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Working Notes and Overview Paper

bbischke edited this page Jun 14, 2017 · 4 revisions

In their working notes paper, participants should clearly describe how and using which resources their systems were trained and tested. The working notes paper must include the official results provided by the task organizers and report the official evaluation metrics. However, participants are allowed to report also the evaluation metrics of their choice as well as additional runs. Working notes papers are typically 2 pages in length.

A particular "working notes" paper is the one provided by the task organizers. This is in fact what we call the task overview paper. The idea of the overview paper is to provide participants with the task general information, objectives, data set, run submission protocol, and evaluation metrics. In your working notes paper you don't have to repeat these information, you should just focus on the proposed methods, results and lessons learned and just quote the overview paper for a comprehensive description of the task. Additional information on the working notes paper will be provided with the release of the test dataset.

Please follow the general instructions for the working notes paper. Remember to cite the task overview paper in your working notes paper. A draft version of that paper is available here.