
+ Return
+ -----
+ (accessible, msg) where accessible is a bool and msg is the failure message
+ """
+ s3_client = s3_resource.meta.client
+ try:
+ header_info = s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)
+ accessible, msg = True, ''
+ except Exception as e:
+ accessible = False
+ msg = str(e)
+ return accessible, msg
+ def download(self, access_point=0, **kwargs):
+ """Download data, from aws if possible, else from on-prem
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ access_point: int or str
+ The index (0-based) or bucket name to use when multiple access points
+ are available. If only one access point is availabe, this is
+ ignored.
+ **kwargs: to be passed to _download_file_s3
+ """
+ data_info = self.process_data_info()
+ # if no s3_resource object, default to http download
+ if 's3_resource' in data_info.keys():
+ # Do we have multiple access points?
+ access_points = data_info['access_points']
+ if len(access_points) != 1 and access_point not in [0, data_info['s3_bucket_name']]:
+ # access_point as index
+ if isinstance(access_point, int):
+ data_info.update(access_points[access_point])
+ # access_point as bucket_name
+ elif isinstance(access_point, str):
+ access_point_info = [ap for ap in access_points if ap['s3_bucket_name'] == access_point]
+ if len(access_point_info) == 0:
+ raise ValueError((f'Bucket name {access_point} given in access_point does not '
+ 'match any access point'))
+ data_info.update(access_point_info[0])
+ log.info('--- Downloading data from S3 ---')
+ # proceed to actual download
+ self._download_file_s3(data_info, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ log.info('--- Downloading data from On-prem ---')
+ # workaround, astropy.utils.data.download_file returns the location of the
+ # temp file with no control over local_path.
+ # TODO: We should pull out the download_file method from the astroquery base class instead.
+ return download_file(data_info['access_url'])
+ def length_file_s3(self):
+ """
+ Gets info from s3 and prints the file length or exception.
+ """
+ data_info = self.process_data_info()
+ s3 = data_info.get('s3_resource', None)
+ if not s3:
+ print('Checking length: No AWS info available')
+ return
+ s3_client = s3.meta.client
+ key = data_info['s3_key']
+ bucket_name = data_info['s3_bucket_name']
+ bkt = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)
+ if not key:
+ raise Exception(f"Unable to locate file {key}.")
+ # Ask the webserver (in this case S3) what the expected content length is.
+ ex = ''
+ try:
+ info_lookup = s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)
+ length = info_lookup["ContentLength"]
+ except Exception as e:
+ ex = e
+ length = 0
+ print(f'Checking length: {key=}, {ex=}, {length=}')
+ # adapted from astroquery.mast.
+ def _download_file_s3(self, data_info, local_path=None, cache=True):
+ """
+ downloads the product used in inializing this object into
+ the given directory.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ data_info : dict holding the data information, with keys for:
+ s3_resource, s3_key, s3_bucket_name
+ local_path : str
+ The local filename to which toe downloaded file will be saved.
+ cache : bool
+ Default is True. If file is found on disc it will not be downloaded again.
+ """
+ s3 = data_info['s3_resource']
+ s3_client = s3.meta.client
+ key = data_info['s3_key']
+ bucket_name = data_info['s3_bucket_name']
+ bkt = s3.Bucket(bucket_name)
+ if not key:
+ raise Exception(f"Unable to locate file {key}.")
+ if local_path is None:
+ local_path = Path(key).name
+ # Ask the webserver (in this case S3) what the expected content length is and use that.
+ info_lookup = s3_client.head_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)
+ length = info_lookup["ContentLength"]
+ if cache and os.path.exists(local_path):
+ if length is not None:
+ statinfo = os.stat(local_path)
+ if statinfo.st_size != length:
+ log.info(f"Found cached file {local_path} with size {statinfo.st_size} "
+ f"that is different from expected size {length}.")
+ else:
+ log.info(f"Found cached file {local_path} with expected size {statinfo.st_size}.")
