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Developer accounts |
/documentation/publish/developer-accounts/ |
true |
Publish |
One |
2019-06-06 00:38:43 -0700 |
{% capture page_hero_banner_content %}
Developer accounts for are integrated with Firefox Accounts, which lets you access and manage multiple Mozilla services from one account. You can manage your Firefox Account from
{% endcapture %} {% include modules/page-hero.html content=page_hero_banner_content %}
{% capture content_with_toc %}
It’s important to set a display name on your profile on to increase transparency with users, add-on reviewers, and the greater community.
{% capture note %}
Your Firefox Account display name will not sync to your profile on You will need to set your developer account display name from your profile on
{% endcapture %} {% include modules/note.html content=note alert=false %}
{% endcapture %} {% include modules/column-w-toc.html id="setting-a-display-name" content=content_with_toc %}
{% capture content %}
To mitigate malicious actors from submitting spam to, we will not accept submissions from accounts that use a disposable temporary email address, or that have submitted multiple add-ons that violate our Add-on Policies.
If you believe your account has been incorrectly blocked, please email amo-admins [at] mozilla [dot] com and include a link to your developer profile.
{% endcapture %} {% include modules/one-column.html id="blocked-accounts" content=content aside="" %}
{%- include page-meta-data.html -%}
{%- include up-next.html -%}