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Tutorial 1: Getting the car running

  1. Turn the engine on by turning the key completely to the right
  2. On the right side of the trunk, rotate the power button to the left
  3. Press the power button of the IPC until you hear a sound
  4. Turn the iPad on
  5. Wait a few minutes until you hear a short melody coming from the IPC, indicating that the boot sequence is complete
  6. Open the DreamView app on the iPad to control Apollo
  7. On the top right of the screen, select either "Pandora" or "RTK Record/Replay'' then "Kia Niro" and "Gloshaugen"
  8. Press the Setup button in the bottom left part of the screen
  9. If you are in RTK Record/Replay mode, you can then press the RTK Record Start/Stop buttons to record a trajectory. Then, RTK Replay Start to publish this trajectory as planning. Then Start Auto to let the car drive along this trajectory

Tutorial 2: Acquiring sensors data

Acquiring Pandora data from a laptop

For convenience, we recommend using an Ubuntu laptop to acquire Pandora data. On the laptop, .

Configure the Ethernet interface to be on the Pandora’s local network. You can use network-manager to setup the manual IPv4 address

Clone, compile and run the Pandora_ros ROS node.

mkdir -p rosworkspace/src
cd rosworkspace/src
git clone --recursive
cd ..
source devel/
roslaunch pandora pandora_driver.launch

You can now also run the rviz command and add PointCloud and Image viewers corresponding to the topics emitted by pandora_driver to visualize the data in real-time.

To record data, open a new terminal and type:

rosbag record -a

When you are done, just use Ctrl-C and wait for it to finish filling the file in.

Note: The same principle can be used to acquire data from the VLP16, by compiling the ROS node instead of Pandora_ros.

Note: The same principle can be used to acquire data on the IPC (eg: LIDAR+GPS+Perception output etc...), by running rosbag record from inside the Apollo Docker container or by starting the Record bag module from DreamView, while the other modules are running. The Record bag module from DreamView will record all topics on an external hard disk if connected or only the important topics on the IPC if no disk is connected.

Tutorial 3: Reinstalling the IPC

  1. Download
  2. Flash it on a USB stick using dd or unetbootin
  3. Reboot the IPC and while it boots, press F12
  4. Select the USB drive “Generic Flash Disk”
  5. Set the language to English
  6. Set the timezone to Other, Europe, Norway
  7. Set the locale to United States en_US.UTF-8
  8. Don’t detect layout, select Norwegian
  9. Set the disk to p5p1
  10. Set the hostname to kia-niro
  11. Set the full name to NAP Lab
  12. Set the username to naplab
  13. Set the password to 123456
  14. Accept the weak password
  15. Do not accept disk encryption
  16. Accept the Europe/Oslo timezone
  17. Unmount /dev/sda
  18. Choose Guided - use entire disk
  19. Choose /dev/nvme0n1
  20. Accept to write changes to disk
  21. Leave the package manager proxy blank
  22. Select no automatic updates
  23. Select OpenSSH server only
  24. Install the GRUB boot loader to the master boot record
  25. The system clock is set to UTC
  26. Continue and remove the USB stick
  27. Reboot the machine, connect and run the following commands:
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade
sudo apt install git make gcc libssl-dev beep
sudo curl -sSL | sh
git clone
git clone
cd apollo-kernel/linux
./ rt
cd install/rt/
tar xvf install.tgz
cd install
sudo ./
sudo vi /etc/network/interfaces

Edit the /etc/network/interfaces file to have this content:

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

allow-hotplug p5p1
iface p5p1 inet dhcp
iface p5p1 inet6 auto

allow-hotplug p6p1
iface p6p1 inet static

sudo usermod -aG docker naplab
sudo sed -i "s@GRUB_DEFAULT=0@GRUB_DEFAULT=saved@" /etc/default/grub
sudo sed -i "s@GRUB_TIMEOUT=10@GRUB_TIMEOUT=1@" /etc/default/grub
sudo grub-set-default 1
sudo update-grub

Wait for the IPC to reboot...

cd apollo-kernel/linux/
sudo ./

Wait for the IPC to reboot again...

cd apollo
sed -i 's@<username>@fmrevest@' modules/calibration/data/kia_niro/gnss_params/gnss_conf.pb.txt
sed -i 's@<password>@4rS42sJh@' modules/calibration/data/kia_niro/gnss_params/gnss_conf.pb.txt
sed -i 's@api/js@api/js?key=AIzaSyDii-Y-bxQXWeUdnyZnBjszQS5rFym_HXQ@' modules/dreamview/frontend/src/store/config/parameters.yml
sudo sed -i "/snd_pcsp/d" /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
sudo sed -i "/pcspkr/d" /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf
sudo sh -c 'echo "UUID=562032004DA2CCDB /media/external_hdd ntfs-3g  auto,nobootwait,users,uid=1000,gid=100,dmask=027,fmask=137,utf8 0 0" > /etc/fstab'

Edit /etc/rc.local using nano or vi and add before before “exit 0”:

sudo -H -u naplab /home/naplab/apollo/docker/scripts/
sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000
sudo ip link set up can0
sudo ip link set can1 type can bitrate 500000
sudo ip link set up can1
beep -f165.4064 -l100 -n -f130.813 -l100 -n -f261.626 -l100 -n -f523.251 -l100 -n -f1046.50 -l100 -n -f2093.00 -l100 -n -f4186.01 -l100

./ build_opt_gpu