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Data structures like Doubly Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Graphs, PriorityQueue, LFUCache, LRUCache, Sort and Search algorithms etc. (More comming...)

This framework implements a LinkedList class which the swift standard library does not provide. LinkedList is used extensively by several other classes in this framework like: Stack, Queue, Graph, LFUCache, LRUCache, etc.

Note: If you prefer implementations based on array then feel free to use standard Array which already contains methods like first, last, push, pop, etc which should allow same functionality; with the obvious difference you will be using an array as an storage instead of a real linked list so time complexity of operations like random access and item remove/modification/addition will change.


If you would like to contribute by adding more methods or data structures or documentation you are welcome. Just submit a PR :)


Develop/debug as usual with Xcode (requires Xcode 11 or higher) or any other swift 5.1 IDE

open package.swift

Generate documentation using Jazzy. Use below commands to generate/see it.

swift package generate-xcodeproj
jazzy -x -scheme,DataStructures-Package -m DataStructures
open -a /Applications/Google\ docs/index.html
cat ./docs/undocumented.json | jq . # check undocumented symbols


Big O Notation

Complexity of each method in this framework is documented. Below table can be used to compare/see them all.

Algorithm Summary Time Complexity Worst case TC Average TC Best Case Space Complexity
Bubble Sort Compare everything with everything O(n^2) О(n2) O(n) O(1)
Insertion Sort Take one by one and insert it O(n^2) O(n^2) O(n) O(1)
Binary Insertion Sort Same as Insertion Sort but use binary search for insertion O(n log n) O(n^2) O(n) O(1)
Quick Sort Divide and Conquer. Select pivot and partition, do same for each partition O(n^2) O(n log n) O(n log n) O(1)
Merge Sort Divide and Conquer. Divide into two halves then sort each. Merge sorted arrays. O(n log n) O(n log n) O(n log n) O(n)
Linear Search Compare all, one by one O(n) O(n) O(1) O(1)
Binary Search Compare medium, then medium of rest, then medium of rest, ... O(log n) O(log n) O(1) O(1)
Linked List Item Removal/Addition (Does not include searching item) O(1) O(1) O(1) O(1)
Priority Queue Item Removal/Addition (Rebuild tree) O(log n ) O(1) O(1) O(1)
Heap sort Build a max heap, then extract one by one O(n log n) O(n log n) O(n log n) O(1)
LFU Cache Evict least frequently used object O(1) O(1) O(1) O(n)
LRU Cache Evict least recently used object O(1) O(1) O(1) O(n)

Concepts refreshers:

  • Logarithm definition: log2 (64) => 6, as 2^6 => 64
  • Minimum depth of binary tree of length n is 1 + floor(log2(n))
  • Base does not matter. log2(n)=>log(n)/log(2) and log10(n)=log(n)/log(10) so both are O(log(n)).
  • Various functions comparison (e, n^3, n^2, n log n, n, log n):


  • Improve documentation specially in sort methods. Time and space Complexity (better, worst, average) should be always mentionend in methods.
  • Rethink naming for sorting methods. Specially (by:) does not sound OK.
  • Consider adding list property to LinkedListNode (similar to C# implementation). It should help avoiding infinite loops and cases like two lists with the same node, etc. I am still undecided because LinkedList implementation will become more and more complicated
  • Consider using a single comparator method (Currently three ugly named predicates: Comparator, Comparator2 and Comparate)
  • Add more graph theory structures
  • Add more search methods (Breadth First Search (BFS), depth First Search (DFS) )
  • Implement much more stuff from "Top Algorithms/Data Structures/Concepts every computer science student should know"