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Storage Mappers

The Rust framework provides various storage mappers you can use. Deciding which one to use for every situation is critical for performance. There will be a comparison section after each mapper is described.

Note: All the storage mappers support additional key arguments.

General purpose mappers


Stores a single value. Examples:

fn single_value(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<Type>;
fn single_value_with_single_key_arg(&self, key_arg: Type1) -> SingleValueMapper<Type2>;
fn single_value_with_multi_key_arg(&self, key_arg1: Type1, key_arg2: Type2) -> SingleValueMapper<Type3>;

Keep in mind there is no way of iterating over all key_args, so if you need to do that, consider using another mapper.

Available methods:


fn get() -> Type

Reads the value from storage and deserializes it to the given Type. For numerical types and vector types, this will return the default value for empty storage, i.e. 0 and empty vec respectively. For custom structs, this will signal an error if trying to read from empty storage.


fn set(value: &Type)

Sets the stored value to the provided value argument. For base Rust numerical types, the reference is not needed.


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true is the storage entry is empty. Usually used when storing struct types to prevent crashes on get().


fn set_if_empty(value: &Type)

Sets the value only if the storage for that value is currently empty. Usually used in #init functions to not overwrite values on contract upgrade.


fn clear()

Clears the entry.


fn update<R, F: FnOnce(&mut Type) -> R>(f: F) -> R

Takes a closure as argument, applies that closure to the currently stored value, saves the new value, and returns any value the given closure might return. Examples:

Incrementing a value:

fn my_value(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;

self.my_value().update(|val| *val += 1);

Modifying a struct's field:

pub struct MyStruct {
    pub field_1: u64,
    pub field_2: u32

fn my_value(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<MyStruct>;

self.my_value().update(|val| val.field1 = 5);

Returning a value from the closure:

fn my_value(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<BigUint>;

let new_val = self.my_value().update(|val| {
    *val += 1;


fn raw_byte_length() -> usize

Returns the raw byte length of the stored value. This should be rarely used.


Stores elements of the same type, each under their own storage key. Allows acces by index for said items. Keep in mind indexes start at 1 for VecMapper. Examples:

fn my_vec(&self) -> VecMapper<Type>;
fn my_vec_with_args(&self, arg: Type1) -> VecMapper<Type2>;

Available methods:


fn push(elem: &T)

Stores the element at index len and increments len afterwards.


fn get(index: usize) -> Type

Gets the element at the specific index. Valid indexes are 1 to len, both ends included. Attempting to read from an invalid index will signal an error.


fn set(index: usize, value: &Type)

Sets the element at the given index. Index must be in inclusive range 1 to len.


fn clear_entry(index: usize)

Clears the entry at the given index. This does not decrease the length.


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.


fn len() -> usize

Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.


fn extend_from_slice(slice: &[Type])

Pushes all elements from the given slice at the end of the mapper. More efficient than manual for of push, as the internal length is only read and updated once.


fn swap_remove(index: usize)

Removes the element at index, moves the last element to index and decreases the len by 1. There is no way of removing an element and preserving the order.


fn clear()

Clears all the elements from the mapper. This function can run out of gas for big collections.


fn iter() -> Iter<Type>

Provides an iterator over all the elements.


Stores a set of values, with no duplicates being allowed. It also provides methods for checking if a value already exists in the set. Values order is given by their order of insertion.

Unless you need to maintain the order of the elements, consider using UnorderedSetMapper or WhitelistMapper instead, as they're more efficient.


fn my_set(&self) -> SetMapper<Type>;

Available methods:


fn insert(value: Type) -> bool

Insers the value into the set. Returns false if the item was already present.


fn remove(value: &Type)

Removes the value from the set. Returns false if the set did not contain the value.


fn contains(value: &Type) -> bool

Returns true if the mapper contains the given value.


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.


fn len() -> usize

Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.


fn clear()

Clears all the elements from the mapper. This function can run out of gas for big collections.


fn iter() -> Iter<Type>

Returns an iterator over all the stored elements.


