This is an attempt to detect gomamayo, a play on words, using MeCab.
Only works in Japanese.
- deno
- MeCab
- MeCab dictionary
Use of mecab-ipadic-neologd is recommended (
deno run --allow-run --allow-read 株式公開買付
Alternatively, you can use the Please refer to
isGomamayo: true,
combo: 1,
detail: [
surface: "株式公開|買付",
dimension: 2,
rawResult1: {
surface: "株式公開",
feature: "名詞",
featureDetails: [Array],
conjugationForms: [Array],
originalForm: "株式公開",
reading: "カブシキコウカイ",
pronunciation: "カブシキコーカイ"
rawResult2: {
surface: "買付",
feature: "名詞",
featureDetails: [Array],
conjugationForms: [Array],
originalForm: "買い付け",
reading: "カイツケ",
pronunciation: "カイツケ"
This software is released under the MIT License.