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API Keys

Key R/W Type Category Description
mod R uint8 Constant Modul hardware pcb version (0, 1, ...)
rfb R int Status Relay Feedback
alw R bool Status Darf das Auto derzeit laden?
acu R int Status Mit wie vielen Ampere darf das Auto derzeit laden?
adi R bool Status Wird der 16A Adapter benutzt? Limitiert den Ladestrom auf 16A
dwo R/W optional<double> Config Lade Energy Limit, gemessen in Wh, null bedeutet deaktiviert, nicht mit der next trip energie zu verwechseln
tpa R float Status 30 Sekunden Gesamtleistungsdurchschnitt (wird für genauere next-trip vorhersagen berechnet)
sse R string Constant serial number
eto R uint64 Status energy_total, measured in Wh
etop R uint64 Status energy_total persisted, measured in Wh, without the extra magic to have live values
wifis R/W array Config wifi configurations with ssids and keys, if you only want to change the second entry, send an array with 1 empty and 1 filled wifi config object: [{}, {"ssid":"","key":""}]
delw W uint8 Other set this to 0-9 to delete sta config (erases ssid, key, ...)
scas R uint8 Status wifi scan status (None=0, Scanning=1, Finished=2, Failed=3)
scan R array Status wifi scan result (encryptionType: OPEN=0, WEP=1, WPA_PSK=2, WPA2_PSK=3, WPA_WPA2_PSK=4, WPA2_ENTERPRISE=5, WPA3_PSK=6, WPA2_WPA3_PSK=7)
scaa R milliseconds Status wifi scan age
wsms R uint8 Status WiFi state machine state (None=0, Scanning=1, Connecting=2, Connected=3)
ccw R optional<object> Status Currently connected WiFi
host R optional<string> Status hostname used on STA interface
lwcf R bool Status last wifi connect failed
rssi R optional<int8> Status RSSI signal strength
lssfc R optional<milliseconds> Status lastStaSwitchedFromConnected (in milliseconds)
lsstc R optional<milliseconds> Status lastStaSwitchedToConnected (in milliseconds)
ehs R size_t Status ESP heap size
efh R size_t Status ESP free heap
efh32 R size_t Status ESP free heap 32bit aligned
efh8 R size_t Status ESP free heap 8bit aligned
fem R uint8 Constant Flash Encryption Mode (Disabled=0, Development=1, Release=2)
sbe R bool Constant Secure boot enabled
emfh R size_t Status ESP minimum free heap since boot
emhb R size_t Status ESP max size of allocated heap block since boot
eci R object Constant ESP chip info (model: ESP32=1, ESP32S2=2, ESP32S3=4, ESP32C3=5; features: EMB_FLASH=bit0, WIFI_BGN=bit1, BLE=bit4, BT=bit5)
ecf R object Constant ESP CPU freq (source: XTAL=0, PLL=1, 8M=2, APLL=3)
efi R object Constant ESP Flash info (spi_mode: QIO=0, QOUT=1, DIO=2, DOUT=3, FAST_READ=4, SLOW_READ=5; spi_speed: 40M=0, 26M=1, 20M=2, 80M=15; spi_size: 1MB=0, 2MB=1, 4MB=2, 8MB=3, 16MB=4, MAX=5)
eem R optional<string> Constant ESP CPU freq (source: XTAL=0, PLL=1, 8M=2, APLL=3)
rr R uint8 Status esp_reset_reason (UNKNOWN=0, POWERON=1, EXT=2, SW=3, PANIC=4, INT_WDT=5, TASK_WDT=6, WDT=7, DEEPSLEEP=8, BROWNOUT=9, SDIO=10)
fwan R string Constant factoryWifiApName
wan R/W string Config wifiApName
facwak R string Constant WiFi AccessPoint Key RESET VALUE (factory)
wak R/W string Config WiFi AccessPoint Key (read/write from http)
wen R/W bool Config wifiEnabled (bool), turns off/on the WiFi (not the AccessPoint)
pass W string Config userPassword
tse R/W bool Config time server enabled (NTP)
ts R string Config time server
tssm R uint8 Config time server sync mode (IMMED=0, SMOOTH=1)
tssi R milliseconds Config time server sync interval (in ms, 15s minimum)
tsss R uint8 Config time server sync status (RESET=0, COMPLETED=1, IN_PROGRESS=2)
tsom R uint8 Status time server operating mode (POLL=0, LISTENONLY=1)
tof R/W minutes Config timezone offset in minutes
tds R/W uint8 Config timezone daylight saving mode, None=0, EuropeanSummerTime=1, UsDaylightTime=2
utc R/W string Status utc time
loc R string Status local time
led R object Status internal infos about currently running led animation
lbr R uint8 Config led_bright, 0-255
lmo R/W uint8 Config logic mode (Default=3, Awattar=4, AutomaticStop=5)
ama R/W uint8 Config ampere_max limit
clp R/W array Config current limit presets, max. 5 entries
bac R/W bool Config Button allow Current change
sdp R/W bool Config Button Allow Force change
lbp R milliseconds Status lastButtonPress in milliseconds
amp R/W uint8 Config requestedCurrent in Ampere, used for display on LED ring and logic calculations
