Javascript micro library for translations (i18n) with support for placeholders and multiple plural forms.
Size: ~800 bytes minified and gziped.
🃏 If you need more features (translations within translations, custom pluralize functions, npm support, etc.) check out this fork.
var messages = {
translationKey: 'translationValue'
var options = {
// These are the defaults:
debug: false, //[Boolean]: Logs missing translations to console and adds @@-markers around output.
namespaceSplitter: '::' //[String|RegExp]: You can customize the part which splits namespace and translationKeys.
var t = libTranslate.getTranslationFunction(messages, [options])
t('translationKey', count)
t('translationKey', {replaceKey: 'replacevalue'})
t('translationKey', count, {replaceKey: 'replacevalue'})
t('translationKey', {replaceKey: 'replacevalue'}, count)
First create a language specific object for your translations:
var messages = {
like: 'I like this.',
likeThing: 'I like {thing}!',
simpleCounter: 'The count is {n}.', //{n} is automatically replace with count
hits: {
0: 'No Hits',
1: '{n} Hit',
2: '{n} Hitse', //some slavic languages have multiple plural forms
3: '{n} Hitses', //some slavic languages have multiple plural forms
n: '{n} Hits', //use 'n' as key to match everything not matched more explicitly
gt99: '99+ Hits' //greater than support (gtX where X is an integer)
date: {
1: '{day}. January {year}',
2: '{day}. February {year}',
3: '{day}. March {year}',
4: '{day}. April {year}',
5: '{day}. May {year}',
6: '{day}. June {year}',
7: '{day}. July {year}',
8: '{day}. August {year}',
9: '{day}. September {year}',
10: '{day}. October {year}',
11: '{day}. November {year}',
12: '{day}. December {year}'
'Prose Key': 'This is prose!',
namespaceA: {
like: 'I like this namespace.',
Then bind the translation function to something short:
var t = libTranslate.getTranslationFunction(messages)
And use it like this:
t('like') => 'I like this.'
t('Prose Key') => 'This is prose!'
//namespace support
t('namespaceA::like') => 'I like this namespace.'
t('likeThing', {thing: 'the Sun'}) => 'I like the Sun!'
t('simpleCounter', 25) => 'The count is 25'
t('hits', 0) => 'No Hits'
t('hits', 1) => '1 Hit'
t('hits', 3) => '3 Hitses'
t('hits', 99) => '99 Hits'
t('hits', 100) => '99+ Hits'
//combined count and placeholders
t('date', 2, {day: '13', year: 2014}) => '13. February 2014'