This is a docker-compose stack built for a presentation done at PerconaLive Dublin 2017: LINK
This docker compose will spin up several dockers:
- ProxySQL and consul agent
- 3 MySQL
- Consul Server
The aim of this presentation is to show how we built a fault tolerance database architecture at Letgo, using technologies such as ProxySQL + Consul + Replication Manager and Puppet.
The idea of that talk was to explain how is possible to use a highly available platform using those described technologies. ProxySQL will route read and write queries, consul will ensure ProxySQL nodes are available and replication manager will handle failovers if the master goes down.
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up (it takes around 30 seconds since databases have loaded the engine)
$ docker exec -it mrm bash /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/ ( set up MySQL replicas)
$ tests/ (run this script to simulate writes, or sysbench provided)
$ watch -n1 'mysql -u root -proot -h -P6032 -t -se "select * from stats_mysql_connection_pool"' (check as proxysql is routing the traffic)
$ docker-compose kill mysql-master (simulate master failover)
Name | Description |
Mariadb | Official one |
MRM | Dockerfile provided where you can change the version and config file |
Consul-server | Dockerfile provided where you can change the version and config file |
ProxySQL | Dockerfile provided where you can change the version and config file |
This URL allows you to see the cluster status
You can find the MRM dashboard here:
proxysql -> mysql_master: writes (HG0) - check read_only=0
proxysql -> mysql_slave_X: reads (HG1)- check read_only=1
MRM -> mysql_master: sets (read_only=0)
MRM -> mysql_slave_X: sets (read_only=1)