+ return
+ with ProgressBarOrSpinner(length, (f'Downloading {self.s3_uri} to {local_path} ...')) as pb:
+ # Bytes read tracks how much data has been received so far
+ # This variable will be updated in multiple threads below
+ global bytes_read
+ bytes_read = 0
+ progress_lock = threading.Lock()
+ def progress_callback(numbytes):
+ # Boto3 calls this from multiple threads pulling the data from S3
+ global bytes_read
+ # This callback can be called in multiple threads
+ # Access to updating the console needs to be locked
+ with progress_lock:
+ bytes_read += numbytes
+ pb.update(bytes_read)
+ bkt.download_file(key, local_path, Callback=progress_callback)
+ def user_on_aws(self):
+ """Check if the user is in on aws
+ the following works for aws, but it is not robust enough
+ This is partly from: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/identify_ec2_instances.html
+ Comments in user_region below are also relevant here.
+ """
+ uuid = '/sys/hypervisor/uuid'
+ is_aws = os.path.exists(uuid) or 'AWS_REGION' in os.environ
+ return True # is_aws
+ def user_region(self):
+ """Find region of the user in an ec2 instance.
+ There could be a way to do it with the python api instead of an http request.
+ This may be complicated:
+ Instance metadata (including region) can be access from the link-local address
+ (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/instance-identity-documents.html)
+ So a simple http request to gives
+ a json response that has the region info in it.
+ However, in jupyterhub, that address is blocked, because it may expose sensitive information about
+ the instance and kubernetes cluster
+ (http://z2jh.jupyter.org/en/latest/administrator/security.html#audit-cloud-metadata-server-access).
+ The region can be in $AWS_REGION
+ """
+ region = os.environ.get('AWS_REGION', None)
+ if region is None:
+ # try the link-local address
+ session = requests.session()
+ response = session.get('', timeout=2)
+ region = response.json()['region']
+ return region
diff --git a/forced_photometry/multiband_photometry.md b/forced_photometry/multiband_photometry.md
index fbbd30cf..a67e6f45 100644
--- a/forced_photometry/multiband_photometry.md
+++ b/forced_photometry/multiband_photometry.md
@@ -108,7 +108,10 @@ from photometry import Band
from photometry import lookup_img_pair
#from prepare_prf import prepare_prf
-# temporarily let the notebook start without tractor as dependency
+# This code is to parse cloud access information; currently in `code_src`, eventually will be part of pyvo
+import fornax
+# temporarily let the notebook start without tractor as a dependency
from find_nconfsources import find_nconfsources
except ImportError:
@@ -181,24 +184,6 @@ print("Number of objects: ", len(cosmos_table))
Details here may change as the prototype code is being added to the appropriate libraries, as well as the data holding to the appropriate NGAP storage as opposed to IRSA resources.
-```{code-cell} ipython3
-# Temporary solution, remove when the fornax API is added to the image
-# This relies on the assumption that https://github.com/nasa-fornax/fornax-cloud-access-API is being cloned to this environment.
-# If it's not, then run a ``git clone https://github.com/nasa-fornax/fornax-cloud-access-API --depth=1`` from a terminal at the highest directory root.
-# You may need to update the fork if you forked it in the past
-import os
-if not os.path.exists('../../fornax-cloud-access-API'):
- ! git clone https://github.com/nasa-fornax/fornax-cloud-access-API --depth=1 ../../fornax-cloud-access-API
