- Go to Settings -> Apps -> Android Services Library
- Add a break point in the com.android.settings.applications.InstalledAppDetails#checkForceStop as following and attach process com.android.settings to the Android Studio Debugger
- Add a break point in the com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$NotificationListeners#onServiceAdded as following and attatch process system_process to the Android Studio Debugger
- Click Force Stop button in the Settings and confirm it. And the system_process would hang in the debug point as following.
And the Settings would hang in the debug poing as following.
- Add a break point in the android.ext.services.notification.Ranker#onListenerConnected as following and attatch process android.ext.services to the Android Studio Debugger
- Let the process system_process continue, and android.ext.services process hangs in the break point as following.
- Mutate the process com.android.settings's debugger and continues the process
- Mutate the process system_process's debugger and continue the process android.ext.services, crash happenes there.