Same as SetMapper, but does not guarantee the order of the items. More efficient than SetMapper, and should be used instead unless you need to maintain the order. Internally, UnorderedSetMapper uses a VecMapper to store the elements, and additionally, it stores each element's index to provide O(1) contains.


fn my_set(&self) -> UnorderedSetMapper<Type>;

Available methods:

UnorderedSetMapper contains the same methods as SetMapper, the only difference being item removal. Instead of remove, we only have swap_remove available.


fn swap_remove(value: &Type) -> bool

Uses the internal VecMapper's swap_remove method to remove the element. Additionally, it overwrites the last element's stored index with the removed value's index. Returns false if the element was not present in the set.


Stores a whitelist of items. Does not provide any means of iterating over the elements, so if you need to iterate over the elements, use UnorderedSetMapper instead. Internally, this mapper simply stores a flag in storage for each item if they're whitelisted.


fn my_whitelist(&self) -> WhitelistMapper<Type>

Available methods:


fn add(value: &Type)

Adds the value to the whitelist.


fn remove(value: &Type)

Removes the value from the whitelist.


fn contains(value: &Type) -> bool

Returns true if the mapper contains the given value.


fn require_whitelisted(value: &Type)

Will signal an error if the item is not whitelisted. Does nothing otherwise.


Stores a linked list, which allows fast insertion/removal of elements, as well as possibility to iterate over the whole list.


fn my_linked_list(&self) -> LinkedListMapper<Type>

Available methods:


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.


fn len() -> usize

Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.


fn clear()

Clears all the elements from the mapper. This function can run out of gas for big collections.


fn iter() -> Iter<Type>

Returns an iterator over all the stored elements.


fn iter_from_node_id(node_id: u32) -> Iter<Type>

Returns an iterator starting from the given node_id. Useful when splitting iteration over multiple SC calls.


fn front() -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>
fn back() -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>

Returns the first/last element if the list is not empty, None otherwise. A LinkedListNode has the following format:

pub struct LinkedListNode<Type> {
    value: Type,
    node_id: u32,
    next_id: u32,
    prev_id: u32,

impl<Type> LinkedListNode<Type> {
    pub fn get_value_cloned(&self) -> Type {

    pub fn get_value_as_ref(&self) -> &Type {

    pub fn into_value(self) -> Type {

    pub fn get_node_id(&self) -> u32 {

    pub fn get_next_node_id(&self) -> u32 {

    pub fn get_prev_node_id(&self) -> u32 {


fn pop_front(&mut self) -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>
fn pop_back(&mut self) -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>

Removes and returns the first/last element from the list.


pub fn push_after(node: &mut LinkedListNode<Type>, element: Type) -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>
pub fn push_before(node: &mut LinkedListNode<Type>, element: Type) -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>

Inserts the given element into the list after/before the given node. Returns the newly inserted node if the insertion was successful, None otherwise.


pub fn push_after_node_id(node_id: usize, element: Type) -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>
pub fn push_before_node_id(node_id: usize, element: Type) -> Option<LinkedListNode<Type>>

Same as the methods above, but uses node_id instead of a full node struct.


fn push_front(element: Type)
fn push_back(element: Type)

Pushes the given element at the front/back of the list. Can be seen as specialized versions of push_before_node_id and push_after_node_id.


fn set_node_value(mut node: LinkedListNode<Type>, new_value: Type)

Sets a node's value, if the node exists in the list.


fn set_node_value_by_id(node_id: usize, new_value: Type)

Same as the method above, but uses node_id instead of a full node struct.


fn remove_node(node: &LinkedListNode<Type>)

Removes the node from the list, if it exists.


fn remove_node(node_id: usize)

Same as the method above, but uses node_id instead of a full node struct.


fn iter() -> Iter<Type>

Returns an iterator over all the stored elements.


fn iter_from_node_id(node_id: u32) -> Iter<Type>

Returns an iterator starting from the given node_id. Useful when splitting iteration over multiple SC calls.