ffna R string Constant factoryFriendlyName
fna R/W string Config friendlyName
cid R/W string Config color_idle, format: #RRGGBB
cwc R/W string Config color_waitcar, format: #RRGGBB
cch R/W string Config color_charging, format: #RRGGBB
cfi R/W string Config color_finished, format: #RRGGBB
ust R/W uint8 Config unlock_setting (Normal=0, AutoUnlock=1, AlwaysLock=2)
lck R uint8 Status Effective lock setting, as sent to Charge Ctrl (Normal=0, AutoUnlock=1, AlwaysLock=2, ForceUnlock=3)
sch_week R/W object Config scheduler_weekday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Inside=1, Outside=2
sch_satur R/W object Config scheduler_saturday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Inside=1, Outside=2
sch_sund R/W object Config scheduler_sunday, control enum values: Disabled=0, Inside=1, Outside=2
nmo R/W bool Config norway_mode / ground check enabled when norway mode is disabled (inverted)
fsp R bool Status force_single_phase (shows if currently single phase charge is enforced
lrn W uint8 Other set this to 0-9 to learn last read card id
del W uint8 Other set this to 0-9 to clear card (erases card name, energy and rfid id)
acs R/W uint8 Config access_control user setting (Open=0, Wait=1)
frc R/W uint8 Config forceState (Neutral=0, Off=1, On=2)
rbc R uint32 Status reboot_counter
rbt R milliseconds Status time since boot in milliseconds
car R optional<uint8> Status carState, null if internal error (Unknown/Error=0, Idle=1, Charging=2, WaitCar=3, Complete=4, Error=5)
err R optional<uint8> Status error, null if internal error (Unknown/Error=0, Idle=1, Charging=2, WaitCar=3, Complete=4, Error=5)
cbl R optional<int> Status cable_current_limit in A
pha R optional<array> Status phases
wh R double Status energy in Wh since car connected
trx R optional<uint8> Status transaction, null when no transaction, 0 when without card, otherwise cardIndex + 1 (1: 0. card, 2: 1. card, ...)
fwv R string Constant FW_VERSION
arv R string Constant app recommended version (used to show in the app that the app is outdated)
ccu R optional<object> Status charge controller update progress (null if no update is in progress)
oem R string Constant OEM manufacturer
typ R string Constant Devicetype
fwc R string Constant firmware from CarControl
apd R object Constant firmware description
otap R optional<object> Constant currently used OTA partition
part R array Constant partition table
pto R uint32 Constant partition table offset in flash
lse R/W bool Config led_save_energy
cdi R object Status charging duration info (null=no charging in progress, type=0 counter going up, type=1 duration in ms)
lccfi R optional<milliseconds> Status lastCarStateChangedFromIdle (in ms)
lccfc R optional<milliseconds> Status lastCarStateChangedFromCharging (in ms)
lcctc R optional<milliseconds> Status lastCarStateChangedToCharging (in ms)
tma R array Status temperature sensors
amt R int Status temperatureCurrentLimit
nrg R array Status energy array, U (L1, L2, L3, N), I (L1, L2, L3), P (L1, L2, L3, N, Total), pf (L1, L2, L3, N)
modelStatus R uint8 Status Reason why we allow charging or not right now (NotChargingBecauseNoChargeCtrlData=0, NotChargingBecauseOvertemperature=1, NotChargingBecauseAccessControlWait=2, ChargingBecauseForceStateOn=3, NotChargingBecauseForceStateOff=4, NotChargingBecauseScheduler=5, NotChargingBecauseEnergyLimit=6, ChargingBecauseAwattarPriceLow=7, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopTestLadung=8, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopNotEnoughTime=9, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStop=10, ChargingBecauseAutomaticStopNoClock=11, ChargingBecausePvSurplus=12, ChargingBecauseFallbackGoEDefault=13, ChargingBecauseFallbackGoEScheduler=14, ChargingBecauseFallbackDefault=15, NotChargingBecauseFallbackGoEAwattar=16, NotChargingBecauseFallbackAwattar=17, NotChargingBecauseFallbackAutomaticStop=18, ChargingBecauseCarCompatibilityKeepAlive=19, ChargingBecauseChargePauseNotAllowed=20, NotChargingBecauseSimulateUnplugging=22, NotChargingBecausePhaseSwitch=23, NotChargingBecauseMinPauseDuration=24)
msi R uint8 Status Reason why we allow charging or not right now INTERNAL without cpDisabledRequest
lmsc R milliseconds Status last model status change
mca R/W uint8 Config minChargingCurrent
