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exercise verify dependencies

Michael Brooks edited this page May 15, 2015 · 3 revisions

Exercise: Verify the Dependencies


Alright! We've installed Git, Node.js, and opened our Terminal. It's now the moment of truth: have we done it correctly?

Verify Git

We need to verify that Git is both installed and available in the Terminal:

  1. Open your Terminal (Node.js for Command Prompt on Windows)
  2. Type: git --version
  3. Verify that your received a version back:

Verify Node.js

We need to verify that Node.js is both installed and available in the Terminal:

  1. Open your Terminal (Node.js for Command Prompt on Windows)
  2. Type: node --version
  3. Verify that your received a version back.
  • It should be 0.10.x or higher.

Verify npm

The Node Package Manager (npm) is bundled with the Node.js install. However, it's version independently and I want to ensure that you have an up-to-date version:

  1. Open your Terminal (Node.js for Command Prompt on Windows)
  2. Type: npm --version
  3. Verify that your received a version back.
  • It should be 2.0.0 or higher.

If it is too low, then you can upgrade it with:

npm update -g npm

Note: You may need to add sudo in front of the command.