Stores (key, value) pairs, while also allowing iteration over keys. This is the most expensive mapper to use, so make sure you really need to use it. Keys order is given by their order of insertion (same as SetMapper).


fn my_map(&self) -> MapMapper<KeyType, ValueType>

Available methods:


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.


fn len() -> usize

Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.


fn contains_key(k: &KeyType) -> bool

Returns true if the mapper contains the given key.


fn get(k: &KeyType) -> Option<ValueType>

Returns Some(value) if the key exists. Returns None if the key does not exist in the map.


fn insert(k: KeyType, v: ValueType) -> Option<V>

Inserts the given key, value pair into the map, and returns Some(old_value) if the key was already present.


fn remove(k: &KeyType) -> Option<ValueType>

Removes the key and the corresponding value from the map, and returns the value. If the key was not present in the map, None is returned.


fn keys() -> Keys<KeyType>
fn values() -> Values<ValueType>
fn iter() -> Iter<KeyType, ValueType>

Provides an iterator over all keys, values, and (key, value) pairs respectively.

Specialized mappers


Stores a token identifier (like a SingleValueMapper<TokenIdentifier>) and provides methods for using this token ID directly with the most common API functions. Note that most method calls will fail if the token was not issued previously.


fn my_token_id(&self) -> FungibleTokenMapper

Available methods:


fn issue(issue_cost: BigUint, token_display_name: ManagedBuffer, token_ticker: ManagedBuffer,initial_supply: BigUint, num_decimals: usize, opt_callback: Option<CallbackClosure<SA>>) -> !

fn issue_and_set_all_roles(issue_cost: BigUint, token_display_name: ManagedBuffer, token_ticker: ManagedBuffer,initial_supply: BigUint, num_decimals: usize, opt_callback: Option<CallbackClosure<SA>>) -> !

Issues a new fungible token. issue_cost is 0.05 EGLD (5000000000000000) at the time of writing this, but since this changed in the past, we've let it as an argument it case it changes again in the future.

This mapper allows only one issue, so trying to issue multiple types will signal an error.

opt_callback is an optional custom callback you can use for your issue call. We recommed using the default callback. To do so, you need to import multiversx-sc-modules in your Cargo.toml:

version = "0.39.0"

Note: current released multiversx-sc version at the time of writing this was 0.39.0, upgrade if necessary.

Then you should import the DefaultCallbacksModule in your contract:

pub trait MyContract: multiversx_sc_modules::default_issue_callbacks::DefaultIssueCallbacksModule {
    /* ... */

Additionally, pass None for opt_callback.

Note the "never" type -> ! as return type for this function. This means this function will terminate the execution and launch the issue async call, so any code after this call will not be executed.

Alternatively, if you want to issue and also have all roles set for the SC, you can use the issue_and_set_all_roles method instead.


fn mint(amount: BigUint) -> EsdtTokenPayment

Mints amount tokens for the stored token ID, using the ESDTLocalMint built-in function. Returns a payment struct, containing the token ID and the given amount.


fn mint_and_send(to: &ManagedAddress, amount: BigUint) -> EsdtTokenPayment<SA>

Same as the method above, but also sends the minted tokens to the given address.


fn burn(amount: &BigUint)

Burns amount tokens, using the ESDTLocalBurn built-in function.


fn get_balance() -> BigUint

Gets the current balance the SC has for the token.


Similar to the FungibleTokenMapper, but is used for NFT, SFT and META-ESDT tokens.


fn issue(token_type: EsdtTokenType, issue_cost: BigUint, token_display_name: ManagedBuffer, token_ticker: ManagedBuffer,initial_supply: BigUint, num_decimals: usize, opt_callback: Option<CallbackClosure>) -> !

fn issue_and_set_all_roles(token_type: EsdtTokenType, issue_cost: BigUint, token_display_name: ManagedBuffer, token_ticker: ManagedBuffer,initial_supply: BigUint, num_decimals: usize, opt_callback: Option<CallbackClosure>) -> !

