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Nsync: Git based database synchronization

Nsync allows you to keep disparate data sources synchronized for core data. The use case this is designed to solve is when you have a data processing system and one or many consumer facing services that depend on a canonical, processed version of the data. All of this is based on the power of Git. Nsync makes no assumptions about your data stores, ORMs, or storage practices other than that the data from the producer has something that can serve as a unique primary key and that the consumer can be queried by a key indicating its source. That said, Nsync comes with extensions for ActiveRecord 2.3.x that handle the simple case.

A NabeWise Story

Nsync was born out of our needs at NabeWise ( We deal with neighborhoods and cities. Our source data consists of about 70,000 neighborhoods across the US. We carefully curate neighborhoods for each of our cities. Oftentimes this involves editing boundaries, making changes to neighborhood names, or other slight adjustments to the underlying data. We also process and refine the boundaries for display through a number of automated processes to get the data to where we want. This occurs in a Rails app based on top of PostgreSQL with PostGIS. We have to get this data to our website, which runs on top of MySQL and Redis. We have enough data that full reloads from files are impractical, and we also want to handle events like neighborhood deletion intelligently. Nsync solves these issues.


gem install nsync

Nsync depends on two gems that I've forked, schleyfox-grit and schleyfox-lockfile. I'm sorry, but this is how it has to be. Nsync also currently depends on ActiveSupport ~> 2.3.5, but I am working to remove this dependency.


In Nsync lingo, a producer is an object/class that creates data that will go into a repository and propagate to consumers. It adheres to the Producer interface. A consumer is an object/class that takes data from the repo and updates itself accordingly. It adheres to the Consumer interface. A producer is also a consumer of itself.

Producer Usage

To start off with, you have to configure your shiny new producer app. This configuration should happen before the producer is ever used. do |c|
  # The producer uses a standard repository
  # This will automatically be created if it does not exist
  c.repo_path = "/local/path/to/hold/data"
  # The remote repository url will get data pushed to it
  c.repo_push_url = "git@examplegithost:username/data.git"

  # This must be Nsync::GitVersionManager if you want things like
  # rollback to work.
  c.version_manager =

  # A lock file path to use for this app
  c.lock_file = "/tmp/app_name_nsync.lock"

Now you need to let your objects know the joy of Nsync. This is not strictly necessary, but can help out. If you are using ActiveRecord, do this:

ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, Nsync::ActiveRecord::ClassMethods)

If you are using something else, do this:

YourBaseObject.send(:extend, Nsync::ClassMethods)

Now, set your data classes up as producers

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

By default, this will write out the json-ified contents of its attributes (if its ActiveRecord, you have to define its representation otherwise) to "CLASS_NAME/ID.json" in the repo.

If not all of your data should be exported, you can specify an :if function

class Post
  nsync_producer :if => lambda {|o| o.should_be_exported }

After you make some data changes, you can commit and push them by doing

producer =
producer.commit("Short Message Describing Changes")

See Nsync::ClassMethods, Nsync::ActiveRecord::ClassMethods, Nsync::Producer::InstanceMethods, and Nsync::ActiveRecord::Producer::InstanceMethods for more information

Consumer Usage

Every good producer needs one (or many) good consumers. Again, the first step is configuration.

The Consumer is a little less straight forward. It requires that the classes from the Producer side be mapped to classes on the Consumer side. This happens using Nsync::Config#map_class, which maps from a Producer class name to one or many Consumer classes.

It also requires that Nsync::Config#version_manager is set to a class or instance that conforms to the VersionManager interface. This is probably a class on top of a database that stores versions (by commit id) as they are loaded into the system, such that the current version and all previous versions can be easily accessed. The ActiveRecord integration tests demonstrate this. do |c|
  # The consumer uses a read-only, bare repository (one ending in .git)
  # This will automatically be created if it does not exist
  c.repo_path = "/local/path/to/hold/data.git"
  # The remote repository url from which to pull data
  c.repo_url = "git@examplegithost:username/data.git"

  # An object that implements the VersionManager interface 
  # (see Nsync::GitVersionManager) for an example
  c.version_manager =

  # A lock file path to use for this app
  c.lock_file = "/tmp/app_name_nsync.lock"

  # The class mapping maps from the class names of the producer classes to
  # the class names of their associated consuming classes. A producer can
  # map to one or many consumers, and a consumer can be mapped to one or many
  # producers. Consumer classes should implement the Consumer interface.
  c.map_class "RawDataPostClass", "Post"
  c.map_class "RawDataInfo", "Info"

Now you should let your classes know about the Nsync way.If you are using ActiveRecord, do this:

ActiveRecord::Base.send(:extend, Nsync::ActiveRecord::ClassMethods)

If you are using something else, do this:

YourBaseObject.send(:extend, Nsync::ClassMethods)

Now it's time to let your objects know that they are consumers

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base

You can (and probably should) override all or some of the default methods in the Consumer interface. By default, it basically just attempts to copy hash from the file into the consuming database. If your object has any relations, this will probably fail tragically. A better Post class would be

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base


  def self.nsync_add_data(consumer, event_type, filename, data)
    post = new
    post.source_id = data['id']
    post.nsync_update(consumer, event_type, filename, data)

  def nsync_update(consumer, event_type, filename, data)
    if event_type == :deleted
    else = Author.nsync_find(data['author_id']).first
      self.content = data['content']
      related_post_source_ids = data['related_post_ids']
      post = self

      consumer.after_current_class_finished(lambda {
        post.related_posts = Post.all(:conditions => {:source_id =>

This also demonstrates how to add callbacks to queues.

You can update from the repo like so:

consumer =


  1. Create proper benchmarks for large projects
  2. Optimize working dir usage (perhaps klass/hash(id)[0...2]/id)
  3. Look into using libgit2 or something