Extra information for (non standard) SignalK paths used in GOSK
The regular expression part in a path is used to identify the function and location of equipment.
If the function can be determined by the path itself, e.g. /vessels/<RegExp>/tanks/fuel/<RegExp>
=> /vessels/<RegExp>/tanks/fuel/starboardAft
, the function is not included in the regular expression.
Used functions in GOSK are:
The location is not included in the path when there is only one instance of that equipment, e.g. /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/<RegExp>
=> /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/mainEngine
If multiple instances of the same equipment exist then a location is added after the function, e.g. /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/mainEnginePortAft
and /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/mainEngineStarboardAft
. If multiple instances of the same equipment exist then a path without location must exist and should contain an aggregate value, e.g. /vessels/<RegExp>/propulsion/mainEngine
Used locations in GOSK are:
(cannot be used together withportInner
(port of center, can be used withport
or withportInner
(starboard of center, can be used withstarboard
or withstarboardInner
(cannot be used together withstarboardInner
Used locations in GOSK are:
(in front of the cargo area)aft
(behind the cargo area)<number>
(can be added to a position to clarify a position, lower numbers are closer to the front of the ship, higher numbers are closer to the aft of the ship, counting starts at 1)
A complete location is the combination of the above written as camelCase. The combination starts with optional a 'port to starboard' location and then optional a 'forward to aft' location.
Valid examples are:
<empty string>
(used when for single instance or aggregate)forward
A complete identifier is a combination of a function and a location written in camelCase. If this combination would result in an <empty string>
then the identifier becomes total
Valid examples are:
Current SignalK specs don't have all paths for information about cargo. GOSK uses the following paths to store information about cargo:
(extended)- Description: The draft of the vessel
- Units: m (Meter)
- Object value with properties:
- current (m), current average draft of the vessel
- currentPort (m
), list of drafts measured from forward to aft, the 0th element is the average of the list - currentStarboard (m
), list of drafts measured from forward to aft, the 0th element is the average of the list
(existing)- Description: Vessel attitude: roll, pitch and yaw
- Object value with properties
- roll (rad)
- pitch (rad)
- yaw (rad)
(new)- Units: kg (Kilogram)
- Description: Amount of cargo that can be loaded in the vessel
(new)- Units: ratio (Ratio)
- Description: Amount of cargo loaded in the vessel in relation to the capacity
(new)- Description: Tanks are used to store gas, liquid or powder cargo
(new)- Units: m3 (Cubic meter)
- Description: Capacity of the tank
(new)- Units: ratio (Ratio)
- Description: Amount of cargo loaded in the tank in relation to the capacity
(new)- Units: kg/m3 (undefined)
- Description: Density of the cargo in the tank
(new)- Units: K (Kelvin)
- Description: Temperature of the cargo in the tank
(new)- Description: Holds are used to bulk, general cargo or containers
(new)- Units: kg (Kilogram)
- Description: Capacity of the hold
(new)- Units: ratio (Ratio)
- Description: Amount of cargo loaded in the hold in relation to the capacity
Current SignalK specs don't have paths for events. GOSK uses the following paths to store information about events:
(new)- Description: Information about a voyage, a voyage combines a list of contiguous legs.
(new)- Description: Duration of the voyage
- Units: s (Second)
(new)- Description: Information about a leg, a leg start when a vessels start/stops moving and ends when a vessel stops/start moving.
(new)- Description: Type of leg
- Enum values:
(the vessel is sailing with cargo, also used when cargo level is not known)SailingEmpty
(the vessel is sailing and doesn't have cargo)Moored
(the vessel is moored)Waiting
(the vessel is waiting for a lock or bridge)
(new)- Description: Duration of the leg
- Units: s (Second)
(new)- Description: Distance traveled in the leg
- Object value with properties:
- overGround (m), integration of speedOverGround over time
- throughWater (m), integration of speedThroughWater over time
- greatCircle (m), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great-circle_distance
(new)- Description: Position at the end of the leg
- Object value with properties:
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
(new)- Description: Fuel used in the leg
- Units: l (Liter)
(new)- Description: Amount of cargo at the end of the leg
- Units: kg (Kilogram)
(new)- Description: Information about loading and unloading of cargo on a vessel, a loading event is recorded when the amount of cargo in a vessel has significantly changed.
(new)- Description: Duration of the loading/unloading event
- Units: s (Second)
(new)- Description: Position at the end of the loading/unloading event
- Object value with properties:
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
(new)- Description: Fuel used during the loading/unloading event
- Units: l (Liter)
(new)- Description: Amount of cargo at the end of the loading/unloading event
- Units: kg (Kilogram)
(new)- Description: Amount of cargo that has been loaded or unloaded, positive value for loaded cargo and negative value for unloaded cargo
- Units: kg (Kilogram)
(new)- Description: Information about bunkering of fuel on a vessel, a bunkering event is recorded when the amount of fuel in a vessel has significantly changed.
(new)- Description: Duration of the loading/unloading event
- Units: s (Second)
(new)- Description: Position at the end of the loading/unloading event
- Object value with properties:
- longitude (deg)
- latitude (deg)
- altitude (m)
(new)- Description: Amount of fuel (total of all tanks) at the end of the bunkering event
- Units: m3 (Cubic meter)
(new)- Description: Amount of fuel that has been bunkered, positive value for loaded fuel and negative value for unloaded fuel
- Units: m3 (Cubic meter)