Please fill out a copy of this template for each course week. A complete unit of study includes at a minimum: a module introduction, module learning outcomes, one or more explorations that leverage active learning, an opportunity for student/student interaction, and at least one form of assessment.
The 'italicized' text represents suggested language, feel free to customize it. The remaining text is offered as guidance for you, delete this in the copy you share with me.
- Course: ST 599
- Term: Fall 22
- Instructor:
Write a paragraph or two that summarizes the module, activities, how it relates to the course learning outcomes. Share with students aspects of the content that you are passionate or excited about to make your students feel more connected to you. How would you introduce this unit in a face to face class? This is a great opportunity to use friendly and approachable writing style.
(This can also be done in a video!)
List specific measurable Module Outcomes that relate to the course learning outcomes from your syllabus. What should a student be able to do after completion of this module. Use measureable action verbs (Differentiate, Analyze, Compare, Explain... )
After successful completion of this module, you should be able to do the following (in addition to answering the questions listed below):
- Module Learning Outcome 1
- Module Learning Outcome 2
- Module Learning Outcome 3
Please make sure to complete the following assignments and other tasks:
- Complete this week's learning materials
- Contribute and respond to your classmates in the Discussion Title
- Submit Homework Assignment: Assignment Title
Textbook chapters, journal articles, links, of each item in the reading list. Share the author, title, and URL if you have it.
List lectures titles below, in the order you want them presented in the course and any context or guided questions for the students as they watch it.
Video content outside of recordings developed with the Ecampus media team.
Titles and links.
Consider adding some opportunities for active learning. What can a student do to gain confidence with the material and ensure they are mastering the concepts introduced in this unit? You could include an ungraded quiz, an H5P activity, some reflection questions, web quest, etc.
Each module should provide for some means of student-to-student and student to instructor interaction.
Please address the following questions
- Prompt 1
- Prompt 2
Your Initial Post should be a xxxx-word, well-considered response to the question prompt. Reference course material to support your statements. Posts must ....
The initial post is worth XXX points
For your second post, after reading your classmates initial posts, provide feedback. You will reply to at least xxxx of your classmates’ posts by building on them or introducing an additional consideration they did not mention. Use course material to support your statements.
Your Peer Response(s) is/are worth xxxx points.
Each module should have one or more formative assessments. How can the students demonstrate to the instructor they are mastering the module learning outcomes? This can be a homework assignment - such as a lab, coding activity, presentation assignment, etc.
Summarize what this assignment is about, why it's important, and/or what MLO(s) or CLO(s) it supports.
Write out specific steps required to perform and submit this assignment. Include references to relevant Canvas Exploration (content) pages with information necessary to do the assignment, for students to review.
Include any downloadable resources or external links a student might need to complete this assignment (optional)
- Resource 1
- Resource 2
Tell the student how to turn in the assignment (e.g., via GradeScope) and/or what format(s) to upload (e.g. PDF) on this page. Include details on instructor (or TA) expectations and when the assignment is due.
How many points is this assignment worth? What criteria is an instructor using to evaluate success? To ease your own grading and provide evaluation transparency - it is best to include a rubric if not using an alternative like autograding in Gradescope.
At this point, you should be able to answer all of the following questions.
If you are unsure of any of these answers, take some time to review the course materials. Feel free to post questions into the General Q&A Discussion. Next week's lessons will be easier if you have invested in mastering this week's learning outcomes.
- Key question or concept
- Key question or concept
- Key question or concept
Check the Explorations and Task List in the Week X - Overview to review learning materials and make sure you have completed all required activities for this week.