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196 lines (133 loc) · 7.27 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (133 loc) · 7.27 KB

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.2.4 and 0.2.5

  • Addressed bug in unit tests (services test)

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.2.3 and 0.2.4

  • Implemented a new /Trigger service for cameras configured in software-triggered mode.
  • Added a assume_sw_trigger parameter to the camera launch file to optimize some settings when running in software triggered mode.

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.2.2 and 0.2.3

  • Tweaks to support Kinetic Kame on Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial)

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.2.1 and 0.2.2

  • Loosened up the libo3d3xx version checking in CMakeLists.txt

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.2.0 and 0.2.1

Frame id is configurable and topic names are relative

libo3d3xx 0.4.0

  • The new modularized libo3d3xx is now used as the underlying driver.


  • New test to ensure calling the /Dump and /Config services work.


  • Copied the following FindXXX cmake scripts from libo3d3xx:
    • Findo3d3xx_camera
    • Findo3d3xx_framegrabber
    • Findo3d3xx_image

Deprecations and Eliminations

  • FileWriteNode has been removed from project. Use rosbag.

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.1.8 and 0.2.0


  • Aware of pluggable pcic schema masks
  • Publishes unit vectors (on a latched topic)
  • Publishes camera extrinsics
  • Now that we are publishing a proper transform between the camera frame and the optical frame (see below) we are tagging our published topics with the appropriate frame_id. Specfically, the cartesian data are marked to be in the camera frame (using ROS conventions) and the other data are marked as in the optical frame (O3D conventions).


  • You can now pass a schema mask parameter to the camera to selectively choose which images are streamed back from the camera to the host.

  • Now that we are providing the ability to compute the Cartesian data off-board the camera, the tf2 static_transform_publisher is now publishing out a proper transform between the camera frame and the optical frame. If you compute the Cartesian data off-board the camera by utilizing the extrinsics, unit vectors, and radial distance image, those computed Cartesian values will be expressed in the camera optical frame. To get them into a standard ROS coord frame, the data will need to be transformed. By publishing this transform via tf2, users can use the tf2 API to compute the transformation.


  • Added an Axes marker to the display (not selected by default). This is necessary if you want to inspect the difference between the camera frame and its optical frame. Since there is no translation, only a rotation, flipping the coord on an axes marker seems easier to grok than how the tf display is rendering.


  • Aware of new libo3d3xx default install location into /usr


  • Added new unit test that tests:
    • Getting data from the camera
    • Computing the Cartesian data and comparing it to ground truth
    • To do the comparison to ground truther, the computed cartesian data must also be transformed, to do that we use the tf2 API and hence The transform from the optical frame to the camera frame that we are publishing is also tested.

NOTE: The unit test(s) currently require the hardware to be present as it works with live data.

Deprecations and Eliminations

  • The amplitude histogram is no longer being published.
  • The rviz config that colors the point cloud pixels with the x-depth has been eliminated. Pixels will be colored with the normalized amplitude.
  • FileWriteNode has been deprecated. It is slated to disappear in the next minor release and definitely will be vaporized by 1.0.0. Data collection pipelines should be updated to use rosbag or some other tool.

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.1.7 and 0.1.8


  • A new parameter, timeout_tolerance_secs has been added. This is a timeout period to wait before attempting to restart the underlying frame grabber if it is currently timing out while asking for image data. This has been added to add a level of robustness to things like network cables getting yanked out or allowing the camera to undergo a power cycle without having to restart the ROS processes. Bascially, a way of autonomously recovering from anything that would break the TCP connection between the underlying ASIO event loop in libo3d3xx and the O3D camera's PCIC interface. Good for robots.

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.1.6 and 0.1.7


  • Publishes the raw amplitude image


  • The rviz configuration files now stack in the raw amplitude as a new pane along with the normalized amplitude and the amplitude histogram.


  • throttles the raw_amplitude topic


  • The raw_amplitude image is now serialized to the file system as a (losslessly compressed) PNG.

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.1.5 and 0.1.6


  • throttles the xyz_image topic


  • Moved to tf2 for the static_transform_publisher. The transform from /o3d3xx/camera_link to /o3d3xx/camera_optical_link is now published on /tf_static (a latched topic) for efficiency.


  • The xyz_image is now serialized to the file system in OpenCV FileStorage format (YAML).

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.1.4 and 0.1.5


  • The xyzi_image has been replaced by an xyz_image. The xyz_image is a representation of the point cloud encoded as an opencv image (CV_16SC3) where the 3 image planes are: 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z. The data in this image are signed 16-bit integers and the units are in mm. This is a change from the original implementation of the xyzi_image introduced in version 0.1.4. The intensity data can still be referenced via the amplitude image. Keeping the units in mm allows for using the more efficient 16-bit signed int type as opposed to 32-bit floats. Also note that since the image is being constructed by the underlying libo3d3xx driver, there is no longer a flag in the launch file to turn on/off the publishing of this data.


  • Fixed the parent-child relationship between the tf frames

Changes between o3d3xx-ros 0.1.3 and 0.1.4


  • All published topics now have timestamps in the message header
  • The main camera node can now publish an xyzi_image. This is a representation of the point cloud (same exact data) encoded as an opencv image (CV_32FC4) where the 4 image planes are: 0 = x, 1 = y, 2 = z, 3 = intensity. This has been introduced to enable easier interop between PCL and numpy for doing point cloud analysis. While you can iterate over point cloud messages in python with existing ROS-provided tools. It is dreadfully slow. By providing an OpenCV image encoding of the point cloud, a numpy array can be created at C++ speed. Publishing this image can be turned on/off via the camera.launch file so that no additional overhead will be realized by users who do not wish to exploit this feature.


  • A dump of the camera configuration (JSON) is now written to the output directory upon launching the node, prior to data capture.

The initial release of o3d3xx-ros was 0.1.3