- Learn how to do automated testing of your API using cucumber-js and apickli
The following software needs to be installed in your machine:
- Node.js (latest LTS version)
NOTE: Windows users, please use Git bash for the steps that require command line.
We will take as a starting point the solution from lab 02
Create a folder called test in your file system and change to it
$ mkdir test $ cd test
Initialize and install the dependencies
$ npm init -y $ npm install --save cucumber apickli cucumber-pretty
Create a sub-folder named features inside the test folder
$ mkdir features
Add a file named book-api-v1.feature inside the features folder that you just created with the following contents
Feature: Book API (V1) Tests Scenario: Get Books - Success When I GET /books?apikey=`apikey` Then response code should be 200 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.[0].id should be (.+) Scenario: Get Books - Unauthorized When I GET /books Then response code should be 401 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.code should be 401.01.001 And response body path $.message should be Unauthorized And response body path $.info should be (.+) Scenario: Search Books - Success When I GET /books/search?apikey=`apikey`&q=War Then response code should be 200 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.[0].title should be ^(.*[wW][Aa][rR].*)$ Scenario: Search Books - Unauthorized When I GET /books/search?q=War Then response code should be 401 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.code should be 401.01.001 And response body path $.message should be Unauthorized And response body path $.info should be (.+) Scenario: Search Books - Missing Search Term When I GET /books/search?apikey=`apikey` Then response code should be 400 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.code should be 400.01.001 And response body path $.message should be Missing search term And response body path $.info should be (.+) Scenario: Get Book By Id - Success When I GET /books/121b4bb3-c971-4080-b230-571148b71969?apikey=`apikey` Then response code should be 200 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.id should be 121b4bb3-c971-4080-b230-571148b71969 Scenario: Get Book By Id - Unauthorized When I GET /books/121b4bb3-c971-4080-b230-571148b71969 Then response code should be 401 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.code should be 401.01.001 And response body path $.message should be Unauthorized And response body path $.info should be (.+) Scenario: Resource Not Found When I GET /other?apikey=`apikey` Then response code should be 404 And response body should be valid json And response body path $.code should be 404.01.001 And response body path $.message should be Resource not found And response body path $.info should be (.+)
Create a sub-folder called step_definitions inside test/features
$ mkdir test/features/step_definitions
Create a file called apickli-gherkin.js with the following contents inside step_definitions
module.exports = require('apickli/apickli-gherkin');
Create a file called init.js with the contents provided below inside step_definitions
const apickli = require('apickli'); const { Before, setDefaultTimeout } = require('cucumber'); setDefaultTimeout(10 * 1000); Before(function () { this.apickli = new apickli.Apickli(this.parameters.scheme, this.parameters.domain); this.apickli.storeValueInScenarioScope('apikey', this.parameters.apikey); });
Run the following command inside the test folder
$ node ./node_modules/cucumber/bin/cucumber-js --world-parameters '{ "scheme": "https", "domain": "ORGANIZATION-ENVIRONMENT.apigee.net/book/v1", "apikey": "APIKEY"}' --format ./node_modules/cucumber-pretty
Replace ORGANIZATION, ENVIRONMENT and APIKEY with the suitable values.