awc R/W uint8 Config awattar country (Austria=0, Germany=1)
awp R/W float Config awattarMaxPrice in ct
awcp R optional<object> Status awattar current price
awpl R/W array Status awattar price list, timestamps are measured in unix-time, seconds since 1970
awe R/W bool Config useAwattar
att R/W seconds Config automatic stop time in seconds since day begin, calculation: (hours3600)+(minutes60)+(seconds)
ate R/W double Config automatic stop energy in Wh
ara R/W bool Config automatic stop remain in aWATTar
acp R/W bool Config allowChargePause (car compatiblity)
cco R/W double Config car consumption (only stored for app)
esk R/W bool Config energy set kwh (only stored for app)
psmd R/W milliseconds Config forceSinglePhaseDuration (in milliseconds)
sumd R/W milliseconds Config simulate unpluging duration (in milliseconds)
mpwst R/W milliseconds Config min phase wish switch time (in milliseconds)
mptwt R/W milliseconds Config min phase toggle wait time (in milliseconds)
mmp R float Status maximumMeasuredChargingPower (debug)
tlf R bool Status testLadungFinished (debug)
tls R bool Status testLadungStarted (debug)
atp R optional<object> Status nextTripPlanData (debug)
ct R/W string Config car type, free text string (max. 64 characters, only stored for app)
mci R/W milliseconds Config minimumChargingInterval in milliseconds (0 means disabled)
mcpd R/W milliseconds Config minChargePauseDuration in milliseconds (0 means disabled)
mcpea R/W optional<milliseconds> Status minChargePauseEndsAt (set to null to abort current minChargePauseDuration)
su R/W bool Config simulateUnplugging
hws R/W bool Config httpStaReachable, defines if the local webserver should be reachable from the customers WiFi
hsa R/W bool Config httpStaAuthentication
var R uint8 Constant variant: max Ampere value of unit (11: 11kW/16A, 22: 22kW/32A)
loe R/W bool Config Load balancing enabled
log R/W string Config load_group_id
lop R/W uint16 Config load_priority
lof R/W uint8 Config load_fallback
map R/W array Config load_mapping (uint8_t[3])
upo R/W bool Config unlock_power_outage
pwm R uint8 Status phase wish mode for debugging / only for pv optimizing / used for timers later (Force_3=0, Wish_1=1, Wish_3=2)
lfspt R optional<milliseconds> Status last force single phase toggle
fsptws R optional<milliseconds> Status force single phase toggle wished since
spl3 R/W float Config threePhaseSwitchLevel
oct W string Other firmware update trigger (must specify a branch from ocu)
ocu R array Status list of available firmware branches
ocuca R bool Config ota cloud use client auth (if keys were setup correctly)
ocs R uint8 Status ota from cloud status (Idle=0, Updating=1, Failed=2, Succeeded=3)
ocp R int Status ota from cloud progress
ocm R string Status ota from cloud message
ocl R optional<int> Status ota from cloud length (total size)
oca R optional<object> Status ota cloud app description
cwe R/W bool Config cloud websocket enabled"
cca R bool Config cloud websocket use client auth (if key&cert are setup correctly)
cws R bool Status cloud websocket started
cwsc R bool Status cloud websocket connected
cwsca R optional<milliseconds> Status cloud websocket connected (age)
cpe R bool Status The charge ctrl requests the CP signal enabled or not immediately
cpr R bool Status CP enable request. cpd=0 triggers the charge ctrl to set cpe=0 once processed
cus R uint8 Status Cable unlock status (Unknown=0, Unlocked=1, UnlockFailed=2, Locked=3, LockFailed=4, LockUnlockPowerout=5)
ffb R uint8 Status lock feedback (NoProblem=0, ProblemLock=1, ProblemUnlock=2)
ffba R optional<milliseconds> Status lock feedback (age)
fhz R optional<float> Status Stromnetz frequency (~50Hz) or 0 if unknown
rcd R optional<microseconds> Status residual current detection (in microseconds) WILL CHANGE IN FUTURE
onv R string Status OverTheAirUpdate newest version
lom R array Status load balancing members
loa R optional<uint8> Status load balancing ampere
los R optional<string> Status load balancing status
lot R/W uint32 Config load balancing total amp
loty R/W uint8 Config load balancing type (Static=0, Dynamic=1)
wcch R uint8 Status webserver connected clients as HTTP
wccw R uint8 Status webserver connected clients as WEBSOCKET
qsc R size_t Status queue size cloud
qsw R size_t Status queue size webserver/websocket