-```{code-cell} ipython3
-import pyvo
-import fornax
```{code-cell} ipython3
# Getting the COSMOS address from the registry to follow PyVO user case approach. We could hardwire it.
image_services = pyvo.regsearch(servicetype='sia')
@@ -796,10 +781,10 @@ nway_write_header('data/multiband_phot.fits', 'OPT', float((2*rad_in_arcmin/60)*
```{code-cell} ipython3
-# call nway
-!nway.py 'data/Chandra/COSMOS_chandra.fits' :ERROR_RADIUS 'data/multiband_phot.fits' 0.1 --out=data/Chandra/chandra_multiband.fits --radius 15 --prior-completeness 0.9
-#!/opt/conda/bin/nway.py 'data/Chandra/COSMOS_chandra.fits' :ERROR_RADIUS 'data/multiband_phot.fits' 0.1 --out=data/Chandra/chandra_multiband.fits --radius 15 --prior-completeness 0.9
+# call nway
+nway.py 'data/Chandra/COSMOS_chandra.fits' :ERROR_RADIUS 'data/multiband_phot.fits' 0.1 --out=data/Chandra/chandra_multiband.fits --radius 15 --prior-completeness 0.9
```{code-cell} ipython3
diff --git a/light_curves/ML_AGNzoo.md b/light_curves/ML_AGNzoo.md
index 80d2584f..e7d03343 100644
--- a/light_curves/ML_AGNzoo.md
+++ b/light_curves/ML_AGNzoo.md
@@ -97,15 +97,14 @@ colors = [
custom_cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("custom_theme", colors[1:])
## 1) Loading data
Here we load a parquet file of light curves generated using the light_curve_generator notebook in this same GitHub repo. With that light_curve_generator notebook, you can build your favorite sample from different sources in the literature and grab the data from archives of interest. This sample contains both spatial coordinates and categorical labels for each AGN. The labels are generated by a bitwise addition of a set of binary indicators. Each binary indicator corresponds to the AGN's membership in various categories, such as being an SDSS_QSO or a WISE_Variable. For example, an AGN that is both an SDSS_QSO, a WISE_Variable, and also shows 'Turn_on' characteristics, would have a label calculated by combining these specific binary indicators using bitwise addition.
```{code-cell} ipython3
# To download the data file containing the light curves from Googledrive
-!gdown 1gb2vWn0V2unstElGTTrHIIWIftHbXJvz -O ./data/df_lc_020724.parquet.gzip
+gdown 1gb2vWn0V2unstElGTTrHIIWIftHbXJvz -O ./data/df_lc_020724.parquet.gzip
```{code-cell} ipython3
@@ -166,7 +165,7 @@ for (_, band), times in df_lc.reset_index().groupby(["objectid", "band"]).time:
if times.max() - times.min() > 0:
timerange[band].append(np.round(times.max() - times.min(), 1))
plt.title(r'Time range and cadence covered in each in each waveband averaged over this sample:')
for el in cadence.keys():
@@ -572,7 +571,7 @@ for index, f in enumerate(fzr):
if label not in labc:
labc[label] = [] # Initialize the list for this label if it's not already in labc
labc[label].append(index) # Append the current index to the list of indices for this label
sm = sompy.SOMFactory.build(data, mapsize=[msz0,msz1], mapshape='planar', lattice='rect', initialization='pca')
sm.train(n_job=4, shared_memory = 'no')
diff --git a/tox.ini b/tox.ini
index 3cd9512d..8ae802d0 100644
--- a/tox.ini
+++ b/tox.ini
@@ -9,6 +9,12 @@ requires =
description = run tests and build html
deps =
+ # Notebook content dependencies
+# -rforced_photometry/requirements_multiband_photometry.txt
+# -rlight_curves/requirements_light_curve_generator.txt
+ -rlight_curves/requirements_scale_up.txt
+ -rlight_curves/requirements_light_curve_classifier.txt
+# -rlight_curves/requirements_ML_AGNzoo.txt
# We use these files to specify all the dependencies, and below we override
# versions for specific testing scenarios
buildhtml: -rsite-requirements.txt
@@ -23,7 +29,7 @@ commands =
pip freeze
buildhtml: bash -c 'if [[ ! -d documentation ]]; then git clone --depth 1 https://github.com/nasa-fornax/fornax-documentation.git documentation; else cd documentation; git fetch --all; git pull; cd ..; fi'
- buildhtml: sphinx-build -b html . _build/html -D nb_execution_mode=off -nT --keep-going
+ buildhtml: sphinx-build -b html . _build/html -D nb_execution_mode=auto -nWT --keep-going
# SED magic to remove the toctree captions from the rendered index page while keeping them in the sidebar TOC
buildhtml: sed -E -i.bak '/caption-text/{N; s/.+caption-text.+\n//; P;D;}' _build/html/index.html
buildhtml: bash -c 'rm _build/html/index.html.bak'