Same as the previous issue function, but also takes an EsdtTokenType enum as argument, to decide which type of token to issue. Accepted values are EsdtTokenType::NonFungible, EsdtTokenType::SemiFungible and EsdtTokenType::Meta.


fn nft_create<T: TopEncode>(amount: BigUint, attributes: &T) -> EsdtTokenPayment

fn nft_create_named<T: TopEncode>(amount: BigUint, name: &ManagedBuffer, attributes: &T) -> EsdtTokenPayment

Creates an NFT (optionally with a display name) and returns the token ID, the created token's nonce, and the given amount in a payment struct.


fn nft_create_and_send<T: TopEncode>(to: &ManagedAddress, amount: BigUint, attributes: &T,) -> EsdtTokenPayment

fn nft_create_and_send_named<T: TopEncode>(to: &ManagedAddress, amount: BigUint, name: &ManagedBuffer, attributes: &T,) -> EsdtTokenPayment

Same as the methods above, but also sends the created token to the provided address.


fn nft_add_quantity(token_nonce: u64, amount: BigUint) -> EsdtTokenPayment

Adds quantity for the given token nonce. This can only be used if one of the nft_create functions was used before AND the SC holds at least 1 token for the given nonce.


fn nft_add_quantity_and_send(to: &ManagedAddress, token_nonce: u64, amount: BigUint) -> EsdtTokenPayment

Same as the method above, but also sends the tokens to the provided address.


fn nft_burn(token_nonce: u64, amount: &BigUint)

Burns amount tokens for the given nonce.


fn get_all_token_data(token_nonce: u64) -> EsdtTokenData<Self::Api>

Gets all the token data for the given nonce. The SC must own the given nonce for this function to work.

EsdtTokenData contains the following fields:

pub struct EsdtTokenData<M: ManagedTypeApi> {
    pub token_type: EsdtTokenType,
    pub amount: BigUint<M>,
    pub frozen: bool,
    pub hash: ManagedBuffer<M>,
    pub name: ManagedBuffer<M>,
    pub attributes: ManagedBuffer<M>,
    pub creator: ManagedAddress<M>,
    pub royalties: BigUint<M>,
    pub uris: ManagedVec<M, ManagedBuffer<M>>,


fn get_balance(token_nonce: u64) -> BigUint

Gets the SC's balance for the given token nonce.


fn get_token_attributes<T: TopDecode>(token_nonce: u64) -> T

Gets the attributes for the given token nonce. The SC must own the given nonce for this function to work.

Common functions for FungibleTokenMapper and NonFungibleTokenMapper

Both mappers work similarly, so some functions have the same implementation for both.


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the token ID is not set yet.


fn get_token_id() -> TokenIdentifier<SA>

Gets the stored token ID.


fn set_token_id(token_id: &TokenIdentifier)

Manually sets the token ID for this mapper. This can only be used once, and can not be overwritten afterwards. This will fail if the token was issue previously, as the token ID was automatically set.


fn require_same_token(expected_token_id: &TokenIdentifier)
fn require_all_same_token(payments: &ManagedVec<EsdtTokenPayment>)

Will signal an error if the provided token ID argument(s) differs from the stored token. Useful in #[payable] methods when you only want to this token as payment.


fn set_local_roles(roles: &[EsdtLocalRole], opt_callback: Option<CallbackClosure>) -> !

Sets the provided local roles for the token. By default, no callback is used for this call, but you may provide a custom callback if you want to.

You don't need to call this function if you use issue_and_set_all_roles for issueing.

Same as the issue function, this will terminate execution when called.


fn set_local_roles_for_address(address: &ManagedAddress, roles: &[EsdtLocalRole], opt_callback: Option<CallbackClosure>) -> !

Similar to the previous function, but sets the roles for a specific address instead of the SC address.


