- 2c58891: Fix Safari compatibility issues. WARNING: May affect rendering of improperly configured container dividers.
- 703723f: BREAKING CHANGE(pyro-mui-joy): prefix all css variables with '--joy'
- 35c5554: Fix: Button now prioritizes its own size, over its parent
- a39dc52: Fix: Resolved linting related color-inversion issue
- 8ab02e0: Fixed: Propogation of undefinited color inversion properties
- 1ec9827: Feat: basic symbol support
- 87820db: Fix: Divider is properly sized in card-overflow contexts
- dd4d4c6: Fix: Chip icon behaviour is more intuitive
- 1699c5f: Fix: Major card rework. Removed default shadow, adjusted sizing priority, added card-overflow support to middle elements.
- 95e3ba8: Fixed numeric entry modal double outline
- 4f2df16: Fixed perspective url
- fc66e10: Fix: update to latest pyro-gateway API
- 8183dd0: Fix: remove debug line
- 8ea3553: Use new methods for moving files into gateway
- b91d404: Set project import name
- d8e2884: fix dropdown sizing
- 3354f09: Seperate 'card' into 'card-vertical' and 'card-horizontal' for better overflow support
- 330bf32: fix broken canvas selector
- 19b8a55: Introduce date time picker styling
- 31d3126: fixed font path url
- 28eb862: (Dev Gateway) - New and improved playground page with URL parameter support
- 2873734: Fixed broken input field outlines and sizes
- 4a8c8a2: Fonts and themes are now directly moved into the test container
- ddad16a: added development server functionality
- 703d3d8: switched to variable fonts
- b653a0d: linting :(
- dd24357: Fixed font family issue effecting Safari rendering
- 06b9254: fixed info palette channel regression
- cbc8ba0: added automatic screenshot captures
- c44c1aa: added fonts to release content
- 52c911e: pulled upstream color changes
- 1d94c3c: changed base font to Inter
- 6d2c509: introduction of table styling
- 1664ad8: refactored palette properties to --palette namespace
- 91f0384: prefix all classes with 'Joy'
- 0a902ba: added scrollbar styles
- 58169ea: again, rewrote color-inversion
- f956d3c: fixed card overflow element position
- 27fce4c: overflow now respects parent container direction
- c361a19: fixed color inversion specificity
- b929db5: card overflow children changed to margin-block styling
- 9609476: add password field styling
- fc8c6f6: added background helper classes
- 2dd088e: linting and popup styling
- 7a3a94c: add palette-forced mixin
- 559fa9a: added highlight background color
- 25d1574: added screenshots
- 4134929: npm publish
- fc29bb5: renamed monorepo to
- Creation