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Submitting an add-on |
/documentation/publish/submitting-an-add-on/ |
true |
Publish |
Roubo |
2019-05-17 06:58:25 -0700 |
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This article walks through the process of publishing an add-on. If you just want to get started, head to the Submit a New Add-on page on AMO.
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To start, familiarize yourself with the Add-on Policies and Developer Agreement.
Next, prepare your add-on for publication by adding all its files to a ZIP archive with the extension .zip, .xpi, .crx, or .xml. For information on how to create your ZIP, see Package your extension, and for details on what to include in the file, see Anatomy of an extension.
{% capture note %}
The maximum file size accepted is 200 MB. If your add-on is larger than 200 MB, it will fail validation.
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If your add-on includes code that might be difficult to read, such as code created by minification or obfuscation, create a source code package. For more information on this requirement, see Source Code Submission.
Create your developer account on (AMO):
- If you have a Firefox Account, connect it with AMO: visit AMO, in the page header click Log in, then log in with your Firefox Account.
- If you don't have a Firefox Account: visit AMO and, in the page header, click Register.
Go to the Add-ons Developer Hub and click Submit Your First Add-on or Submit a New Add-on. You'll reach the following page:
<img src="{% asset "publish/newstepone.PNG" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0 0 0.5em gray;" />
- On this site, if you want your add-on listed on AMO.
Click Continue and follow the Listing on AMO guide to find out how. - On your own, if you plan to distribute the add-on yourself and don't want it listed on AMO.
Click Continue and follow the Self-distribution guide to find out how.
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The Upload Version page displays.
Click Select a file, select and upload your add-on.
The validator checks the add-on for issues and the page updates.
<img src="{% asset "publish/Submit_add_on_after_upload.png" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0 0 0.5em gray;" /> -
If your add-on passes all the checks, you receive the following message:
<img src="{% asset "publish/uploadsuccess.PNG" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0px 0px 0.5em gray; height:50px; width:500px;" />You may receive a message that you only have warnings. It's advisable to address these warnings, particularly those flagged as security or privacy issues, as they may result in your add-on failing review. However, you can continue with the submission. Otherwise, you receive a message similar to this:
<img src="{% asset "publish/errorsubmit.PNG" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0px 0px 0.5em gray; height:50px; width:500px;" />
The message informs you of what failed. You'll not be able to continue. Address the issues and return to step 1. -
If you need to provide source code, click Browse and locate and upload your source code package.
Select the add-on's compatible platform(s).
Click Continue.
The Describe Add-on page displays.

Provide the following:- Name: your add-on's name.
- Add-on URL: the URL for your add-on on AMO. A URL will be automatically assigned based on your add-on's name, to change this, click Edit. Note: The URL must be unique, you'll be warned if another add-on is using your chosen URL and you'll have to enter a different one before you can set the URL.
- Summary: a useful and descriptive summary of your add-on.
- This add-on is experimental: your add-on is experimental or otherwise not ready for general use. The add-on will be listed but with reduced visibility. You can remove this flag when your add-on is ready for general use.
- This add-on requires payment, non-free services or software, or additional hardware: indicate if your add-on requires users to make an additional purchase for it to work fully.
- Select up to 2 Firefox categories for this add-on: select categories that describe your add-on.
- Select up to 2 Firefox for Android categories for this add-on: select categories that describe your add-on.
- Support email and website: an email address and website where users can get in touch when they have questions, issues, or compliments.
- License: select the appropriate license for your add-on. Click Details to learn more about each license.
- This add-on has a privacy policy: if any data is being transmitted from the user’s device, a privacy policy is required explaining what is being sent and how it’s used. Check this box and provide the privacy policy.
- Notes to Reviewer: information that will assist the AMO reviewer, such as log in details for a dummy account, source code information, or similar.
Click Submit Version
The Version Submitted page displays. You'll also receive an email confirmation.
<img src="{% asset "publish/Submit_add_on_version_submitted.png" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0 0 0.5em gray;" />
Your add-on is published and available on AMO for users to discover and install. Note, however, that your add-on may still be subject to further review, if it is you'll receive notification of the outcome of the review later.
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When you're ready to release a new version of your add-on, update it by visiting the add-on's page on and uploading the new version. You must update it on the add-on's page, so AMO recognizes it as an update to an existing add-on and not a new one.
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Learn how to make your add-on listing appealing with these tips.
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{% capture note %}
If you want Firefox to handle updates to your add-on, remember to include the browser_specific_settings
key in your manifest.json with the update_url
attribute set to point to an update manifest file.
{% endcapture %} {% include modules/note.html content=note alert=false %}
The Upload Version page displays.
Click Select a file, select and upload your add-on.
The validator checks the add-on for issues and the page updates.
<img src="{% asset "publish/Submit_add_on_after_upload.png" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0 0 0.5em gray;" /> -
If your add-on passes all the checks, you receive the following message:
<img src="{% asset "publish/uploadsuccess.PNG" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0px 0px 0.5em gray; height:50px; width:500px;" />You may receive a message that you only have warnings. It's advisable to address these warnings, particularly those flagged as security or privacy issues, as they may result in your add-on failing review. However, you can continue with the submission. Otherwise, you receive a message similar to this:
<img src="{% asset "publish/errorsubmit.PNG" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0px 0px 0.5em gray; height:50px; width:500px;" />
The message informs you of what failed. You'll not be able to continue. Address the issues and return to step 1. -
If you need to provide source code, click Browse and locate and upload your source code package.
Select the add-on's compatible platform(s).
Click Sign Add-on.
The Version Signed page displays. You'll also receive an email confirmation.
<img src="{% asset "publish/Submit_add_version_signed.png" @path @optim %}" style="box-shadow:0 0 0.5em gray;" /> -
Click Download to obtain a signed copy of your add-on.
You can now distribute your add-on. Note, however, that your add-on may still be subject to further review, if it is you'll receive notification of the outcome of the review later.
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For resources that can help now you've published an add-on and details of how to get help if you encounter issues, check out Resources for publishers.
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