A special mapper that holds the values from 1 to N, with the following property: if mapper[i] == i, then nothing is actually stored.

This makes it so the mapper initialization is O(1) instead of O(N). Very useful when you want to have a list of available IDs, as its name suggests.

Both the IDs and the indexes are usize.

Note: If you want an in-memory version of this, you can use the SparseArray type provided by the framework.


fn my_id_mapper(&self) -> UniqueIdMapper<Self::Api>

Available methods:


fn set_initial_len(&mut self, len: usize)

Sets the initial mapper length, i.e. the N. The length may only be set once.


fn is_empty() -> bool

Returns true if the mapper has no elements stored.


fn len() -> usize

Returns the number of items stored in the mapper.


fn get(index: usize) -> usize

Gets the value for the given index. If the entry is empty, then index is returned, as per the mapper's property.


fn set(&mut self, index: usize, id: usize)

Sets the value at the given index. The mapper's internal property of mapper[i] == i if empty entry is maintained.


fn swap_remove(index: usize) -> usize

Removes the ID at the given index and returns it. Also, the value at index is now set the value of the last entry in the map. Length is decreased by 1.


fn iter() -> Iter<usize>

Provides an iterator over all the IDs.

Comparisons between the different mappers

SingleValueMapper vs old storage_set/storage_get pairs

There is no difference between SingleValueMapper and the old-school setters/getters. In fact, SingleValueMapper is basically a combination between storage_set, storage_get, storage_is_empty and storage_clear. Use of SingleValueMapper is encouraged, as it's a lot more compact, and has no performance penalty (if, for example, you never use is_empty(), that code will be removed by the compiler).

SingleValueMapper vs VecMapper

Storing a ManagedVec<T> can be done in two ways:

fn my_vec_single(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<ManagedVec<T>>

fn my_vec_mapper(&self) -> VecMapper<T>;

Both of those approaches have their merits. The SingleValueMapper concatenates all elements and stores them under a single key, while the VecMapper stores each element under a different key. This also means that SingleValueMapper uses nested-encoding for each element, while VecMapper uses top-encoding.

Use SingleValueMapper when:

  • you need to read the whole array on every use
  • the array is expected to be of small length

Use VecMapper when:

  • you only require reading a part of the array
  • T's top-encoding is vastly more efficient than T's nested-encoding (for example: u64)

VecMapper vs SetMapper

The primary use for SetMapper is storing a whitelist of addresses, token ids, etc. A token ID whitelist can be stored in these two ways:

fn my_vec_whitelist(&self) -> VecMapper<TokenIdentifier>

fn my_set_mapper(&self) -> SetMapper<TokenIdentifier>;

This might look very similar, but the implications of using VecMapper for this are very damaging to the potential gas costs. Checking for an item's existence in VecMapper is done in O(n), with each iteration requiring a new storage read! Worst case scenario is the Token ID is not in the whitelist and the whole Vec is read.

SetMapper is vastly more efficient than this, as it provides checking for a value in O(1). However, this does not come without a cost. This is how the storage looks for a SetMapper with two elements (this snippet is taken from a scenario test):

"": "u32:2|u32:1|u32:2|u32:2",
"str:tokenWhitelist.node_idEGLD-123456": "2",
"str:tokenWhitelist.node_idETH-123456": "1",
"str:tokenWhitelist.node_links|u32:1": "u32:0|u32:2",
"str:tokenWhitelist.node_links|u32:2": "u32:1|u32:0",
"str:tokenWhitelist.value|u32:2": "str:EGLD-123456",
"str:tokenWhitelist.value|u32:1": "str:ETH-123456"

A SetMapper uses 3 * N + 1 storage entries, where N is the number of elements. Checking for an element is very easy, as the only thing the mapper has to do is check the node_id entry for the provided token ID.

Even so, for this particular case, SetMapper is way better than VecMapper.

VecMapper vs LinkedListMapper

LinkedListMapper can be seen as a specialization for the VecMapper. It allows insertion/removal only at either end of the list, known as pushing/popping. It's also storage-efficient, as it only requires 2 * N + 1 storage entries. The storage for such a mapper looks like this:

"str:list_mapper.node_links|u32:1": "u32:0|u32:2",
"str:list_mapper.node_links|u32:2": "u32:1|u32:0",
"str:list_mapper.value|u32:1": "123",
"str:list_mapper.value|u32:2": "111",
"": "u32:2|u32:1|u32:2|u32:2"

This is one of the lesser used mappers, as its purpose is very specific, but it's very useful if you ever need to store a queue.

SingleValueMapper vs MapMapper

Believe it or not, most of the time, MapMapper is not even needed, and can simply be replaced by a SingleValueMapper. For example, let's say you want to store an ID for every Address. It might be tempting to use MapMapper, which would look like this:

fn address_id_mapper(&self) -> MapMapper<ManagedAddress, u64>;

This can be replaced with the following SingleValueMapper:

fn address_id_mapper(&self, address: &ManagedAddress) -> SingleValueMapper<u64>;

Both of them provide (almost) the same functionality. The difference is that the SingleValueMapper does not provide a way to iterate over all the keys, i.e. Addresses in this case, but it's also 4-5 times more efficient.

Unless you need to iterate over all the entries, MapMapper should be avoided, as this is the most expensive mapper. It uses 4 * N + 1 storage entries. The storage for a MapMapper looks like this:

"str:map_mapper.node_links|u32:1": "u32:0|u32:2",
"str:map_mapper.node_links|u32:2": "u32:1|u32:0",
"str:map_mapper.value|u32:1": "123",
"str:map_mapper.value|u32:2": "111",
"str:map_mapper.node_id|u32:123": "1",
"str:map_mapper.node_id|u32:111": "2",
"str:map_mapper.mapped|u32:123": "456",
"str:map_mapper.mapped|u32:111": "222",
"": "u32:2|u32:1|u32:2|u32:2"

Keep in mind that all the mappers can have as many additional arguments for the main key. For example, you can have a VecMapper for every user pair, like this:

fn list_per_user_pair(&self, first_addr: &ManagedAddress, second_addr: &ManagedAddress) -> VecMapper<T>;

Using the correct mapper for your situation can greatly decrease gas costs and complexity, so always remember to carefully evaluate your use-case.

Accessing a value at an address

Because of the way the storage mappers are structured, it is very easy to access a "remote" value, meaning a value stored under a key at a different address than the current one.

If a developer wanted, for example, to iterate over another contract's SetMapper, instead of retrieving the values through a call to an endpoint and then iterating, one could simply create a new SetMapper with a specific address parameter (the address of the contract where the remote storage is located) and the exact key used by the storage they wish to access. Afterwards, it acts like a "local" storage mapper, so the iter function can be called easily to accomplish the task.

:::important important This feature only works intra-shard.

Also note that a remote value found under a key at an address can only be read, not modified. :::

Let's take this example:

fn my_set_mapper(&self) -> SetMapper<u32>

This is a simple SetMapper registered under the address of contract_to_be_called, and the value stored will be registered under the key provided, my_remote_mapper. If we wanted to iterate over the values of my_set_mapper intra-shard, we could write:

// the address of the contract containing the storage (contract_to_be_called)
fn contract_address(&self) -> SingleValueMapper<ManagedAddress>; 

fn my_endpoint(&self) -> u32 {
    let mut sum = 0u32;
    let address = self.contract_address().get();

    // by creating the mapper with the address of the sc and exact storage key 
    // we get access to the value stored under that key
    let mapper: SetMapper<u32, _> =
        SetMapper::new_from_address(address, StorageKey::from("my_remote_mapper"));
    for number in mapper.iter() {
        sum += number


Calling my_endpoint will return the sum of the values stored in contract_to_be_called's SetMapper.

By specifying the expected type, storage key and address, the value can be read and used inside our logic.